ชาวยูเครน (ยูเครน: украї́нці, อักษรโรมัน: ukraintsi) เป็นกลุ่มชาติพันธุ์ชาวสลาฟตะวันออกที่เป็นชาวพื้นเมืองของประเทศยูเครน ซึ่งเป็นประเทศที่มีประชากรมากเป็นอันดับ 7 ในทวีปยุโรป และมากเป็นอันดับ 2 ในกลุ่มชาวสลาฟตะวันออก รองจากชาวรัสเซีย โดยในจะกล่าวถึงพลเมืองยูเครนทุกคนด้วยคำว่า ‘ชาวยูเครน‘
![]() | |
ประชากรทั้งหมด | |
ป. 46 ล้านคน![]() | |
ภูมิภาคที่มีประชากรอย่างมีนัยสำคัญ | |
3,269,992 | |
1,359,655 | |
1,200,000 | |
1,028,492 | |
600,000 | |
338,022 | |
325,235 | |
305,000 | |
272,000 | |
234,354 | |
159,656 | |
131,709 | |
124,602 | |
112,728 | |
106,697 | |
51,703–200,000 | |
50,699 | |
45,051 | |
38,791 | |
32,000 | |
30,000–90,000 | |
23,414 | |
23,183 | |
22,263 | |
21,509 | |
20,000–35,000 | |
12,691 | |
12,248 | |
12,144 | |
12,000–40,000 | |
12,000 | |
11,145 | |
11,069 | |
10,996 | |
10,001 | |
10,000–15,000 | |
6,681 | |
5,000 | |
5,000 | |
5,000 | |
ภาษา | |
ยูเครน | |
ศาสนา | |
ส่วนมาก: 67.3% คริสต์นิกายอีสเทิร์นออร์ทอดอกซ์ ส่วนน้อย: 11% ไม่มีศาสนา, 9.4% คริสต์นิกายกรีกคาทอลิก, 7.7% คริสต์ไม่ระบุนิกาย, 2.2% คริสต์นิกายโปรเตสแตนต์ และอื่น ๆ | |
กลุ่มชาติพันธุ์ที่เกี่ยวข้อง | |
สลาฟตะวันออกอื่น ๆ |
ในอดีต ชาวยูเครนเป็นที่รู้จักกันในชื่อ "ชาวรูทีเนีย", "ชาวรัสเซียน้อย" และ"ชาวคอสแซค"
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- อ้างอิงผิดพลาด: ป้ายระบุ
ไม่ถูกต้อง ไม่มีการกำหนดข้อความสำหรับอ้างอิงชื่อEthnic composition of the population of Ukraine, 2001 Census
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- Ukrainians ... Ukrainians are people whose native language is Ukrainian (an objective criterion) whether or not they are nationally conscious, and all those who identify themselves as Ukrainian (a subjective criterion) whether or not they speak Ukrainian ...
- Особливості Релігійного І Церковно-Релігійного Самовизначення Українських Громадян: Тенденції 2010–2018 [Features of Religious and Church – Religious Self-Determination of Ukrainian Citizens: Trends 2010–2018] (PDF) (ภาษายูเครน), Kyiv: in collaboration with the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches, 22 April 2018, pp. 12, 13, 16, 31, (PDF)จากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 2018-04-26
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chawyuekhrn yuekhrn ukrayi nci xksrormn ukraintsi epnklumchatiphnthuchawslaftawnxxkthiepnchawphunemuxngkhxngpraethsyuekhrn sungepnpraethsthimiprachakrmakepnxndb 7 inthwipyuorp aelamakepnxndb 2 inklumchawslaftawnxxk rxngcakchawrsesiy odyincaklawthungphlemuxngyuekhrnthukkhndwykhawa chawyuekhrn chawyuekhrn ukrayincithngchatiyuekhrnprachakrthnghmdp 46 lankhnphumiphakhthimiprachakrxyangminysakhy yuekhrn 37 541 693 rsesiy3 269 992 aekhnada1 359 655 opaelnd1 200 000 shrth1 028 492 brasil600 000 khaskhsthan338 022 mxlodwa325 235 xarecntina305 000 eyxrmni272 000 xitali234 354 eblarus159 656 echkekiy131 709 xusebkisthan124 602 sepn112 728 frngess106 697 ormaeniy51 703 200 000 ltewiy50 699 oprtueks45 051 xxsetreliy38 791 kris32 000 xisraexl30 000 90 000 shrachxanackr23 414 exsoteniy23 183 cxreciy22 263 xaesxribcan21 509 turki20 000 35 000 khirkissthan12 691 lithweniy12 248 ednmark12 144 parakwy12 000 40 000 xxsetriy12 000 shrthxahrbexmierts11 145 swiedn11 069 hngkari10 996 solwaekiy10 001 xurukwy10 000 15 000 switesxraelnd6 681 finaelnd5 000 cxraedn5 000 enethxraelnd5 000phasayuekhrnsasnaswnmak 67 3 khristnikayxisethirnxxrthxdxks swnnxy 11 immisasna 9 4 khristnikaykrikkhathxlik 7 7 khristimrabunikay 2 2 khristnikayopretsaetnt aelaxun klumchatiphnthuthiekiywkhxngslaftawnxxkxun inxdit chawyuekhrnepnthiruckkninchux chawruthieniy chawrsesiynxy aela chawkhxsaeskh prachakrchawyuekhrnswnihynbthuxsasnakhristnikayxisethirnxxrthxdxksxangxing People groups Ukrainian Joshua Project subkhnemux 15 March 2016 Vic Satzewich 2003 The Ukrainian Diaspora Routledge p 19 ISBN 978 1 134 43495 4 xangxingphidphlad payrabu lt ref gt imthuktxng immikarkahndkhxkhwamsahrbxangxingchux Ethnic composition of the population of Ukraine 2001 Census Total Migrant stock at mid year by origin and by major area region country or area of destination 1990 2015 United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division 2015 subkhnemux 22 November 2017 Census Profile 2016 Census Ethnic origin population Statistics Canada 2017 02 08 subkhnemux 22 April 2018 SELECTED SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS IN THE UNITED STATES 2010 2016 American Community Survey 1 Year Estimates United States Census Bureau khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 14 February 2020 subkhnemux 19 November 2017 Brazil The Ukrainian World Congress subkhnemux 17 December 2020 Total Migrant stock at mid year by origin and by major area region country or area of destination 1990 2015 United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division 2015 subkhnemux 22 November 2017 Biroul Național de Statistică al Republicii Moldova khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 14 November 2017 subkhnemux 30 September 2017 Ministerstvo ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba statistiki Pridnestrovskoj Moldavskoj Respubliki khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 27 September 2017 subkhnemux 30 September 2017 Ukrainian immigration to Argentina Ucrania com phasasepn 3 February 2008 khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 27 December 2013 Ukrainian immigration to Argentina Ucrania com phasasepn khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 7 February 2005 subkhnemux 5 August 2007 Statistische Bundesamt khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2018 04 16 subkhnemux 28 October 2017 Ucraini in Italia tuttitalia it Elaborazioni su dati ISTAT L Istituto nazionale di statistica subkhnemux 22 October 2017 khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2021 01 16 subkhnemux 2021 03 25 1 Total Migrant stock at mid year by origin and by major area region country or area of destination 2015 United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division 2015 subkhnemux 11 October 2017 Poblacion extranjera por Nacionalidad comunidades Sexo y Ano Datos provisionales 2020 European countries Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine subkhnemux 5 November 2017 khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2022 02 25 subkhnemux 2021 03 25 PDF edrc ro khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedim PDF emux 2019 08 02 subkhnemux 13 December 2011 Ukrayinska diaspora v Rumuniyi Ukrainian diaspora in Romania phasayuekhrn Bukovina tolerantna subkhnemux 5 November 2017 PDF Latvijas Republikas Iekslietu ministrijas Pilsonibas un migracijas lietu parvalde khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedim PDF emux 25 November 2020 subkhnemux 17 May 2018 Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 16 January 2014 subkhnemux 1 October 2017 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2019 07 20 subkhnemux 8 November 2017 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2019 10 01 subkhnemux 22 November 2017 khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2019 10 01 subkhnemux 8 November 2017 Eesti Statistika khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 4 January 2018 subkhnemux 28 October 2017 Censuses of Republic of Azerbaijan 1979 1989 1999 2009 State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan subkhnemux 1 October 2017 European countries subkhnemux 8 November 2017 svitua com ua 2017 06 20 khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2019 08 22 subkhnemux 12 October 2017 Ethnic composition 2016 estimation data for regions Kyrgyz Respublikasynyn Uluttuk statistika komiteti subkhnemux 6 November 2017 Population at the first day of the quarter by country of origin ancestry age sex region and time Ukraine Statistics Denmark subkhnemux 27 May 2018 PARAGUAY Ukrainian World Congress subkhnemux 10 November 2017 lingkesiy Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Ucrania khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 20 July 2019 subkhnemux 10 November 2017 Botschaft der Ukraine in der Republik Osterreich khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 13 October 2013 subkhnemux 5 October 2017 Yevgenij Semenov Ukrayinska gromada v OAE ob yednuyetsya ne chekayuchi zhodnih oficijnih statusiv chi zaklikiv i ce golovne chasipodii net subkhnemux 13 October 2017 Befolkning efter fodelseland alder kon och ar Statistiska centralbyran subkhnemux 25 February 2020 Vukovich Gabriella 2018 Mikrocenzus 2016 12 Nemzetisegi adatok 2016 microcensus 12 Ethnic data PDF Hungarian Central Statistical Office phasahngkari Budapest ISBN 978 963 235 542 9 subkhnemux 9 January 2019 State Migration Service of Ukraine and Foundation for assistance to refugees and displaced people Compassion khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 3 October 2017 subkhnemux 25 September 2017 S A Makarchuk Etnichna istoriya Ukrayini ebk net ua subkhnemux 2 October 2017 Botschaft der Ukraine in der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 15 July 2019 subkhnemux 5 November 2017 Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Finland khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2019 09 06 subkhnemux 5 November 2017 Embassy of Ukraine in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 6 September 2019 subkhnemux 12 October 2017 Ambassade van Oekraine in het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 6 September 2019 subkhnemux 12 October 2017 Ukrainians Ukrainians are people whose native language is Ukrainian an objective criterion whether or not they are nationally conscious and all those who identify themselves as Ukrainian a subjective criterion whether or not they speak Ukrainian Osoblivosti Religijnogo I Cerkovno Religijnogo Samoviznachennya Ukrayinskih Gromadyan Tendenciyi 2010 2018 Features of Religious and Church Religious Self Determination of Ukrainian Citizens Trends 2010 2018 PDF phasayuekhrn Kyiv in collaboration with the All Ukrainian Council of Churches 22 April 2018 pp 12 13 16 31 PDF cakaehlngedimemux 2018 04 26 Sample of 2 018 respondents aged 18 years and over interviewed 23 28 March 2018 in all regions of Ukraine except Crimea and the occupied territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions Europe by population subkhnemux 28 February 2019 Ukrainians Encyclopediaofukraine com 16 July 1990 subkhnemux 30 October 2012 in Roman Senkus et al eds The Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine revised and updated content based on the five volume Encyclopedia of Ukraine University of Toronto Press 1984 93 edited by Volodymyr Kubijovyc vols 1 2 and Danylo Husar Struk vols 3 5 Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies CIUS University of Alberta University of Toronto Paul Robert Magosci The Rusyn Question litopys org ua subkhnemux 19 June 2020 Poles and Ruthenians in the Habsburg Monarchy habsburger net subkhnemux 19 June 2020 Rusyn people britannica subkhnemux 19 June 2020 wikimiediykhxmmxnsmisuxthiekiywkhxngkb chawyuekhrn