ชนสลาฟ (อังกฤษ: Slavic people) เป็นกลุ่มชาติพันธ์และสาขาภาษาของตระกูลอินโด-ยูโรเปียนที่ตั้งถิ่นฐานส่วนใหญ่อยู่ในบริเวณทางตะวันออกและตอนกลางของยุโรป ตั้งแต่คริสต์ศตวรรษที่ 6 ชนสลาฟก็แผ่ขยายไปจากที่ตั้งถิ่นฐานเดิม (ส่วนใหญ่เชื่อกันว่าอยู่ในยุโรปตะวันออก) ไปจนถึงทางตะวันออกสุดของยุโรปกลาง, ยุโรปตะวันออก และ คาบสมุทรบอลข่าน บางกลุ่มก็ไปถึงไซบีเรีย และเอเชียกลาง หรือไปยังส่วนอื่นๆ ของโลก กว่าครึ่งหนึ่งของอาณาบริเวณในยุโรปเป็นที่ตั้งถิ่นฐานของชนที่พูดภาษาสลาฟ
![]() ชาวสลาฟเป็นส่วนใหญ่ (มากกว่า 50%) ชนกลุ่มน้อยสลาฟ (10–50%) | |
ประชากรทั้งหมด | |
ป. 300 ล้านคน | |
ภูมิภาคที่มีประชากรอย่างมีนัยสำคัญ | |
150,000,000 | |
60,000,000 | |
57,000,000 | |
12,000,000 | |
10,000,000 | |
10,000,000 | |
10,000,000 | |
8,000,000 | |
6,000,000 | |
4,000,000 | |
2,500,000 | |
2,200,000 | |
300,000 Slavs without a state: | |
to few millions | |
1,200,000 | |
630,899 | |
500,000 | |
65,000 | |
ภาษา | |
กลุ่มภาษาสลาวิก | |
ศาสนา | |
ส่วนใหญ่:![]() ![]() ส่วนน้อย: ![]() ![]() ![]() ไม่มีศาสนา | |
กลุ่มชาติพันธุ์ที่เกี่ยวข้อง | |
อินโด-ยูโรเปียน |


- "Нас 150 миллионов -Русское зарубежье, российские соотечественники, русские за границей, русские за рубежом, соотечественники, русскоязычное население, русские общины, диаспора, эмиграция". Russkie.org. 2012-02-20. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2013-04-29.
- "Русские". rcultura. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2013-04-29.
- . Russedina.ru. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 2013-12-02. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2013-04-29.
- Świat Polonii, witryna Stowarzyszenia Wspólnota Polska: "Polacy za granicą" (Polish people abroad as per summary by Świat Polonii, internet portal of the Polish Association Wspólnota Polska)
- The Ukrainian World Congress states that the Ukrainian diaspora makes 20 million: 20mln Ukrainians living abroad 2011-05-24 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน
- "UWC continually and diligently defends the interests of over 20 million Ukrainians". Ucc.ca. 2010-05-25. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2014-04-04.
- (PDF). คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิม (PDF)เมื่อ 2013-12-05. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2014-09-26.
- Kolev, Yordan, Българите извън България 1878 - 1945, 2005, р. 18 Quote:"В началото на ХХI в. общият брой на етническите българи в България и зад граница се изчислява на около 10 милиона души/In 2005 the number of Bulgarians is 10 milion people
- The Report: Bulgaria 2008, Oxford Business Group, 2008, p.8
- (PDF). คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิม (PDF)เมื่อ 2012-01-31. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2014-09-26.
- Lewis, M. Paul, บ.ก. (1986–2009). "Bulgarian". Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Sixteenth edition. SIL International. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2010-03-10.
- Chairman of the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad (2009). "Българите в чужбина са между 3 и 4 млн. души, заяви Райна Манджукова" [Chairman of Bulgaria's State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad – 3–4 million Bulgarians abroad in 2009] (ภาษาบัลแกเรีย). สืบค้นเมื่อ 2011-03-07.
- Daphne Winland (2004), "Croatian Diaspora", ใน Melvin Ember; Carol R. Ember; Ian Skoggard (บ.ก.), Encyclopedia of Diasporas: Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World. Volume I: Overviews and Topics; Volume II: Diaspora Communities, vol. 2 (illustrated ed.), , p. 76, ISBN ,
It is estimated that 4.5 million Croatians live outside Croatia ...
- National Minorities in Inter-State Relations – Google Knjige. Books.google.hr. 2011-02-14. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2013-04-29.
- The number of Slovaks 2014-10-06 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน at May the 31st 2012.
- Zupančič, Jernej (August 2004). "Ethnic Structure of Slovenia and Slovenes in Neighbouring Countries" (PDF). Slovenia: a geographical overview. Association of the Geographic Societies of Slovenia. สืบค้นเมื่อ 10 April 2008.
- Nasevski, Boško; Angelova, Dora; Gerovska, Dragica (1995). Македонски Иселенички Алманах '95. Skopje: Матица на Иселениците на Македонија. pp. 52 & 53.
- 2 million in Poland according to the The Institute for European Studies, Ethnological institute of UW (including 0.82 million as nation according to the census 2011), tens of thousands (including over 21,556 as nation according to the census 2011) in the Czech Republic, 3.6 million in Germany (1950); 2.4 million Silesians in West Germany (1970) according to the national census in Germany. Source: Volkszählung vom 27. Mai 1970" Germany (West). Statistisches Bundesamt. W. Kohlhammer, 1972, OCLC Number: 760396
- (1995). "The Rusyn Question". Political Thought. 2–3 (6): 221–231.
- 627,613 as nation according to the census 2011 in the Czech Republic and 3,286 as nation according to the census 2011 2014-08-11 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน in Slovakia
- 500,000 in Poland according to the The Institute for European Studies, Ethnological institute of UW including 229,000 as nation according to the census in Poland in 2011.
- "Germany's Sorb Minority Fights to Save Villages From Vattenfall". Bloomberg. 18 December 2007.
- "Sorbs of East Germany – World Directory of Minorities". Faqs.org. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2013-04-29.
- . คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 2008-05-09. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2009-07-04.
- Fiona Hill, Russia — Coming In From the Cold? 2011-07-15 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน, The Globalist, 23 February 2004
- Robert Greenall, Russians left behind in Central Asia, BBC News, 23 November 2005.
- Terry Kirby, 750,000 and rising: how Polish workers have built a home in Britain 2007-10-14 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน, The Independent, 11 February 2006.
- Poles in the United States, Catholic Encyclopedia
- The Early Slavs. Culture and Society in Ealry Medieval Europe. P M barford. Cornell University Press. 2001. . Pg 1: In total, well over half of Europe is, in terms of territorial extent (if not demographically), inhabited by communities speaking one of the many Slav languages and dialects.
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bthkhwamnixangxingkhristskrach khristthswrrs khriststwrrs sungepnsarasakhykhxngenuxha chnslaf xngkvs Slavic people epnklumchatiphnthaelasakhaphasakhxngtrakulxinod yuorepiynthitngthinthanswnihyxyuinbriewnthangtawnxxkaelatxnklangkhxngyuorp tngaetkhriststwrrsthi 6 chnslafkaephkhyayipcakthitngthinthanedim swnihyechuxknwaxyuinyuorptawnxxk ipcnthungthangtawnxxksudkhxngyuorpklang yuorptawnxxk aela khabsmuthrbxlkhan bangklumkipthungisbieriy aelaexechiyklang hruxipyngswnxun khxngolk kwakhrunghnungkhxngxanabriewninyuorpepnthitngthinthankhxngchnthiphudphasaslafchawslaf chawslafepnswnihy makkwa 50 chnklumnxyslaf 10 50 prachakrthnghmdp 300 lankhnphumiphakhthimiprachakrxyangminysakhyrsesiy150 000 000opaelnd60 000 000yuekhrn57 000 000esxrebiy12 000 00010 000 00010 000 000eblarus10 000 000okhrexechiy8 000 0006 000 0004 000 000solwieniy2 500 0002 200 000300 000 Slavs without a state to few millions1 200 000630 899500 00065 000phasaklumphasaslawiksasnaswnihy xisethirnxxrthxdxks ormnkhathxlik krikhruxlatin swnnxy xislam opretsaetnt immisasnaklumchatiphnthuthiekiywkhxngxinod yuorepiynchatithimiprachakrepnchnslafepnswnihyaelaichphasaslafepnphasapracachati xangxingwikimiediykhxmmxnsmisuxthiekiywkhxngkb chawslaf Nas 150 millionov Russkoe zarubezhe rossijskie sootechestvenniki russkie za granicej russkie za rubezhom sootechestvenniki russkoyazychnoe naselenie russkie obshiny diaspora emigraciya Russkie org 2012 02 20 subkhnemux 2013 04 29 Russkie rcultura subkhnemux 2013 04 29 Russedina ru khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2013 12 02 subkhnemux 2013 04 29 Swiat Polonii witryna Stowarzyszenia Wspolnota Polska Polacy za granica Polish people abroad as per summary by Swiat Polonii internet portal of the Polish Association Wspolnota Polska The Ukrainian World Congress states that the Ukrainian diaspora makes 20 million 20mln Ukrainians living abroad 2011 05 24 thi ewyaebkaemchchin UWC continually and diligently defends the interests of over 20 million Ukrainians Ucc ca 2010 05 25 subkhnemux 2014 04 04 PDF khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedim PDF emux 2013 12 05 subkhnemux 2014 09 26 Kolev Yordan Blgarite izvn Blgariya 1878 1945 2005 r 18 Quote V nachaloto na HHI v obshiyat broj na etnicheskite blgari v Blgariya i zad granica se izchislyava na okolo 10 miliona dushi In 2005 the number of Bulgarians is 10 milion people The Report Bulgaria 2008 Oxford Business Group 2008 p 8 PDF khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedim PDF emux 2012 01 31 subkhnemux 2014 09 26 Lewis M Paul b k 1986 2009 Bulgarian Ethnologue Languages of the World Sixteenth edition SIL International subkhnemux 2010 03 10 Chairman of the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad 2009 Blgarite v chuzhbina sa mezhdu 3 i 4 mln dushi zayavi Rajna Mandzhukova Chairman of Bulgaria s State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad 3 4 million Bulgarians abroad in 2009 phasablaekeriy subkhnemux 2011 03 07 Daphne Winland 2004 Croatian Diaspora in Melvin Ember Carol R Ember Ian Skoggard b k Encyclopedia of Diasporas Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World Volume I Overviews and Topics Volume II Diaspora Communities vol 2 illustrated ed p 76 ISBN 978 0 306 48321 9 It is estimated that 4 5 million Croatians live outside Croatia National Minorities in Inter State Relations Google Knjige Books google hr 2011 02 14 subkhnemux 2013 04 29 The number of Slovaks 2014 10 06 thi ewyaebkaemchchin at May the 31st 2012 Zupancic Jernej August 2004 Ethnic Structure of Slovenia and Slovenes in Neighbouring Countries PDF Slovenia a geographical overview Association of the Geographic Societies of Slovenia subkhnemux 10 April 2008 Nasevski Bosko Angelova Dora Gerovska Dragica 1995 Makedonski Iselenichki Almanah 95 Skopje Matica na Iselenicite na Makedoniјa pp 52 amp 53 2 million in Poland according to the The Institute for European Studies Ethnological institute of UW including 0 82 million as nation according to the census 2011 tens of thousands including over 21 556 as nation according to the census 2011 in the Czech Republic 3 6 million in Germany 1950 2 4 million Silesians in West Germany 1970 according to the national census in Germany Source Volkszahlung vom 27 Mai 1970 Germany West Statistisches Bundesamt W Kohlhammer 1972 OCLC Number 760396 1995 The Rusyn Question Political Thought 2 3 6 221 231 627 613 as nation according to the census 2011 in the Czech Republic and 3 286 as nation according to the census 2011 2014 08 11 thi ewyaebkaemchchin in Slovakia 500 000 in Poland according to the The Institute for European Studies Ethnological institute of UW including 229 000 as nation according to the census in Poland in 2011 Germany s Sorb Minority Fights to Save Villages From Vattenfall Bloomberg 18 December 2007 Sorbs of East Germany World Directory of Minorities Faqs org subkhnemux 2013 04 29 khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2008 05 09 subkhnemux 2009 07 04 Fiona Hill Russia Coming In From the Cold 2011 07 15 thi ewyaebkaemchchin The Globalist 23 February 2004 Robert Greenall Russians left behind in Central Asia BBC News 23 November 2005 Terry Kirby 750 000 and rising how Polish workers have built a home in Britain 2007 10 14 thi ewyaebkaemchchin The Independent 11 February 2006 Poles in the United States Catholic Encyclopedia The Early Slavs Culture and Society in Ealry Medieval Europe P M barford Cornell University Press 2001 ISBN 0 9014 3977 9 Pg 1 In total well over half of Europe is in terms of territorial extent if not demographically inhabited by communities speaking one of the many Slav languages and dialects bthkhwamprawtisastrniyngepnokhrng khunsamarthchwywikiphiediyidodykarephimetimkhxmuldkhk