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อัลกุรอาน 4:29: "O believers! Do not devour one another’s wealth illegally, but rather trade by mutual consent." อัลกุรอาน 2:275: "But Allah has permitted trading and forbidden interest."
Leviticus 19:13
Leviticus 19:35
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karkhakhay hrux karkha xngkvs trade hmaythung kartklngaelkepliynsinkhahruxbrikar hruxthngsxngxyang karkhakhaysamartheriykidxikchuxhnungkhux commerce nkesrsthsastrxangthung klikhruxsthanthithisamarthmikarkhakhayeriykwatlad rupaebberimtnkhxngkarkhakhaykhux sunghmaythungkaraelkepliynsinkhahruxbrikarodytrngrahwangphukha pccubnni odythwipphukhasmyihmichkarecrcatxrxngdwysingaelkepliyn sungnnkkhuxengintraphxkhasxngkhnineyxrmnistwrrsthi 16in kwdalaharaThe Liberty to Trade as Buttressed by National Law kh s 1909 ody odythwipaelw phxkhamkcaecrcatxrxngknphansuxklangkhxngekhrdithruxkaraelkepliyn echn engin aemwankesrsthsastrbangkhnrabulksnakhxngkar klawkhux karkhakhaysingkhxngodyimichengin waepnrupaebbaerk khxngkarkhakhay aetkxnprawtisastrlaylksnxksrcaerimtnkhun dngnn eruxngrawekiywkbkarphthnakhxngengininyukhaerk swnihycungxingcakkarkhadedaaelakarxnumanechingtrrka tw aelaenginthiimmitwtn idchwyldkhwamyungyakaelasngsngesrimkarkhakhay enuxngcakkarsuxsamarthaeykxxkcakkarkhay hruxkaridrbrayid id karkhakhayrahwangphxkhasxngrayeriykwa inkhnathikarkhakhaythiekiywkhxngkbphxkhamakkwasxngrayeriykwa inmummxngsmyihm karkhakhayekidkhunenuxngcakkhwamchanayphiessaela sungepnrupaebbednkhxng thibukhkhlaelaklumtang mungennipthikarphlitephiyngdaniddanhnung aetichphlphlitkhxngtninkaraelkepliynepnphlitphnthaelasingkhxngcaepnxun karkhakhayekidkhunrahwangphumiphakhenuxngcakphumiphakhtang xacmi thirbruhruxepncring inkarphlitsinkhabangpraephththisuxkhayknid rwmthungkarphlitthrphyakrthrrmchatithihayakhruxmicakdinthixun twxyangechn khnadkhxngphumiphakhthiaetktangknxacsngesrim inkrniechnni karsuxkhayknin rahwangsthanthitang samarthkxihekidpraoychntxthngsxngsthanthiid phukhapraephthtang xacmikhwamechiywchayinkarsuxkhaysinkhatangchnidkn twxyangechn karkhaekhruxngeths aela tangmikhwamsakhythangprawtisastrinkarphthnaesrsthkicolkaelaesrsthkicrahwangpraeths tladthiphlukphlaninimlthi 12 lakxs incieriy karkhakarkhaplik prakxbipdwy karkhay sinkhahruxphlitphnthcaksthanthithitngaennxn echn hangsrrphsinkha hrux chxngthangxxniln hrux inprimannxyhruxkhayplik sahrb hruxkarichnganodytrngcakphusux karkhakhaysng khux karkhaysinkhathikhayepnsinkhaophkhphnthihkb phuichnganinphakhxutsahkrrm phanichykrrm sthabn hruxphuprakxbkarmuxxachiphxun hruxihkb phukhasng rayxun aelabrikarthiekiywkhxng inxdit karepidkwangsukarkhaesriephimkhunxyangmakinbangphunthi tngaet kh s 1815 cnthungkarpathukhxngsngkhramolkkhrngthihnunginpi kh s 1914 karepidkwangthangkarkhaephimkhunxikkhrnginchwngthswrrsthi 1920 aetklblmslay odyechphaainyuorpaelaxemrikaehnux inchwngphawaesrsthkictktakhrngihyinthswrrsthi 1930 karepidkwangthangkarkhaephimkhunxyangmakxikkhrngtngaetthswrrs 1950 epntnma aemwacamikarchalxtwinchwngwikvtkarnnamninchwngthswrrsthi 1970 nkesrsthsastraelankprawtisastrdanesrsthkicyunynwaradbkarepidkwangthangkarkhainpccubnnnsungthisudethathiekhymimasphthmulwithyaTrade macakkhawa trade inphasaxngkvssmyklang hmaythung esnthang aenwthangptibti sungphxkhachawaehnesiytikepnphunaekhamaichinphasaxngkvs odymacakkhawa trade inphasaeyxrmntaklang hmaythung rxythang esnthang sungmacakkhawa trada in hmaythung rxyetha rxythang aelamacakkhawa tradō in hmaythung rxythang esnthang aelaepnkharwmechuxsaykbkhawa tredan inphasaxngkvseka hmaythung edin karphanichy miraksphthmacakkhain phasalatin wa commercium sungmacakkhawa cum aeplwa rwmkn aela merx aeplwa sinkha khwamepnmayukhkxnprawtisastr karkhakhaymitnkaenidmacakkarsuxsarkhxngmnusy inyukhkxnprawtisastr mnusyyukhkxnprawtisastrmikaraelkepliynsinkhaaelabrikarsungknaelaknin gift economy kxnthicamikarkhidkhnengintrainyukhpccubn pietxr wtsn Peter Watson rabuwa nnmimatngaetpraman 150 000 pikxnkhristkal inbriewnemdietxrereniyn kartidtxrahwangwthnthrrmthiekaaekthisudekiywkhxngkbsmachikkhxngsayphnthu Homo sapiens sungswnihyichaemnadanub inchwngewlaerimtn 35 000 30 000 pikxnpccubn sylksnkhthanguikhw edimepntwaethnkhxngethphemxrkhiwri ethphecaaehngkarkhakhaykhxngchawormn yngkhngichepnsylksnkhxngkarkhainpccubnphachnadinepha thikhudphbinchwngthswrrs 1860 thi ikl rsesiytxnit edimepnswnhnungkhxng aehng pccubnkhux cdaesdngthi phiphithphnthehxrmiethc in esntpietxrsebirk mihlkthankaraelkepliyn hinxxbsiediyn aela hinehlkif inyukhhin echuxknwamikarkhakhayhinxxbsiediynin niwkini tngaet 17 000 pikxnkhristkal karichhinxxbsiediynkhrngaerkintawnxxkiklmikhuninyukhhintxnlangaelaklang ecachaythakahiota mikasaonamiya orebirt khar obsanekt idthakarsuksakarkhakhayinyukhhin odykarkhudkhninpi kh s 1901 hlkthanthangobrankhdithichdecnchinaerkkhxngkarkhakhaysinkhathiphlitkhunnnphbinexechiytawntkechiyngit hlkthanthangobrankhdiekiywkbkarichhinxxbsiediynihkhxmulwawsduchnidniklayepnthiniymeluxkichmakkhunaethnthi hinechirt tngaetyukhhinklangcnthungyukhhinihm sungcaepntxngmikaraelkepliynenuxngcakaehlnghinxxbsiediynnnhayakinphumiphakhemdietxrereniyn hinxxbsiediyn epnwsduthiichinkarthaekhruxngmuxtd aemwacamiwsduxun thihaidngaykwa aetkarichnganhinxxbsiediyn cathukcakdiwechphaachnchnsungkhxngepha odyeriykknwa hinehlkifkhxngkhnrwy epnthinasnicwa mulkhakhxnghinxxbsiediyn nnyngkhngsungkwahinehlkifmaodytlxd phxkhainyukhaerk thakarkhakhaysungedinthangepnrayathangiklthung 900 kiolemtrphayinphumiphakhemdietxrereniyn karkhakhayinaethbthaelemdietxrereniyninchwngyukhhinihmkhxngyuorpnn wsduchnidniepnsinkhathiyingihythisud erimmiekhruxkhaykarkhakhayinraw 12 000 pikxnkhristkal xnaoteliyepnaehlngkhakhayhlkkbelaewnt xihran aelaxiyipt tamkarsuksakhxngsarinsinpi kh s 1990 aehlnghinxxbsiediyncak aela phlitkarkhathiaephrhlaymakthisudinphumiphakhemdietxrereniynethathiobrankhdiruck ehmuxng aehlngaer lapis lazuli khnadihythisudinethuxkekhakhxngxfkanisthan wsdudngklawmikarsuxkhayknxyangaephrhlaymakthisudin tngaet 1595 pikxnkhristkal xdm smith klawthungtnkaenidkhxngkarkhawamacakkarerimtnkhxngthurkrrmthangkarengininyukhkxnprawtisastr nxkehnuxcakkardarngchiphaebbphungphatnexngtamaebbdngedimaelw karkhakhayklayepnthksathangkhwamkhidhlksahrbmnusyyukhkxnprawtisastr sungmikaraelkepliynsingkhxngthitnexngmiephuxaelkkbsinkhaaelabrikarcakkn nkmanusywithyaimphbhlkthankhxngrabbkaraelkepliynthiimmirabbekhrditxyukhwbkhuknipdwy prawtisastrobran emdietxrereniynaelatawnxxkikl hlkthanekaaekthisudkhxngkarekhiynmikhwamekiywphnxyangluksungkbkarkhakhay dngechn thiichsahrbkarbnthukbychi sungphbinhubekhaefrthtxnbninsieriy sungmixayuyxnipthungshswrrsthi 10 kxnkhristkal thuxepnrupaebbkarekhiynthiekaaekthisudrupaebbhnung epnsunyklangkarkhathisakhyinchwngsnnibatthisamkxnkhristkal odymiekhruxkhaythiechuxmoyngipthungxnaoteliyaelaemosopetemiytxnehnux aephnthiesnthangkarkhaesnthangsayihm rahwangyuorpaelaexechiy wsduthiichthaekhruxngpradbmikarkhakhaykbxiyipttngaet 3000 pikxnkhristkal esnthangkarkhakhayrayaiklpraktkhunkhrngaerkinchwngshswrrsthi 3 kxnkhristkal emuxchawsuemxrinemosopetemiy thakarkhakbaehnghubekhasinthu chawfiniechiynepnthiruckinthanaphxkhathangthael edinthangkhamthaelemdietxrereniyn aelaiklipthangehnuxthungbrietn ephuxhaaehlngehlksahrbphlitthxngsmvththi ephuxcudprasngkhni phwkekhacungidtngthinthankarkhasungchawkrikeriykwa tamaenwchayfngkhxngthaelemdietxrereniyn nkwicyphbkhwamsmphnthechingbwk rahwangkarechuxmtxthidikhxngphunthichayfngkbkhwamaephrhlaykhxngaehlngobrankhdicakyukhehlk sungchiihehnwaskyphaphthangkarkhakhxngphunthiepnpccysakhyinkartngthinthankhxngmnusy aephncarukrxngeriynthungexya natsir sungmixayuyxnipthung 1750 pikxnkhristkal bnthukeruxngrawkhwamyaklabakkhxngphxkhathxngaednginyukhnn tngaetcuderimtnkhxngxarythrrmkrikcnthungkarlmslaykhxngckrwrrdiormn instwrrsthi 5 karkhathithakairthangkarenginidnaekhruxngethsxnmikhacaktawnxxkikl rwmthungxinediyaelacinmayngyuorp thaihckrwrrdiefuxngfuaelayunyng chwngplaykhxngsatharnrthormnaelasntiphaphormnkhxngckrwrrdiormnkxihekidekhruxkhaykarkhnsngthimnkhngaelaplxdphy sungchwyihsamarthkhnsngsinkhaidodyimtxngkngwleruxng enuxngcakormidklayepnmhaxanacthangthaelephiynghnungediywinemdietxrereniynhlngcakphichitxiyiptaelatawnxxkikl insmykrikobran ehxrmis epnethphecaaehngkarkha phanichykrrm aelamatrachngtwngwd insmyormobran emxrkhiweriys epnethphecaaehngphxkha sungmikarechlimchlxngethskalodyehlaphxkhainwnthi 25 khxngeduxnthiha aenwkhideruxng karkhaesri nn epnaenwkhidthitrngkhamkbkhwamtxngkaraelathisthangthangesrsthkickhxngphupkkhrxngrthtang insmykrikobran karkhaesrirahwangrththukkhdkhwangodykhwamcaepninkarkhwbkhumphayinthiekhmngwd phankarekbphasi ephuxrksakhwammnkhngphayinthxngphrakhlngkhxngphupkkhrxng sungxyangirktamsingnithaihsamarththarngiwsung khwameriybrxy phayinokhrngsrangkhxngchiwitchumchnthiichnganidcring karlmslaykhxngckrwrrdiormnaelayukhmud thitammathaihekidkhwamimmnkhnginyuorptawntk aelakarlmslaykhxngekhruxkhaykarkhainolktawntk xyangirktam karkhayngkhngefuxngfuinhmurachxanackrtang inthwipaexfrika tawnxxkklang xinediy cin aelaexechiytawnxxkechiyngit karkhabangswnekidkhunintawntk twxyangechn epnkildhruxklumphxkhayiw inyukhklang khwamhmaythiaethcringkhxngkhanisuyhayipinprawtisastr thithakarkharahwangkhristsasnikchn inyuorpaelamuslim intawnxxkikl xinod aepsifik ekhruxkhaykarkhathangthaelkhxng yukhkxnprawtisastr aela inmhasmuthrxinediy ekhruxkhaykarkhathangthaelthiaethcringaehngaerkinmhasmuthrxinediydaeninkarodychnephaxxsotrniesiynkhxngekaainexechiytawnxxkechiyngit esnthangedineruxnirierimodychnphunemuxngkhxngpraethsithwnaelapraethsfilippins epnekhruxkhaykarkhathikwangkhwangechuxmtxhlayphunthiinexechiytawnxxkechiyngitaelaexechiytawnxxk phlitphnthhlkthacakhykthikhudcakithwnodychnephaphunemuxngithwnaelaphankrabwnkarswnihyinfilippinsodychawfilippinsphunemuxng odyechphaaincnghwdbataens ekaalusxn aelacnghwdpalawn bangswnyngphankrabwnkarinpraethsewiydnam inkhnathichnchatikhxngpraethsmaelesiy praethsbruin praethssingkhopr praethsithy praethsxinodniesiy aelapraethskmphuchakmiswnrwminekhruxkhaykarkhakhnadihyniechnkn esnthangedineruxniepnhnunginekhruxkhaykarkhathangthaelthikwangkhwangthisudkhxngwsduthangthrniwithyachnidediywinolkyukhkxnprawtisastr mimaxyangnxy 3 000 pi odymikarphlitsungsudrahwang 2000 pikxnkhristkal thung 500 pikhristkal sungekaaekkwaesnthangsayihminaephndinihyyueresiyaelaesnthangsayihmthangthaelinewlatxma esnthangthnnthaelhykerimldlnginchwngstwrrssudthaytngaet 500 pikhristkal thung 1000 pikhristkal chwngewlathnghmdkhxngekhruxkhayniepnyukhthxngkhxngsngkhmthihlakhlayinphumiphakh chawexechiytawnxxkechiyngitthiedinthangthangthaelidsrangesnthangkarkhakb aela praethssrilngka tngaetchwng 1500 pikxnkhristkal epnkaraelkepliynwthnthrrmthangwtthu echn eruximkradaneyb aela hmak aela echn maphraw imcnthn klwy aela xxy rwmthungechuxmoyngwthnthrrmthangwtthukhxngxinediyaelacin klumchatiphnthuinxinodniesiy odyechphaaxyangyingmikarkhakhayekhruxngeths swnihyepn xbechy aela kb aexfrikatawnxxk odyicherux aelaerux aelalxngeruxodyxasykraaeslm inmhasmuthrxinediy ekhruxkhaykarkhanikhyayipiklthungthwip aexfrika aela khabsmuthrxahrb sngphlihchawxxsotrniesiynekhayudkhrxng praethsmadakskar inchwngkhrungshswrrsaerkkhxngkhristskrach karkhakhayyngkhngdaenintxipcnthungyukhprawtisastr aelatxmaklayepn emosxemrika thacaedor hruxenginkhwanthiichepnskulengininemosxemrika mimulkhakhngthixyuthiemldokok 8 000 emld sungichepnskulenginiddwy karekidkhunkhxngekhruxkhaykaraelkepliyninsngkhmkxnyukhokhlmbskhxngaelaiklkbemksiokepnthithrabkndiwaekidkhunphayinchwngimkipikxnaelahlng 1500 pikxnkhristkal ekhruxkhaykarkhakhyayipthangehnuxthung mihlkthankarkhathangthaelthimnkhngkbwthnthrrmthangtawntkechiyngehnuxkhxngxemrikaitaelaaekhribebiyn yukhklang inchwngsmyklang karkhakhayinyuorpidphthnakhunodykarsuxkhaysinkhafumefuxyinnganaesdngsinkha khwammngkhngthukepliynepnkhwammngkhngthiekhluxnyayidhruxesrsthkic rabbthnakharphthnakhunodythiengininbychithukoxnkhamphrmaednpraeths tladndklayepnlksnaednkhxngchiwitinemuxngaelathukkhwbkhumodyhnwyngankhxngemuxng yuorptawntkidsrangekhruxkhaykarkhathisbsxnaelakwangkhwang odymieruxbrrthuksinkhaepnphahnahlkinkarkhnsngsinkha aela epntwxyangsxngaebbkhxngeruxbrrthuksinkhadngklaw thaeruxhlayaehngidphthnaekhruxkhaykarkhathikwangkhwangkhxngtnexng emuxngtha bristxl khxngxngkvs thakarkhakbphukhncaksthanthisungpccubnkhuxpraethsixsaelnd iptamchayfngtawntkkhxngfrngess aelalngipcnthungsthanthisungpccubnkhuxpraethssepn aephnthiaesdngesnthangkarkhahlksahrbsinkhaphayinyuorpsmyklangtxnplay insmyklang exechiyklangepnsunyklangthangesrsthkickhxngolk chaw khrxbngaesnthangkarkhatawnxxk tawntkthiruckkninchux esnthangsayihm tngaetstwrrsthi 4 cnthungstwrrsthi 8 odymi aela epnsunyklangsakhyinphakhehnux phwkekhaepnphxkha hlkkhxngexechiyklang nbtngaetsmyklang satharnrththangthael odyechphaaxyangying ewnis aela econwa mibthbathsakhyinkarkhakhaytlxd thaelemdietxrereniyn tngaetstwrrsthi 11 thungplaystwrrsthi 15 satharnrthewnis aela satharnrtheconwa epnsunyklangkarkhathisakhy phwkekhakhrxbngakarkhain thaelemdietxrereniyn aelathaelda odymikarphukkhadrahwangyuorpaelatawnxxkiklepnewlahlaystwrrs tngaetstwrrsthi 8 thungstwrrsthi 11 chawiwking aela chawwarneciyn edinthangkhakhaythangeruxepnhlk odychawiwkingaelneruxipyngyuorptawntk khnathichawwarneciynipyngrsesiy inchwngstwrrsthi 13 thung 17 snnibathnesx sungepnphnthmitrthangkarkhakhxngemuxngtang idkhrxbkhrxngkarkhaaebbphukkhad ehnuxyuorpehnux aela epnswnihy yukheruxibaelakarptiwtixutsahkrrm nksarwcchawoprtueks wchku da kama epnphubukebik esnthangkarkhaekhruxngethskhxngchawyuorp inpi kh s 1498 emuxekhamathung hlngcakedinthangeruxxxm aehlmkudohp thangtxnitsudkhxng thwipaexfrika kxnhnani karihlewiynkhxngekhruxngethscakxinediyekhasuyuorpthukkhwbkhumodymhaxanacxislam odyechphaaxiyipt karkhakhayekhruxngeths mikhwamsakhythangesrsthkicxyangmak aelachwykratun yukhaehngkarsarwc inyuorp ekhruxngethsthinaekhamainyuorpcakolktawnxxkepnsinkhathimikhathisudemuxethiybkbnahnk bangkhrngmimulkhaethiybethakb thxngkha tngaet kh s 1070 epntnma xanackrtang inthwipaexfrikatawntkidklayepn erimaerkcakkarekhluxnyaythxngkhaaelathrphyakrxun thisngxxkodyphxkhamuslimbnekhruxkhay erimtninstwrrsthi 16 phxkhachawyuorpcasuxthxngkha ekhruxngeths pha im aelacakrthinaexfrikatawntksungepnswnhnungkhxngkarkhaitrphakhi sungmkcaaelkepliynepnpha ehlk hruxepluxkhxy sungichepnskulengininthxngthin kxtngkhuninpi kh s 1352 epnchatikarkhathisakhykhxngolk aelachawyuorpmkklawthungwaepnpraethsthirarwythisudinkarkhakhaydwy inchwngkhriststwrrsthi 16 aela 17 chawoprtueksidepriybthangesrsthkicinrachxanackr enuxngcakprchyakarkhathiaetktangkn inkhnathiphxkhachawoprtueksmungennipthikarsasmthun aetinkhxngoknnsingkhxngthangkarkhahlayxyangmikhwamhmaythangcitwiyyan tamthinkprawtisastresrsthkic othbi krin Toby Green klawwa inkhxngok karihmakkwakarrbepnsylksnkhxngxanacaelasiththiphiessthangcitwiyyanaelakaremuxng instwrrsthi 16 klumsibecdmnthlepnsunyklangkhxngkarkhaesri odyimmi aelasnbsnunkarekhluxnyaysinkhaxyangesri karkhakhayinxinediytawnxxkthukkhrxbngaodyoprtueksinstwrrsthi 16 satharnrthdtchinstwrrsthi 17 aelashrachxanackrinstwrrsthi 18 ckrwrrdisepnphthnaesnthangkarkhaxyangsmaesmxthngmhasmuthraextaelntikaelamhasmuthraepsifik kdysk instwrrsthi 17 thaeruxkhxngsnnibathnesx inpi kh s 1776 xdm smith idtiphimphhnngsux khwammngkhngkhxngprachachati sungwiphakswicarnlththiphanichyniym aelaotaeyngwakhwamechiywchaythangesrsthkicsamarthepnpraoychntxpraethschatiidechnediywkbbristh enuxngcakthukcakddwykhnadkhxngtlad ekhacungklawwapraethsthimitladkhnadihykwacasamarthaebngnganidxyangmiprasiththiphaphmakkhunaelasngphlihmiphlitphaphmakkhun smithklawwaekhaphicarnaehtuphlthnghmdkhxngkarkhwbkhumkarnaekhaaelakarsngxxkwaepn elhehliym sungsrangkhwamesiyhaytxpraethskhukhaodyrwmephuxpraoychnkhxngxutsahkrrmechphaaklum inpi kh s 1799 bristhxinediytawnxxkkhxngenethxraelnd sungkhrnghnungekhyepnbrisththiihythisudinolkid lmlalay sungepnphlmacakkaretibotkhxngkarkhaesrithimikaraekhngkhnsungkhun chawebxrebxr khakhaykb thimbktu 1853stwrrsthi 19 inpi kh s 1817 aela idaesdngihehnwakarkhaesricaepnpraoychntxthngpraethsxutsahkrrmthixxnaexaelaaekhngaekrng inthvsdithimichuxesiyngkhxng inhnngsux rikharodidphthnahlkkhasxnthiyngkhngthuxwaepneruxngthikhdkbkhwamrusukthisudin esrsthsastr emuxphuphlitthiimmiprasiththiphaphsngsinkhathitnphlitiddithisudipyngpraethsthisamarthphlitsinkhachnidediywknidxyangmiprasiththiphaphmakkwa thngsxngpraethscaidrbpraoychn karphngadkhunkhxngkarkhaesriswnihyaelwtngxyubnphunthankhxngkhwamidepriybkhxngchatiinchwngklangstwrrsthi 19 klawkhux karkhanwninkhnannphicarnawakarepidphrmaednkhxngpraethsidpraethshnungephuxrbkarnaekhasinkhacaktangpraethsnn epnphlpraoychnkhxngpraethsnn hruxim John Stuart Mill idphisucnwapraethsthimiinkarkahndrakha aetephiyngphuediywintladrahwangpraeths samarthbidebuxnid odykarkhngxtraphasiexaiw sungkartxbottxkrnini xacepnkardaeninnoybaykarkhaaebbtangtxbaethn sung rikharod aelankesrsthsastrkhnxun idekhyesnxaenwkhidniiwkxnhnani praednnithuknamaichepnkhxotaeynghlkkhasxneruxngkarkhaesri enuxngcakechuxknwapraethsthidaeninnoybaykarkhaaebbtangtxbaethn caidrbswnekinthangesrsthkiccakkarkhamakkwapraethsthidaeninxyangsmburn hlngcaknnimkipi aenwkhidniidthuktxyxdepnsthankarnxutsahkrrmerimaerk odymillidesnxthvsdithiwarthbalmihnathiinkarkhumkhrxngxutsahkrrmthiephingekidihm aemcaepnephiyngchwngewlasn ephuxihxutsahkrrmehlannphthnaskyphaphidxyangetmthi sungaenwkhidniidklayepnnoybaykhxnghlaypraethsthiphyayamcaphthnaxutsahkrrmkhxngtn aelaaekhngkhnkbphusngxxkcakxngkvs txmamiltn fridaemn Milton Friedman idsantxaenwkhwamkhidni odyaesdngihehnwainbangsthankarn phaphasixacepnpraoychntxpraethsecaban aetimekhyepnpraoychntxolkodyrwmely stwrrsthi 20 phawaesrsthkictktakhrngihy epnchwngphawaesrsthkicthdthxykhrngihythiekidkhuntngaetpi kh s 1929 thungplaythswrrsthi 1930 inchwngewlani primankarkhaaelatwchiwdthangesrsthkicxun prbtwldlngxyangmak hlaykhnmxngwakarkhadkarkhaesriepnsaehtuhlkkhxngphawaesrsthkictkta sungnaipsuphawaesrsthkicthdthxyaelaenginefx phawaesrsthkicthdthxyinshrthxemrikasinsudlnginchwngsngkhramolkkhrngthisxngethann inchwngsngkhramechnkn inpi kh s 1944 praethstang 44 praethsidlngnamin sungmunghmaythicapxngknxupsrrkhthangkarkharahwangpraeths ephuxhlikeliyngphawaesrsthkictkta mikarkahndkdeknthaelasthabntang khunephuxkhwbkhum idaek kxngthunkarenginrahwangpraeths aelathnakharrahwangpraethsephuxkarburnaaelaphthna txmaaebngxxkepnthnakharolkaelathnakharephuxkarcharahnirahwangpraeths xngkhkrehlanierimdaeninnganinpi kh s 1946 hlngcakthipraethstang ihstyabnkhxtklngnimakephiyngphx inpi kh s 1947 praethstang 23 praethsidtklnginkhwamtklngthwipwadwyphasisulkakraelakarkha ephuxsngesrimkarkhaesri shphaphyuorp klayepnphusngxxksinkhaaelabrikardanxutsahkrrmrayihythisudkhxngolk aelaepntladsngxxkthiihythisudsahrbpraethstang praman 80 praeths stwrrsthi 21 pccubn karkhaepnephiyngswnyxyphayinrabbthisbsxnkhxngbrrsthtang thiphyayamephimphlkairsungsuddwykaresnxphlitphnth thurkic aelakarbrikaraektlad esrsthsastr sungprakxbdwythngbukhkhlaelabrrsthxun thitnthunkarphlittathisud rabbkarkharahwangpraethsidchwyphthnaesrsthkicolk aetemuxichrwmkbkhxtklngthwiphakhihruxphhuphakhiephuxldphasihruxephuxihbrrlukarkhaesri bangkhrngklbsngphlesiytxtladolkthisamsahrbsinkhathxngthin karkhaesri karkhaesriepnnoybaythirthbalimeluxkptibtitxkarnaekhahruxsngxxkodykarichphasihruxenginxudhnun noybaynieriykxikxyangwanoybayplxyihepniptamthrrmchati noybaypraephthniimidhmaykhwamwapraethscalathingkarkhwbkhumaelakarekbphasikarnaekhaaelasngxxkthnghmd karkhaesrimikhwamkawhnamakkhuninchwngplaystwrrsthi 20 aelatnstwrrsthi 21 kh s 1992 ph s 2535 shphaphyuorp ykelikxupsrrkhthangkarkhaphayinsahrb sinkha aela1 mkrakhm kh s 1994 ph s 2537 the khwamtklngkarkhaesrixemrikaehnux North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA miphlbngkhbich kh s 1994 ph s 2537 wadwykarcdtngxngkhkarkarkhaolk WTO 1 mkrakhm kh s 1995 ph s 2538 xngkhkarkarkhaolk World Trade Organization WTO thuksrangkhunephuxxanwykhwamsadwkihkbkarkhaesri odykahndihpraethsphakhithiidrbkhwamxnuekhraahsungsudmisthanakarkharahwangkn EC thukepliynaeplngepnshphaphyuorp sungprasbkhwamsaercinkarsrangshphaphesrsthkicaelakarengin EMU inpi 2002 phankarnaskulenginyuormaich aelasrangtladediywthiaethcringrahwang 13 praethssmachik n wnthi 1 mkrakhm 2007 Interets des nations de l Europe developes relativement au commerce 1766inpi 2005 mikarlngnaminkhxtklngkarkhaesrixemrikaklang sungrwmthungshrthxemrikaaelasatharnrthodminiknaenwkhidlththikhumkhrxng karkhumkhrxngthangkarkha khux noybaykarcakdaelaldkarkharahwangpraeths trngknkhamkbnoybaykarkhaesri noybaynimkxyuinrupaebbkhxngphasisulkakraelaokhwtathicakd noybaykhumkhrxngthangkarkhamikhwamoddednxyangyinginchwngthswrrsthi 1930 rahwangphawaesrsthkictktakhrngihyaelacuderimtnkhxngsngkhramolkkhrngthisxng sasna khasxnxislamsnbsnunkarkha aelapranamkarekbdxkebiy khasxnkhxngyiw khristimhamkarkha phwkekhahamkarchxokngaelakarkrathathiimsucrit inxditphwkekhahamkarkhiddxkebiyenginku karphthnadanengintra ehriyy engintraephuxichaethnkaraelkepliynkhxngormobran rupaebbaerkkhxngenginkhuxwtthuthimimulkhaaeth eriykwa engintrasinkha sungrwmthungsinkhathimicahnaythwipthimimulkhaaeth twxyanginxditrwmthungsukr epluxkhxythaelhayak fnwal aela bxykhrng ww inxirkyukhklang khnmpngthukichepnrupaebbaerkkhxngengin inxanackraexsethk phayitkarpkkhrxngkhxng mxnetsuma emldokokklayepnskulenginthithukkdhmay skulengintra thuknamaichepnenginmatrthanephuxxanwykhwamsadwkinkaraelkepliynsinkhaaelabrikarinwngkwang khntxnaerkkhxngskulengin sungicholhaephuxaethnkhathiekbiw aelasylksnephuxaethnsinkha kxtwepnphunthankhxngkarkhaindinaedndwngdawmanankwa 1500 pi mitwxyangehriyycaksngkhmkhnadihyyukhaerk aemwainkhntncaepnkxnolhamikhathiimmiekhruxnghmayxangxingSamuelson P 1939 The Gains from International Trade The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 5 2 195 205 doi 10 2307 137133 JSTOR 137133 Dollar D Kraay A 2004 Trade Growth and Poverty PDF The Economic Journal 114 493 F22 F49 10 1 1 509 1584 doi 10 1111 j 0013 0133 2004 00186 x S2CID 62781399 khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedim PDF emux 2004 03 07 subkhnemux 2017 10 26 Compare and other types of retail trade Hoffman K Douglas b k 2005 Marketing principles and best practices 3 ed Thomson South Western p 407 ISBN 978 0 324 22519 8 ekbcakaehlngedimemux 2022 10 22 subkhnemux 2018 05 03 Five types of nonstore retailing will be discussed street peddling direct selling mail order automatic merchandising machine operators and electronic shopping Distribution Services 2000 02 09 khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2006 05 15 subkhnemux 2006 04 04 Federico Giovanni Tena Junguito Antonio 2019 World Trade 1800 1938 A New Synthesis Revista de Historia Economica Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History 37 1 9 41 doi 10 1017 S0212610918000216 10016 36110 ISSN 0212 6109 Federico Giovanni Tena Junguito Antonio 2018 07 28 The World Trade Historical Database VoxEU org ekbcakaehlngedimemux 2019 10 07 subkhnemux 2019 10 07 Bown C P Crowley M A 2016 01 01 Bagwell Kyle Staiger Robert W b k The Empirical Landscape of Trade Policy PDF Handbook of Commercial Policy vol 1 North Holland pp 3 108 doi 10 1016 bs hescop 2016 04 015 ISBN 978 0444632807 S2CID 204484666 ekb PDF cakaehlngedimemux 2021 02 25 subkhnemux 2019 10 07 Chisholm Hugh b k 1911 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of Shells West Africa from the Rise of the Slave Trade to the Age of Revolution Chicago University of Chicago Press ISBN 978 0226644578 OCLC 1051687994 Nanda J N 2005 Bengal the unique state Concept Publishing Company p 10 ISBN 978 81 8069 149 2 Bengal was rich in the production and export of grain salt fruit liquors and wines precious metals and ornaments besides the output of its handlooms in silk and cotton Europe referred to Bengal as the richest country to trade with Friedman Milton 1970 Price Theory Transaction Publishers ISBN 9780202309699 secondary British Broadcasting Corporation history ekbthawr 2019 12 24 thi ewyaebkaemchchin secondary M Smith V Gollancz 1996 ekbthawr 2015 09 05 thi ewyaebkaemchchin ISBN 0 575 06150 2 EU position in world trade European Commission ekbcakaehlngedimemux 5 March 2016 subkhnemux 7 March 2016 Free trade zone international trade Britannica ekbcakaehlngedimemux 2023 02 16 subkhnemux 2022 12 01 Nomani amp Rahnema 1994 p I want nine out of ten people from my Ummah nation as traders and Trader who did trading in truth and sold the right quantity and quality of goods he will stand along with Prophets and Martyrs on Judgment day xlkurxan 4 29 O believers Do not devour one another s wealth illegally but rather trade by mutual consent xlkurxan 2 275 But Allah has permitted trading and forbidden interest Leviticus 19 13 Leviticus 19 35 Is There Slavery In Your Chocolate khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux November 28 2005 subkhnemux November 24 2005 Gold was an especially common form of early money as described in Davies 2002 bthkhwamesrsthsastr karengin thurkic hrux karkhaniyngepnokhrng khunsamarthchwywikiphiediyidodykarephimetimkhxmuldk