ชาวซิท (อังกฤษ: Scyths) หรือ ชาวซิเทีย (อังกฤษ: Scythians) เป็นคนเร่ร่อนในอดีต ปกครองอยู่บริเวณที่ราบกว้างพอนทิก ราว 700 ถึง 300 ปีก่อนคริสต์ศักราช มีวัฒนธรรมที่รู้จักในชื่อ วัฒนธรรมนี้แผ่ไปถึงที่ราบกว้างยูเรเซีย ที่รวมถึงกลุ่มต่าง ๆ มากมาย เพราะเหตุนี้เอง แนวคิดที่เรียกชนเร่เร่อนยูเรเซียจึงหมายถึง ชาวซิทในบางครั้ง

เชื่อว่าชาวซิทมีต้นกำเนิดจากกลุ่มชนอิหร่าน พวกเขาพูด หนึ่งในแขนงของ
ในช่วง 700 ปีก่อนคริสต์ศักราช ชาวซิทข้ามเทือกเขาคอเคซัสและปล้นพวกตะวันออกกลางอยู่บ่อยครั้ง ร่วมกับชาวซิมเมเรีย โดยมีบทบาทสำคัญทางการเมืองในภูมิภาคนั้น ราว 650–630 ปีกก่อนคริสต์ศักราช ชาวซิทได้เข้าปกครองชาวมีดซ์ในช่วงสั้น ๆ บริเวณตะวันตกของที่ราบอิหร่านตะวันตก ได้แผ่ขยายอำนาจไปถึงชายแดนอียิปต์ ชาวซิทเข้ามาก้าวก่ายในเหตุการณ์ในตะวันออกกลาง โดยเป็นผู้นำในการทำลายจักรวรรดิอัสซีเรียที่เมืองนิเนเวห์ เมื่อ 662 ปีก่อนคริสต์ศักราช ชาวซิทได้ปะทะกับจักรวรรดิอะคีเมนิดอยู่บ่อยครั้งในเวลาต่อมา ชาวซิทพ่ายแพ้ให้กับราชอาณาจักรมาเกโดนีอาเมื่อ 400 ปีก่อนคริสต์ศักราช ค่อย ๆ พ่ายให้ ชาวอิหร่านที่อาศัยอยู่ทางตะวันออก ในปลายศตวรรษที่ 2 ก่อนคริสตกาล เมืองหลวงชองชาวซิทที่ชื่อ (Scythian Neapolis) ในไครเมีย ถูกครอบครองโดย ดินแดนถูกรวมเข้ากับ ในช่วงเวลานี้ถูกกลืนเข้ากับวัฒนธรรมกรีกโบราณ และศตวรรษที่ 3 ชาวซาร์มาเทียและชาวซิทที่หลงเหลือถูกปกครองโดยและชาวกอท ต่อมาต้นยุคกลาง ชาวซิทและซาร์มาเทียได้ถูกกลืนเข้ากับพวก

ชื่อ Scythians หรือ Scyths ในภาษาอังกฤษมาจากชื่อในภาษากรีกโบราณว่า Skuthēs (Σκυθης) และ Skuthoi (Σκυθοι) มาจากชื่อเรียกตนเองของชาวซิทว่า Skuδatā เนื่องจากกการเปลี่ยนเสียงจาก /δ/ ไปเป็น /l/ ในภาษาไซเทีย ทำให้คำนี้พัฒนาไปเป็น *Skulatā ชื่อนี้ได้รับการบันทึกในภาษากรีกเป็น Skōlotoi (Σκωλοτοι) ซึ่งเฮโรโดตุสระบุเป็นชื่อที่เผ่าซิทหลวงเรียกตนเอง
ชาวอัสซีเรียเรียกชาวซิทว่า Ishkuzai (แอกแคด: , ทับศัพท์: Iškuzaya หรือ Askuzai (แอกแคด:
, ทับศัพท์: Asguzaya,
, ทับศัพท์: mat Askuzaya,
, ทับศัพท์: mat Ášguzaya)
ชาวเปอร์เซียโบราณเรียกชาวซิทในภาษาเปอร์เซียเก่าว่า "ที่อยู่ไกลกว่าทะเล" (𐎿𐎣𐎠 𐏐 𐎫𐎹𐎡𐎹 𐏐 𐎱𐎼𐎭𐎼𐎹, ทับศัพท์: Sakā tayaiy paradraya) และเรียนสั้น ๆ ว่า Sakā (𓋴𓎝𓎡, ทับศัพท์: sk; 𓐠𓎼, ทับศัพท์: sꜣg) ในภาษาอียิปต์โบราณ คำนี้มาจากชื่อกรีก-โรมันว่า Sacae (กรีกโบราณ: Σακαι, อักษรโรมัน: Sakai; ละติน: Sacae).
- ดูส่วนชื่อข้างล่าง
- Ivantchik 2018 "Scythians, a nomadic people of Iranian origin..."
- Harmatta 1996, p. 181 "[B]oth Cimmerians and Scythians were Iranian peoples."
- Sulimirski 1985, pp. 149–153 "During the first half of the first millennium B.C., c. 3,000 to 2,500 years ago, the southern part of Eastern Europe was occupied mainly by peoples of Iranian stock... [T]he population of ancient Scythia was far from being homogeneous, nor were the Scyths themselves a homogeneous people. The country called after them was ruled by their principal tribe, the "Royal Scyths" (Her. iv. 20), who were of Iranian stock and called themselves "Skolotoi"..."
- West 2002, pp. 437–440 "[T]rue Scyths seems to be those whom [Herodotus] calls Royal Scyths, that is, the group who claimed hegemony... apparently warrior-pastoralists. It is generally agreed, from what we know of their names, that these were people of Iranian stock..."
- Rolle 1989, p. 56 "The physical characteristics of the Scythians correspond to their cultural affiliation: their origins place them within the group of Iranian peoples."
- Rostovtzeff 1922, p. 13 "The Scythian kingdom... was succeeded in the Russian steppes by an ascendancy of various Sarmatian tribes — Iranians, like the Scythians themselves."
- Minns 2011, p. 36 "The general view is that both agricultural and nomad Scythians were Iranian."
- Dandamayev 1994, p. 37 "In modern scholarship the name 'Sakas' is reserved for the ancient tribes of northern and eastern Central Asia and Eastern Turkestan to distinguish them from the related Massagetae of the Aral region and the Scythians of the Pontic steppes. These tribes spoke Iranian languages, and their chief occupation was nomadic pastoralism."
- Davis-Kimball, Bashilov & Yablonsky 1995, p. 91 "Near the end of the 19th century V.F. Miller (1886, 1887) theorized that the Scythians and their kindred, the Sauromatians, were Iranian-speaking peoples. This has been a popular point of view and continues to be accepted in linguistics and historical science..."
- Melyukova 1990, pp. 97–98 "From the end of the 7th century B.C. to the 4th century B.C. the Central- Eurasian steppes were inhabited by two large groups of kin Iranian-speaking tribes - the Scythians and Sarmatians..."
- Melyukova (1990, pp. 117) "All contemporary historians, archeologists and linguists are agreed that since the Scythian and Sarmatian tribes were of the Iranian linguistic group..."
- Sulimirski 1985, pp. 149–153 "During the first half of the first millennium B.C., c. 3,000 to 2,500 years ago, the southern part of Eastern Europe was occupied mainly by peoples of Iranian stock... The main Iranian-speaking peoples of the region at that period were the Scyths and the Sarmatians..."
- Jacobson 1995, pp. 36–37 "When we speak of Scythians, we refer to those Scytho-Siberians who inhabited the Kuban Valley, the Taman and Kerch peninsulas, Crimea, the northern and northeastern littoral of the Black Sea, and the steppe and lower forest-steppe regions now shared between Ukraine and Russia, from the seventh century down to the first century B.C... They almost certainly spoke an Iranian language..."
- . "Ancient Iran: The kingdom of the Medes". .
- Beckwith 2009, p. 49
- "Sarmatian". . สืบค้นเมื่อ October 4, 2019.
- Brzezinski & Mielczarek 2002, p. 39 "Indeed, it is now accepted that the Sarmatians merged in with pre-Slavic populations."
- Mallory & Adams 1997, p. 523 "In their Ukrainian and Polish homeland the Slavs were intermixed and at times overlain by Germanic speakers (the Goths) and by Iranian speakers (Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans) in a shifting array of tribal and national configurations."
- Ivantchik 2018.
- Novák, Ľubomír (2013). Problem of Archaism and Innovation in the Eastern Iranian Languages. Charles University. สืบค้นเมื่อ 14 August 2022.
- Parpola, Simo (1970). Neo-Assyrian Toponyms. Kevaeler: Butzon & Bercker. p. 178.
- . oracc.museum.upenn.edu. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 2022-09-21. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2021-11-16.
- . oracc.museum.upenn.edu. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 2022-09-25. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2021-11-16.
- Although ancient Persians and ancient Greeks respectively used the names "Saka" and "Scythian" for all the steppe nomads, the name "Scythian" is used specifically for the ancient nomads of the western steppe while "Saka" is used for a related group of nomads living in the eastern steppe.
- Dandamayev 1994, p. 37: "In modern scholarship the name 'Sakas' is reserved for the ancient tribes of northern and eastern Central Asia and Eastern Turkestan to distinguish them from the related Massagetae of the Aral region and the Scythians of the Pontic steppes. These tribes spoke Iranian languages, and their chief occupation was nomadic pastoralism."
- Cernenko 2012, p. 3: "The Scythians lived in the Early Iron Age, and inhabited the northern areas of the Black Sea (Pontic) steppes. Though the 'Scythian period' in the history of Eastern Europe lasted little more than 400 years, from the 7th to the 3rd centuries BC, the impression these horsemen made upon the history of their times was such that a thousand years after they had ceased to exist as a sovereign people, their heartland and the territories which they dominated far beyond it continued to be known as 'greater Scythia'."
- Melykova 1990, pp. 97–98 : "From the end of the 7th century B.C. to the 4th century B.C. the Central- Eurasian steppes were inhabited by two large groups of kin Iranian-speaking tribes – the Scythians and Sarmatians [...] "[I]t may be confidently stated that from the end of the 7th century to the 3rd century B.C. the Scythians occupied the steppe expanses of the north Black Sea area, from the Don in the east to the Danube in the West."
- Ivantchik 2018: "Scythians, a nomadic people of Iranian origin who flourished in the steppe lands north of the Black Sea during the 7th–4th centuries BC (Figure 1). For related groups in Central Asia and India, see [...]"
- Sulimirski 1985, pp. 149–153: "During the first half of the first millennium B.C., c. 3,000 to 2,500 years ago, the southern part of Eastern Europe was occupied mainly by peoples of Iranian stock [...] The main Iranian-speaking peoples of the region at that period were the Scyths and the Sarmatians [...] [T]he population of ancient Scythia was far from being homogeneous, nor were the Scyths themselves a homogeneous people. The country called after them was ruled by their principal tribe, the "Royal Scyths" (Her. iv. 20), who were of Iranian stock and called themselves "Skolotoi" (iv. 6); they were nomads who lived in the steppe east of the Dnieper up to the Don, and in the Crimean steppe [...] The eastern neighbours of the "Royal Scyths," the Sauromatians, were also Iranian; their country extended over the steppe east of the Don and the Volga."
- Sulimirski & Taylor 1991, p. 547: "The name 'Scythian' is met in the classical authors and has been taken to refer to an ethnic group or people, also mentioned in Near Eastern texts, who inhabited the northern Black Sea region."
- West 2002, pp. 437–440: "Ordinary Greek (and later Latin) usage could designate as Scythian any northern barbarian from the general area of the Eurasian steppe, the virtually treeless corridor of drought-resistant perennial grassland extending from the Danube to Manchuria. Herodotus seeks greater precision, and this essay is focussed on his Scythians, who belong to the North Pontic steppe [...] These true Scyths seems to be those whom he calls Royal Scyths, that is, the group who claimed hegemony [...] apparently warrior-pastoralists. It is generally agreed, from what we know of their names, that these were people of Iranian stock [...]"
- Jacobson 1995, pp. 36–37: "When we speak of Scythians, we refer to those Scytho-Siberians who inhabited the Kuban Valley, the Taman and Kerch peninsulas, Crimea, the northern and northeastern littoral of the Black Sea, and the steppe and lower forest steppe regions now shared between Ukraine and Russia, from the seventh century down to the first century B.C [...] They almost certainly spoke an Iranian language [...]"
- Di Cosmo 1999, p. 924: "The first historical steppe nomads, the Scythians, inhabited the steppe north of the Black Sea from about the eight century B.C."
- . "Central Asian arts: Nomadic cultures". . สืบค้นเมื่อ October 4, 2019.
[Saka] gold belt buckles, jewelry, and harness decorations display sheep, griffins, and other animal designs that are similar in style to those used by the Scythians, a nomadic people living in the Kuban basin of the Caucasus region and the western section of the Eurasian plain during the greater part of the 1st millennium bc.
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chawsith xngkvs Scyths hrux chawsiethiy xngkvs Scythians epnkhnerrxninxdit pkkhrxngxyubriewnthirabkwangphxnthik raw 700 thung 300 pikxnkhristskrach miwthnthrrmthiruckinchux wthnthrrmniaephipthungthirabkwangyueresiy thirwmthungklumtang makmay ephraaehtuniexng aenwkhidthieriykchnererxnyueresiycunghmaythung chawsithinbangkhrnghwisithcak tnstwrrsthi 4 kxnkhristskrach echuxwachawsithmitnkaenidcakklumchnxihran phwkekhaphud hnunginaekhnngkhxng inchwng 700 pikxnkhristskrach chawsithkhamethuxkekhakhxekhssaelaplnphwktawnxxkklangxyubxykhrng rwmkbchawsimemeriy odymibthbathsakhythangkaremuxnginphumiphakhnn raw 650 630 pikkxnkhristskrach chawsithidekhapkkhrxngchawmidsinchwngsn briewntawntkkhxngthirabxihrantawntk idaephkhyayxanacipthungchayaednxiyipt chawsithekhamakawkayinehtukarnintawnxxkklang odyepnphunainkarthalayckrwrrdixssieriythiemuxngnienewh emux 662 pikxnkhristskrach chawsithidpathakbckrwrrdixakhiemnidxyubxykhrnginewlatxma chawsithphayaephihkbrachxanackrmaekodnixaemux 400 pikxnkhristskrach khxy phayih chawxihranthixasyxyuthangtawnxxk inplaystwrrsthi 2 kxnkhristkal emuxnghlwngchxngchawsiththichux Scythian Neapolis inikhremiy thukkhrxbkhrxngody dinaednthukrwmekhakb inchwngewlanithukklunekhakbwthnthrrmkrikobran aelastwrrsthi 3 chawsarmaethiyaelachawsiththihlngehluxthukpkkhrxngodyaelachawkxth txmatnyukhklang chawsithaelasarmaethiyidthukklunekhakbphwkchuxsphthmul ehyuxksithcakoworenc stwrrsthi 4 kxnkhristskrach Hermitage Museum chux Scythians hrux Scyths inphasaxngkvsmacakchuxinphasakrikobranwa Skuthes Sky8hs aela Skuthoi Sky8oi macakchuxeriyktnexngkhxngchawsithwa Skudata enuxngcakkkarepliynesiyngcak d ipepn l inphasaisethiy thaihkhaniphthnaipepn Skulata chuxniidrbkarbnthukinphasakrikepn Skōlotoi Skwlotoi sungehorodtusrabuepnchuxthiephasithhlwngeriyktnexng chawxssieriyeriykchawsithwa Ishkuzai aexkaekhd thbsphth Iskuzaya hrux Askuzai aexkaekhd thbsphth Asguzaya thbsphth mat Askuzaya thbsphth mat Asguzaya chawepxresiyobraneriykchawsithinphasaepxresiyekawa thixyuiklkwathael 𐎿𐎣𐎠 𐎫𐎹𐎡𐎹 𐎱𐎼𐎭𐎼𐎹 thbsphth Saka tayaiy paradraya aelaeriynsn wa Saka 𓋴𓎝𓎡 thbsphth sk 𓐠𓎼 thbsphth sꜣg inphasaxiyiptobran khanimacakchuxkrik ormnwa Sacae krikobran Sakai xksrormn Sakai latin Sacae hmayehtuduswnchuxkhanglangxangxingIvantchik 2018 Scythians a nomadic people of Iranian origin Harmatta 1996 p 181 B oth Cimmerians and Scythians were Iranian peoples Sulimirski 1985 pp 149 153 During the first half of the first millennium B C c 3 000 to 2 500 years ago the southern part of Eastern Europe was occupied mainly by peoples of Iranian stock T he population of ancient Scythia was far from being homogeneous nor were the Scyths themselves a homogeneous people The country called after them was ruled by their principal tribe the Royal Scyths Her iv 20 who were of Iranian stock and called themselves Skolotoi West 2002 pp 437 440 T rue Scyths seems to be those whom Herodotus calls Royal Scyths that is the group who claimed hegemony apparently warrior pastoralists It is generally agreed from what we know of their names that these were people of Iranian stock Rolle 1989 p 56 The physical characteristics of the Scythians correspond to their cultural affiliation their origins place them within the group of Iranian peoples Rostovtzeff 1922 p 13 The Scythian kingdom was succeeded in the Russian steppes by an ascendancy of various Sarmatian tribes Iranians like the Scythians themselves Minns 2011 p 36 The general view is that both agricultural and nomad Scythians were Iranian Dandamayev 1994 p 37 In modern scholarship the name Sakas is reserved for the ancient tribes of northern and eastern Central Asia and Eastern Turkestan to distinguish them from the related Massagetae of the Aral region and the Scythians of the Pontic steppes These tribes spoke Iranian languages and their chief occupation was nomadic pastoralism Davis Kimball Bashilov amp Yablonsky 1995 p 91 Near the end of the 19th century V F Miller 1886 1887 theorized that the Scythians and their kindred the Sauromatians were Iranian speaking peoples This has been a popular point of view and continues to be accepted in linguistics and historical science Melyukova 1990 pp 97 98 From the end of the 7th century B C to the 4th century B C the Central Eurasian steppes were inhabited by two large groups of kin Iranian speaking tribes the Scythians and Sarmatians Melyukova 1990 pp 117 All contemporary historians archeologists and linguists are agreed that since the Scythian and Sarmatian tribes were of the Iranian linguistic group Sulimirski 1985 pp 149 153 During the first half of the first millennium B C c 3 000 to 2 500 years ago the southern part of Eastern Europe was occupied mainly by peoples of Iranian stock The main Iranian speaking peoples of the region at that period were the Scyths and the Sarmatians Jacobson 1995 pp 36 37 When we speak of Scythians we refer to those Scytho Siberians who inhabited the Kuban Valley the Taman and Kerch peninsulas Crimea the northern and northeastern littoral of the Black Sea and the steppe and lower forest steppe regions now shared between Ukraine and Russia from the seventh century down to the first century B C They almost certainly spoke an Iranian language Ancient Iran The kingdom of the Medes Beckwith 2009 p 49 Sarmatian subkhnemux October 4 2019 Brzezinski amp Mielczarek 2002 p 39 Indeed it is now accepted that the Sarmatians merged in with pre Slavic populations Mallory amp Adams 1997 p 523 In their Ukrainian and Polish homeland the Slavs were intermixed and at times overlain by Germanic speakers the Goths and by Iranian speakers Scythians Sarmatians Alans in a shifting array of tribal and national configurations Ivantchik 2018 Novak Ľubomir 2013 Problem of Archaism and Innovation in the Eastern Iranian Languages Charles University subkhnemux 14 August 2022 Parpola Simo 1970 Neo Assyrian Toponyms Kevaeler Butzon amp Bercker p 178 oracc museum upenn edu khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2022 09 21 subkhnemux 2021 11 16 oracc museum upenn edu khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2022 09 25 subkhnemux 2021 11 16 Although ancient Persians and ancient Greeks respectively used the names Saka and Scythian for all the steppe nomads the name Scythian is used specifically for the ancient nomads of the western steppe while Saka is used for a related group of nomads living in the eastern steppe Dandamayev 1994 p 37 In modern scholarship the name Sakas is reserved for the ancient tribes of northern and eastern Central Asia and Eastern Turkestan to distinguish them from the related Massagetae of the Aral region and the Scythians of the Pontic steppes These tribes spoke Iranian languages and their chief occupation was nomadic pastoralism Cernenko 2012 p 3 The Scythians lived in the Early Iron Age and inhabited the northern areas of the Black Sea Pontic steppes Though the Scythian period in the history of Eastern Europe lasted little more than 400 years from the 7th to the 3rd centuries BC the impression these horsemen made upon the history of their times was such that a thousand years after they had ceased to exist as a sovereign people their heartland and the territories which they dominated far beyond it continued to be known as greater Scythia Melykova 1990 pp 97 98harvnb error no target CITEREFMelykova1990 From the end of the 7th century B C to the 4th century B C the Central Eurasian steppes were inhabited by two large groups of kin Iranian speaking tribes the Scythians and Sarmatians I t may be confidently stated that from the end of the 7th century to the 3rd century B C the Scythians occupied the steppe expanses of the north Black Sea area from the Don in the east to the Danube in the West Ivantchik 2018 Scythians a nomadic people of Iranian origin who flourished in the steppe lands north of the Black Sea during the 7th 4th centuries BC Figure 1 For related groups in Central Asia and India see Sulimirski 1985 pp 149 153 During the first half of the first millennium B C c 3 000 to 2 500 years ago the southern part of Eastern Europe was occupied mainly by peoples of Iranian stock The main Iranian speaking peoples of the region at that period were the Scyths and the Sarmatians T he population of ancient Scythia was far from being homogeneous nor were the Scyths themselves a homogeneous people The country called after them was ruled by their principal tribe the Royal Scyths Her iv 20 who were of Iranian stock and called themselves Skolotoi iv 6 they were nomads who lived in the steppe east of the Dnieper up to the Don and in the Crimean steppe The eastern neighbours of the Royal Scyths the Sauromatians were also Iranian their country extended over the steppe east of the Don and the Volga Sulimirski amp Taylor 1991 p 547 The name Scythian is met in the classical authors and has been taken to refer to an ethnic group or people also mentioned in Near Eastern texts who inhabited the northern Black Sea region West 2002 pp 437 440 Ordinary Greek and later Latin usage could designate as Scythian any northern barbarian from the general area of the Eurasian steppe the virtually treeless corridor of drought resistant perennial grassland extending from the Danube to Manchuria Herodotus seeks greater precision and this essay is focussed on his Scythians who belong to the North Pontic steppe These true Scyths seems to be those whom he calls Royal Scyths that is the group who claimed hegemony apparently warrior pastoralists It is generally agreed from what we know of their names that these were people of Iranian stock Jacobson 1995 pp 36 37 When we speak of Scythians we refer to those Scytho Siberians who inhabited the Kuban Valley the Taman and Kerch peninsulas Crimea the northern and northeastern littoral of the Black Sea and the steppe and lower forest steppe regions now shared between Ukraine and Russia from the seventh century down to the first century B C They almost certainly spoke an Iranian language Di Cosmo 1999 p 924 The first historical steppe nomads the Scythians inhabited the steppe north of the Black Sea from about the eight century B C Central Asian arts Nomadic cultures subkhnemux October 4 2019 Saka gold belt buckles jewelry and harness decorations display sheep griffins and other animal designs that are similar in style to those used by the Scythians a nomadic people living in the Kuban basin of the Caucasus region and the western section of the Eurasian plain during the greater part of the 1st millennium bc khxmulchwngtn 1921 Callimachus Hymns and Epigrams Lycophron Aratus aeplody Mair G W 1701 Camden s Britannia J B 1885 b k The Instructor Ante Nicene Christian Library aeplody Galen 1881 Galeni pergamensis de temperamentis et de inaequali intemperie phasalatin aeplody 1995 Book II Against Eunomius Second series aeplody Wilson Rev H A pp 101 135 ISBN 1 56563 121 8 Herodotus 1910 The History of Herodotus aeplody Herodotus 2003 The Histories aeplody De Selincourt Aubrey London Penguin Books ISBN 9780140449082 Hippocrates 1886 Peri aerwn ydatwn topwn Airs Waters Places aeplody Jones W H S 1862 Roman History aeplody Pliny 1855 The Natural History aeplody Bostock John 1970 A View of the Present State of Ireland ISBN 978 0 19 812408 5 khxmulsmyihm 2010 The Horse the Wheel and Language How Bronze Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World ISBN 978 1 4008 3110 4 Barnett R D 1991 Urartu in b k The Cambridge Ancient History Vol 3 1 Cambridge pp 314 371 ISBN 978 1 139 05428 7 2007 Rome and the Nomads The Pontic Danubian Realm in Antiquity Oxford ISBN 978 0 198 14936 1 2009 Empires of the Silk Road A History of Central Eurasia from the Bronze Age to the Present ISBN 978 1 4008 2994 1 Beighton Peter H Grahame Rodney Bird Howard A 2011 Hypermobility of Joints Springer ISBN 978 1 84882 085 2 cakaehlngedimemux 2017 11 05 Belier Wouter W 1991 Decayed Gods Origin and Development of Georges Dumezil s Ideologie Tripartie ISBN 9004094873 Brzezinski Richard Mielczarek Mariusz 2002 The Sarmatians 600 BC AD 450 ISBN 1 84176 485 X 2012 The Scythians 700 300 BC ISBN 978 1 78096 773 8 1985 The Rise of the Achaemenids and Establishment of Their Empire in b k The Cambridge History of Iran Vol 2 Cambridge United Kingdom pp 200 291 ISBN 978 0 521 20091 2 Cunliffe Barry 2019 The Scythians Nomad Warriors of the Steppe Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 255186 3 1994 Media and Achaemenid Iran in b k History of Civilizations of Central Asia The Development of Sedentary and Nomadic Civilizations 700 B C to A D 250 Vol 1 UNESCO pp 35 64 ISBN 9231028464 David Bruno McNiven Ian J 2018 The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology and Anthropology of Rock Art ISBN 978 0 19 060735 7 Bashilov Vladimir A Yablonsky Leonid T 1995 Nomads of the Eurasian Steppes in the Early Iron Age Zinat Press ISBN 978 1 885979 00 1 Day John V 2001 Indo European Origins The Anthropological Evidence Institute for the Study of Man ISBN 0 941694 75 5 1985 Media in b k The Cambridge History of Iran Volume Vol 2 Cambridge ISBN 978 0 521 20091 2 Dickens Mark 2018 Scythians Saka in Nicholson Oliver b k The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity pp 1346 1347 ISBN 978 0 19 174445 7 subkhnemux April 27 2020 1999 The Northern Frontier in Pre Imperial China 1 500 221 BC in b k The Cambridge History of Ancient China From the Origins of Civilization to 221 BC pp 885 996 ISBN 0 521 47030 7 1996 The Early Slavs Eastern Europe from the Initial Settlement to the Kievan Rus ISBN 0 582 23618 5 1988 Central Asia and Eastern Iran in b k The Cambridge Ancient History Vol 4 Cambridge United Kingdom pp 165 193 ISBN 978 0 521 22804 6 Frederici Georg 2008 1906 Griffin Anastasia M b k Scalping and Similar Warfare Customs in America with a critical introduction ISBN 9780549562092 1970 The Empire of the Steppes Rutgers University Press ISBN 0 8135 1304 9 Grayson A K 1991 Assyria Sennacherib and Esarhaddon in Walker C B F b k The Cambridge Ancient History Vol 3 2 Cambridge pp 103 141 ISBN 978 1 139 05429 4 1996 The Scythians in Herrmann Joachim b k History of Humanity From the seventh century B C to the seventh century A D Vol 3 UNESCO pp 181 182 ISBN 923102812X Harmatta Janos 1999 Alexander the Great in Central Asia Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 39 1 4 129 136 doi 10 1556 aant 39 1999 1 4 11 S2CID 162246561 subkhnemux July 4 2022 1991 Human Sacrifice in Ancient Greece Psychology Press ISBN 0 415 03483 3 1993 Les Cimmeriens au Proche Orient The Cimmerians in the Near East PDF phasafrngess Fribourg Switzerland Gottingen Germany Editions Universitaires Switzerland Germany ISBN 978 3 727 80876 0 April 25 2018 Scythians Jacobson Esther 1995 The Art of the Scythians The Interpenetration of Cultures at the Edge of the Hellenic World ISBN 90 04 09856 9 Lomazoff Amanda Ralby Aaron 2013 Scythians and Sarmatians The Atlas of Military History p 63 ISBN 978 1 60710 985 3 Lubotsky Alexander 2002 Scythian Elements In Old Iranian PDF 116 2 189 202 1991 The Iranians In Search of the Indo Europeans Language Archeology and Myth pp 48 56 1997 Encyclopedia of Indo European Culture ISBN 1 884964 98 2 1990 b k The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia Cambridge United Kingdom pp 97 117 ISBN 978 0 521 24304 9 2011 Scythians and Greeks A Survey of Ancient History and Archaeology on the North Coast of the Euxine from the Danube to the Caucasus ISBN 978 1 108 02487 7 Olbrycht Marek Jan 2021 Early Arsakid Parthia ca 250 165 B C At the Crossroads of Iranian Hellenistic and Central Asian History Leiden Netherlands Boston United States ISBN 978 9 004 46076 8 2003 The Lost Tribes of Israel The History of a Myth ISBN 1 84212 665 2 1999 The Archaeology of Elam Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State ISBN 0 521 56496 4 Rolle Renate 1989 The World of the Scythians ISBN 0 520 06864 5 1922 Iranians amp Greeks In South Russia 1985 The Scyths in b k The Cambridge History of Iran Vol 2 pp 149 199 ISBN 978 1 139 05493 5 1991 The Scythians in Walker C B F b k The Cambridge Ancient History Vol 3 2 Cambridge pp 547 590 ISBN 978 1 139 05429 4 1980 Four old Iranian ethnic names Scythian Skudra Sogdian Saka PDF Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ISBN 0 520 06864 5 Testen David 1997 Ossetic Phonology in Kaye Alan S b k Phonologies of Asia and Africa including the Caucasus Vol 2 pp 707 733 ISBN 1 57506 019 1 December 17 2002 1998 Who Built the Scythian and Thracian Royal and Elite Tombs 17 1 55 92 doi 10 1111 1468 0092 00051 2010 North Pontic Archaeology Recent Discoveries and Studies ISBN 978 9004120419 October 1972 The Chinese Contribution to Eastern Nomad Culture in the Pre Han and Early Han Periods Ltd 4 2 139 149 doi 10 1080 00438243 1972 9979528 JSTOR 123972 Wasko Andrzej April 1997 Sarmatism or the Enlightenment The Dilemma of Polish Culture Sarmatian Review XVII 2 2002 Scythians in van Wees Hans b k Brill s Companion to Herodotus pp 437 456 ISBN 978 90 04 21758 4 Young T Cuyler 1988 The early history of the Medes and the Persians and the Achaemenid empire to the death of Cambyses in b k The Cambridge Ancient History Vol 4 Cambridge pp 1 52 ISBN 978 0 521 22804 6 xanephim 2012 The History of Central Asia The Age of the Steppe Warriors ISBN 978 1 78076 060 5 2003 Warrior Women An Archaeologist s Search for History s Hidden Heroines ISBN 0 446 67983 6 2010 Indo European and the Indo Europeans A Reconstruction and Historical Analysis of a Proto Language and Proto Culture ISBN 978 3 11 081503 0 Humbach Helmut Faiss Klauss 2012 Herodotus s Scythians and Ptolemy s Central Asia Semasiological and Onomasiological Studies Reichert Verlag ISBN 978 3 89500 887 0 Jaedtke Wolfgang 2008 Steppenkind Ein Skythen Roman phasaeyxrmn ISBN 978 3 492 25146 4 Johnson James William April 1959 The Scythian His Rise and Fall 20 2 250 257 doi 10 2307 2707822 JSTOR 2707822 2001 Les Scythes phasafrngess Ed Errance ISBN 2877722155 1993 Skythien und der Bosporus phasaeyxrmn Vol 2 ISBN 3 515 06399 4 Torday Laszlo 1998 Mounted Archers The Beginnings of Central Asian History Durham Academic Press ISBN 1 900838 03 6 aehlngkhxmulxunwikimiediykhxmmxnsmisuxthiekiywkhxngkb chawsith chawsith thi