อรรถาธิบายจดหมายเหตุสามก๊ก หรือ ซันกั๋วจื้อจู้ (จีนตัวย่อ: 三国志注; จีนตัวเต็ม: 三國志注; พินอิน: Sān Guó Zhì Zhù) เป็นคำอธิบายประกอบฉบับสมบูรณ์ของ จดหมายเหตุสามก๊ก ในศตวรรษที่ 3 ที่เรียบเรียงโดยตันซิ่ว
หลังเดินทางออกจากบ้านเกิด เผย์ ซงจือกลายมาเป็นกวีหลวงในราชสำนักของราชวงศ์หลิวซ่ง และได้รับมอบหมายให้แก้ปรับปรุงหนังสือซึ่งเสร็จสิ้นในปี ค.ศ. 429 และกลายเป็นบันทึกประวัติศาสตร์อย่างเป็นทางการของยุคสามก๊กในชื่อว่า ซันกั๋วจื้อจู้ หรือ อรรถาธิบายจดหมายเหตุสามก๊ก (คำว่า จู้ มีความหมายว่า "หมายเหตุ") เผย์ ซงจือให้คำอธิบายโดยละเอียดเกี่ยวกับภูมิศาสตร์และองค์ประกอบอื่น ๆ ที่กล่าวถึงในจดหมายเหตุสามก๊กต้นฉบับ ที่สำคัญ เผย์ ซงจือยังได้แก้ไขจุดบกพร่องในจดหมายเหตุสามก๊กในสอบทานกับบันทึกอื่น ๆ ที่รวบรวมมาในยุคนั้น ในเรื่องของเหตุการณ์และบุคคลในประวัติศาสตร์ เผย์ ซงจือยังได้เพิ่มความคิดเห็นของตนเช่นเดียวกับที่ตันซิ่วทำ จากการค้นคว้าอย่างกว้างขวาง เผย์ ซงจือจึงสามารถสร้างบันทึกประวัติศาสตร์ที่ค่อนข้างสมบูรณ์ เพิ่มเติมรายละเอียดที่ไม่สมบูรณ์จำนวนมากในจดหมายเหตุสามก๊กต้นฉบับ รายละเอียดที่เพิ่มเข้ามาทำให้บันทึกอรรถาธิบายจดหมายเหตุสามก๊กมีความยาวเกือบสองเท่าของจดหมายเหตุสามก๊กต้นฉบับ
รายชื่อตำราที่ใช้อ้างอิงในอรรถาธิบายของเผย์ ซงจือ
ชื่อ | คำแปล | ผู้เขียน / ผู้รวบรวม | หมายเหตุ | ตำแหน่งที่อ้างอิงครั้งแรก |
帝王世紀 ตี้หวังฉื่อจี้ | ยุคแห่งองค์อธิปัตย์ | พระราชกิจของจักรพรรดิและกษัตริย์ตั้งแต่ยุคตำนาน | 38.975, n 3 | |
典略 เตี่ยนเลฺว่ | เชื่อว่ามาจากส่วนหนึ่งของ | 1.45, n 1 | ||
高士傳 เกาชื่อจฺวั้น | ประกอบด้วยชีวประวัติของบุคคลจากยุคสามราชาห้าจักรพรรดิจนถึงยุคสามก๊ก | 11.355 | ||
漢紀 ฮั่นจี้ | จดหมายเหตุราชวงศ์ฮั่น | บันทึกประวัติศาสตร์รายปีของราชวงศ์ฮั่นยุคหลัง | 2.57–8, n 3 | |
漢紀 ฮั่นจี้ | จดหมายเหตุราชวงศ์ฮั่น | จาง ฝาน (張璠) | รู้จักในอีกชื่อว่า จดหมายเหตุราชวงศ์ฮั่นยุคหลัง (後漢紀 โฮ่วฮั่นจี้) อาจไม่ได้เขียนเสร็จสมบูรณ์ | 1.3, n 2 |
漢晉春秋 ฮั่นจิ้นชุนชิว | พงศาวดารราชวงศ์ฮั่นและจิ้น | บันทึกประวัติศาสตร์ของราชวงศ์ฮั่นไปจนถึงราชวงศ์จิ้นตะวันตก | 1.20 | |
漢書 ฮั่นชู | ตำราราชวงศ์ฮั่น | ฮฺว่า เฉียว (華嶠) | ฮฺว่า เฉียวเป็นหลานชายชองฮัวหิม Records the history of the late . Also known as Later Book of Han (漢後書). Not to be confused with the by and his children. | 6.177 |
漢書注 Han Shu Zhu | Annotated | and ; , annotation | Official history of the . Extant. | 1.36, n 5 |
漢魏春秋 ฮั่นเว่ย์ชุนชิว | Chronicles of Han and Wei | Kong Yan (孔衍) | Historical record of the late Han Dynasty and Wei Dynasty | 1.46, n 2 |
後漢書 โฮ่วฮั่นชู | Book of the Later Han | Xie Cheng (謝承) | Records the history of the late Han Dynasty. Not to be confused with 's . Xie Cheng was a younger brother of Sun Quan's wife Lady Xie. | 1.6–7 n 5 |
華陽國志 หฺวาหยางกั๋วจื้อ | Records the history of Ba–Shu (巴蜀; present-day Sichuan and Chongqing) from the Han Dynasty to the Jin Dynasty | 32.875, n 2 | ||
交廣記 Jiaoguang Ji | Records of Jiao and Guang provinces | Wang Yin (王隱) | Records the geographical history of Jiao and Guang provinces | 60.1385 |
晉惠帝起居注 Jin Huidi Qiju Zhu | Notes on Daily Life in Emperor Hui of Jin's Time | Records about events in the reign of | 8.262, n 2 | |
晉泰始起居注 Jin Taishi Qiju Zhu | Notes on Daily Life in Taishi of Jin | Records about events in the Taishi era (265-274) of the reign of Emperor Wu of Jin | 35.932–3 | |
晉紀 จิ้นจี้ | Annals of Jin | บันทึกประวัติศาสตร์ของราชวงศ์จิ้นตะวันตก | 3.145 n 1 | |
晉書 จิ้นชู | ตำราราชวงศ์จิ้น | Wang Yin (王隱) | บันทึกประวัติศาสตร์ของราชวงศ์จิ้นตะวันตก Co-written by Wang Yin's father Wang Quan (王銓). Not to be confused with the official history of the Jin Dynasty, the by et al. | 1.49, n 3 |
晉書 จิ้นชู | ตำราราชวงศ์จิ้น | Yu Yu (虞預) | Yu Yu's Book of Jin is believed to have been plagiarised from correspondence with Wang Yin (王隱) | 21.605–6 |
晉陽秋 Jin Yang Qiu | Records the history of the Jin Dynasty up to 's time | 8.253, n 2 | ||
九州春秋 จิ่วโจฺวชุนชิว | จดหมายเหตุเก้ามณฑล | Records the history of the late Han Dynasty in ten fascicles | 1.4 | |
九州記 จิ่วโจฺวจี้ | บันทึกเก้ามณฑล | Xun Chuo (荀綽) | Divided into nine volumes, each covering one of the . | 11.336 |
靈帝紀 Lingdi Ji | จดหมายเหตุพระเจ้าเลนเต้ | Liu Ai (劉艾) | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับพระเจ้าเลนเต้ | 1.45, n 1 |
默記 Mo Ji | บันทึกเขียนจากความทรงจำ | (張儼) | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับจูกัดเหลียงและคนอื่น ๆ | 35.935–6 |
三朝錄 San Chao Lu | บันทึกสามราชวงศ์ | เตียวอุ๋น? | Information on Sun Lang (孫朗) | 51.1213; biography of |
三國評 San Guo Ping | Commentary on the Three Kingdoms | Xu Zhong (徐眾) | Commentary on events in the Three Kingdoms period | 7.237 |
史記 Shiji | ซือหม่า เชียน | First complete history. Extant. | 19.568–9, n 2; biography of | |
世語 Shiyu | Accounts of this Generation | Guo Song (郭頒) | Also known as Wei Jin Shiyu (魏晉世語). A particularly poor historical text. | 1.2, n 3 |
蜀本紀 Shu Benji | Basic Annals of Shu | เจาจิ๋ว | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับเล่าปี่ | 32.889, n 1 |
蜀記 Shu Ji | Records of Shu | Wang Yin (王隱) | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับประวัติศาสตร์ของจ๊กก๊ก | 18.547, n 2; biography of |
通語 Tongyu | Complete Accounts | (殷基) | Accounts of the beginnings of the | 44.1062, n 1 |
魏紀 Wei Ji | Annals of Wei | Yin Dan (殷澹) | 19.558, n 1; biography of | |
魏略 | ประวัติศาสตร์โดยสังเขปของวุยก๊ก | 1.18 | ||
魏末傳 เว่ย์มั่วจฺว้าน | บันทึกปลายวุยก๊ก | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับเหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นในช่วยปลายยุคของรัฐวุยก๊ก | 3.91, n 2 | |
魏氏春秋 เว่ย์ชื่อชุนชิว | พงศาวดารราชวงศ์แห่งวุยก๊ก | บันทึกประวัติศาสตร์ของวุยก๊กตามลำดับเหตุการณ์ | 1.18 | |
魏書 เว่ย์ชู | ตำราวุยก๊ก | , สฺวิน อี่, | รวบรวมหลังการล้มสลายของวุยก๊ก | 1.1 n 1 |
吳紀 Wu Ji | Annals of Wu | Huan Ji (環濟) | 53.1247, n 4 | |
吳歷 Wu Li | ประวัติศาสตร์ง่อก๊ก | Hu Chong (胡沖) | 2.89 | |
吳錄 Wu Lu | บันทึกง่อก๊ก | Zhang Bo (張勃) | 37.954, n 2 | |
吳書 Wu Shu | Book of Wu | 1.11, n 1 | ||
吳志 Wu Zhi | บันทึกง่อก๊ก | 1.6, n 3 | ||
獻帝春秋 Xiandi Chunqiu | Chronicles of Emperor Xian | Yuan Wei (袁暐) | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับพระเจ้าเหี้ยนเต้ | 1.12 |
獻帝起居注 Xiandi Qiju Zhu | Notes on Emperor Xian's Daily Life | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับเหตุการณ์ในรัชสมัยพระเจ้าเหี้ยนเต้ | 1.22, n 2 | |
續漢書 Xu Han Shu | Continuation of the Book of Han | Records about the late | 1.1–2 |
ชื่อ | คำแปล | ผู้เขียน / ผู้รวบรวม | หมายเหตุ | ตำแหน่งที่อ้างอิงครั้งแรก |
百官名 Baiguan Ming | ตำแหน่งราชการ | Register of Officials during the | 12.390; biography of Sima Zhi (司馬芝) | |
禪晉文 Shan Jin Wen | On the Abdication to | Cao Wei court document outlining their position on the succession of power | 14.455 n 2; biography of | |
太康三年地記 Taikang San Nian Diji | Land Survey of 282 | Government survey of population and local conditions | 22.637 n 1; biography of | |
魏郊祀奏 Wei Jiaosi Zou | Memorandum on Wei's Biannual Nature Sacrifice | เอกสารทางราชการของวุยก๊ก | 2.83 | |
魏名臣奏 Wei Mingchen Zou | ฎีกาของเสนาบดีวุยก๊กที่มีชื่อเสียง | ตันซิ่ว | Compiled in the Zhengshi era (240–249) of the reign of Cao Fang.[] | 3.111–2 |
咸熙元年百官名 Xianxi Yuannian Baiguan Ming | Official Posts of the Opening Year of the Xianxi Period | Register of officials of Cao Wei in 264 | 28.794 | |
獻帝傳 Xiandi Zhuan | พระราชประวัติพระเจ้าเหี้ยนเต้ | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับพระเจ้าเหี้ยนเต้. Supplementary to Xiandi Ji. Contains memorials sent by various officials to Emperor Xian, urging the latter to abdicate in favour of . | 1.39–40, n 3 |
ชีวประวัติบุคคล ตระกูล และกลุ่ม
ชื่อ | คำแปล | ผู้เขียน / ผู้รวบรวม | หมายเหตุ | ตำแหน่งที่อ้างอิงครั้งแรก |
邴原別傳 Bing Yuan Biezhuan | ชีวประวัติอย่างไม่เป็นทางการของปิ่ง ยฺเหวียน | บันทึกและจดหมายของ (邴原) และผู้เกี่ยวข้อง | 11.351–4 | |
曹瞞傳 เฉาหม่านจฺวั้น | ชัวประวัติเฉาหม่าน | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับชีวประวัติของโจโฉก่อนจะขึ้นมามีอำนาจ | 1.1 n 1 | |
曹志別傳 Cao Zhi Biezhuan | ชีวประวัติอย่างไม่เป็นทางการของเฉา จื้อ | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับเฉา จื้อ (曹志) บุตรชายของโจสิด | 19.577 n 2; biography of | |
陳留耆舊傳 Chenliu Qijiu Zhuan | ชีวประวัติของผู้อาวุโสแห่งตันลิว | Su Lin (蘇林) | รวมชีวประวัติของคนจากเมืองตันลิว (陳留 เฉินหลิว) | 24:683, n 2; biography of |
陳氏譜 Chen Shi Pu | Chen Family Genealogy | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับต้านท่ายและครอบครัว | 22:641 n 2; biography of | |
程曉別傳 Cheng Xiao Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Cheng Xiao | Records about Cheng Xiao (程曉) | 14.431, n 2 | |
楚國先賢傳 Chuguo Xianxian Zhuan | Biographies of the Departed Worthies of Chu | Contains biographies of people from | 4.141 | |
崔氏譜 Cui Shi Pu | Cui Family Genealogy | Records about Cui Lie (崔烈) and his family, the Cui clan of Boling | 35.911, n 3 | |
杜氏新書 Du Shi Xinshu | Mr Du's New Book | History of the Du family. Also known as Du Shi Youqiu Xinshu (杜氏幽求新書). | 16.497; biography of | |
費禕別傳 Fei Yi Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Fei Yi | Records about | 44.1061, nn 1–3 | |
顧譚傳 Gu Tan Zhuan | Biography of Gu Tan | Biography of | 52.1231, n 1 | |
管輅別傳 Guan Lu Biezhuan | ชีวประวัติอย่างไม่เป็นทางการของกวนลอ | Guan Chen (管辰) | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับกวนลอ | 29.811; ชีวประวัติกวนลอ |
毌丘儉志記 Guanqiu Jian Zhi Ji | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับบู๊ขิวเขียม | Likely an unofficial, family-style biography of Guanqiu Jian | 3.112 | |
郭林宗傳 Guo Linzong Zhuan | Biography of Guo Linzong | Biography of Guo Tai (郭泰) | 22.648 | |
郭氏譜 Guo Shi Pu | Guo Family Genealogy | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับกุยห้วยและครอบครัว | 26.734 | |
漢末名士錄 Han Mo Mingshi Lu | Records of Famous People of the Late Han Dynasty | 6.192 | ||
胡氏譜 Hu Shi Pu | Hu Family Genealogy | Records about (胡質) and his family | 27.741; biography of | |
華佗別傳 Hua Tuo Biezhuan | ชีวประวัติอย่างไม่เป็นทางการของฮัวโต๋ | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับฮัวโต๋ | 29.802; biography of | |
嵇康別傳 Ji Kang Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Ji Kang | Ji Xi (嵇喜) | 21.606; Biography of | |
嵇氏譜 Ji Shi Pu | Ji Family Genealogy | Records about and his family | 20.583; biography of Cao Lin (曹林) | |
機雲別傳 Ji Yun Biezhuan | Unofficial Biographies of [Lu] Ji and [Lu] Yun | Records about and Lu Yun (陸雲), sons of | 58.1360–1, n 2 | |
家傳 Jia Zhuan | The Story of My Family | โจโฉ | The Cao family's background and lineage | 14.455 n 2; biography of |
江表傳 Jiang Biao Zhuan | Yu Pu (虞溥) | Contains biographies of people from the Jiangnan region | 1.39–40 | |
晉諸公贊 Jin Zhugong Zan | Appraisal of Officials of Jin | Fu Chang (傅暢) | Contains biographies of officials in the Wei and Jin courts | 4.138 |
孔氏譜 Kong Shi Pu | Kong Family Genealogy | About Kong Yi (孔乂) and his family | 16.514–5; biography of | |
會稽典錄 Kuaiji Dianlu | Esteemed Records of Kuaiji | Contains records of people from Kuaiji (會稽) | 46.1100, n 10 | |
會稽邵氏家傳 Kuaiji Shao Shi Jia Zhuan | Genealogy of the Shao Family of Kuaiji | Records about Shao Chou (邵疇) and his family | 48.1170–1 | |
零陵先賢傳 Lingling Xianxian Zhuan | Biographies of the Departed Worthies of Lingling | Contains biographies of people from Lingling (零陵) | 6.216, n 5 | |
劉氏譜 Liu Shi Pu | Liu Family Genealogy | Records about (劉廙) and his family | 21.617, n 4 | |
劉廙別傳 Liu Yi Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Liu Yu | Records about (劉廙) | 21.614–5, n 2 | |
廬江何氏家傳 Lujiang He Shi Jia Zhuan | Genealogy of the He Family of Lujiang | 21.622, n 5 | ||
盧諶別傳 Lu Chen Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Lu Chen | 22.653 | ||
陸氏祠堂像贊 Lu Shi Citang Xiang Zan | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับลกซุนและครอบครัว | 58.1343 | ||
陸氏世頌 Lu Shi Shisong | Lu Family Genealogy | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับลกซุนและครอบครัว | 58.1343 | |
陸遜銘 Lu Xun Ming | Obituary Inscription of | 58.1349 | ||
潘尼別傳 Pan Ni Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Pan Ni | Records about Pan Ni (潘尼) | 21.613, n 1 | |
潘岳別傳 Pan Yue Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Pan Yue | Records about Pan Yue (潘岳) | 21.613, n 1 | |
裴氏家紀 Pei Shi Jia Ji | Pei Family Genealogy | Fu Chang (傅暢) | 42.1024, n 3 | |
平原禰衡傳 Pingyuan Mi Heng Zhuan | Biography of of Pingyuan | ชีวประวัติของจดหมายของยีเอ๋งและผู้เกี่ยวข้อง | 10.311, n 2 | |
譜敘 Pu Xu | Discussion of the Genealogy | Hua Jiao (華嶠) | Deeds of Hua Xin (華歆), family, and associates | 13.402, n 3 |
任嘏別傳 Ren Gu Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Ren Gu | Records about Ren Gu (任嘏) | 27.748, n 6 | |
汝南先賢傳 Runan Xianxian Zhuan | Biographies of Departed Worthies of Runan | Zhou Pei (周裴) | Contains biographies of people from Runan | 23.658; biography of |
阮氏譜 Ruan Shi Pu | Ruan Family Genealogy | About Ruan Wu (阮武) and his family | 16.508; biography of Du Shu (杜恕) | |
三輔決錄注 Sanfu Jue Lu Zhu | Annotated Selected Records of Sanfu | ; Zhi Yu (摯虞), annotation | Records about people in the Sanfu area surrounding , Shaanxi | 1.50, n 2 |
山濤行狀 Shan Tao Xingzhuang | Records of Shan Tao (山濤) | 21.607 | ||
山陽公載記 Shanyang Gong Zaiji | Records of the Duke of Shanyang | Yue Zi (樂資) | Anecdotes related to Liu Xie (劉協, ) | 1.31, n 2 |
蜀世譜 Shu Shi Pu | Shu Genealogy | 34.906, n 3 | ||
孫惠別傳 Sun Hui Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Sun Hui | Records about Sun Hui (孫惠) | 51.1211, n 3 | |
孫氏譜 Sun Shi Pu | Sun Family Genealogy | Records about (孫資) and his family | 14.462 | |
孫資別傳 Sun Zi Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Sun Zi | Records about (孫資) | 14.457–9, nn 1, 2, 4 | |
王弼傳 Wang Bi Zhuan | Biography of Wang Bi | He Shao (何劭) | Biography of | 14.449, n 2 |
王朗家傳 Wang Lang Jia Zhuan | Wang Lang Family Biographies | About and his family | 13.407 | |
王氏譜 Wang Shi Pu | Wang Family Genealogy | Probably two separate documents, one registering the Wang clan of , the other recording the Wang clan of | Langye: 24.679; biography of Taiyuan: 27.744; biography of | |
魏世譜 Wei Shi Pu | Genealogy of Wei | 4.123, n 1 | ||
魏武故事 Wei Wu Gushi | เรื่องราวของเว่ย์อู่ตี้ [โจโฉ] | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับบุคคลและเหตุการณ์ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับโจโฉ | 1.18 | |
文士傳 Wenshi Zhuan | Biographies of Scholars | Biographies of various people | 9.280; 10.312, n 2; biography of | |
吳質別傳 Wu Zhi Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Wu Zhi | Records about | 21.609–610 | |
先賢行狀 Xianxian Xingzhuang | The Background of Departed Worthies | Biographical information of various people including Xu Qiu (徐璆) | 1.30 | |
獻帝記 Xiandi Ji | Records of Emperor Xian | Records about . | 1.13, n 2 | |
襄陽記 Xiangyang Ji | Records of Xiangyang | Contains biographies of people from Xiangyang (present-day , Hubei) | 35.913, n 1 | |
荀粲傳 Xun Can Zhuan | Biography of Xun Can | He Shao (何劭) | Biography of Xun Can (荀粲) | 10.319–320 |
荀氏家傳 Xun Shi Jia Zhuan | Xun Family Genealogy | Records about , , and their family | 10.316, n 1 | |
荀勗別傳 Xun Xu Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Xun Xu | Records about | 10.332 | |
荀彧碑文 Xun Yu Beiwen | Epitaph of | Pan Xu (潘勗) | Xun Yu's epitaph | 10.312, n 2; biography of |
荀彧別傳 Xun Yu Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Xun Yu | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับซุนฮก | 10.315 | |
逸士傳 Yishi Zhuan | Biographies of Hermits | Stories of political recluses | 1.31, n 1 | |
益部耆舊傳 Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan | Biographies of the Seniors of the Yi Region | Contains biographies of people from | 31.866, n 4 | |
英雄記 Yingxiong Ji | Also known as Han Mo Yingxiong Ji (漢末英雄記; Chronicles of Heroes of the Late Han Dynasty). Records about the warlords of the late Han Dynasty. | 1.6 | ||
虞翻別傳 Yu Fan Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Yu Fan | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับยีหวน | 57.1317, n 3 | |
庾氏譜 Yu Shi Pu | Yu Family Genealogy | Records about Yu Ni (庾嶷) and his family | 11.363, n 3 | |
袁氏世紀 Yuan Shi Shiji | Annals of the Yuan Family | Records about and his family | 11.334 | |
趙雲別傳 Zhao Yun Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Zhao Yun | Records about Zhao Yun | 36.948–9 | |
鄭玄別傳 Zheng Xuan Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of Zheng Xuan | บันทึกเกี่ยวกับ | 4.142 | |
鄭玄傳 Zheng Xuan Zhuan | Biography of | Biography of Zheng Xuan | 38.970; biography of | |
鍾會母傳 Zhong Hui Mu Zhuan | The Biography of My Mother | ชีวประวัติมารดาของจงโฮย | 28.784, .785–6 | |
諸葛恪別傳 Zhuge Ke Biezhuan | Unofficial Biography of | Records about Zhuge Ke | 64.1430, n 1 | |
諸葛氏譜 Zhuge Shi Pu | Zhuge Family Genealogy | Records about Zhuge Liang and his family | 35.932, n 2 |
สารานุกรม พจนานุกรม และเอกสารอ้างอิง
ชื่อ | คำแปล | ผู้เขียน / ผู้รวบรวม | หมายเหตุ | ตำแหน่งที่อ้างอิงครั้งแรก |
博物記 Bowu Ji | Encyclopoedia. Also contains deeds and legacy of , Wang Kai (王凱), and of the descendants of . | 11.339 n 1 | ||
博物志 | Records about myths and legends, ancient history, natural science and miscellaneous things | 1.54, n 2 | ||
方言注 Zhu | ; , annotation | Dictionary of topolectal terms | 40.996; 50.1197 | |
風俗通義 | Extant | 6.179, n 6 | ||
決疑要注 Jue Yi Yao Zhu | Annotated Guide to Dispelling Doubts | Zhi Yu (摯虞) | Contains information on the manufacture of jade ornaments | 21.599 n 3; biography of |
列女傳 Lienü Zhuan | Extant | 9.293 | ||
三蒼 | , annotation | Elementary educational text cited as a dictionary | 1.30 | |
神異經 Shen Yi Jing | Classic of Spirits and Oddities | Mythical places and creatures | 4.118; biography of Cao Fang | |
四體書勢序 Sitishu Shi Xu | Preface to Forms of the Four Modes of Writing | Wei Heng (衛恆) | Calligraphic treatise | 1.31, n 1 |
序傳 Xu Zhuan | Prefaces to Biographies | Errata and corrigenda to biographies of the Three Kingdoms period and early | 1.49, n 3 | |
異物志 Yiwu Zhi | Records of the Bizarre | Yang Fu (楊孚) | Mythological places and things | 4.117, n 2 |
志林 Zhilin | Forest of Records | Information about the various kinds of imperial seal | 46.1099, n 9 |
บทกวี บทความ ปรัชญา และวรรณกรรม
ชื่อ | คำแปล | ผู้เขียน / ผู้รวบรวม | หมายเหตุ | ตำแหน่งที่อ้างอิงครั้งแรก |
百一詩 Bai Yi Shi | Ying Qu (應璩) | บทกวี | 2.61–2 | |
辨亡論 Bian Wang Lun | How was Lost | Essay on the fall of | 48.1179–82 | |
抱朴子 | Daoist classic. Extant. | 48.1162 n 2 | ||
曹公集 Cao Gong Ji | Lord Cao Collection | รวมผลงานของโจโฉ ยังคงอยู่ในปัจจุบัน | 38.970, n 2 | |
陳思王集 Chen Si Wang Ji | Collected Works of Prince Si of Chen [Cao Zhi] | โจสิด | Poetry, letters, essays. Exant. | 2.76 |
從軍詩 Congjun Shi | Embedded | บทกวีสรรเสริญความสามารถด้านการสงครามของโจโฉ | 1.47 | |
大墓賦 Da Mu Fu | Rhapsody on the Great Tomb | บทกวี | 2.62 | |
帝集 Di Ji | รวมผลงานของจักรพรรดิ | โจมอ | บทความ | 4.138 |
典論 Dianlun | โจผี | 1.7, n 6 | ||
傅咸集 Fu Xian Ji | Collected Works of Fu Xian | Fu Xian (傅咸) | Compilation of the works of Fu Xian (傅咸) | 22.649 |
傅子 Fu Zi | ฮูสวน | บทความและบทกวี | 1.26 | |
嵇康集 Ji Kang Ji | Collected Works of Ji Kang | บทกวีและบทความ | 21.606; Biography of | |
家戒 Jia Jie | Family Rules | Du Shu (杜恕) | Records of Zhang Ge (張閣) | 11.354; biography of |
家誡 Jia Jie | Family Rules | Wang Chang (王昶) | 1.52 | |
孔融集 Kong Rong Ji | รวมผลงานของขงหยง | ขงหยง | บทความ บทกวี และฎีกา | 11.345–6 |
禮論 Lilun | Discussion on Proprieties | Information on Xie Ci (謝慈) | 59.1374 | |
列異傳 Lieyi Zhuan | โจผี? | Collection of supernatural tales | 13.405 | |
明堂論 Mingtang Lun | ซัวหยง | Meta-exegesis | 4.142–3 | |
潘岳集 Pan Yue Ji | Collected Works of Pan Yue | Pan Yue (潘岳) | Records the courtesy names of members of the family of Yang Ji (楊暨) | 26.728 |
七略 Qi Lüe | 38.974 | |||
啓蒙注 Qi Meng Zhu | 3.104 | |||
啓事 Qishi | The Explanation of Matters | Shan Tao (山濤) | Also known as Shan Gong Qishi (山公啓事) | 16.493, n 2; biography of Su Ze (蘇則) |
神仙傳 Shenxian Zhuan | Stories of Immortals | 32.891 | ||
聖主得賢臣頌 Shengzhu De Xianchen Song | Ode to the Sagely Ruler Obtaining a Talented Minister | Wang Bao (王褒) | บทกวี | 42.1040, n 9; biography of |
書林 Shulin | Forest of Documents | Ying Qu (應璩) | Records the courtesy name of Zhan Qian (棧潛) | 25.719 |
蜀都賦 Shu Du Fu | Rhapsody on the Capital of Shu | บทกวี | 38.975, n 2 | |
說苑 | Garden of Stories | Historical and fictional stories. | 19.568, n 1; biography of | |
搜神記 Soushen Ji | 2.75–6, n 3 | |||
頭責子羽 | Zhang Min (張敏) | 14.461, n 3 | ||
萬機論 Wan Ji Lun | (蔣濟) | 37.954, n 3 | ||
王朗集 Wang Lang Ji | Collected Works of Wang Lang | 13.411, n 2 | ||
魏都賦 Wei Du Fu | Wei Capital Rhapsody | One of the Three Capitals Rhapsodies (三都賦) | 11.360 | |
文章敘錄 Wenzhang Xulu | (荀勗) | Also known as 雜撰文章家集敘 (Collected Analyses of Various Selected Authors) | 9.273, n 3 | |
文章志 Wenzhang Zhi | Zhi Yu (摯虞) | 6.216, n 5 | ||
新論 Xin Lun | New Discourses | Essays | 42.1040, n 8 | |
新序 Xin Xu | New Prefaces | Collection of historical and fictional tales. Extant. | 21.614; biography of Liu Yi (劉廙) | |
楊都賦注 Yang Du Fu Zhu | Annotated Rhapsody on the Capital of Yang | Yu Chan (庾闡) | บทกวี | 47.1148, n 1 |
姚信集 Yao Xin Ji | Collected Works of Yao Xin | Yao Xin (姚信) | Report praising Lu Yusheng (陸鬱生), daughter of (陸績) | 57.1329 |
異林 Yilin | Lu Yun's (陸雲) nephew | 13.396, n 3 | ||
異同雜語 Yitong Zayu | Miscellaneous Words on Similarities and Differences | 1.3, n 2 | ||
袁子 Yuanzi | Yuan Zhun (袁準) | Essays | 20.591–2 | |
越絕書 Yue Jue Shu | Stories about the ancient state of , and its final king Goujian | 42.1039, n 4; biography of | ||
戰略 Zhanlüe | Military Strategy | 6.211–2, n 2 | ||
張超集 Zhang Chao Ji | Collected Works of Zhang Chao | Zhang Chao (張超) | Letter of recommendation for Yuan Yi (袁遺) | 1.7, n 6 |
仲長統冒言表 Zhongchang Tong Mao Yan Biao | Zhongchang Tong's Report on Brave Speech | Miao Xi (繆襲) | Biography and reports of Zhongchang Tong (仲長統) | 21.620 |
諸葛亮集 Zhuge Liang Ji | รวมผลงานของจูกัดเหลียง | ตันซิ่ว | รู้จักในอีกชื่อว่ารวมผลงานตระกูลจูกัด (諸葛氏集) รวมผลงานและงานเขียนของจูกัดเหลียง | 32.891 |
ชื่อ | คำแปล | ผู้เขียน / ผู้รวบรวม | หมายเหตุ | ตำแหน่งที่อ้างอิงครั้งแรก |
馬先生序 Ma Xiansheng Xu | Introduction to Elder Ma | Letter in paise of Ma Jun (馬鈞) of | 29.807–8 | |
untitled poem and response | Cao Jia (曹嘉) and Shi Chong (石崇) | 20.587–8, n 2; biography of Cao Biao (曹彪) | ||
untitled letter | Wang Biaozhi (王彪之) | Letter to , advising him on a course of diplomacy | 21.618; biography of | |
untitled announcement | and | Announcement of the righteousness of their rebellion against | 28.763–5; biography of | |
untitled letter | Letter enlisting the aid of Guo Zhun (郭准), who was inconveniently dead at the time | 28.766–7 biography of | ||
untitled announcement | Announcement of surrender to | 28.768; biography of | ||
untitled stories | Guo Chong (郭沖) | Five dubious stories about Zhuge Liang | 35.917–8, .921–2 n 5, .922–3 n 2, .926 n 2 | |
untitled essay | Essay on 's policy regarding the taboo names of former monarchs | 52.1219–1220; biography of Zhang Zhao |
ชื่อ | คำแปล | ผู้เขียน / ผู้รวบรวม | หมายเหตุ | ตำแหน่งที่อ้างอิงครั้งแรก |
春秋公羊傳解詁 Chunqiu Gongyang Zhuan Jiegu | Exegesis of the | Gongyang Gao (公羊高); He Xiu (何休), annotation | Commentary to the . Extant. | 1.40, n 2; 5.161 |
春秋左氏傳集解 Chunqiu Zuo Shi Zhuan Jijie | Collected Exegesis of the | , annotation | historical tradition of heterogenous origin attached to the . Extant. | 24.678; biography of (韓暨) |
管子 | Deeds and philosophy of , prime minister of the state of who brought to the position of . Extant. | 2.60 | ||
國語 | Sayings of the States | , annotation | Speeches and rhetoric of the period. Extant. | 1.40, n 8 |
淮南子 | Philosophical and scientific encyclopaedia, usually classified as a Daoist text. Extant. | 42.1038 | ||
禮記注 Liji Zhu | Annotated | , annotation | Prescriptive ritual text. Extant. | 3.108, n 2 |
論語 | Analects | Kong Qiu | Confucian foundational text. Extant | 38.974 |
呂氏春秋 | Mr Lü's Spring and Autumn Annals | Lü Buwei | Encyclopoedia. Extant. | 2.82, n 2 |
孟子 | Mencius | Meng Ke | Confucian foundational text. Extant. | 24.682 |
尚書注 Shangshu Zhu | Annotated | , annotation | Records of persons, speeches, and events in the period. Extant. | 1.40, nn 3, 5, 6, 7 |
詩經 | Book of Odes | Poetry of the Zhou culture, from the pre-dynastic period to the period. Extant. | 1.40, n 5 | |
孫子兵法 Sunzi Bingfa | The Art of War | Treatise on military strategy and tactics. Extant. | 27.744; biography of | |
戰國策 | Strategies of the Warring States | Fictional tales and exercises in persuasive rhetoric. Extant. | 21.615, n 3 | |
莊子 | Partially attributed to | Daoist foundational text. Extant. | 11.366 |
ชื่อ | คำแปล | ผู้เขียน / ผู้รวบรวม | หมายเหตุ | ตำแหน่งที่อ้างอิงครั้งแรก |
異同評 Yitong Ping | Commentary on Similarities and Differences | 1.21–2, n 2 | ||
雜記 Zaji | Miscellaneous Records | 1.5, n 2 | ||
異同記 Yitong Ji | Records of Similarities and Differences | 35.933, n 2 | ||
晉書 Jin Shu | ตำราราชวงศ์จิ้น | May have referred to Gan Bao's Jin Ji, may have been a separate work. | 3.94 | |
辨道論 Bian Dao Lun | โจสิด | Records of contemporary Daoist masters Gan Shi (甘始), , and Xi Jian (郤儉). Cited by Pei Songzhi as an independent work, now part of Chen Si Wang Ji. | 29.805–6 | |
晉百官名 Jin Baiguan Ming | Official Posts of Jin | May be the same work as Baiguan Ming | 16.493, n 2; biography of Su Ze (蘇則) | |
晉百官表 Jin Baiguan Biao | Report on Jin's Official Posts | May be the same work as Jin Baiguan Ming | 35.933, n 1 | |
武帝百官名 Wudi Baiguan Ming | Official Posts Under the Martial Emperor [of Jin] | Official register of government officials. May have been part of Baiguan Ming or Jin Baiguan Ming. | 18.538, n 3; biography of | |
冀州記 Jizhou Ji | Records of Ji Province | Xun Chuo (荀綽) | Part of Jiuzhou Ji. | 9.305, n 2 |
兗州記 Yanzhou Ji | Records of Yan Province | Xun Chuo (荀綽) | Part of Jiuzhou Ji. | 16.508; biography of Du Shu (杜恕) |
益州耆舊傳 Yizhou Qijiu Zhuan | Biographies of the Seniors of | 38.967, n 1 | ||
益州耆舊雜記 Yizhou Qijiu Zaji | Miscellaneous Records of the Seniors of Yi Province | Believed to be an appendix or companion to Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan. | 31.867, n 1 | |
耆舊 Qijiu | On Seniors | Cited once underneath Yi Bu Qijiu Zaji, very likely an abbreviated reference to same | 45.1088 | |
褒賞令 Baoshang Ling | Order on Appraisals and Rewards | โจโฉ | Part of the Cao Gong Ji | 1.23 |
立郊議 Li Jiao Yi | Deliberations Regarding the Establishment of the Biannual Nature Sacrifice | Records the epitaph of | 14.455 n 2; biography of | |
舊事 Jiu Shi | Old Matters | The careers of the sons of Wei Zi (衛茲) | 22.649 | |
孫綽評 Sun Chuo Ping | Sun Chuo's Critiques | Essays and commentary | 42.1031 | |
輔臣贊 Fu Chen Zan | In Praise of the Supportive Ministers | Yang Xi (楊戲) | Records of politicians of Shu Han | 37.956; Pang Tong |
樂廣傳 Yue Guang Zhuan | Biography of Yue Guang | Xie Kun (謝鯤) | Information on the activities and legacies of the descendants of | 23.674; biography of |
辛憲英傳 Xin Xianying Zhuan | ชีวประวัติซินเหียงเอ๋ง | Xiahou Zhan (夏侯湛) | ชีวประวัติของ บุตรสาวของซินผี | 25.699–700 |
陸芝銘 Lu Zhi Ming | Funerary Inscription for Lu Zhi | Xiahou Zhan (夏侯湛) | Life and deeds of Lu Zhi (陸芝) | 9.292 |
漢官儀 Han Guan Yi | Etiquette of the Officials of Han | Information on Han government procedures | 46.1099, n 9 |
เผย์ ซงจืออ้างถึงคำกล่าวของนักประวัติศาสตร์คนอื่นเป็นบางครั้งโดยไม่อ้างอิงถึงชื่อหนังสือหรือเอกสารใด ๆ โดยมักจะอ้างถึง, และ น้อยครั้งนักที่เผย์ ซงจือจะรายงานคำบอกเล่าโดยไม่ระบุที่มา
- The references provided locate the first instance of the citation in Pei Songzhi's commentary, and for the vast majority of these sources, the reference can be understood to prepend an invisible "et passim". All are found in footnotes, whether or not a particular note is specified. The pagination follows the Zhonghua Publishing standard version, but the Dingwen Printing version (Taipei, 1977) uses identical pagination.
- เผย์ ซงจือสงสัยว่าโฮ่วฮั่นจี้ของจาง ฝานเขียนไม่เสร็จเพราะคุณภาพของงานเขียนต่ำ ดู จดหมายเหตุสามก๊ก, 4.133.
- Most historiographers (including and , 1700s; and , early 1900s) consider Jiuzhou Ji to have been a single work which included both Jizhou Ji and Yanzhou Ji. Wang Zuyi (王祖彝), in 1956, considered the work to have been nine separate volumes, and listed them as distinct works cited by Pei Zongzhi. See Gao Min, p 13.
- The historical bibliography in the Book of Sui does not record a San Chao Lu, but it does record a San Chao Lüe (三朝略), written by . See Gao Min, 12.
- Although he quotes from it extensively, Pei Songzhi had serious reservations about Guo Song's (郭頒) Wei Jin Shiyu, calling it "lame, shallow, and wholly without rhythm". He decries the Shiyu as the poorest history he has consulted, and laments that its errors have passed through sourcing into the works of and . See Records of the Three Kingdoms, 4.133
- The Book of Sui records a Yuankang San Nian Diji, which would be dated to 293 rather than 282. This may be the same record as quoted by Pei Songzhi. See Book of Sui, 33.984
- gives Du Du (杜篤) as the eponymous Mr Du; the Book of Sui gives Du Yi (杜夷). See Gao, p 18.
- Pei Songzhi cites a number of works written by , including Bian Wang Lun, Da Mu Fu, Lu Xun Ming, and Gu Tan Zhuan. A single collection of Lu Ji's works was available by the at the latest. See Book of Sui, volume 35, p 1063; Lu Ji Ji, preface, p 9. It is clear from his citation style that Pei Songzhi did not have access to a collection. When he does cite a collection by name (Cao Cao's Cao Gong Ji, or 's Chen Si Wang Ji, the collection is placed in the main table, while individual titles present in modern collections (Cao Cao's Bao Shang Ling, Cao Zhi's Bian Dao Lun) are placed in the second table to indicate uncertainty as to what title Pei Songzhi was citing. Since he never cites a collection of Lu Ji's works, all individual titles are placed in the main table to reflect the titles Pei Songzhi had available.
- It is unknown whose genealogy Hua Jiao narrates in his Pu Xu. suggested it was an independent genealogy of his own family. See Lu Yaodong, p 16.
- Gao Min reasons that based on the physical distance between the two Wang clans, and the fact that the Book of Sui records a family register of the Wangs of , the two instances in which Pei Songzhi cites Wang Shi Pu must have been citing two distinct documents. See Gao Min, 9.
- According to the biography of Cao Xiu, the author of Wenshi Zhuan was Zhang Yin (張隱); according to the biography of Xun Yu, the author was ; according to the biography of Wang Can, the author was Zhang Zhi (張騭). Editors of historical bibliographies have concluded that the author was most probably Zhang Zhi (張騭). However we have no chronologically close proof of authorship, nor indeed any strong indication that there was only a single book named Wenshi Zhuan in circulation, rather than two or three written by different authors surnamed Zhang. See Gao Min pp 13–14.
- Pei Songzhi does not name explicitly the compiler of Xiandi Ji. The Book of Sui gives Liu Fang (劉芳); modern scholars prefer Liu Ai (劉艾). See Gao, p 16.
- At its first reference, Pei Songzhi explicitly attributes Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan to Chen Shou. However, he later attributes both an Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan and Yi Bu Qijiu Zhi (志) to one Chen Shu (陳術). See Records of the Three Kingdoms, 42.1027, biography of Li Zhuan (李譔). According to the biography of Chen Shou in the , Chen Shu was a contributor to a Ba–Shu Qijiu Zhuan, which prompted Chen Shou to compile Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan. It is also attributed to Chen Shou in the . The attributes Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan to a Chen Changshou (陳長壽). See Gao Min (2007), p 14. Yizhou Qijiu Zhuan, cited by Pei Songzhi only once, may be identified with Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan.
- The Bowu Ji may be identifiable with another work of . See Gao Min, p 12.
- The text quoted by Pei Songzhi does not appear in the transmitted poem. See Records of the Three Kingdoms p 62; Collected Works of Lu Ji, pp 26–7.
- Pei Songzhi cites five similar titles of works compiled by : Yitong Zaji, Zaji, Yitong Zayu, Zayu, and Yitong Ping. Of these, only Yitong Zayu appears in official bibliographies. (1700s), Lin Guozan (林國贊; 1800s), and (early 1900s) treated the five titles as all referring to a single book, while (1700s) took the opposite approach and considered treated the five titles as distinct works. Wang Zuyi (王祖彝; 1956) took Yitong Ping and Yitong Zayu to be two separate works, and the remaining three titles to refer to Yitong Zayu. Gao Min (2007) admits the possibility that all five titles refer to a single book, while raising the question of how the single scholar Pei Songzhi should come to cite the book by so many different monikers. Gao Min also quotes 's biography in the , which paints him as a prolific writer, in support of the theory that all five titles refer to distinct works. He advances a new theory, that Sun Sheng produced a work titled Yitong Ping, also referred to as Yitong Ji; and a work titled Zayu, also referred to as Zaji. He offers no explanation for Yitong Zayu, or why it should be the only title recorded by official bibliographies. See Gao Min, p 13. No theory is grounded in firm evidence.
- Probably refers to Yuanzi Zheng Lun (袁子正論), or Yuanzi Zheng Shu (袁子正書), the latter of which may have been a more complete version of the former. See Book of Sui, volume 34, p 998.
- Guo Chong's five stories on the deeds of Zhuge Liang are introduced in Records of the Three Kingdoms, 35.917. They are mentioned in the Shu Ji as being written essentially as propaganda to further Zhuge Liang's career. Pei Songzhi calls them "all dubious".
- For the nature of the Zhan Guo Ce, see Crump, pp 11–22, esp. p 15.
- The traditional view is that, since no Jin Shu by is recorded in official bibliographies, Gan Bao's Jin Shu as cited by Pei Songzhi must have been referring to Gan Bao's Jin Ji. Lin Guozan (林國贊) and Wang Zuyi (王祖彝) considered Gan Bao's Jin Shu to have been a separate work. Gao Min strengthens this claim by noting a paragraph in which Pei Songzhi cites both a Jin Shu and Jin Ji attributed to Gan Bao. There is not conclusive evidence to support one theory or the other (Records of the Three Kingdoms, 9.187, nn 1–2). Pei Songzhi uses language compatible with the possibility that Gan Bao and , who were contemporaries, collaborated on a Jin Shu. See Records of the Three Kingdoms, 4.133; Gao Min, 13.
- Only and Gao Min consider Wudi Baiguan Ming to be a separate work, rather than a chapter of Jin Baiguan Ming or Baiguan Ming. See Gao, p 18.
- Yizhou Qijiu Zaji may be identifiable with Chen Shu's Yi Bu Qijiu Zhi or Xu (續) Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan, listed without attribution in the . Gao Min, p 14
- , , and the editors of Records of the Three Kingdoms consider Baoshang Ling to be part of the Cao Gong Ji. , Wang Zuyi (王祖彝), and Gao Min consider it a distinct title. See Gao Min, p 16.
- The Book of Sui records a collection of works by , but does not mention Li Jiao Yi by name. Gao Min raises the possibility that this document is part of the larger Wei Jiaosi Zou. See Gao Min, p 7.
- Only and Gao Min consider Jiu Shi to be a book title; , , Wang Zuyi (王祖彝), and the editors of the modern, punctuated Records of the Three Kingdoms read jiu shi as a common noun. If it is a book title, Jiu Shi may be identifiable with Han–Wei––Shu Jiu Shi (漢魏吳蜀舊事) or – Jiu Shi (晉宋舊事). See Gao Min, p 12.
- Pei Songzhi writes "孫綽評曰", which can be read as either "Sun Chuo critiqued, saying" or "Sun Chuo's Critiques say". and Gao Min read the note in the latter fashion, proposing Sun Chuo's Critiques was part of his collected works, recorded in the Book of Sui as 晉衛尉卿孫綽集 (Collected Works of Sun Chuo, Chief Minister for the Palace Garrison of the Court of ). See Gao Min, 12. , , Wang Zuyi (王祖彝), and the punctuators of the modern Records of the Three Kingdoms do not read the phrase in question as the title of a book.
- Pei Songzhi quotes from the Xiangyang Ji, which states the deeds of Pang Tong's brother Pang Lin (龐林) and his wife Xi Zhen (習禎) are related in a text named Fu Chen Zan. The note goes on to paraphrase their story, but it is unclear whether Pei Songzhi is paraphrasing this text or the paraphrase is present in the Xiangyang Ji.
- Pei Songzhi's reference to the Yue Guang Zhuan is beneath a citation from Jin Zhugong Zan, but Gao Min notes that the latter's compiler, Fu Chang (傅暢), predeceased at least one of the men discussed in the note, Pei Xian (裴憲), by a period of at least five years. Gao Min then goes on to undermine his own argument by stating that Xie Kun (謝鯤), author of the Yue Guang Zhuan, probably died a further four years prior to Fu Chang. See Gao Min, p 9.
- The quotation from Xin Xianying Zhuan is below a citation from the Shiyu. The punctuators of the modern Records of the Three Kingdoms, following and , have made it clear they believe Pei Songzhi was quoting Xin Xianying Zhuan as carried by the Shiyu. , Wang Zuyi (王祖彝), and Gao Min accept Xin Xianying Zhuan as a work cited by Pei Songzhi, rather than a work cited by one of his sources.
- Pei Songzhi simultaneously paraphrases from the funerary inscription of Lu Zhi (陸芝) and from 's Jin Ji. The actual wording of the inscription is not directly quoted.
- Pei Songzhi does not cite Han Guan Yi directly, and only mentions in passing that it and 's Diwang Shiji agree with Yu Xi's Zhilin on the matter of imperial seals.
- Gao Min, p 13, citing Lin Guozan (林國贊)
- , 82.2143, biography of Wang Yin
- Pei Songzhi quotes the Shiji here without attribution.
- Records of the Three Kingdoms, 1.12. In idem, 57.1337, Xiandi Chunqiu is attributed to Yuan Ye (袁曄). Some premodern versions attribute the work to Yuan Yan (袁黶); see Gao Min, pp 14 and 16.
- Book of Sui, 33.973
- Book of Sui, volume 33, p 974
- Gao Min, p 12
- Records of the Three Kingdoms, 22.642
- On the origins of the , see Schaberg, pp 322–3.
- For the first example of Pei Songzhi quoting a former historian directly, see 1.11 n 2. For an example of Pei Songzhi reporting hearsay, see 47.1144.
- Crump, J.I., Jr., transl. Chan-Kuo Ts'e. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971.
- inter al., eds. 晉書 (), 648. Beijing: Zhonghua Publishing, 1974. 10 vols.
- Gao Min (高敏), 《三國志》裴松之注引書考 ("Books Used by Pei Songzhi on Noting of History of the Three Kingdoms"). Journal of Henan University of Science and Technology (Social Science), 25.3 (June 2007), pp 5–21.
- , 陸機集 (Collected Works of Lu Ji), Jin Taosheng (金濤聲), ed. Beijing: Zhonghua Publishing, 1982.
- Lu Yaodong (逯耀東), 裴松之三國志注引雜傳集釋 ("Collected Explanations of Various Biographies Cited in Pei Songzhi's Annotation of Records of the Three Kingdoms"). 台大歷史學報, 1 (May 1974), pp 1–18.
- Pei Songzhi, 三國志注 (Annotated Records of the Three Kingdoms). 429. Hong Kong: Zhonghua Publishing, 1971. 5 vols.
- , 廿二史考異 (Examination of Discrepancies in the Twenty-Two Histories). 1797. Cited in Gao.
- Schaberg, David, A Patterned Past: Form and Thought in Early Chinese Historiography. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001.
- , 沉簃籍先生遺書乙篇 (Mr Shen Yiji's Leftover Documents, Volume Two). 1910s. Cited in Gao.
- Wang Zuyi (王祖彝), 三國志人名錄 (List of Personal Names in Records of the Three Kingdoms). Commercial Press, 1956. Cited in Gao.
- inter al., eds. 隋書 (), 636. Beijing: Zhonghua Publishing, 1973. 6 vols.
- , 廿二史劄記 (Notebook of the Twenty-Two Histories). 1770s. Cited in Gao.

- Records of the Three Kingdoms 《三國志》
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xrrthathibaycdhmayehtusamkk hrux snkwcuxcu cintwyx 三国志注 cintwetm 三國志注 phinxin San Guo Zhi Zhu epnkhaxthibayprakxbchbbsmburnkhxng cdhmayehtusamkk instwrrsthi 3 thieriyberiyngodytnsiw hlngedinthangxxkcakbanekid ephy sngcuxklaymaepnkwihlwnginrachsankkhxngrachwngshliwsng aelaidrbmxbhmayihaekprbprunghnngsuxsungesrcsininpi kh s 429 aelaklayepnbnthukprawtisastrxyangepnthangkarkhxngyukhsamkkinchuxwa snkwcuxcu hrux xrrthathibaycdhmayehtusamkk khawa cu mikhwamhmaywa hmayehtu ephy sngcuxihkhaxthibayodylaexiydekiywkbphumisastraelaxngkhprakxbxun thiklawthungincdhmayehtusamkktnchbb thisakhy ephy sngcuxyngidaekikhcudbkphrxngincdhmayehtusamkkinsxbthankbbnthukxun thirwbrwmmainyukhnn ineruxngkhxngehtukarnaelabukhkhlinprawtisastr ephy sngcuxyngidephimkhwamkhidehnkhxngtnechnediywkbthitnsiwtha cakkarkhnkhwaxyangkwangkhwang ephy sngcuxcungsamarthsrangbnthukprawtisastrthikhxnkhangsmburn ephimetimraylaexiydthiimsmburncanwnmakincdhmayehtusamkktnchbb 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Han 漢後書 Not to be confused with the by and his children 6 177漢書注 Han Shu Zhu Annotated and annotation Official history of the Extant 1 36 n 5漢魏春秋 hnewychunchiw Chronicles of Han and Wei Kong Yan 孔衍 Historical record of the late Han Dynasty and Wei Dynasty 1 46 n 2後漢書 ohwhnchu Book of the Later Han Xie Cheng 謝承 Records the history of the late Han Dynasty Not to be confused with s Xie Cheng was a younger brother of Sun Quan s wife Lady Xie 1 6 7 n 5華陽國志 h wahyangkwcux Records the history of Ba Shu 巴蜀 present day Sichuan and Chongqing from the Han Dynasty to the Jin Dynasty 32 875 n 2交廣記 Jiaoguang Ji Records of Jiao and Guang provinces Wang Yin 王隱 Records the geographical history of Jiao and Guang provinces 60 1385晉惠帝起居注 Jin Huidi Qiju Zhu Notes on Daily Life in Emperor Hui of Jin s Time Records about events in the reign of 8 262 n 2晉泰始起居注 Jin Taishi Qiju Zhu Notes on Daily Life in Taishi of Jin Records about events in the Taishi era 265 274 of the reign of Emperor Wu of Jin 35 932 3晉紀 cinci Annals of Jin bnthukprawtisastrkhxngrachwngscintawntk 3 145 n 1晉書 cinchu tararachwngscin Wang Yin 王隱 bnthukprawtisastrkhxngrachwngscintawntk Co written by Wang Yin s father Wang Quan 王銓 Not to be confused with the official history of the Jin Dynasty the by et al 1 49 n 3晉書 cinchu tararachwngscin Yu Yu 虞預 Yu Yu s Book of Jin is believed to have been plagiarised from correspondence with Wang Yin 王隱 21 605 6晉陽秋 Jin Yang Qiu Records the history of the Jin Dynasty up to s time 8 253 n 2九州春秋 ciwoc wchunchiw cdhmayehtuekamnthl Records the history of the late Han Dynasty in ten fascicles 1 4九州記 ciwoc wci bnthukekamnthl Xun Chuo 荀綽 Divided into nine volumes each covering one of the 11 336靈帝紀 Lingdi Ji cdhmayehtuphraecaelnet Liu Ai 劉艾 bnthukekiywkbphraecaelnet 1 45 n 1默記 Mo Ji bnthukekhiyncakkhwamthrngca 張儼 bnthukekiywkbcukdehliyngaelakhnxun 35 935 6三朝錄 San Chao Lu bnthuksamrachwngs etiywxun Information on Sun Lang 孫朗 51 1213 biography of三國評 San Guo Ping Commentary on the Three Kingdoms Xu Zhong 徐眾 Commentary on events in the Three Kingdoms period 7 237史記 Shiji suxhma echiyn First complete history Extant 19 568 9 n 2 biography of世語 Shiyu Accounts of this Generation Guo Song 郭頒 Also known as Wei Jin Shiyu 魏晉世語 A particularly poor historical text 1 2 n 3蜀本紀 Shu Benji Basic Annals of Shu ecaciw bnthukekiywkbelapi 32 889 n 1蜀記 Shu Ji Records of Shu Wang Yin 王隱 bnthukekiywkbprawtisastrkhxngckkk 18 547 n 2 biography of通語 Tongyu Complete Accounts 殷基 Accounts of the beginnings of the 44 1062 n 1魏紀 Wei Ji Annals of Wei Yin Dan 殷澹 19 558 n 1 biography of魏略 prawtisastrodysngekhpkhxngwuykk 1 18魏末傳 ewymwc wan bnthukplaywuykk bnthukekiywkbehtukarnthiekidkhuninchwyplayyukhkhxngrthwuykk 3 91 n 2魏氏春秋 ewychuxchunchiw phngsawdarrachwngsaehngwuykk bnthukprawtisastrkhxngwuykktamladbehtukarn 1 18魏書 ewychu tarawuykk s win xi rwbrwmhlngkarlmslaykhxngwuykk 1 1 n 1吳紀 Wu Ji Annals of Wu Huan Ji 環濟 53 1247 n 4吳歷 Wu Li prawtisastrngxkk Hu Chong 胡沖 2 89吳錄 Wu Lu bnthukngxkk Zhang Bo 張勃 37 954 n 2吳書 Wu Shu Book of Wu 1 11 n 1吳志 Wu Zhi bnthukngxkk 1 6 n 3獻帝春秋 Xiandi Chunqiu Chronicles of Emperor Xian Yuan Wei 袁暐 bnthukekiywkbphraecaehiynet 1 12獻帝起居注 Xiandi Qiju Zhu Notes on Emperor Xian s Daily Life bnthukekiywkbehtukarninrchsmyphraecaehiynet 1 22 n 2續漢書 Xu Han Shu Continuation of the Book of Han Records about the late 1 1 2exksarthangrachkar chux khaaepl phuekhiyn phurwbrwm hmayehtu taaehnngthixangxingkhrngaerk百官名 Baiguan Ming taaehnngrachkar Register of Officials during the 12 390 biography of Sima Zhi 司馬芝 禪晉文 Shan Jin Wen On the Abdication to Cao Wei court document outlining their position on the succession of power 14 455 n 2 biography of太康三年地記 Taikang San Nian Diji Land Survey of 282 Government survey of population and local conditions 22 637 n 1 biography of魏郊祀奏 Wei Jiaosi Zou Memorandum on Wei s Biannual Nature Sacrifice exksarthangrachkarkhxngwuykk 2 83魏名臣奏 Wei Mingchen Zou dikakhxngesnabdiwuykkthimichuxesiyng tnsiw Compiled in the Zhengshi era 240 249 of the reign of Cao Fang txngkarxangxing 3 111 2咸熙元年百官名 Xianxi Yuannian Baiguan Ming Official Posts of the Opening Year of the Xianxi Period Register of officials of Cao Wei in 264 28 794獻帝傳 Xiandi Zhuan phrarachprawtiphraecaehiynet bnthukekiywkbphraecaehiynet Supplementary to Xiandi Ji Contains memorials sent by various officials to Emperor Xian urging the latter to abdicate in favour of 1 39 40 n 3chiwprawtibukhkhl trakul aelaklum chux khaaepl phuekhiyn phurwbrwm hmayehtu taaehnngthixangxingkhrngaerk邴原別傳 Bing Yuan Biezhuan chiwprawtixyangimepnthangkarkhxngping y ehwiyn bnthukaelacdhmaykhxng 邴原 aelaphuekiywkhxng 11 351 4曹瞞傳 echahmanc wn chwprawtiechahman bnthukekiywkbchiwprawtikhxngocochkxncakhunmamixanac 1 1 n 1曹志別傳 Cao Zhi Biezhuan chiwprawtixyangimepnthangkarkhxngecha cux bnthukekiywkbecha cux 曹志 butrchaykhxngocsid 19 577 n 2 biography of陳留耆舊傳 Chenliu Qijiu Zhuan chiwprawtikhxngphuxawuosaehngtnliw Su Lin 蘇林 rwmchiwprawtikhxngkhncakemuxngtnliw 陳留 echinhliw 24 683 n 2 biography of陳氏譜 Chen Shi Pu Chen Family Genealogy bnthukekiywkbtanthayaelakhrxbkhrw 22 641 n 2 biography of程曉別傳 Cheng Xiao Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Cheng Xiao Records about Cheng Xiao 程曉 14 431 n 2楚國先賢傳 Chuguo Xianxian Zhuan Biographies of the Departed Worthies of Chu Contains biographies of people from 4 141崔氏譜 Cui Shi Pu Cui Family Genealogy Records about Cui Lie 崔烈 and his family the Cui clan of Boling 35 911 n 3杜氏新書 Du Shi Xinshu Mr Du s New Book History of the Du family Also known as Du Shi Youqiu Xinshu 杜氏幽求新書 16 497 biography of費禕別傳 Fei Yi Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Fei Yi Records about 44 1061 nn 1 3顧譚傳 Gu Tan Zhuan Biography of Gu Tan Biography of 52 1231 n 1管輅別傳 Guan Lu Biezhuan chiwprawtixyangimepnthangkarkhxngkwnlx Guan Chen 管辰 bnthukekiywkbkwnlx 29 811 chiwprawtikwnlx毌丘儉志記 Guanqiu Jian Zhi Ji bnthukekiywkbbukhiwekhiym Likely an unofficial family style biography of Guanqiu Jian 3 112郭林宗傳 Guo Linzong Zhuan Biography of Guo Linzong Biography of Guo Tai 郭泰 22 648郭氏譜 Guo Shi Pu Guo Family Genealogy bnthukekiywkbkuyhwyaelakhrxbkhrw 26 734漢末名士錄 Han Mo Mingshi Lu Records of Famous People of the Late Han Dynasty 6 192胡氏譜 Hu Shi Pu Hu Family Genealogy Records about 胡質 and his family 27 741 biography of華佗別傳 Hua Tuo Biezhuan chiwprawtixyangimepnthangkarkhxnghwot bnthukekiywkbhwot 29 802 biography of嵇康別傳 Ji Kang Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Ji Kang Ji Xi 嵇喜 21 606 Biography of嵇氏譜 Ji Shi Pu Ji Family Genealogy Records about and his family 20 583 biography of Cao Lin 曹林 機雲別傳 Ji Yun Biezhuan Unofficial Biographies of Lu Ji and Lu Yun Records about and Lu Yun 陸雲 sons of 58 1360 1 n 2家傳 Jia Zhuan The Story of My Family ococh The Cao family s background and lineage 14 455 n 2 biography of江表傳 Jiang Biao Zhuan Yu Pu 虞溥 Contains biographies of people from the Jiangnan region 1 39 40晉諸公贊 Jin Zhugong Zan Appraisal of Officials of Jin Fu Chang 傅暢 Contains biographies of officials in the Wei and Jin courts 4 138孔氏譜 Kong Shi Pu Kong Family Genealogy About Kong Yi 孔乂 and his family 16 514 5 biography of會稽典錄 Kuaiji Dianlu Esteemed Records of Kuaiji Contains records of people from Kuaiji 會稽 46 1100 n 10會稽邵氏家傳 Kuaiji Shao Shi Jia Zhuan Genealogy of the Shao Family of Kuaiji Records about Shao Chou 邵疇 and his family 48 1170 1零陵先賢傳 Lingling Xianxian Zhuan Biographies of the Departed Worthies of Lingling Contains biographies of people from Lingling 零陵 6 216 n 5劉氏譜 Liu Shi Pu Liu Family Genealogy Records about 劉廙 and his family 21 617 n 4劉廙別傳 Liu Yi Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Liu Yu Records about 劉廙 21 614 5 n 2廬江何氏家傳 Lujiang He Shi Jia Zhuan Genealogy of the He Family of Lujiang 21 622 n 5盧諶別傳 Lu Chen Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Lu Chen 22 653陸氏祠堂像贊 Lu Shi Citang Xiang Zan bnthukekiywkblksunaelakhrxbkhrw 58 1343陸氏世頌 Lu Shi Shisong Lu Family Genealogy bnthukekiywkblksunaelakhrxbkhrw 58 1343陸遜銘 Lu Xun Ming Obituary Inscription of 58 1349潘尼別傳 Pan Ni Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Pan Ni Records about Pan Ni 潘尼 21 613 n 1潘岳別傳 Pan Yue Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Pan Yue Records about Pan Yue 潘岳 21 613 n 1裴氏家紀 Pei Shi Jia Ji Pei Family Genealogy Fu Chang 傅暢 42 1024 n 3平原禰衡傳 Pingyuan Mi Heng Zhuan Biography of of Pingyuan chiwprawtikhxngcdhmaykhxngyiexngaelaphuekiywkhxng 10 311 n 2譜敘 Pu Xu Discussion of the Genealogy Hua Jiao 華嶠 Deeds of Hua Xin 華歆 family and associates 13 402 n 3任嘏別傳 Ren Gu Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Ren Gu Records about Ren Gu 任嘏 27 748 n 6汝南先賢傳 Runan Xianxian Zhuan Biographies of Departed Worthies of Runan Zhou Pei 周裴 Contains biographies of people from Runan 23 658 biography of阮氏譜 Ruan Shi Pu Ruan Family Genealogy About Ruan Wu 阮武 and his family 16 508 biography of Du Shu 杜恕 三輔決錄注 Sanfu Jue Lu Zhu Annotated Selected Records of Sanfu Zhi Yu 摯虞 annotation Records about people in the Sanfu area surrounding Shaanxi 1 50 n 2山濤行狀 Shan Tao Xingzhuang Records of Shan Tao 山濤 21 607山陽公載記 Shanyang Gong Zaiji Records of the Duke of Shanyang Yue Zi 樂資 Anecdotes related to Liu Xie 劉協 1 31 n 2蜀世譜 Shu Shi Pu Shu Genealogy 34 906 n 3孫惠別傳 Sun Hui Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Sun Hui Records about Sun Hui 孫惠 51 1211 n 3孫氏譜 Sun Shi Pu Sun Family Genealogy Records about 孫資 and his family 14 462孫資別傳 Sun Zi Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Sun Zi Records about 孫資 14 457 9 nn 1 2 4王弼傳 Wang Bi Zhuan Biography of Wang Bi He Shao 何劭 Biography of 14 449 n 2王朗家傳 Wang Lang Jia Zhuan Wang Lang Family Biographies About and his family 13 407王氏譜 Wang Shi Pu Wang Family Genealogy Probably two separate documents one registering the Wang clan of the other recording the Wang clan of Langye 24 679 biography of Taiyuan 27 744 biography of魏世譜 Wei Shi Pu Genealogy of Wei 4 123 n 1魏武故事 Wei Wu Gushi eruxngrawkhxngewyxuti ococh bnthukekiywkbbukhkhlaelaehtukarnthiekiywkhxngkbococh 1 18文士傳 Wenshi Zhuan Biographies of Scholars Biographies of various people 9 280 10 312 n 2 biography of吳質別傳 Wu Zhi Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Wu Zhi Records about 21 609 610先賢行狀 Xianxian Xingzhuang The Background of Departed Worthies Biographical information of various people including Xu Qiu 徐璆 1 30獻帝記 Xiandi Ji Records of Emperor Xian Records about 1 13 n 2襄陽記 Xiangyang Ji Records of Xiangyang Contains biographies of people from Xiangyang present day Hubei 35 913 n 1荀粲傳 Xun Can Zhuan Biography of Xun Can He Shao 何劭 Biography of Xun Can 荀粲 10 319 320荀氏家傳 Xun Shi Jia Zhuan Xun Family Genealogy Records about and their family 10 316 n 1荀勗別傳 Xun Xu Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Xun Xu Records about 10 332荀彧碑文 Xun Yu Beiwen Epitaph of Pan Xu 潘勗 Xun Yu s epitaph 10 312 n 2 biography of荀彧別傳 Xun Yu Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Xun Yu bnthukekiywkbsunhk 10 315逸士傳 Yishi Zhuan Biographies of Hermits Stories of political recluses 1 31 n 1益部耆舊傳 Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan Biographies of the Seniors of the Yi Region Contains biographies of people from 31 866 n 4英雄記 Yingxiong Ji Also known as Han Mo Yingxiong Ji 漢末英雄記 Chronicles of Heroes of the Late Han Dynasty Records about the warlords of the late Han Dynasty 1 6虞翻別傳 Yu Fan Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Yu Fan bnthukekiywkbyihwn 57 1317 n 3庾氏譜 Yu Shi Pu Yu Family Genealogy Records about Yu Ni 庾嶷 and his family 11 363 n 3袁氏世紀 Yuan Shi Shiji Annals of the Yuan Family Records about and his family 11 334趙雲別傳 Zhao Yun Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Zhao Yun Records about Zhao Yun 36 948 9鄭玄別傳 Zheng Xuan Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Zheng Xuan bnthukekiywkb 4 142鄭玄傳 Zheng Xuan Zhuan Biography of Biography of Zheng Xuan 38 970 biography of鍾會母傳 Zhong Hui Mu Zhuan The Biography of My Mother chiwprawtimardakhxngcngohy 28 784 785 6諸葛恪別傳 Zhuge Ke Biezhuan Unofficial Biography of Records about Zhuge Ke 64 1430 n 1諸葛氏譜 Zhuge Shi Pu Zhuge Family Genealogy Records about Zhuge Liang and his family 35 932 n 2saranukrm phcnanukrm aelaexksarxangxing chux khaaepl phuekhiyn phurwbrwm hmayehtu taaehnngthixangxingkhrngaerk博物記 Bowu Ji Encyclopoedia Also contains deeds and legacy of Wang Kai 王凱 and of the descendants of 11 339 n 1博物志 Records about myths and legends ancient history natural science and miscellaneous things 1 54 n 2方言注 Zhu annotation Dictionary of topolectal terms 40 996 50 1197風俗通義 Extant 6 179 n 6決疑要注 Jue Yi Yao Zhu Annotated Guide to Dispelling Doubts Zhi Yu 摯虞 Contains information on the manufacture of jade ornaments 21 599 n 3 biography of列女傳 Lienu Zhuan Extant 9 293三蒼 annotation Elementary educational text cited as a dictionary 1 30神異經 Shen Yi Jing Classic of Spirits and Oddities Mythical places and creatures 4 118 biography of Cao Fang四體書勢序 Sitishu Shi Xu Preface to Forms of the Four Modes of Writing Wei Heng 衛恆 Calligraphic treatise 1 31 n 1序傳 Xu Zhuan Prefaces to Biographies Errata and corrigenda to biographies of the Three Kingdoms period and early 1 49 n 3異物志 Yiwu Zhi Records of the Bizarre Yang Fu 楊孚 Mythological places and things 4 117 n 2志林 Zhilin Forest of Records Information about the various kinds of imperial seal 46 1099 n 9bthkwi bthkhwam prchya aelawrrnkrrm chux khaaepl phuekhiyn phurwbrwm hmayehtu taaehnngthixangxingkhrngaerk百一詩 Bai Yi Shi Ying Qu 應璩 bthkwi 2 61 2辨亡論 Bian Wang Lun How was Lost Essay on the fall of 48 1179 82抱朴子 Daoist classic Extant 48 1162 n 2曹公集 Cao Gong Ji Lord Cao Collection rwmphlngankhxngococh yngkhngxyuinpccubn 38 970 n 2陳思王集 Chen Si Wang Ji Collected Works of Prince Si of Chen Cao Zhi ocsid Poetry letters essays Exant 2 76從軍詩 Congjun Shi Embedded bthkwisrresriykhwamsamarthdankarsngkhramkhxngococh 1 47大墓賦 Da Mu Fu Rhapsody on the Great Tomb bthkwi 2 62帝集 Di Ji rwmphlngankhxngckrphrrdi ocmx bthkhwam 4 138典論 Dianlun ocphi 1 7 n 6傅咸集 Fu Xian Ji Collected Works of Fu Xian Fu Xian 傅咸 Compilation of the works of Fu Xian 傅咸 22 649傅子 Fu Zi huswn bthkhwamaelabthkwi 1 26嵇康集 Ji Kang Ji Collected Works of Ji Kang bthkwiaelabthkhwam 21 606 Biography of家戒 Jia Jie Family Rules Du Shu 杜恕 Records of Zhang Ge 張閣 11 354 biography of家誡 Jia Jie Family Rules Wang Chang 王昶 1 52孔融集 Kong Rong Ji rwmphlngankhxngkhnghyng khnghyng bthkhwam bthkwi aeladika 11 345 6禮論 Lilun Discussion on Proprieties Information on Xie Ci 謝慈 59 1374列異傳 Lieyi Zhuan ocphi Collection of supernatural tales 13 405明堂論 Mingtang Lun swhyng Meta exegesis 4 142 3潘岳集 Pan Yue Ji Collected Works of Pan Yue Pan Yue 潘岳 Records the courtesy names of members of the family of Yang Ji 楊暨 26 728七略 Qi Lue 38 974啓蒙注 Qi Meng Zhu 3 104啓事 Qishi The Explanation of Matters Shan Tao 山濤 Also known as Shan Gong Qishi 山公啓事 16 493 n 2 biography of Su Ze 蘇則 神仙傳 Shenxian Zhuan Stories of Immortals 32 891聖主得賢臣頌 Shengzhu De Xianchen Song Ode to the Sagely Ruler Obtaining a Talented Minister Wang Bao 王褒 bthkwi 42 1040 n 9 biography of書林 Shulin Forest of Documents Ying Qu 應璩 Records the courtesy name of Zhan Qian 棧潛 25 719蜀都賦 Shu Du Fu Rhapsody on the Capital of Shu bthkwi 38 975 n 2說苑 Garden of Stories Historical and fictional stories 19 568 n 1 biography of搜神記 Soushen Ji 2 75 6 n 3頭責子羽 Zhang Min 張敏 14 461 n 3萬機論 Wan Ji Lun 蔣濟 37 954 n 3王朗集 Wang Lang Ji Collected Works of Wang Lang 13 411 n 2魏都賦 Wei Du Fu Wei Capital Rhapsody One of the Three Capitals Rhapsodies 三都賦 11 360文章敘錄 Wenzhang Xulu 荀勗 Also known as 雜撰文章家集敘 Collected Analyses of Various Selected Authors 9 273 n 3文章志 Wenzhang Zhi Zhi Yu 摯虞 6 216 n 5新論 Xin Lun New Discourses Essays 42 1040 n 8新序 Xin Xu New Prefaces Collection of historical and fictional tales Extant 21 614 biography of Liu Yi 劉廙 楊都賦注 Yang Du Fu Zhu Annotated Rhapsody on the Capital of Yang Yu Chan 庾闡 bthkwi 47 1148 n 1姚信集 Yao Xin Ji Collected Works of Yao Xin Yao Xin 姚信 Report praising Lu Yusheng 陸鬱生 daughter of 陸績 57 1329異林 Yilin Lu Yun s 陸雲 nephew 13 396 n 3異同雜語 Yitong Zayu Miscellaneous Words on Similarities and Differences 1 3 n 2袁子 Yuanzi Yuan Zhun 袁準 Essays 20 591 2越絕書 Yue Jue Shu Stories about the ancient state of and its final king Goujian 42 1039 n 4 biography of戰略 Zhanlue Military Strategy 6 211 2 n 2張超集 Zhang Chao Ji Collected Works of Zhang Chao Zhang Chao 張超 Letter of recommendation for Yuan Yi 袁遺 1 7 n 6仲長統冒言表 Zhongchang Tong Mao Yan Biao Zhongchang Tong s Report on Brave Speech Miao Xi 繆襲 Biography and reports of Zhongchang Tong 仲長統 21 620諸葛亮集 Zhuge Liang Ji rwmphlngankhxngcukdehliyng tnsiw ruckinxikchuxwarwmphlngantrakulcukd 諸葛氏集 rwmphlnganaelanganekhiynkhxngcukdehliyng 32 891cdhmayottxb chux khaaepl phuekhiyn phurwbrwm hmayehtu taaehnngthixangxingkhrngaerk馬先生序 Ma Xiansheng Xu Introduction to Elder Ma Letter in paise of Ma Jun 馬鈞 of 29 807 8untitled poem and response Cao Jia 曹嘉 and Shi Chong 石崇 20 587 8 n 2 biography of Cao Biao 曹彪 untitled letter Wang Biaozhi 王彪之 Letter to advising him on a course of diplomacy 21 618 biography ofuntitled announcement and Announcement of the righteousness of their rebellion against 28 763 5 biography ofuntitled letter Letter enlisting the aid of Guo Zhun 郭准 who was inconveniently dead at the time 28 766 7 biography ofuntitled announcement Announcement of surrender to 28 768 biography ofuntitled stories Guo Chong 郭沖 Five dubious stories about Zhuge Liang 35 917 8 921 2 n 5 922 3 n 2 926 n 2untitled essay Essay on s policy regarding the taboo names of former monarchs 52 1219 1220 biography of Zhang Zhaokhmphir chux khaaepl phuekhiyn phurwbrwm hmayehtu taaehnngthixangxingkhrngaerk春秋公羊傳解詁 Chunqiu Gongyang Zhuan Jiegu Exegesis of the Gongyang Gao 公羊高 He Xiu 何休 annotation Commentary to the Extant 1 40 n 2 5 161春秋左氏傳集解 Chunqiu Zuo Shi Zhuan Jijie Collected Exegesis of the annotation historical tradition of heterogenous origin attached to the Extant 24 678 biography of 韓暨 管子 Deeds and philosophy of prime minister of the state of who brought to the position of Extant 2 60國語 Sayings of the States annotation Speeches and rhetoric of the period Extant 1 40 n 8淮南子 Philosophical and scientific encyclopaedia usually classified as a Daoist text Extant 42 1038禮記注 Liji Zhu Annotated annotation Prescriptive ritual text Extant 3 108 n 2論語 Analects Kong Qiu Confucian foundational text Extant 38 974呂氏春秋 Mr Lu s Spring and Autumn Annals Lu Buwei Encyclopoedia Extant 2 82 n 2孟子 Mencius Meng Ke Confucian foundational text Extant 24 682尚書注 Shangshu Zhu Annotated annotation Records of persons speeches and events in the period Extant 1 40 nn 3 5 6 7詩經 Book of Odes Poetry of the Zhou culture from the pre dynastic period to the period Extant 1 40 n 5孫子兵法 Sunzi Bingfa The Art of War Treatise on military strategy and tactics Extant 27 744 biography of戰國策 Strategies of the Warring States Fictional tales and exercises in persuasive rhetoric Extant 21 615 n 3莊子 Partially attributed to Daoist foundational text Extant 11 366tarathimikhwamimaennxnhruxkarxangxingthixacotaeyngid chux khaaepl phuekhiyn phurwbrwm hmayehtu taaehnngthixangxingkhrngaerk異同評 Yitong Ping Commentary on Similarities and Differences 1 21 2 n 2雜記 Zaji Miscellaneous Records 1 5 n 2異同記 Yitong Ji Records of Similarities and Differences 35 933 n 2晉書 Jin Shu tararachwngscin May have referred to Gan Bao s Jin Ji may have been a separate work 3 94辨道論 Bian Dao Lun ocsid Records of contemporary Daoist masters Gan Shi 甘始 and Xi Jian 郤儉 Cited by Pei Songzhi as an independent work now part of Chen Si Wang Ji 29 805 6晉百官名 Jin Baiguan Ming Official Posts of Jin May be the same work as Baiguan Ming 16 493 n 2 biography of Su Ze 蘇則 晉百官表 Jin Baiguan Biao Report on Jin s Official Posts May be the same work as Jin Baiguan Ming 35 933 n 1武帝百官名 Wudi Baiguan Ming Official Posts Under the Martial Emperor of Jin Official register of government officials May have been part of Baiguan Ming or Jin Baiguan Ming 18 538 n 3 biography of冀州記 Jizhou Ji Records of Ji Province Xun Chuo 荀綽 Part of Jiuzhou Ji 9 305 n 2兗州記 Yanzhou Ji Records of Yan Province Xun Chuo 荀綽 Part of Jiuzhou Ji 16 508 biography of Du Shu 杜恕 益州耆舊傳 Yizhou Qijiu Zhuan Biographies of the Seniors of 38 967 n 1益州耆舊雜記 Yizhou Qijiu Zaji Miscellaneous Records of the Seniors of Yi Province Believed to be an appendix or companion to Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan 31 867 n 1耆舊 Qijiu On Seniors Cited once underneath Yi Bu Qijiu Zaji very likely an abbreviated reference to same 45 1088褒賞令 Baoshang Ling Order on Appraisals and Rewards ococh Part of the Cao Gong Ji 1 23立郊議 Li Jiao Yi Deliberations Regarding the Establishment of the Biannual Nature Sacrifice Records the epitaph of 14 455 n 2 biography of舊事 Jiu Shi Old Matters The careers of the sons of Wei Zi 衛茲 22 649孫綽評 Sun Chuo Ping Sun Chuo s Critiques Essays and commentary 42 1031輔臣贊 Fu Chen Zan In Praise of the Supportive Ministers Yang Xi 楊戲 Records of politicians of Shu Han 37 956 Pang Tong樂廣傳 Yue Guang Zhuan Biography of Yue Guang Xie Kun 謝鯤 Information on the activities and legacies of the descendants of 23 674 biography of辛憲英傳 Xin Xianying Zhuan chiwprawtisinehiyngexng Xiahou Zhan 夏侯湛 chiwprawtikhxng butrsawkhxngsinphi 25 699 700陸芝銘 Lu Zhi Ming Funerary Inscription for Lu Zhi Xiahou Zhan 夏侯湛 Life and deeds of Lu Zhi 陸芝 9 292漢官儀 Han Guan Yi Etiquette of the Officials of Han Information on Han government procedures 46 1099 n 9aehlngkhxmulxun ephy sngcuxxangthungkhaklawkhxngnkprawtisastrkhnxunepnbangkhrngodyimxangxingthungchuxhnngsuxhruxexksarid odymkcaxangthung aela nxykhrngnkthiephy sngcuxcarayngankhabxkelaodyimrabuthimahmayehtuThe references provided locate the first instance of the citation in Pei Songzhi s commentary and for the vast majority of these sources the reference can be understood to prepend an invisible et passim All are found in footnotes whether or not a particular note is specified The pagination follows the Zhonghua Publishing standard version but the Dingwen Printing version Taipei 1977 uses identical pagination ephy sngcuxsngsywaohwhncikhxngcang fanekhiynimesrcephraakhunphaphkhxngnganekhiynta du cdhmayehtusamkk 4 133 Most historiographers including and 1700s and early 1900s consider Jiuzhou Ji to have been a single work which included both Jizhou Ji and Yanzhou Ji Wang Zuyi 王祖彝 in 1956 considered the work to have been nine separate volumes and listed them as distinct works cited by Pei Zongzhi See Gao Min p 13 The historical bibliography in the Book of Sui does not record a San Chao Lu but it does record a San Chao Lue 三朝略 written by See Gao Min 12 Although he quotes from it extensively Pei Songzhi had serious reservations about Guo Song s 郭頒 Wei Jin Shiyu calling it lame shallow and wholly without rhythm He decries the Shiyu as the poorest history he has consulted and laments that its errors have passed through sourcing into the works of and See Records of the Three Kingdoms 4 133 The Book of Sui records a Yuankang San Nian Diji which would be dated to 293 rather than 282 This may be the same record as quoted by Pei Songzhi See Book of Sui 33 984 gives Du Du 杜篤 as the eponymous Mr Du the Book of Sui gives Du Yi 杜夷 See Gao p 18 Pei Songzhi cites a number of works written by including Bian Wang Lun Da Mu Fu Lu Xun Ming and Gu Tan Zhuan A single collection of Lu Ji s works was available by the at the latest See Book of Sui volume 35 p 1063 Lu Ji Ji preface p 9 It is clear from his citation style that Pei Songzhi did not have access to a collection When he does cite a collection by name Cao Cao s Cao Gong Ji or s Chen Si Wang Ji the collection is placed in the main table while individual titles present in modern collections Cao Cao s Bao Shang Ling Cao Zhi s Bian Dao Lun are placed in the second table to indicate uncertainty as to what title Pei Songzhi was citing Since he never cites a collection of Lu Ji s works all individual titles are placed in the main table to reflect the titles Pei Songzhi had available It is unknown whose genealogy Hua Jiao narrates in his Pu Xu suggested it was an independent genealogy of his own family See Lu Yaodong p 16 Gao Min reasons that based on the physical distance between the two Wang clans and the fact that the Book of Sui records a family register of the Wangs of the two instances in which Pei Songzhi cites Wang Shi Pu must have been citing two distinct documents See Gao Min 9 According to the biography of Cao Xiu the author of Wenshi Zhuan was Zhang Yin 張隱 according to the biography of Xun Yu the author was according to the biography of Wang Can the author was Zhang Zhi 張騭 Editors of historical bibliographies have concluded that the author was most probably Zhang Zhi 張騭 However we have no chronologically close proof of authorship nor indeed any strong indication that there was only a single book named Wenshi Zhuan in circulation rather than two or three written by different authors surnamed Zhang See Gao Min pp 13 14 Pei Songzhi does not name explicitly the compiler of Xiandi Ji The Book of Sui gives Liu Fang 劉芳 modern scholars prefer Liu Ai 劉艾 See Gao p 16 At its first reference Pei Songzhi explicitly attributes Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan to Chen Shou However he later attributes both an Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan and Yi Bu Qijiu Zhi 志 to one Chen Shu 陳術 See Records of the Three Kingdoms 42 1027 biography of Li Zhuan 李譔 According to the biography of Chen Shou in the Chen Shu was a contributor to a Ba Shu Qijiu Zhuan which prompted Chen Shou to compile Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan It is also attributed to Chen Shou in the The attributes Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan to a Chen Changshou 陳長壽 See Gao Min 2007 p 14 Yizhou Qijiu Zhuan cited by Pei Songzhi only once may be identified with Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan The Bowu Ji may be identifiable with another work of See Gao Min p 12 The text quoted by Pei Songzhi does not appear in the transmitted poem See Records of the Three Kingdoms p 62 Collected Works of Lu Ji pp 26 7 Pei Songzhi cites five similar titles of works compiled by Yitong Zaji Zaji Yitong Zayu Zayu and Yitong Ping Of these only Yitong Zayu appears in official bibliographies 1700s Lin Guozan 林國贊 1800s and early 1900s treated the five titles as all referring to a single book while 1700s took the opposite approach and considered treated the five titles as distinct works Wang Zuyi 王祖彝 1956 took Yitong Ping and Yitong Zayu to be two separate works and the remaining three titles to refer to Yitong Zayu Gao Min 2007 admits the possibility that all five titles refer to a single book while raising the question of how the single scholar Pei Songzhi should come to cite the book by so many different monikers Gao Min also quotes s biography in the which paints him as a prolific writer in support of the theory that all five titles refer to distinct works He advances a new theory that Sun Sheng produced a work titled Yitong Ping also referred to as Yitong Ji and a work titled Zayu also referred to as Zaji He offers no explanation for Yitong Zayu or why it should be the only title recorded by official bibliographies See Gao Min p 13 No theory is grounded in firm evidence Probably refers to Yuanzi Zheng Lun 袁子正論 or Yuanzi Zheng Shu 袁子正書 the latter of which may have been a more complete version of the former See Book of Sui volume 34 p 998 Guo Chong s five stories on the deeds of Zhuge Liang are introduced in Records of the Three Kingdoms 35 917 They are mentioned in the Shu Ji as being written essentially as propaganda to further Zhuge Liang s career Pei Songzhi calls them all dubious For the nature of the Zhan Guo Ce see Crump pp 11 22 esp p 15 The traditional view is that since no Jin Shu by is recorded in official bibliographies Gan Bao s Jin Shu as cited by Pei Songzhi must have been referring to Gan Bao s Jin Ji Lin Guozan 林國贊 and Wang Zuyi 王祖彝 considered Gan Bao s Jin Shu to have been a separate work Gao Min strengthens this claim by noting a paragraph in which Pei Songzhi cites both a Jin Shu and Jin Ji attributed to Gan Bao There is not conclusive evidence to support one theory or the other Records of the Three Kingdoms 9 187 nn 1 2 Pei Songzhi uses language compatible with the possibility that Gan Bao and who were contemporaries collaborated on a Jin Shu See Records of the Three Kingdoms 4 133 Gao Min 13 Only and Gao Min consider Wudi Baiguan Ming to be a separate work rather than a chapter of Jin Baiguan Ming or Baiguan Ming See Gao p 18 Yizhou Qijiu Zaji may be identifiable with Chen Shu s Yi Bu Qijiu Zhi or Xu 續 Yi Bu Qijiu Zhuan listed without attribution in the Gao Min p 14 and the editors of Records of the Three Kingdoms consider Baoshang Ling to be part of the Cao Gong Ji Wang Zuyi 王祖彝 and Gao Min consider it a distinct title See Gao Min p 16 The Book of Sui records a collection of works by but does not mention Li Jiao Yi by name Gao Min raises the possibility that this document is part of the larger Wei Jiaosi Zou See Gao Min p 7 Only and Gao Min consider Jiu Shi to be a book title Wang Zuyi 王祖彝 and the editors of the modern punctuated Records of the Three Kingdoms read jiu shi as a common noun If it is a book title Jiu Shi may be identifiable with Han Wei Shu Jiu Shi 漢魏吳蜀舊事 or Jiu Shi 晉宋舊事 See Gao Min p 12 Pei Songzhi writes 孫綽評曰 which can be read as either Sun Chuo critiqued saying or Sun Chuo s Critiques say and Gao Min read the note in the latter fashion proposing Sun Chuo s Critiques was part of his collected works recorded in the Book of Sui as 晉衛尉卿孫綽集 Collected Works of Sun Chuo Chief Minister for the Palace Garrison of the Court of See Gao Min 12 Wang Zuyi 王祖彝 and the punctuators of the modern Records of the Three Kingdoms do not read the phrase in question as the title of a book Pei Songzhi quotes from the Xiangyang Ji which states the deeds of Pang Tong s brother Pang Lin 龐林 and his wife Xi Zhen 習禎 are related in a text named Fu Chen Zan The note goes on to paraphrase their story but it is unclear whether Pei Songzhi is paraphrasing this text or the paraphrase is present in the Xiangyang Ji Pei Songzhi s reference to the Yue Guang Zhuan is beneath a citation from Jin Zhugong Zan but Gao Min notes that the latter s compiler Fu Chang 傅暢 predeceased at least one of the men discussed in the note Pei Xian 裴憲 by a period of at least five years Gao Min then goes on to undermine his own argument by stating that Xie Kun 謝鯤 author of the Yue Guang Zhuan probably died a further four years prior to Fu Chang See Gao Min p 9 The quotation from Xin Xianying Zhuan is below a citation from the Shiyu The punctuators of the modern Records of the Three Kingdoms following and have made it clear they believe Pei Songzhi was quoting Xin Xianying Zhuan as carried by the Shiyu Wang Zuyi 王祖彝 and Gao Min accept Xin Xianying Zhuan as a work cited by Pei Songzhi rather than a work cited by one of his sources Pei Songzhi simultaneously paraphrases from the funerary inscription of Lu Zhi 陸芝 and from s Jin Ji The actual wording of the inscription is not directly quoted Pei Songzhi does not cite Han Guan Yi directly and only mentions in passing that it and s Diwang Shiji agree with Yu Xi s Zhilin on the matter of imperial seals xangxingGao Min p 13 citing Lin Guozan 林國贊 82 2143 biography of Wang Yin Pei Songzhi quotes the Shiji here without attribution Records of the Three Kingdoms 1 12 In idem 57 1337 Xiandi Chunqiu is attributed to Yuan Ye 袁曄 Some premodern versions attribute the work to Yuan Yan 袁黶 see Gao Min pp 14 and 16 Book of Sui 33 973 Book of Sui volume 33 p 974 Gao Min p 12 Records of the Three Kingdoms 22 642 On the origins of the see Schaberg pp 322 3 For the first example of Pei Songzhi quoting a former historian directly see 1 11 n 2 For an example of Pei Songzhi reporting hearsay see 47 1144 brrnanukrmCrump J I Jr transl Chan Kuo Ts e Oxford Clarendon Press 1971 inter al eds 晉書 648 Beijing Zhonghua Publishing 1974 10 vols Gao Min 高敏 三國志 裴松之注引書考 Books Used by Pei Songzhi on Noting of History of the Three Kingdoms Journal of Henan University of Science and Technology Social Science 25 3 June 2007 pp 5 21 陸機集 Collected Works of Lu Ji Jin Taosheng 金濤聲 ed Beijing Zhonghua Publishing 1982 Lu Yaodong 逯耀東 裴松之三國志注引雜傳集釋 Collected Explanations of Various Biographies Cited in Pei Songzhi s Annotation of Records of the Three Kingdoms 台大歷史學報 1 May 1974 pp 1 18 Pei Songzhi 三國志注 Annotated Records of the Three Kingdoms 429 Hong Kong Zhonghua Publishing 1971 5 vols 廿二史考異 Examination of Discrepancies in the Twenty Two Histories 1797 Cited in Gao Schaberg David A Patterned Past Form and Thought in Early Chinese Historiography Cambridge Harvard University Press 2001 沉簃籍先生遺書乙篇 Mr Shen Yiji s Leftover Documents Volume Two 1910s Cited in Gao Wang Zuyi 王祖彝 三國志人名錄 List of Personal Names in Records of the Three Kingdoms Commercial Press 1956 Cited in Gao inter al eds 隋書 636 Beijing Zhonghua Publishing 1973 6 vols 廿二史劄記 Notebook of the Twenty Two Histories 1770s Cited in Gao aehlngkhxmulxunWikisource wikisxrsphasacin 中文 mikhxmultnchbbekiywkb cdhmayehtusamkkphrxmxrrthathibayodyephy sngcux phasacin Records of the Three Kingdoms 三國志