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karkhrunkhid xngkvs Rumination epnkarisicxyanghmkmuninxakartang ekiywkbkhwamthukkh pyhakhxngtn aelainehtuaelaphlthixacepnipidkhxngkhwamthukkh aethnthicaisicinwithiaekpyha thngkhwamkhrunkhidaelakhwamklumic worry smphnthkbkhwamwitkkngwl anxiety aelaxarmnechinglbxun aetwakyngimmiwithikarediywthitklngichwdradbkhxngmn tamthvsdi Response Styles Theory esnxinpi 1998 ody Nolen Hoeksema khwamkhrunkhidniyamwaepn karisicxyanghmkmuninxakartang ekiywkbkhwamthukkh pyhakhxngtn aelainehtuaelaphlthixacepnipidkhxngkhwamthukkh aethnthicaisicinwithiaekpyha aelaephraawathvsdiniidhlkthanechingprasbkarnsnbsnun dngnncungepnaebbcalxngkhxngkhwamkhrunkhidthiniymichknmakthisud aetwakyngmithvsdixun thiesnxniyamxun yktwxyangechn inthvsdi Goal Progress Theory khwamkhrunkhidimichepnptikiriyatxsphawakhxngphunxarmn aetepn kartxbsnxngtxkhwamlmehlwthicakawhnaxyangnaphxicipyngepahmayxyanghnung bthkhwamniaesdngaebbcalxnghlayxyangkhxngkhwamkhrunkhidaelahmaycaaeyk khwamkhrunkhid cakaenwkhid okhrngsrangthangcitwithyaxun thixacdukhlayknhruxehluxmknthvsdiResponse styles theory thvsdisitlkartxbsnxng xngkvs Response styles theory twyx RST dngedimniyamkhwamkhrunkhidwa epnkarisicxyangimidtngic passive aelaxyangsa inxakarsumesrakhxngtn aelainehtuaelaphlthiepnipidkhxngxakarehlann hlkthanthiyunynniyamnimacakphlnganwicythiaesdngwa karkhrunkhidmiswnthaihekid darngrksa aelathaxakarsumesratang ihaeylng aelamiswninkarsaaedngxakar episodes khxngorkhsumesra inpi 2008 phutngthvsdiidkhyayniyamkhxngkhwamkhrunkhidnxkehnuxipcakkhwamsumesra odyrwmkarisicxakarkhxngkhwamthukkhthiimidtngicaelaekidkhunsa odythwip ephraawakhwamkhrunkhidpraktkwamiswnrwmkbkhwamphidpkxun imichephiyngaekhkhwamsumesra thvsdi RST yngyunyndwywa karhnipisiceruxngthidi positive distraction epnthangeluxkthidiaethnkarkhrunkhid khuxisicinsingeraechingbwkeruxngxunaethnthicaisicinkhwamthukkhkhxngtn aetwa kmiwrrnkrrmxun thiaesdngwa karhnipisiceruxngthidi xacimsamarthchwyethakbthiekhykhidmakxn Self regulatory executive function model aebbcalxng self regulatory executive function S REF ekiywkbkarthahnathiphidprktithangxarmn affective dysfunction yunynwa khwamkhrunkhidsamarthxthibayidxyangaemnyaphayinaebbcalxngkhxngkarkhwbkhumtwexngaebbhlayradb multilevel model of self regulation odyechphaaaelw aebbcalxng S REF niyamkarkhrunkhidiwwa khwamkhidsa thiekidcakkhwamphyayamephuxrbmuxkhwamkhdaeyngintwexng self discrepancy odymunghmayephuxptibtikartxkhxmulekiywkbtnexngepnhlkaelaimichephuxkarkrathamiepahmayaebbthnthi hruxphudngay kkhux emuxbukhkhlkalngkhrunkhid ekhamungthicatxbkhathamxyangechn chnrusukxyangirkbehtukarnni chncaepliynkhwamkhidkhwamrusukkhxngchnekiywkbehtukarnniidxyangir chncapxngknkhwamkhidkhwamrusukthiimdiinxnakhtidxyangir aetwa inkartxbpyhaehlani khnthikalngkhrunkhidmkcaisicthixarmnkhxngtnexng khux ptibtikartxkhxmulekiywkbtnexng aethnthicaisicinwithiaekpyha khux karkrathathimiepahmay khwamsanukrukhwamkhidkhxngtnexng Metacognition epnswnsakhykhxngaebbcalxng S REF aelachwyxthibaykarechuxmtxknrahwangkarkhrunkhidaelakhwamsumesra odyechphaakkhux phuthiechuxinechingbwk epn metacognitive belief wakarkhrunkhidmipraoychn echn chntxngkhrunkhidehtukarnrayinxditephuxthicaekhaic camiaerngcungicinkarkhrunkhidtxip aelaemuxerimkhrunkhidaelw khwamechuxekiywkbkarkhrunkhidcaepliynepnechinglb khuxwamnepnthukkh echn karkhrunkhidthaihchnpwythangkay khwbkhumimid echn karkhrunkhidhmaythungchnkhwbkhumtwexngimid aelamiphllbthangsngkhm khwamechux thiepn metacognitive belief echinglbcamiswnihekidaeladarngkhwamsumesra Goal progress theory thvsdi Goal progress theory twyx GPT xthibaykarkhrunkhidwa epneruxngekiywkbkhwamkawhnainkarthungepahmay odyechphaakkhux GPT mxngkarkhrunkhidwaepntwxyanghnungkhxng Zeigarnik effect sungaesdngwa bukhkhlcacakhxmulekiywkbnganthiyngimesrciddikwanganthiesrcaelw cakmummxngni GPT niyamkarkhrunkhidiwwa khwamonmexiyngthicakhidthungbxy sungepahmaythisakhy aelasungying khunip thiyngimid hruxthiyngimkawhnaxyangephiyngphx thvsdi GPT phyakrnwa bukhkhlthimikhxmulekiywkbepahmaythikhidthungidngaymioxkassungkwathicakhrunkhid sungepnkarphyakrnthimihlkthancakngansuksahlaynganphyathisphaphnganwicymakmayekiywkbphlkhxngkarkhrunkhid hruxkhwamonmexiyngthicaphicarnatwexng self reflect aesdngwakarkhrunkhidechinglbcakhdkhwangsmathiinkaraekpyha aelamiphlepnkarhmkmunxyuinkhwamkhidechinglbekiywkbkhwamlmehlwinxdit hlkthancakngansuksaaesdngwa phllbkhxngkarkhrunkhidmakcakkhwamexnexiyngthangprachan cognitive bias echnkhwamexnexiyngthangkhwamcahruxkarisic sungthaihbukhkhlkhideluxkexaaetsingeraechinglb khwamonmexiyngthicakhrunkhidinechinglbdarngxyuxyangsmaesmxepnewlanan aelaepnpccyesiyngsakhytxorkhsumesra imichephiyngaekhkhnkhrunkhidepnpracaethannthiekidkhwamsumesra ngansuksaaebbthdlxngidaesdngaelwwa bukhkhlthithukchkcungihkhrunkhidprasbkbkhwamrusuksumesramakkwa mihlkthandwywa karkhrunkhidsmphnthkbkhwamwitkkngwlthwip khwamekhriydhlngehtukarnsaethuxnic kardumehlaephuxihema binge drinking khwamphidpktiinkarrbprathan aelaphvtikrrmtharaytwexng khwamkhrunkhidtxneaerkechuxknwa epntwphyakrnchwngewlakhxngxakarsumesra klawxikxyangkkhux karkhrunkhidthungpyha smmutiwaepnrupaebbhnungkhxngkarsxmkhwamca memory rehearsal sungekhyechuxwathaprasbkarnsumesraihyawnankhun aethlkthanpccubnaesdngwa aemwakarkhrunkhidcamiswnkxkhwamsumesra aetimcaepntxngsmphnthkbchwngewlakarekidxakarrupaebbaelaeruxngthikhidkarphyakrnwaxairepneruxngthibukhkhlkhrunkhid tang knipkhunxyukbmummxngkhxngthvsdi thvsdibangxyangesnxwa karkhrunkhidcasnicthikhwamrusukechinglb aela hrux sthankarnthiekiywkhxngkbkhwamrusuknn rwmthngthvsdi RST rumination on sadness Trapnell and Campbell stress reactive rumination post event processing model mithvsdixunthiphyakrnwa epnkarkhidthungkhwamimlngrxyknrahwangsthanakhxngtninpccubnaelasthanathitxngkar goal progress conceptual evaluative model of rumination aelathvsdixun esnxwa timechinglbineruxngkhwamkhwbkhumimidaelakhwamesiyhaythicamiin metacognition epneruxngthisakhythisud khwamkhidsamythiepnlksnakhxngkarkhrunkhidkkhuxkarthamkhwamxyuepnsukhkhxngtnexng aelakarsnicineruxngehtuaelaphlkhxngxakarsumesrakhxngtnexng yktwxyangechn thaimchncungepnkhnimexaihnechnni thaimchncungxarmnimdixyangni hruxwa thaimchnimrusukxyakcathaxairely khwamaetktangthangthvsdixikxyangkkhuxkalewlakhxngeruxngthikhid odymihlaythvsdismmutiwa samarthekiywkhxngthngxdit xnakhtaelapccubn swnbangthvsdismmutiwa epneruxnginxdithruxpccubn aetwa kmiraynganthismaesmxwa karkhrunkhidemuxethiybkbkhwamklumic epneruxngekiywkbxdit aetwangansuksainpi 2007 phbwa ewlacaepliynipinchwngkarkhrunkhid khuxbukhkhlcaerimthieruxnginxditkxn aelwephimkhwamkhidekiywkbpccubnaelaxnakhtmakkhuntxma dngnn karkhrunkhidxaccasbsxnkwathiekhykhid aelaimichepneruxngxditlwn mikaresnxaebbkarkhrunkhidehlani khux State rumination karkhrunkhidthungsphawa sungepnkarhmkmunineruxngphlaelakhwamrusukthismphnthkbkhwamlmehlwinxdit karkhrunkhidechnniepneruxngsamykwainbukhkhlthimxngolkinaengray mibukhlikphaphaebb neuroticism aelaxthibayehtukarntang inechinglb negative attributional style Action rumination karkhrunkhidthungkarkratha epnkrabwnkarkhidthisnicinsingthicatha odyphungkhwamsnicipthikarthungepahmayaelakaraekikhkhwamphidphlad Task irrelevant rumination karkhrunkhidthungsingthiimekiywkhxng sungkhidthungehtukarnhruxbukhkhlthiimekiywkhxngkbepahmaythiimsamarthekhathung ephuxthicaepliynkhwamsnicipcakkhwamlmehlwkarwdkhwamkhrunkhidsamarthwdidody Ruminative Responses Scale cakchudkhatham Response Styles Questionnaire sungihphurbkarthdsxbaesdngwa tnmikhwamkhidhruxphvtikrrm 22 xyangbxyaekhihnemuxrusukesraichruxsumesrakhwamaetktangrahwangephstam s citwithyathimhawithyalyeylthanhnung hyingmkcakhrunkhidemuxesra ethiybkbchaythimkcahnipsniceruxngxun khwamaetktanginkartxbsnxngechnnichiwa thaimhyingcungmixtrakhwamsumesrasungkwachay nkwicyxun idphbhlkthanyunynwahyingmioxkassungkwathicakhrunkhid aemwa hlkthanthiaesdngwachaymkhnipsniceruxngxuncamihlkthanthiimsmaesmxkarepidephyaebbdiaemwakarkhrunkhidodythwipcaimdiaelasmphnthkbkhwamsumesra karkhidthungaelaklawthungkhwamrusuktnexngmipraoychninsthankarnbangxyang tam s thimhawithyalyethkss xxstin karepidephytnexngthidisamarthldkhwamekhriydaelakhwamkhrunkhid thakarepidephynaipsukhwamekhaicthidikhunekiywkbehtukhxngpyha dngnn thabukhkhlaechrkhwamrusuktnexngkbphuxunthitnmikhwamsmphnththidi nixaccaepnkhwamecriyngxkngam odyepriybethiybkn emuxbukhkhlkhrunkhidsa sak aelahmkhmunxyuinpyhaediywknodythiimkawhna kcamioxkasekidkhwamsumesramakkhunkhwamsmphnthkbaenwkhidxun khwamkhrunkhid Rumination khlayknhruxehluxmknkbaenwkhid okhrngsrangxun echn khwamklumic Worry aelakhwamkhidechinglbxtonmti negative automatic thought khwamklumic khwamkhrunkhidpraktwasmphnthxyangiklchidkbkhwamklumic Worry odysamarthniyamkhwamklumicidwa lukoskhxngkhwamkhidaelacintphaph thietmipdwyxarmnechinglb aelakhxnkhangkhwbkhumimid epnkarphyayamaekpyhainicekiywkbpraednthimiphlimaennxn aetmioxkasthicamiphllbxyangnxyhnungxyanghruxmakkwann mikarepriybethiybkhwamkhrunkhidkbkhwamklumic sunginthvsdibangxyang khwamkhrunkhidepnrupaebbhnungkhxngkhwamklumic echn S REF nxkcaknnaelw nkwicyhlaykhnidihkhxsngektwa mikhwamekidrwmknkhxngorkh comorbidity sungrahwangorkhwitkkngwl GAD aelaorkhsumesra MDD khux khnikh 60 thimixakarkhxng GAD samarthwinicchywami MDD dwy karekidrwmxyangsakhyechnnithaihmiwrrnkrrmephimkhuneruxy ekiywkbkhwamehluxmlarahwangkhwamkhrunkhid sungbxykhrngsuksaineruxng MDD kbkhwamklumic sungbxykhrngsuksaineruxng GAD khawdkhxngkhwamkhrunkhidaelakhwamklumicmishsmphnthsung ehnuxkwakhawdxakarkhwamwitkkngwlaelakhwamsumesra r 66 Beck amp Perkins 2001 thngkhwamkhrunkhidaelakhwamklumicehluxmkninkhwamsmphnthkborkhwitkkngwlaelaorkhsumesra aemwacamingansuksathiaesdngkhwamcaephaa specificity khxngkhwamkhrunkhidkborkhsumesraaelakhwamklumickborkhwitkkngwl nxkcaknnaelw mikarphbwa khwamkhrunkhidsamarthphyakrnkhwamepliynaeplngkhxngxakarsumesraaelakhxngxakarwitkkngwl aelakhnikh MDD raynganradbkhwamklumickhlaykbkhnikh GAD dngnnodyxngkhrwmaelw nganwicyehlaniaesdngwa khwamkhrunkhidaelakhwamklumicimichaekhsmphnthknethann ephraaaetlaxyangyngsmphnthkbxakarkhxngthngkhwamsumesraaelakhwamwitkkngwlxikdwy mingansuksathiaesdngwa eruxngthiklumickberuxngthikhrunkhidaetktangkn khwamklumicbxykhrngepneruxngkaraekpyhaaelaekiywkbxnakht inkhnathikhwamkhrunkhidmkcaepneruxngkhwamsuyesiyaelaekiywkbxdit khwamkhrunkhid emuxethiybkbkhwamklumic smphnthkbkhwamphyayamaelakhwammnicthinxykwainkaraekpyha mikaresnxwa khwamkhrunkhidaelakhwamklumicmihnathitangkn khux khwamkhrunkhidsmphnthkbkhwamechuxwatwexngmiswninsthankarnmakkwaaelacaepntxngekhaicmakkwa ethiybkbkhwamklumicthismphnthkbkhwamtxngkarhlikeliyngkhwamkhidthithaihklumic Watkins 2004b yngmismmtithanxikdwywa khwamklumicepneruxngcintnakarmakkwakhwamkhrunkhid aetwahlkthanekiywkberuxngniimlngrxykn dngnn odythwipaelw ngansuksaehlaniaesdngwa khwamklumicaelakhwamkhrunkhidepnaenwkhidthismphnthknaelathngsxngtangknaipsukhwamsumesraaelakhwamwitkkngwl epnipidwa khwamkhrunkhidaelakhwamklumicepnaebbkarkhidsa thismphnthkn aelaxaccachdecnkwathacdepnaebbyxykhxngokhrngsrangthikhrxbkhlumaenwkhidthngsxng echn epnklyuththrbmuxpyhaaebbhlikeliyng avoidant coping strategy khwamkhidechinglbxtonmti mikarepriybethiybkhwamkhrunkhidkbkhwamkhidechinglbxtonmti negative automatic thoughts thiniyamwaepnkhwamkhidsa thimitimekiywkbkhwamsuyesiyhruxkhwamlmehlwswnbukhkhl tam s citwithyathimhawithyalyeyl 2004 ethxyunynwa khwamkhrunkhid dngthiniyamin RST tangcakkhwamkhidechinglbxtonmti ephraawa khwamkhidechinglbxtonmtiepnkarpraeminaebbrwbrd thungeruxngkhwamsuyesiyaelakhwamlmehlwinorkhsumesra inkhnathikhwamkhrunkhidepnlukoskhxngkhwamkhidthisa wnewiyn epneruxnglb ekiywkbtnexng thixacekidkhunodytxbsnxngtxkhwamkhidechinglbxtonmtiinebuxngtn ethxyngesnxdwywa khwamkhrunkhidxacmitimechinglbthiphbinkhwamkhidechinglbxtonmtinxkehnuxipcakkarwiekhraahxakar ehtu aelaphlkhxngkhwamrusuk hnngsuxpi 2004 yngihhlkthanthisnbsnunkhxsrupni khux nkekhiynphbwa khwamkhrunkhidsamarthphyakrnkhwamsumesraaememuxkhwbkhumkarkhidechinglb negative cognition sungaesdngwa aenwkhidthngsxngimicheruxngediywkn aelamikhunkhakarphyakrnthitangkn aetaemwa camikarxangwa khwamkhrunkhidaelakhwamkhidechinglbxtonmtiepneruxngthiaetktangkn aetwa Response Style Questionnaire kidthukkhdkhaninpraednwamiswnehluxmkbkhwamkhidechinglbxtonmtiduephimorkhsumesra orkhyakhidyathaxangxingWareerat Thanoi Rungnapa Panitrat Kobkul Phancharoenworakul Elaine A Thompson Dachavudh Nityasuddhi 2011 The Adolescent Ruminative Response Scale Thai version Psychometric Properties PDF J Nurs Sci 29 30 aebbwdkhwamkhrunkhid a href wiki E0 B9 81 E0 B8 A1 E0 B9 88 E0 B9 81 E0 B8 9A E0 B8 9A Cite journal title aemaebb Cite journal cite journal a CS1 maint uses authors parameter Nolen Hoeksema S Wisco BE Lyubomirsky S September 2008 Rethinking Rumination Perspectives on Psychological Science 3 5 400 424 doi 10 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