ดูภาพที่มีความละเอียดสูงกว่า ((ไฟล์ SVG, 512 × 418 พิกเซล, ขนาดไฟล์: 405 กิโลไบต์))
วันที่/เวลา | รูปย่อ | ขนาด | ผู้ใช้ | ความเห็น | |
ปัจจุบัน | 09:32, 26 มีนาคม 2567 | ![]() | 512 × 418 (405 กิโลไบต์) | Reverted to version as of 19:48, 5 July 2022 (UTC) | |
09:31, 26 มีนาคม 2567 | ![]() | 825 × 675 (727 กิโลไบต์) | Temporary Will Revert Quickly | ||
02:48, 6 กรกฎาคม 2565 | ![]() | 512 × 418 (405 กิโลไบต์) | Fix font display. | ||
14:49, 10 มิถุนายน 2565 | ![]() | 512 × 418 (379 กิโลไบต์) | recalibrate the map on the Seal to be right position | ||
23:24, 1 เมษายน 2564 | ![]() | 825 × 675 (349 กิโลไบต์) | Reverted to version as of 22:48, 21 January 2011 (UTC) - reverted shading not present in actual use | ||
21:20, 19 พฤษภาคม 2560 | ![]() | 825 × 675 (727 กิโลไบต์) | Added detail. | ||
05:48, 22 มกราคม 2554 | ![]() | 825 × 675 (349 กิโลไบต์) | margins | ||
05:35, 11 กันยายน 2553 | ![]() | 832 × 693 (332 กิโลไบต์) | remove excess leaves | ||
00:44, 23 สิงหาคม 2553 | ![]() | 832 × 693 (330 กิโลไบต์) | upload better file | ||
21:22, 20 สิงหาคม 2553 | ![]() | 890 × 726 (624 กิโลไบต์) | added the correct burmese text on the banner |
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ifl prawtiifl hnathimiphaphni karichiflkhamokhrngkar khxmulekiywkbphaphkhnadkhxngtwxyang PNG nikhxngifl SVG ni 512 418 phikesl khwamlaexiydxun 294 240 phikesl 588 480 phikesl 941 768 phikesl 1 254 1 024 phikesl 2 509 2 048 phikesl duphaphthimikhwamlaexiydsungkwa ifl SVG 512 418 phikesl khnadifl 405 kiolibt rupphaphhruxiflesiyngni tnchbbxyuthi khxmmxns raylaexiyddanlang epnkhxkhwamthiaesdngphlcak ifltnchbbinkhxmmxns khxmmxnsepnewbistinokhrngkarsahrbekbrwbrwmsuxesri thi khunsamarthchwyid မ khwamyx khaxthibayState seal of Myanmar svg English Variant of the State Seal of Myanmarwnthi 16 singhakhm ph s 2553 13 37aehlngthima File State seal of Myanmar 1974 1988 svg phusrangsrrkh File State seal of Myanmar 1974 1988 svg User Pakko Derivative work Gringer talk phaphni idrbkarprbaetngphaph sunghmaykhwamwacaidrbkarepliynaeplngphaphtangcaktnchbb karprbprung Red background set colours to yellow red tnchbbsamarthduidthini State seal of Myanmar 1974 1988 svg khapheca inthanaphuthuxlikhsiththikhxngphaphhruxsuxni xnuyatihichphaphhruxsuxniphayitenguxnikhtxipni Public domain Public domain false falsekhapheca phuthuxlikhsiththiinnganni khxmxbnganihepnsatharnsmbti prakasnimiphlthwolk inbangpraeths karkrathadngklawxacimsamarththaidtamkdhmay khaphecaxnuyatihthukkhnmisiththiinkarichiflniinthukehtuphlkarich odyimmimienguxnikh ewnaetkdhmayimxnuyatihthaechnnn pumkarxpohldtnchbb This image is a derivative work of the following images File State seal of Myanmar 1974 2008 svg licensed with PD self 2009 06 03T19 24 32Z AzaToth 1819x1464 1026048 Bytes Information Description en 1 Coat of arms of Myanmar Source File Coat of arms of Myanmar png Author User Pakko Date Permission other versions File Coat of arms of Myanmar png insignia Uploaded with derivativeFXkhabrryayodyyxithyephimkhabrryaythrrthdediywephuxkhyaykhwamwaiflnimixairrsesiyVariant gosudarstvennoj pechati Myanmyixethmthiaesdngxyuiniflniprakxbdwytraprathbpraethsphmaph s 2551star xngkvssingotinmuthrasastrsthanalikhsiththicopyrighted dedicated to the public domain by copyright holder xngkvssyyaxnuyatreleased into the public domain by the copyright holder xngkvsepnsylksnkhxngpraethsphmawnthisrang wnkxtng16 singhakhm 2010media type xngkvsimage svg xml prawtiifl khlikwnthi ewlaephuxduiflthipraktinkhnann lasud du ihmkwa 10 10 wnthi ewlarupyxkhnadphuichkhwamehnpccubn09 32 26 minakhm 2567512 418 405 kiolibt Reverted to version as of 19 48 5 July 2022 UTC 09 31 26 minakhm 2567825 675 727 kiolibt Temporary Will Revert Quickly02 48 6 krkdakhm 2565512 418 405 kiolibt Pho SaiFix font display 14 49 10 mithunayn 2565512 418 379 kiolibt Pho Sairecalibrate the map on the Seal to be right position23 24 1 emsayn 2564825 675 349 kiolibt Reverted to version as of 22 48 21 January 2011 UTC reverted shading not present in actual use21 20 19 phvsphakhm 2560825 675 727 kiolibt Added detail 05 48 22 mkrakhm 2554825 675 349 kiolibt Fry1989margins05 35 11 knyayn 2553832 693 332 kiolibt 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ecaswyaetk esn lwin esnwin etnesn enwin exechiyit exok oswin phuich Robosorne wikiphiediy okhrngkarwikixaesiyn aemaebb Navboxes aemaebb Navboxes doc aemaebb karemuxngphma aemaebb naykrthmntriphma aemaebb prathanathibdiphma aemaebb praethsphma karichiflkhamokhrngkar wikixuntxipniichiflni karichbn ab wikipedia org Mianma karichbn ace wikipedia org Asia Myanmar karichbn af wikipedia org Mianmar karichbn als wikipedia org Myanmar karichbn am wikipedia org ምየንማ karichbn ang wikipedia org Burma karichbn an wikipedia org Birmania karichbn ar wikipedia org مينمار التقسيمات الإدارية في ميانمار شعارات الدول الآسيوية الدين في الرموز الوطنية قائمة شعارات الدول قالب سياسة ميانمار مجلس إدارة الدولة ميانمار علاقات ميانمار الخارجية شعار ميانمار قائمة رؤساء ميانمار قائمة رؤساء وزراء ميانمار وزارة التخطيط والمالية ميانمار karichbn ary wikipedia org ميانمار karichbn arz wikipedia org شعار بورما شعارات دول اسيا ميانمار شعارات الدول karichbn ast wikipedia org Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi Win Myint karichbn as wikipedia org ম য নম ৰ karichbn azb wikipedia org آسیا میانمار karichbn az wikipedia org Myanma Myanmanin dovlet qurulusu karichbn az wiktionary org Asia karichbn ban wikipedia org Myanmar karichbn bar wikipedia org Myanmar karichbn bat smg wikipedia org Mianmars karichbn ba wikipedia org Myanma karichbn bcl wikipedia org Selyo kan Myanmar karichbn be tarask wikipedia org Aziya M yanma karichbn be wikipedia org M yanma Spis dzyarzhaynyh gerbay Gerb M yanmy karichbn bg wikipedia org Mianmar karichbn bh wikipedia org म य म र karichbn bi wikipedia org Mianma karichbn blk wikipedia org တမ ပလ က Topics မ န မ ခမ ထ အဓ ကလ တ မ င sandbox dukarichkhamokhrngkarephimetimkhxngiflnikhxmulekiywkbphaph phaphnimikhxmulephimetim sungswnihymacakklxngdicitxlhruxsaeknenxrthisamarthekbkhxmuldngklawiwrwmkbphaphid thaphaphnithukprbprungaekikhhruxepliynaeplngcakedim khxmulbangxyangcayngkhngimepliynaeplngehmuxnphaphthithukprbprungaekikhnnkhwamkwang100 khwamsung100