ลิงก์ข้ามภาษาในบทความนี้ มีไว้ให้ผู้อ่านและผู้ร่วมแก้ไขบทความศึกษาเพิ่มเติมโดยสะดวก เนื่องจากวิกิพีเดียภาษาไทยยังไม่มีบทความดังกล่าว กระนั้น ควรรีบสร้างเป็นบทความโดยเร็วที่สุด |
บทความเกี่ยวกับบันเทิงเรื่องนี้ต้องการเก็บกวาด ข้อมูลบางส่วนมีลักษณะเหมือน ซึ่งไม่สอดคล้องกับ ผู้เขียนบทความนี้หรือส่วนนี้อาจมีหรือมีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียเชิงพาณิชย์ |
หน้านี้มีเนื้อหาเป็นภาษาต่างประเทศ คุณสามารถช่วยพัฒนาหน้านี้ได้ด้วยการแปล ยกเว้นหากเนื้อหาเกือบทั้งหมด ให้แจ้งลบแทน |
ดิ อะเมซิ่ง เรซ 9 (อังกฤษ: The Amazing Race 9) เป็นฤดูกาลที่ 9 ของรายการ ดิ อะเมซิ่ง เรซ ซึ่งเป็นเกมโชว์ประเภทเรียลลิตี้โชว์ระดับรางวัลเอ็มมี 8 สมัยซ้อนทางโทรทัศน์ รายการนี้จะมีผู้เข้าแข่งขันเป็นทีม ๆ ละ 2 คนซึ่งรู้จักกันมาก่อนแล้ว ทำการแข่งขันโดยเดินทางรอบโลก โดยทีมที่ชนะจะได้รับเงินรางวัล 1 ล้านดอลลาร์สหรัฐ โดยเกมส์โชว์ดังกล่าวเริ่มออกอากาศในสหรัฐอเมริกาทางสถานีโทรทัศน์ซีบีเอส
ดิอะเมซิ่งเรซ 9 | |
ออกอากาศ | 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2549 – 17 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2549 |
ระยะเวลาการถ่ายทำ | 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2548 – 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2548 |
จำนวนตอน | 13 |
ผู้ชนะ | บี.เจ. กับไทเลอร์ |
ทวีปที่ผ่าน | 5 |
ประเทศที่ผ่าน | 10 |
เมืองที่ผ่าน | 36 |
ระยะทางการแข่งขัน | 59,000 ไมล์ (94,949 กิโลเมตร) |
จำนวนเลก | 12 |
ซีซั่นก่อนหน้าและถัดไป | |
ก่อนหน้า | ดิ อะเมซิ่ง เรซ 8 |
ถัดไป | ดิ อะเมซิ่ง เรซ 10 |
ตารางแสดงชื่อ ความสัมพันธ์ของผู้แข่งขันในขณะถ่ายทำของแต่ละทีมพร้อมทั้งแสดงสถานะในการแข่งขัน ดังนี้ เรียงตามลำดับผู้เข้าเส้นชัยก่อน (ตารางนี้อาจไม่ได้แสดงข้อมูลที่ตรงกับข้อมูลที่ออกอากาศในโทรทัศน์เนื่องจากข้อมูลที่เพิ่มเข้ามาบางส่วน หรือข้อมูลที่ถูกนำออกไปบางส่วน)
ทีม | ความสัมพันธ์ | ลำดับที่ (ในแต่ละเลก) | ผู้แก้อุปสรรค | ||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 31 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | ||||
บี.เจ.กับไทด์เลอร์ | เพื่อนสนิท | 2 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 52 | 5 | 3 | 4> | 1ƒ | 1 | 1 | บี.เจ. 6, ไทด์เลอร์ 5 |
อีริคกับเจอร์มี่ | เพื่อน | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1ƒ | 4 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | อีริค 6, เจอร์มี่ 5 |
เรย์กับโยลันดา | คู่เดท | 7 | 5 | 3 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 32 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 3 | เรย์ 6, โยลันดา 5 |
โจเซฟกับมอร์นิก้า | คู่เดท | 6 | 3 | 8 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3< | 4 | โจเซฟ 5, มอริก้า 5 | ||
ฟรานกับแบร์รี่ | แต่งงานกันมา 40 ปี | 8 | 9 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 5 | ฟราน 4, แบร์รี่ 4 | ||||
เลกกับมิชเชล | คู่พ่อแม่ | 5 | 7 | 2 | 3 | 5> | 5 | 6 | เลก 4, มิชเชล 2 | ||||||
เดฟกับลอร์ลี่ | คู่เดท | 4 | 4 | 9 | 5 | 6 | 7 | เดฟ 3, ลอร์ลี่ 2 | |||||||
แดเนียล & แดนี่ | เพื่อนตั้งแต่วัยเด็ก | 9 | 8 | 6 | 8 | 8< | แดเนียล 1, แดนี่ 3 | ||||||||
วอนร์ด้า & เดซารี | แม่ / ลูกสาว | 3 | 6 | 7 | 9 | วอนร์ด้า 1, เดซารี 2 | |||||||||
ลิซ่ากับโจนิ | พี่สาวน้องสาว | 10 | 10 | ลิซ่า 0, โจนิ 1 | |||||||||||
จอนห์กับสก๊อต | เพื่อนที่คบกันมานาน | 11 | จอนห์ 0, สก๊อต 0 |
หมายเหตุ 1: ในเลกที่ 3 เป็นเลกแบบ Double Length (มีอุปสรรค 2 งานและทางแยก 2 งาน) และแบ่งการออกอากาศออกเป็น 2 ตอน
หมายเหตุ 2: เรย์กับโยลันดาเดิมมาถึงเป็นลำดับที่ 2 แต่ทำผิดกฎเนื่องจากใช้รถประจำทางไปถึงสถานนีรถไฟทั้งที่สั่งให้เดินไป จึงโดนโทษปรับ 15 นาทีทำให้ตกลงมาอยู่ลำดับที่ 3 ส่วน บี.เจ.กับไทด์เลอร์ และ เลกกับมิชเชล ได้ทำผิดกฎนี้เช่นเดียวกันแต่เมื่อรวมกับโทษปรับเวลาแล้วไม่ได้มีผลต่อลำดับของพวกเขา โดยท้ายที่สุดแล้ว เลกกับมิชเชล ก็ยังคงมาถึงเป็นลำดับสุดท้ายและถูกคัดออกจากการแข่งขัน
- สีแดง หมายถึง ทีมนั้นๆ ถูกคัดออก
- สีเขียว ƒ หมายถึง ทีมนั้นๆ ทำ Fast Forward สำเร็จ ; เลขของเลกที่มีสีเขียวและ ƒ เป็นเลกที่มี Fast Forward แต่ไม่มีทีมไหนใช้
- สีน้ำเงินตัวเอน หมายถึง ทีมนั้นๆ มาถึงจุดพักเป็นทีมสุดท้ายในเลกที่ไม่มีการคัดออก แต่จะถูกยึดเงินทั้งหมดที่มีและไม่ได้เงินใช้ในด่านถัดไป และจะไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้หาเงินใช้จนกว่าการแข่งขันในเลกต่อไปจะเริ่มขึ้น
- เครื่องหมาย > สีเหลือง หมายถึง ทีมนั้นๆ ใช้คำสั่งพักทีมอื่นแข่งขันชั่วคราว (Yield) ; < หมายถึง ทีมนั้นๆ ถูกพักการแข่งขันชั่วคราว ;<> หมายถึง เลกที่มีกฎการสั่งพักแต่ไม่มีทีมไหนใช้
เครื่องหมายต่าง ๆ ในการแข่งขัน
ชื่อตอนในการแข่งขันมักมาจากคำพูดสำคัญ ๆ ของผู้เข้าแข่งขันในเลกนั้น ๆ
- "Here We Go, Baby, Off to Win a Million Bucks!" - John
- "I'm Filthy And I Love It" - Monica
- "I'm In Russia Playing With Dolls" - Jeremy
- "It's Not Over Until The Phil Sings" - Tyler
- "Good Thing I Took That Human Anatomy Class in High School" - Tyler
- "Sleep Deprivation Is Really Starting to Irritate Me" - Lake
- "Herculean Effort for Some Herculean Dudes" - Tyler
- "Here Comes The Bedouin" - Fran
- "Do You Know How Much Running I Did Today, Phil?" - Jeremy
- "Man, They Should Have Used Their Fake Names" - Eric
- "I Think This Monkey Likes Me" - Eric
- "5 Continents, 9 Countries, More Than 59,000 Miles" -
ในบางเลก ทางรายการจะมีรางวัลพิเศษให้กับทีมที่มาถึงจุดพักเป็นทีมแรก สำหรับรางวัลที่เป็นแพ็กเกจทัวร์ทั้งหมดสนับสนุนโดยแทรเวลโลซิตี้
- Leg 1 - $20,000
- Leg 2 - All expense paid trip to Tahiti sponsored by .
- Leg 3 - All expense paid trip to Africa sponsored by Travelocity, for the first team to bring a Travelocity gnome (collected during the Roadblock in the second half of this leg) to the pit stop. By coincidence, Eric & Jeremy, who were the first to reach the pit stop, were also the first ones to bring the gnome to the pit stop, and thus won the prize.
- Leg 4 - Digital imaging package from Duracell.
- Leg 5 - Cruise for two to Mexico sponsored by Travelocity.
- Leg 6 - Trip to The Da Vinci Code movie premiere in Hollywood, California (The prize was awarded to the first team to arrive at the Pit Stop bearing two parchments and demonstrating that, when combined, they revealed a picture of Leonardo Da Vinci's and a coded message; the first team to arrive at the Pit Stop did show the message and were awarded the prize).
- Leg 7 - All expense paid trip to Rome, Italy sponsored by Travelocity.
- Leg 8 - All expense paid trip to Hong Kong sponsored by Travelocity.
- Leg 9 - Two one-year leases for Mercedes ML350s like the ones driven on the leg.
- Leg 10 - Cruise around , a tour of the wine district and the Great Barrier Reef; as well, a luxury hotel room for the time that they would normally be at the Pit Stop (The prize on this leg was awarded to the team that had a picture of a "golden gnome" in an envelope they received with the Roadblock and Fast Forward clues and were told not to open until they reached the Pit Stop. Ray and Yolanda had the golden gnome and won.)
- Leg 11 - Two , each with three years of free service.
- Leg 12 - $1,000,000
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เลก 1 (สหรัฐอเมริกา → บราซิล)
- , Colorado, USA
() (Starting Line)
Denver (Denver International Airport) to São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
- São Paulo (Hotel Unique)
- São Paulo (Viaduto Santa Efigênia) (โปรตุเกส)
- São Paulo (Santa Cecilia - 114A Rua Frederico Abranches) (โปรตุเกส)
- São Paulo ()
The first Detour of the Race was Motor Head or Rotor Head. In Motor Head, teams had to travel to a motorcycle shop named Caverna Moto Peças and assemble a motorcycle, using an assembled motorcycle as a model. Then, using the parts provided and finished model for reference. When the motorcycle is properly assembled, the mechanic could start the bike and he would receive their next clue. In Rotor Head, teams had to travel to and locate one of three buildings varied in distance and each location had a limited number of tickets. Teams are need to find the closest building from a flight directory (Edificio São Luis Gonzaga, Atrium V and Hotel Meliá), then travel by helicopter to the rooftop of that building to search the designated area for their next clue. There are limited number of flights available to any one of these given buildings.
- Additional task
- At the sanctuary, teams had to witness a traditional ceremony and light a white candle to receive their next clue.
เลก 2 (บราซิล)

- São Paulo ( - Bloco F)
São Paulo (Terminal Rodoviário Barra Funda - Terminal Turístico) to , Sao Paulo (Terminal Rodoviário de Brotas)
- Brotas (Volkswagen Beetle Terminal Rodoviário de Brotas Parking Lot)
- Brotas (Fazenda Primavera da Serra) (โปรตุเกส)
In the first Roadblock of the race, teams had to climb one of three stairwells 400 ฟุต (120 เมตร)(*) on a fire escape of the Edificio Copan. Once on the top, they would put harness and rappel down the building. But in order which they arrived at the top would determine the order in which they would descend. The Detour choices were Press It or Climb It. In Press It, teams drive to Camping Bela Vista to process raw sugar cane and its juice. Then, teams have to make 500 ml of ethanol to fuel their cars as an alternative fuel source. After completing the task, teams would had pour to newly created ethanol in their car to continuing on. In Climb It, teams travel to Usina Jacaré and hike to a nearby waterfall where they climb 90 ฟุต (27 เมตร)(*) up a waterfall using mechanical ascenders.
เลก 3 (บราซิล → รัสเซีย → เยอรมนี)

- บูซิโอส (หลักกิโลเมตรที่ 114)
บูซิโอส (สถานีขนส่งบูซิโอส) ไปเซาเปาลู (ท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติกัวเลอฮอส)
เซาเปาลู (ท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติกัวเลอฮอส) ไปมอสโก, รัสเซีย
- มอสโก (Chaika Bassein)
- มอสโก (สำนักแม่ชีโนโวดีวิช)
- มอสโก (วิหารเซนต์บาซิลที่จัตุรัสแดง) (พิธีกรบอกแต่ละทีมว่ายังไม่ถึงจุดพักและให้คำใบ้พร้อมเดินทางต่อไป)
มอสโก (ท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติเชเรเมเตียโว) ไปแฟรงค์เฟิร์ต, เยอรมนี
แฟรงค์เฟิร์ต (สถานีรถไฟฮาร์ปแบนฮอฟแฟรงค์เฟิร์ต) ไปชตุทท์การ์ท (สถานีรถไฟฮาร์ปแบนฮอฟชตุทท์การ์ด)
- ชตุทท์การ์ท (สำนักงานใหญ่ของเมอร์เซเดส-เบนซ์)
- บาวาเรีย (บริเวณว่างแอลบัช)
- บาวาเรีย (สตูดิโอถ่ายภาพยนตร์บาวาเรีย)
- มิวนิก (ประตูแห่งชัยชนะ)
The Roadblock from the second half of the leg required had to search a large field where one team member had to find 150 hats and feet around the field into one of nine Travelocity gnomes hidden underneath 11 hats and feet would be a gnome itself for their next clue. The Detour for the second half of the leg, Break It or Slap It. In Break It, teams took either to break a table full of "stunt bottles" over each others' heads until they find prost, the German word for Cheers written on the back of the label. However, they could only smash one bottle per cuckoo from a traditional German cuckoo clock. In Slap It, teams learn and perform German folk dance and correctly perform to get it right for their directions. But teams with the right rhythm could finish fast. When the folk dance is properly correct, the actor would get their next clue.
- ภารกิจเสริม
- At Kilometer 114, teams had to take a zipline from the top of the hill to the bottom for getting the next clue.
- At the Mercedes-Benz headquarters, teams chose a Mercedes-Benz vehicle and chose a driver for their thrilling ride on the test track. After taking a spin in the high-speed over 170 kilometers per hour when their cars turned to an almost 90 degree angle, they would receive their next clue.
เลก 4 (เยอรมนี → อิตาลี)

Munich () to Palermo, Sicily
, Italy
- Palermo ()
- (Fortress - Seaside Terrace)
- (Teatro di Segesta)
- Segesta ()
In the Detour for this leg, Foundry or Laundry. In Foundry, teams had to walk a nearby metal works name Premiata Fonderia Birrione Campane at 8 Via Renda to carry 110 ปอนด์ (50 กิโลกรัม)(*) iron-cast . Then using a vehicle known as , they have to drive the bell, drop-off at Via Don Leonardo Zangara and delivered it to Chiesa Maria SS. Del Soccorso for a priest to get their next clue. In Laundry, teams need to find Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi to search through over 2,400 items of laundry for one of sixteen items of clothing bearing a red and yellow tag. If the red and yellow tag is found, a laundry lady would get their next clue. At the Segesta Amphiteater was the first of two Yields in the race. For the Roadblock, teams had to correctly piece together of a classical ; racers were not told that there were two extra pieces that did not belong.
เลก 5 (อิตาลี)

- Catania, Sicily (Anfiteatro Romano) (อิตาลี)
- Catania (Mercato Storico la Pescheria)
- Siracusa (Ponte Umbertino)
- Siracusa ()
In the Detour for this leg, teams chose between Big Fish or Little Fish. In Big Fish, teams have need to carry a 17 กิโลกรัม (37 ปอนด์)(*) swordfish from a street vendor in Via Alessi, then carry another sixth of a mile to Mercato Storico la Pescheria. At the market, teams had to find Jagino, the fish market vendor to receive their next clue. In Little Fish, teams must travel by foot to the same fish market and sell 4 กิโลกรัม (8.8 ปอนด์)(*) of a small fish known as Triglia. All teams, except for Fran and Barry, chose "Big Fish". For the Roadblock, one team member must perform a popular Italian sport, . They would join a professional team and participate in an ongoing match. Once the team was goaled, a coach get their next clue.
- Additional task
- At the Amphitheater, teams had to count the statue heads on the fence posts surrounding the grounds of the amphitheater. If they were correct, they would receive their next clue.
เลก 6 (อิตาลี → กรีซ)

Siracusa (Stazione di Siracusa) to Rome ()
- Rome (Trevi Fountain)
- Rome (Spanish Steps)
Rome () to Athens, Greece
- Athens ()
, Athens (Stamatopoulos Taverna)
, Athens (Agioi Anargyroi Railway Station) to (Isthmos Railway Station)
- Corinth (Corinth Canal)
- (Ancient Stadium)
- (Fortress of Rion)
In this Fast Forward, teams had to travel on foot less than a mile to a restaurant and took part in traditional Greek method of mischievous spirits: plate breaking. Teams had to break plates and find a little clue flag that was baked into one plate, when that team finds the flag, they would win the Fast Forward. For this leg's Roadblock, one team member had to complete a 240 ฟุต (73 เมตร) bungee jump into Corinth Canal organized by the Zulu Bungy. The Detour for this leg, teams chose between Herculean Effort or It's All Greek To Me. In Herculean Effort, teams had to compete three events from ancient Olympic events. One team to do in an competitive distance. While the other team to do in a same distance. Finally, both teams have to participate of a 20 ฟุต (6.1 เมตร)(*) circle. In It's All Greek To Me, teams had enter an archeological site to search a specific section for the nine pieces of pottery containing Greek letters. Then, they will help to translate from and unscramble them and order the spell of the location of Greek map, Dimitsana.
- Additional tasks
- At the Trevi Fountain, teams received one half of Leonardo Da Vinci's drawing.
- At the Spanish Steps, teams had to search the horse carriages for a black leather portfolio. Then, find the other half of the Vitruvian Man drawing which is based on The Da Vinci Code. The first team to arrive at the Pit Stop with the whole drawing won a prize.
เลก 7 (กรีซ → โอมาน)

, Patras (Rio-Antirrio Bridge - Chartered Bus) to Athens (Athens International Airport)
Athens (Athens International Airport) to Muscat, Oman
- Muscat (Riyam Park)
- (Baith Al Battha)
- Al Hawiyah (Shuwa Area)
- (Jabreen Castle)
This leg's Detour was Camel or Watchtower. In Camel, teams first to made way across the creek on a ferry to opposite bank, which they had to lift a camel into a using a . Then, they had to use a map to drive one mile and deliver the camel in Bedouin camp to receive their next clue. In Watchtower, teams had to cross the river and search among three towers for an Arabian message box scroll. However, not all watchtowers contained it. After they found a scroll, they had to travel one mile (1.6 km) to a silver shop (Al-Sayegh Gold & Silver Smith) to a man called Mubarek. The Roadblock was to dig any of 117 sand dunes to find one of 6 , Omani underground ovens. Inside it was a woven pouch with a meal of is wrapped in a dried palm leaf bag and steamed in an underground oven, which they would have for dinner. Once they found the shuwa, the Bedouin would get their next clue.
เลก 8 (โอมาน → ออสเตเลีย)

Muscat (Seeb International Airport) to Perth, Western Australia, Australia
- Perth ()
(Rottnest Express) to
- Rottnest Island (Wadjemup Lighthouse)
- Rottnest Island ()
Rottnest Island to Fremantle/
- ()
- Fremantle (South Breakwater, Fremantle Sailing Club)
The Detour for this leg of the race offered teams the choice of Sand or Sea. In Sand, teams had to drag 40 branches and drag them 126 หลา to a marked sand dune, an activity known as "brushing the beach, " which helps prevent . In Sea, teams searched among 50 underwater crayfish traps for those with live ; each team member had to retrieve one rock lobster. This leg's Roadblock required one team to involved searching a black of Fremantle Prison for several cells within Division 4 to contain Duracell coppertop batteries and a flashlight, then searching a entrance in darkened cavern, they have to descent underground wet and dry tunnels for a clue.
- Additional task
- Upon arriving at Rottnest Island, teams had to ride to drive themselves from Wadjemup Hill to Salmon Bay. After the detour, they ride it back.
เลก 9 (ออสเตเลีย)

- เพิร์ท ()
เพิร์ท (ท่าอากาศยานเพิร์ท) ไป , ()
- ดาร์วิน (Crocodylus Park 2010-02-07 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน)
- (Batchelor Airstrip - Darwin Parachute Club)
- near Batchelor ( - Magnetic Termite Mounds 2009-10-14 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน)
- Darwin ( Wilderness Resort 2010-05-05 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน)
At the Batchelor Airstrip was the second of two Yields hidden on the race. The Roadblock for this leg of the race saw one member of each team had to choose a plane and doing a 12,000 ฟุต (3,700 เมตร)(*) tandem skydive. The instructor hands over to get their next clue. This leg's Detour offered teams the choice of Wet or Dry. In Wet, teams drove 6 ไมล์ (9.7 กิโลเมตร)(*) to a swimming hole called Buley Rockhole 2009-10-14 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน, then hiked and swam 1 ไมล์ (1.6 กิโลเมตร)(*) down a river infested with "spiders and poisonous plants" to receive their next clue. In Dry, teams drove 6 ไมล์ (9.7 กิโลเมตร)(*) on-road, then another 6 ไมล์ (9.7 กิโลเมตร)(*) off-road to a rock formation known as The Lost City 2009-10-14 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน. Once there, teams must selected a and following the sound of music in the air from a locate in nearby aboriginal. Then, they had to find an Aboriginal musician with a matching didgeridoo and each team member had to play a note to receive the next clue.
- Additional task
- At Crocodylus Park, teams had to wade into a pond full of crocodiles to retrieve their next clue above from crocodiles.
เลก 10 (ออสเตรเลีย → ไทย)

ดาร์วิน (ท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติดาร์วิน) ไปกรุงเทพ, ไทย
กรุงเทพ (สถานีขนส่งหมอชิต) ไปลพบุรี (สถานีขนส่งลพบุรี)
- ลพบุรี (พระปรางค์สามยอด)
- นนทบุรี (สวนพุทธบนเกาะเกร็ด)
- กรุงเทพ (วัดเบญจมบพิตรดุสิตวนารามราชวรวิหาร)
In this Fast Forward, teams traveled to a town outside of Lop Buri to try a favorite local after-school activity from a nearby restaurant: to eat a bowl of fried crickets and grasshoppers, when completed, that team would win the Fast Forward. The Roadblock required one team member to make a ceremonial feast for monkeys at the temple and give it to them during an annual festival. Following a demo that has already been set up. When it is finished and offered it to the monkeys, they would get their next clue. The Detour was either Move It or Altar It. In Move It, teams had their make way on foot to Jom Jam Pottery Factory to transport 72 clay pots through the streets of a market to docked boat by balancing them on a wooden boards balanced on their shoulders. In Altar It, teams made their way by foot to Wat Chimphi temple and required to assemble a shrine, including gold leafing a small BuddharupaBuddha statue for the shrine.
เลก 11 (ไทย → ญี่ปุ่น)
- อยุธยา (วังช้างอยุธยา แล เพนียด)
กรุงเทพ (ท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติดอนเมือง) ไปโตเกียว, ญี่ปุ่น
- โตเกียว (ลานถนนคนเดินชิบุยะ)
- โตเกียว (รูปปั้นฮะจิโค)
- โตเกียว (โรงแรมแคปซูล) (จุดข้ามคืน)
- ฟูจิโยชิดะ (สวนสนุกฟูจิ-คิว ไฮแลนด์)
- ยามานาคาโกะ (ทะเลสาบยามานาคะ)
The Detour was Maiden or Messenger. In Maiden, teams had travel to Hamarikyu Gardens to transport a young Japanese woman in a traditional Japanese palanquin for 1/3 mile to a tea ceremony pavilion. In Messenger, teams travelled by foot to parking lot around Sankusu Street. Which each person had to construct a foldable bicycle, ride their bikes through the streets of Tokyo, and deliver packages to Shinjuku Park Tower and Shinjuku Chuo Koen Building in Shinjuku. Where they had delivered the packages, teams must return to a parking lot. The Roadblock required one team member to ride on three extreme rides in the Fujikyu Highland Amusement Park in the following order: The Pizza, Dodonpa, and Fujiyama. While riding the rides, they had to look for a man holding a sign. Upon completion of their third ride, they had to tell the park manager what was written on the sign to receive their next clue. If they didn't see the sign they would have to go on all three rides again.
- ภารกิจเสริม
- At the Royal Elephant Kraal, teams received T-Mobile Sidekicks displaying their next clue from the elephants.
- At the Shibuya Crossing, teams had to find a message on display that would lead them to their next clue ("Find Hachiko!").
- At Lake Yamanaka, teams had to take a swan boat and paddle out to the Pit Stop, the big swan.
เลก 12 (ญี่ปุ่น → สหรัฐอเมริกา)
โตเกียว (ท่าอากาศยานนานาชาตินาริตะ) ไป , อะแลสกา, สหรัฐอเมริกา
- แองคอเรจ (ทะเลสาบกระจก)
- แองคอเรจ ()
ไป , อะแลสกา () ไป เดนเวอร์, โคโลราโด (ท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติเดนเวอร์)
- (สวนประวัติศาสตร์เคลียร์คลีก)
- เดนเวอร์ ()
In the Detour teams had to choose between Drill It and Deliver It. In Drill It, teams had to drill 10 holes in the ice, push an shack to their holes and properly position the shack over at least two of the holes. In Deliver It, teams had to load a with medical supplies, fly with a pilot over 75 ไมล์ (121 กิโลเมตร)(*) to to deliver the supplies and fly back. Due to poor weather conditions, Deliver It was subject to an indefinite delay. All teams, by default, decided to Drill It. The Roadblock required one team member to retrieve one of 285 flags for each destination country they traveled to during the race, other than the United States, and place the flags in the order which they visited each country. The other team member was allowed to assist but not physically participate. Teams had a reference board with the flags of each destination country and three incorrect flags. After finishing the Roadblock, teams were allowed to run to the Finish Line.
- Additional tasks
- At Kincaid Park, teams had to search the park to find their next clue using provided directions and with snow shoes on.
- At Clear Creek History Park, teams had to search the park to find their next clue.
wikipedia, แบบไทย, วิกิพีเดีย, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด, บทความ, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม, มือถือ, โทรศัพท์, Android, iOS, Apple, โทรศัพท์โมบิล, Samsung, iPhone, Xiomi, Xiaomi, Redmi, Honor, Oppo, Nokia, Sonya, MI, PC, พีซี, web, เว็บ, คอมพิวเตอร์
lingkkhamphasa inbthkhwamni miiwihphuxanaelaphurwmaekikhbthkhwamsuksaephimetimodysadwk enuxngcakwikiphiediyphasaithyyngimmibthkhwamdngklaw krann khwrribsrangepnbthkhwamodyerwthisudbthkhwamekiywkbbnethingeruxngnitxngkarekbkwad trwcsxb prbprung aekikhrupaebb khxmulbangswnmilksnaehmuxnkarokhsnaprachasmphnth sungimsxdkhlxngkbnoybaywikiphiediy phuekhiynbthkhwamnihruxswnnixacmiphlpraoychnthbsxnhruxmiswnidswnesiyechingphanichyhnanimienuxhaepnphasatangpraeths khunsamarthchwyphthnahnaniiddwykaraepl ykewnhakenuxhaekuxbthnghmdimichphasaithy ihaecnglbaethn di xaemsing ers 9 xngkvs The Amazing Race 9 epnvdukalthi 9 khxngraykar di xaemsing ers sungepnekmochwpraephtheriyllitiochwradbrangwlexmmi 8 smysxnthangothrthsn raykarnicamiphuekhaaekhngkhnepnthim la 2 khnsungruckknmakxnaelw thakaraekhngkhnodyedinthangrxbolk odythimthichnacaidrbenginrangwl 1 landxllarshrth odyekmsochwdngklawerimxxkxakasinshrthxemrikathangsthaniothrthsnsibiexsdixaemsingers 9xxkxakas 28 kumphaphnth ph s 2549 17 phvsphakhm ph s 2549rayaewlakarthaytha 7 phvscikayn ph s 2548 3 thnwakhm ph s 2548canwntxn 13phuchna bi ec kbithelxrthwipthiphan 5praethsthiphan 10emuxngthiphan 36rayathangkaraekhngkhn 59 000 iml 94 949 kiolemtr canwnelk 12sisnkxnhnaaelathdipkxnhna di xaemsing ers 8thdip di xaemsing ers 10phlkaraekhngkhntarangaesdngchux khwamsmphnthkhxngphuaekhngkhninkhnathaythakhxngaetlathimphrxmthngaesdngsthanainkaraekhngkhn dngni eriyngtamladbphuekhaesnchykxn tarangnixacimidaesdngkhxmulthitrngkbkhxmulthixxkxakasinothrthsnenuxngcakkhxmulthiephimekhamabangswn hruxkhxmulthithuknaxxkipbangswn thim khwamsmphnth ladbthi inaetlaelk phuaekxupsrrkh1 2 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12bi ec kbithdelxr ephuxnsnith 2 1 4 2 1 2 52 5 3 4 gt 1ƒ 1 1 bi ec 6 ithdelxr 5xirikhkbecxrmi ephuxn 1 2 1 1 2 1 1ƒ 4 1 2 2 2 2 xirikh 6 ecxrmi 5erykboylnda khuedth 7 5 3 7 7 6 32 3 4 1 3 3 3 ery 6 oylnda 5ocesfkbmxrnika khuedth 6 3 8 6 3 3 2 2 2 3 lt 4 ocesf 5 mxrika 5frankbaebrri aetngnganknma 40 pi 8 9 5 4 4 4 4 1 5 fran 4 aebrri 4elkkbmichechl khuphxaem 5 7 2 3 5 gt 5 6 elk 4 michechl 2edfkblxrli khuedth 4 4 9 5 6 7 edf 3 lxrli 2aedeniyl amp aedni ephuxntngaetwyedk 9 8 6 8 8 lt aedeniyl 1 aedni 3wxnrda amp edsari aem luksaw 3 6 7 9 wxnrda 1 edsari 2lisakbocni phisawnxngsaw 10 10 lisa 0 ocni 1cxnhkbskxt ephuxnthikhbknmanan 11 cxnh 0 skxt 0 hmayehtu 1 inelkthi 3 epnelkaebb Double Length mixupsrrkh 2 nganaelathangaeyk 2 ngan aelaaebngkarxxkxakasxxkepn 2 txn hmayehtu 2 erykboylndaedimmathungepnladbthi 2 aetthaphidkdenuxngcakichrthpracathangipthungsthannirthifthngthisngihedinip cungodnothsprb 15 nathithaihtklngmaxyuladbthi 3 swn bi ec kbithdelxr aela elkkbmichechl idthaphidkdniechnediywknaetemuxrwmkbothsprbewlaaelwimidmiphltxladbkhxngphwkekha odythaythisudaelw elkkbmichechl kyngkhngmathungepnladbsudthayaelathukkhdxxkcakkaraekhngkhn siaedng hmaythung thimnn thukkhdxxk siekhiyw ƒ hmaythung thimnn tha Fast Forward saerc elkhkhxngelkthimisiekhiywaela ƒ epnelkthimi Fast Forward aetimmithimihnich sinaengintwexn hmaythung thimnn mathungcudphkepnthimsudthayinelkthiimmikarkhdxxk aetcathukyudenginthnghmdthimiaelaimidenginichindanthdip aelacaimidrbxnuyatihhaenginichcnkwakaraekhngkhninelktxipcaerimkhunekhruxnghmay gt siehluxng hmaythung thimnn ichkhasngphkthimxunaekhngkhnchwkhraw Yield lt hmaythung thimnn thukphkkaraekhngkhnchwkhraw lt gt hmaythung elkthimikdkarsngphkaetimmithimihnichekhruxnghmaytang inkaraekhngkhn chuxtxninkaraekhngkhn chuxtxninkaraekhngkhnmkmacakkhaphudsakhy khxngphuekhaaekhngkhninelknn Here We Go Baby Off to Win a Million Bucks John I m Filthy And I Love It Monica I m In Russia Playing With Dolls Jeremy It s Not Over Until The Phil Sings Tyler Good Thing I Took That Human Anatomy Class in High School Tyler Sleep Deprivation Is Really Starting to Irritate Me Lake Herculean Effort for Some Herculean Dudes Tyler Here Comes The Bedouin Fran Do You Know How Much Running I Did Today Phil Jeremy Man They Should Have Used Their Fake Names Eric I Think This Monkey Likes Me Eric 5 Continents 9 Countries More Than 59 000 Miles rangwl inbangelk thangraykarcamirangwlphiessihkbthimthimathungcudphkepnthimaerk sahrbrangwlthiepnaephkekcthwrthnghmdsnbsnunodyaethrewlolsitiLeg 1 20 000 Leg 2 All expense paid trip to Tahiti sponsored by Leg 3 All expense paid trip to Africa sponsored by Travelocity for the first team to bring a Travelocity gnome collected during the Roadblock in the second half of this leg to the pit stop By coincidence Eric amp Jeremy who were the first to reach the pit stop were also the first ones to bring the gnome to the pit stop and thus won the prize Leg 4 Digital imaging package from Duracell Leg 5 Cruise for two to Mexico sponsored by Travelocity Leg 6 Trip to The Da Vinci Code movie premiere in Hollywood California The prize was awarded to the first team to arrive at the Pit Stop bearing two parchments and demonstrating that when combined they revealed a picture of Leonardo Da Vinci s and a coded message the first team to arrive at the Pit Stop did show the message and were awarded the prize Leg 7 All expense paid trip to Rome Italy sponsored by Travelocity Leg 8 All expense paid trip to Hong Kong sponsored by Travelocity Leg 9 Two one year leases for Mercedes ML350s like the ones driven on the leg Leg 10 Cruise around a tour of the wine district and the Great Barrier Reef as well a luxury hotel room for the time that they would normally be at the Pit Stop The prize on this leg was awarded to the team that had a picture of a golden gnome in an envelope they received with the Roadblock and Fast Forward clues and were told not to open until they reached the Pit Stop Ray and Yolanda had the golden gnome and won Leg 11 Two each with three years of free service Leg 12 1 000 000sthanthiinkaraekhngkhnedinthangodyekhruxngbin edinthangodyrthif edinthangodyerux edinthangodyrthpracathang immi edinthangodyrthynthruxedinthangaeyk xupsrrkh thangdwn thwngewla cudhyudphkaephnthiaesdngesnthangelk 1 shrthxemrika brasil Colorado USA Starting Line Denver Denver International Airport to Sao Paulo Sao Paulo Brazil Sao Paulo Hotel Unique Sao Paulo Viaduto Santa Efigenia oprtueks Sao Paulo Santa Cecilia 114A Rua Frederico Abranches oprtueks Sao Paulo The first Detour of the Race was Motor Head or Rotor Head In Motor Head teams had to travel to a motorcycle shop named Caverna Moto Pecas and assemble a motorcycle using an assembled motorcycle as a model Then using the parts provided and finished model for reference When the motorcycle is properly assembled the mechanic could start the bike and he would receive their next clue In Rotor Head teams had to travel to and locate one of three buildings varied in distance and each location had a limited number of tickets Teams are need to find the closest building from a flight directory Edificio Sao Luis Gonzaga Atrium V and Hotel Melia then travel by helicopter to the rooftop of that building to search the designated area for their next clue There are limited number of flights available to any one of these given buildings Additional taskAt the sanctuary teams had to witness a traditional ceremony and light a white candle to receive their next clue elk 2 brasil Teams had to climb a fire escape from the rooftop Edificio Copan and rappel down the ground for retrieving the next clue Sao Paulo Bloco F Sao Paulo Terminal Rodoviario Barra Funda Terminal Turistico to Sao Paulo Terminal Rodoviario de Brotas Brotas Volkswagen Beetle Terminal Rodoviario de Brotas Parking Lot Brotas Fazenda Primavera da Serra oprtueks In the first Roadblock of the race teams had to climb one of three stairwells 400 fut 120 emtr on a fire escape of the Edificio Copan Once on the top they would put harness and rappel down the building But in order which they arrived at the top would determine the order in which they would descend The Detour choices were Press It or Climb It In Press It teams drive to Camping Bela Vista to process raw sugar cane and its juice Then teams have to make 500 ml of ethanol to fuel their cars as an alternative fuel source After completing the task teams would had pour to newly created ethanol in their car to continuing on In Climb It teams travel to Usina Jacare and hike to a nearby waterfall where they climb 90 fut 27 emtr up a waterfall using mechanical ascenders elk 3 brasil rsesiy eyxrmni wiharesntbasilepncudkhrunghnungkhxngelkhniaelacatxngaekhngkhntxippratuaehngchychnainemuxngmiwnikepncudhyudphkthi 3 khxngkaraekhngkhnbusioxs hlkkiolemtrthi 114 busioxs sthanikhnsngbusioxs ipesaepalu thaxakasyannanachatikwelxhxs esaepalu thaxakasyannanachatikwelxhxs ipmxsok rsesiy thaxakasyannanachatiecheremetiyow mxsok Chaika Bassein mxsok sankaemchionowdiwich mxsok wiharesntbasilthictursaedng phithikrbxkaetlathimwayngimthungcudphkaelaihkhaibphrxmedinthangtxip mxsok thaxakasyannanachatiecheremetiyow ipaefrngkhefirt eyxrmni thaxakasyannanachatiaefrngkhefirt aefrngkhefirt sthanirthifharpaebnhxfaefrngkhefirt ipchtuththkarth sthanirthifharpaebnhxfchtuththkard chtuththkarth sanknganihykhxngemxreseds ebns bawaeriy briewnwangaexlbch bawaeriy studioxthayphaphyntrbawaeriy miwnik pratuaehngchychna The Roadblock from the second half of the leg required had to search a large field where one team member had to find 150 hats and feet around the field into one of nine Travelocity gnomes hidden underneath 11 hats and feet would be a gnome itself for their next clue The Detour for the second half of the leg Break It or Slap It In Break It teams took either to break a table full of stunt bottles over each others heads until they find prost the German word for Cheers written on the back of the label However they could only smash one bottle per cuckoo from a traditional German cuckoo clock In Slap It teams learn and perform German folk dance and correctly perform to get it right for their directions But teams with the right rhythm could finish fast When the folk dance is properly correct the actor would get their next clue pharkicesrimAt Kilometer 114 teams had to take a zipline from the top of the hill to the bottom for getting the next clue At the Mercedes Benz headquarters teams chose a Mercedes Benz vehicle and chose a driver for their thrilling ride on the test track After taking a spin in the high speed over 170 kilometers per hour when their cars turned to an almost 90 degree angle they would receive their next clue elk 4 eyxrmni xitali Segesta Amphitheatre where one team member had to assemble a Greek statue during Roadblock Munich to Palermo Sicily Italy Palermo Fortress Seaside Terrace Teatro di Segesta Segesta In the Detour for this leg Foundry or Laundry In Foundry teams had to walk a nearby metal works name Premiata Fonderia Birrione Campane at 8 Via Renda to carry 110 pxnd 50 kiolkrm iron cast Then using a vehicle known as they have to drive the bell drop off at Via Don Leonardo Zangara and delivered it to Chiesa Maria SS Del Soccorso for a priest to get their next clue In Laundry teams need to find Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi to search through over 2 400 items of laundry for one of sixteen items of clothing bearing a red and yellow tag If the red and yellow tag is found a laundry lady would get their next clue At the Segesta Amphiteater was the first of two Yields in the race For the Roadblock teams had to correctly piece together of a classical racers were not told that there were two extra pieces that did not belong elk 5 xitali Siracusa Italy was visited during the fifth leg of the RaceCatania Sicily Anfiteatro Romano xitali Catania Mercato Storico la Pescheria Siracusa Ponte Umbertino Siracusa In the Detour for this leg teams chose between Big Fish or Little Fish In Big Fish teams have need to carry a 17 kiolkrm 37 pxnd swordfish from a street vendor in Via Alessi then carry another sixth of a mile to Mercato Storico la Pescheria At the market teams had to find Jagino the fish market vendor to receive their next clue In Little Fish teams must travel by foot to the same fish market and sell 4 kiolkrm 8 8 pxnd of a small fish known as Triglia All teams except for Fran and Barry chose Big Fish For the Roadblock one team member must perform a popular Italian sport They would join a professional team and participate in an ongoing match Once the team was goaled a coach get their next clue Additional taskAt the Amphitheater teams had to count the statue heads on the fence posts surrounding the grounds of the amphitheater If they were correct they would receive their next clue elk 6 xitali kris At the Corinth Canal one team member had to complete a 240 foot bungee jump off a bridgeSiracusa Stazione di Siracusa to Rome Rome Trevi Fountain Rome Spanish Steps Rome to Athens Greece Athens Athens Stamatopoulos Taverna Athens Agioi Anargyroi Railway Station to Isthmos Railway Station Corinth Corinth Canal Ancient Stadium Fortress of Rion In this Fast Forward teams had to travel on foot less than a mile to a restaurant and took part in traditional Greek method of mischievous spirits plate breaking Teams had to break plates and find a little clue flag that was baked into one plate when that team finds the flag they would win the Fast Forward For this leg s Roadblock one team member had to complete a 240 fut 73 emtr bungee jump into Corinth Canal organized by the Zulu Bungy The Detour for this leg teams chose between Herculean Effort or It s All Greek To Me In Herculean Effort teams had to compete three events from ancient Olympic events One team to do in an competitive distance While the other team to do in a same distance Finally both teams have to participate of a 20 fut 6 1 emtr circle In It s All Greek To Me teams had enter an archeological site to search a specific section for the nine pieces of pottery containing Greek letters Then they will help to translate from and unscramble them and order the spell of the location of Greek map Dimitsana Additional tasksAt the Trevi Fountain teams received one half of Leonardo Da Vinci s drawing At the Spanish Steps teams had to search the horse carriages for a black leather portfolio Then find the other half of the Vitruvian Man drawing which is based on The Da Vinci Code The first team to arrive at the Pit Stop with the whole drawing won a prize elk 7 kris oxman One of the detour options was to lift a camel into a pickup truck using a winch Patras Rio Antirrio Bridge Chartered Bus to Athens Athens International Airport Athens Athens International Airport to Muscat Oman Muscat Riyam Park Baith Al Battha Al Hawiyah Shuwa Area Jabreen Castle This leg s Detour was Camel or Watchtower In Camel teams first to made way across the creek on a ferry to opposite bank which they had to lift a camel into a using a Then they had to use a map to drive one mile and deliver the camel in Bedouin camp to receive their next clue In Watchtower teams had to cross the river and search among three towers for an Arabian message box scroll However not all watchtowers contained it After they found a scroll they had to travel one mile 1 6 km to a silver shop Al Sayegh Gold amp Silver Smith to a man called Mubarek The Roadblock was to dig any of 117 sand dunes to find one of 6 Omani underground ovens Inside it was a woven pouch with a meal of is wrapped in a dried palm leaf bag and steamed in an underground oven which they would have for dinner Once they found the shuwa the Bedouin would get their next clue elk 8 oxman xxseteliy King s Park War Memorial was visited on The Amazing Race 9 before heading to Fremantle Muscat Seeb International Airport to Perth Western Australia Australia Perth Rottnest Express to Rottnest Island Wadjemup Lighthouse Rottnest Island Rottnest Island to Fremantle Fremantle South Breakwater Fremantle Sailing Club The Detour for this leg of the race offered teams the choice of Sand or Sea In Sand teams had to drag 40 branches and drag them 126 hla to a marked sand dune an activity known as brushing the beach which helps prevent In Sea teams searched among 50 underwater crayfish traps for those with live each team member had to retrieve one rock lobster This leg s Roadblock required one team to involved searching a black of Fremantle Prison for several cells within Division 4 to contain Duracell coppertop batteries and a flashlight then searching a entrance in darkened cavern they have to descent underground wet and dry tunnels for a clue Additional taskUpon arriving at Rottnest Island teams had to ride to drive themselves from Wadjemup Hill to Salmon Bay After the detour they ride it back elk 9 xxseteliy Swan Bells Tower in Perth which teams got their next clueephirth ephirth thaxakasyanephirth ip darwin Crocodylus Park 2010 02 07 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Batchelor Airstrip Darwin Parachute Club near Batchelor Magnetic Termite Mounds 2009 10 14 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Darwin Wilderness Resort 2010 05 05 thi ewyaebkaemchchin At the Batchelor Airstrip was the second of two Yields hidden on the race The Roadblock for this leg of the race saw one member of each team had to choose a plane and doing a 12 000 fut 3 700 emtr tandem skydive The instructor hands over to get their next clue This leg s Detour offered teams the choice of Wet or Dry In Wet teams drove 6 iml 9 7 kiolemtr to a swimming hole called Buley Rockhole 2009 10 14 thi ewyaebkaemchchin then hiked and swam 1 iml 1 6 kiolemtr down a river infested with spiders and poisonous plants to receive their next clue In Dry teams drove 6 iml 9 7 kiolemtr on road then another 6 iml 9 7 kiolemtr off road to a rock formation known as The Lost City 2009 10 14 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Once there teams must selected a and following the sound of music in the air from a locate in nearby aboriginal Then they had to find an Aboriginal musician with a matching didgeridoo and each team member had to play a note to receive the next clue Additional taskAt Crocodylus Park teams had to wade into a pond full of crocodiles to retrieve their next clue above from crocodiles elk 10 xxsetreliy ithy wdebycmbphitrdusitwnaramrachwrwiharepncudhyudphkthi 10 aelaepncudsudthaythicakhdxxkkhxngkaraekhngkhndarwin thaxakasyannanachatidarwin ipkrungethph ithy thaxakasyannanachatidxnemuxng krungethph sthanikhnsnghmxchit iplphburi sthanikhnsnglphburi lphburi phraprangkhsamyxd nnthburi swnphuththbnekaaekrd krungethph wdebycmbphitrdusitwnaramrachwrwihar In this Fast Forward teams traveled to a town outside of Lop Buri to try a favorite local after school activity from a nearby restaurant to eat a bowl of fried crickets and grasshoppers when completed that team would win the Fast Forward The Roadblock required one team member to make a ceremonial feast for monkeys at the temple and give it to them during an annual festival Following a demo that has already been set up When it is finished and offered it to the monkeys they would get their next clue The Detour was either Move It or Altar It In Move It teams had their make way on foot to Jom Jam Pottery Factory to transport 72 clay pots through the streets of a market to docked boat by balancing them on a wooden boards balanced on their shoulders In Altar It teams made their way by foot to Wat Chimphi temple and required to assemble a shrine including gold leafing a small BuddharupaBuddha statue for the shrine elk 11 ithy yipun xyuthya wngchangxyuthya ael ephniyd krungethph thaxakasyannanachatidxnemuxng ipotekiyw yipun thaxakasyannanachatinarita otekiyw lanthnnkhnedinchibuya otekiyw ruppnhaciokh otekiyw orngaermaekhpsul cudkhamkhun fucioychida swnsnukfuci khiw ihaelnd yamanakhaoka thaelsabyamanakha The Detour was Maiden or Messenger In Maiden teams had travel to Hamarikyu Gardens to transport a young Japanese woman in a traditional Japanese palanquin for 1 3 mile to a tea ceremony pavilion In Messenger teams travelled by foot to parking lot around Sankusu Street Which each person had to construct a foldable bicycle ride their bikes through the streets of Tokyo and deliver packages to Shinjuku Park Tower and Shinjuku Chuo Koen Building in Shinjuku Where they had delivered the packages teams must return to a parking lot The Roadblock required one team member to ride on three extreme rides in the Fujikyu Highland Amusement Park in the following order The Pizza Dodonpa and Fujiyama While riding the rides they had to look for a man holding a sign Upon completion of their third ride they had to tell the park manager what was written on the sign to receive their next clue If they didn t see the sign they would have to go on all three rides again pharkicesrimAt the Royal Elephant Kraal teams received T Mobile Sidekicks displaying their next clue from the elephants At the Shibuya Crossing teams had to find a message on display that would lead them to their next clue Find Hachiko At Lake Yamanaka teams had to take a swan boat and paddle out to the Pit Stop the big swan elk 12 yipun shrthxemrika otekiyw thaxakasyannanachatinarita ip xaaelska shrthxemrika aexngkhxerc thaelsabkrack aexngkhxerc ip xaaelska ip ednewxr okholraod thaxakasyannanachatiednewxr swnprawtisastrekhliyrkhlik ednewxr esnchy In the Detour teams had to choose between Drill It and Deliver It In Drill It teams had to drill 10 holes in the ice push an shack to their holes and properly position the shack over at least two of the holes In Deliver It teams had to load a with medical supplies fly with a pilot over 75 iml 121 kiolemtr to to deliver the supplies and fly back Due to poor weather conditions Deliver It was subject to an indefinite delay All teams by default decided to Drill It The Roadblock required one team member to retrieve one of 285 flags for each destination country they traveled to during the race other than the United States and place the flags in the order which they visited each country The other team member was allowed to assist but not physically participate Teams had a reference board with the flags of each destination country and three incorrect flags After finishing the Roadblock teams were allowed to run to the Finish Line Additional tasksAt Kincaid Park teams had to search the park to find their next clue using provided directions and with snow shoes on At Clear Creek History Park teams had to search the park to find their next clue duephim