ดูภาพที่มีความละเอียดสูงกว่า ((ไฟล์ SVG, 512 × 137 พิกเซล, ขนาดไฟล์: 8 กิโลไบต์))
วันที่/เวลา | รูปย่อ | ขนาด | ผู้ใช้ | ความเห็น | |
ปัจจุบัน | 14:38, 24 ตุลาคม 2565 | ![]() | 512 × 137 (8 กิโลไบต์) | File uploaded using svgtranslate tool (https://svgtranslate.toolforge.org/). Added translation for ms. | |
22:34, 23 กรกฎาคม 2565 | ![]() | 512 × 137 (7 กิโลไบต์) | Fix the missing "C" as requested in GLI | ||
12:56, 30 พฤษภาคม 2565 | ![]() | 512 × 137 (7 กิโลไบต์) | File uploaded using svgtranslate tool (https://svgtranslate.toolforge.org/). Added translation for tl. | ||
00:35, 19 เมษายน 2565 | ![]() | 512 × 137 (6 กิโลไบต์) | updated source to main file | ||
07:31, 22 พฤศจิกายน 2564 | ![]() | 240 × 64 (23 กิโลไบต์) | File uploaded using svgtranslate tool (https://svgtranslate.toolforge.org/). Added translation for ban. | ||
04:30, 30 ตุลาคม 2564 | ![]() | 240 × 64 (23 กิโลไบต์) | File uploaded using svgtranslate tool (https://svgtranslate.toolforge.org/). Added translation for my. | ||
07:15, 8 ตุลาคม 2563 | ![]() | 240 × 64 (22 กิโลไบต์) | File uploaded using svgtranslate tool (https://svgtranslate.toolforge.org/). Added translation for tl. | ||
10:47, 2 สิงหาคม 2563 | ![]() | 240 × 64 (21 กิโลไบต์) | File uploaded using svgtranslate tool (https://svgtranslate.toolforge.org/). Added translation for ban. | ||
16:00, 12 กุมภาพันธ์ 2563 | ![]() | 240 × 64 (19 กิโลไบต์) | added Indonesian translation; uniforming translations across images; smaller file size; removing unused styles; ID renames; code style fixes (uniform format) | ||
22:07, 24 สิงหาคม 2562 | ![]() | 240 × 64 (23 กิโลไบต์) | File uploaded using svgtranslate tool (https://tools.wmflabs.org/svgtranslate/). Added translation for ja. |
หน้าต่อไปนี้ โยงมาที่ภาพนี้:
- การใช้บน ar.wikipedia.org
- قالب:IUCN 3.1 navmap/EW
- การใช้บน azb.wikipedia.org
- شابلون:Taxobox/species
- شابلون:Taxobox/species/بلگه
- การใช้บน az.wikipedia.org
- Beynəlxalq Təbiətin və Təbii Sərvətlərin Mühafizəsi Birliyi
- Şablon:Takson/IUCN/doc
- Şablon:Takson/IUCN
- Mühafizə statusu
- การใช้บน br.wikipedia.org
- Tanichthys albonubes
- Oriks-semterenn
- Karv an Tad David
- Zenaida graysoni
- การใช้บน ca.wikipedia.org
- Extinta en estat salvatge
- การใช้บน ceb.wikipedia.org
- Thermosphaeroma thermophilum
- Anaxyrus baxteri
- Nectophrynoides asperginis
- Elaphurus davidianus
- Oryx dammah
- Gallirallus owstoni
- Zenaida graysoni
- Mitu mitu
- Corvus hawaiiensis
- Nilssonia nigricans
- Stenodus leucichthys
- Skiffia francesae
- Ameca splendens
- Cyprinodon alvarezi
- Cyprinodon longidorsalis
- Megupsilon aporus
- Acanthobrama telavivensis
- Leptogryllus deceptor
- Corypha taliera
- Cryosophila williamsii
- Bromus bromoideus
- Bromus interruptus
- Lysimachia minoricensis
- Franklinia alatamaha
- Encephalartos brevifoliolatus
- Encephalartos nubimontanus
- Encephalartos relictus
- Encephalartos woodii
- Mammillaria glochidiata
- Mammillaria guillauminiana
- Sophora toromiro
- Erythroxylum echinodendron
- Trochetiopsis erythroxylon
- Firmiana major
- Kokia cookei
- Terminalia acuminata
- Nymphaea thermarum
- Clermontia peleana
wikipedia, แบบไทย, วิกิพีเดีย, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด, บทความ, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม, มือถือ, โทรศัพท์, Android, iOS, Apple, โทรศัพท์โมบิล, Samsung, iPhone, Xiomi, Xiaomi, Redmi, Honor, Oppo, Nokia, Sonya, MI, PC, พีซี, web, เว็บ, คอมพิวเตอร์
ifl prawtiifl hnathimiphaphni karichiflkhamokhrngkar khxmulekiywkbphaphkhnadkhxngtwxyang PNG nikhxngifl SVG ni 512 137 phikesl khwamlaexiydxun 320 86 phikesl 640 171 phikesl 1 024 274 phikesl 1 280 343 phikesl 2 560 685 phikesl duphaphthimikhwamlaexiydsungkwa ifl SVG 512 137 phikesl khnadifl 8 kiolibt ernedxrphaphniin eyxrmn de frngess fr hngkari hu xinodniesiy id yipun ja ewiydnam vi phma my takalxk tl maely ms phasaodypriyay rupphaphhruxiflesiyngni tnchbbxyuthi khxmmxns raylaexiyddanlang epnkhxkhwamthiaesdngphlcak ifltnchbbinkhxmmxns khxmmxnsepnewbistinokhrngkarsahrbekbrwbrwmsuxesri thi khunsamarthchwyid khwamyx Afrikaans অসম য asturianu blgarski भ जप र ব ল catala cestina Cymraeg dansk Deutsch Ellhnika espanol eesti euskara suomi francais galego עברית ह न द magyar islenska italiano 日本語 ភ ស ខ ម រ 한국어 kurdi Latina lietuviu makedonski Bahasa Melayu မ န မ ဘ သ Napulitano norsk bokmal norsk polski portugues romană russkij slovencina slovenscina anaraskiela Tagalog veneto ithy ukrayinska 中文 中文 繁體 Graphic diagram for the IUCN Red List categories International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN temporarily named World Conservation Union 1990 2008 Red List categories Lower risk categories 2001 Categories amp Criteria version 3 1 Description 1994 Categories amp Criteria version 2 3 Least Concern LC or LR lc lowest risk Does not qualify for a more at risk category Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category Near Threatened NT or LR nt is close to qualifying for or is likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future No longer a Red List category Conservation Dependent LR cd the focus of a continuing taxon specific or habitat specific conservation program targeted towards the taxon in question the cessation of which would result in the taxon qualifying for one of the threatened categories below within a period of five years Threatened categories 2001 Categories amp Criteria version 3 1 Description 1994 Categories amp Criteria version 2 3 Vulnerable VU considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wildEndangered EN considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild Critically Endangered CR facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild Other categories 2001 Categories amp Criteria version 3 1 Description 1994 Categories amp Criteria version 2 3 Extinct in the Wild EW known only to survive in cultivation in captivity or as a naturalized population or populations well outside the past range Data Deficient DD inadequate information to make a direct or indirect assessment of its risk of extinction Not Evaluated NE not yet been evaluated against the criteria Possibly Extinct PE a category given by BirdLife International A subcategory of CR Possibly Extinct in the Wild PEW A term used within the IUCN Red List A subcategory of CR Image Status iucn3 1 PLC svg Possibly Least Concern PLC Used for a term within the IUCN Yellow List A subcategory of NT Image Status iucn2 3 PLC svgExtinct EX there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual has died for full texts and translations to German and French also see Easy translation ifl SVG nimikhxkhwamthisamarthaeplid odyichekhruxngmuxaepbphasa SVG hruxichtwaekikh SVG idkid sahrbkhxmulephimetim duthiekiywkbkaraeplifl Also Make a new Pengo IUCN language template for instance Pengo IUCN cs for Czech duephim IUCN Red List Conservation statuskarxnuyatichsiththi Graphic credit Peter Halasz User Pengo iflnixyuphayitsyyaxnuyatkhriexthifkhxmmxns runaesdngthima 2 5 thwipkhunsamarth thicaaebngpn thicathasaena aeckcay aelasngngandngklawtxip thicaeriyberiyngihm thicaddaeplngngandngklaw phayitenguxnikhtxipni aesdngthima khuntxngihekiyrtiecakhxngnganxyangehmaasm odyephimlingkipyngsyyaxnuyat aelarabuhakmikarepliynaeplng khunxacthaechnniidinrupaebbidkidtamkhwr aettxngimichinlksnathiaenawaphuihxnuyatsnbsnunkhunhruxkarichngankhxngkhunhttps creativecommons org licenses by 2 5 CC BY 2 5 Creative Commons Attribution 2 5 true true derivative works iflxunthiichiflni Status iucn3 1 EW lt svg Status iucn3 1 EW zh svg Status iucn3 1 EW smn svg SVG genesisInfoField sxrsokhdkhxng SVG nitrwcsxbthuktxngaelw iflphaphkrafiksewketxrni srangkhunodyich Other tools This file is translated using SVG switch elements all translations are stored in the same file khabrryayodyyxithyephimkhabrryaythrrthdediywephuxkhyaykhwamwaiflnimixairixethmthiaesdngxyuiniflniprakxbdwysthanalikhsiththimilikhsiththisyyaxnuyatCreative Commons Attribution 2 5 Generic xngkvsmedia type xngkvsimage svg xml prawtiifl khlikwnthi ewlaephuxduiflthipraktinkhnann lasud du ihmkwa 10 10 wnthi ewlarupyxkhnadphuichkhwamehnpccubn14 38 24 tulakhm 2565512 137 8 kiolibt PeaceSeekersFile uploaded using svgtranslate tool https svgtranslate toolforge org Added translation for ms 22 34 23 krkdakhm 2565512 137 7 kiolibt 痛Fix the missing C as requested in GLI12 56 30 phvsphakhm 2565512 137 7 kiolibt Jojit fbFile uploaded using svgtranslate tool https svgtranslate toolforge org Added translation for tl 00 35 19 emsayn 2565512 137 6 kiolibt updated source to main file07 31 22 phvscikayn 2564240 64 23 kiolibt ChinamoonrollFile uploaded using svgtranslate tool https svgtranslate toolforge org Added translation for ban 04 30 30 tulakhm 2564240 64 23 kiolibt Pho SaiFile uploaded using svgtranslate tool https svgtranslate toolforge org Added translation for my 07 15 8 tulakhm 2563240 64 22 kiolibt Jojit fbFile uploaded using svgtranslate tool https svgtranslate toolforge org Added translation for tl 10 47 2 singhakhm 2563240 64 21 kiolibt ChinamoonrollFile uploaded using svgtranslate tool https svgtranslate toolforge org Added translation for ban 16 00 12 kumphaphnth 2563240 64 19 kiolibt added Indonesian translation uniforming translations across images smaller file size removing unused styles ID renames code style fixes uniform format 22 07 24 singhakhm 2562240 64 23 kiolibt OmotechoFile uploaded using svgtranslate tool https tools wmflabs org svgtranslate Added translation for ja lasud du ihmkwa 10 10 hnathimiphaphni hnatxipni oyngmathiphaphni wikiphiediy okhrngkarwikistwwithya karichiflkhamokhrngkar wikixuntxipniichiflni karichbn ar wikipedia org قالب IUCN 3 1 navmap EW karichbn azb wikipedia org شابلون Taxobox species شابلون Taxobox species بلگه karichbn az wikipedia org Beynelxalq Tebietin ve Tebii Servetlerin Muhafizesi Birliyi Sablon Takson IUCN doc Sablon Takson IUCN Muhafize statusu karichbn br wikipedia org Tanichthys albonubes Oriks semterenn Karv an Tad David Zenaida graysoni karichbn ca wikipedia org Extinta en estat salvatge karichbn ceb wikipedia org Thermosphaeroma thermophilum Anaxyrus baxteri Nectophrynoides asperginis Elaphurus davidianus Oryx dammah Gallirallus owstoni Zenaida graysoni Mitu mitu Corvus hawaiiensis Nilssonia nigricans Stenodus leucichthys Skiffia francesae Ameca splendens Cyprinodon alvarezi Cyprinodon longidorsalis Megupsilon aporus Acanthobrama telavivensis Leptogryllus deceptor Corypha taliera Cryosophila williamsii Bromus bromoideus Bromus interruptus Lysimachia minoricensis Franklinia alatamaha Encephalartos brevifoliolatus Encephalartos nubimontanus Encephalartos relictus Encephalartos woodii Mammillaria glochidiata Mammillaria guillauminiana Sophora toromiro Erythroxylum echinodendron Trochetiopsis erythroxylon Firmiana major Kokia cookei Terminalia acuminata Nymphaea thermarum Clermontia peleana dukarichkhamokhrngkarephimetimkhxngiflnikhxmulekiywkbphaph phaphnimikhxmulephimetim sungswnihymacakklxngdicitxlhruxsaeknenxrthisamarthekbkhxmuldngklawiwrwmkbphaphid thaphaphnithukprbprungaekikhhruxepliynaeplngcakedim khxmulbangxyangcayngkhngimepliynaeplngehmuxnphaphthithukprbprungaekikhnnkhwamkwang512khwamsung137