ดูภาพที่มีความละเอียดสูงกว่า ((ไฟล์ SVG, 600 × 851 พิกเซล, ขนาดไฟล์: 95 กิโลไบต์))
วันที่/เวลา | รูปย่อ | ขนาด | ผู้ใช้ | ความเห็น | |
ปัจจุบัน | 01:39, 29 ธันวาคม 2563 | ![]() | 600 × 851 (95 กิโลไบต์) | Fixed slight path imperfection for the "lion" (sword). Re-optimized svg code before upload. No other changes. | |
01:12, 29 ธันวาคม 2563 | ![]() | 600 × 851 (114 กิโลไบต์) | Fixed svg display error: in previous version the emblem was truncated (in svg display mode only). Increased nominal dimensions. Optimized svg code with code cleanup and reduction. No other changes. | ||
00:49, 24 มีนาคม 2556 | ![]() | 425 × 603 (163 กิโลไบต์) | Change lion to that of the updated flag | ||
06:22, 9 กันยายน 2554 | ![]() | 425 × 603 (153 กิโลไบต์) | more minor fixes | ||
10:16, 24 สิงหาคม 2554 | ![]() | 425 × 603 (155 กิโลไบต์) | minors | ||
04:49, 22 มกราคม 2554 | ![]() | 426 × 604 (139 กิโลไบต์) | margins | ||
02:07, 16 กุมภาพันธ์ 2550 | ![]() | 461 × 638 (134 กิโลไบต์) | {{Information |Description=Coat of arms of Sri Lanka. |Source=symbol adopted in 1972, created by the committee formed by S.S. Kulathilake, Nissanka Wijerathne, Nandadeva Wijesekera, Senarath Paranavithana, M.R. Premarathne and Roland Silva. |Date=15/02/07 |
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ifl prawtiifl hnathimiphaphni karichiflkhamokhrngkar khxmulekiywkbphaphkhnadkhxngtwxyang PNG nikhxngifl SVG ni 423 600 phikesl khwamlaexiydxun 169 240 phikesl 338 480 phikesl 541 768 phikesl 722 1 024 phikesl 1 444 2 048 phikesl 600 851 phikesl duphaphthimikhwamlaexiydsungkwa ifl SVG 600 851 phikesl khnadifl 95 kiolibt rupphaphhruxiflesiyngni tnchbbxyuthi khxmmxns raylaexiyddanlang epnkhxkhwamthiaesdngphlcak ifltnchbbinkhxmmxns khxmmxnsepnewbistinokhrngkarsahrbekbrwbrwmsuxesri thi khunsamarthchwyid khwamyx khaxthibayEmblem of Sri Lanka svg English National emblem of Sri Lankawnthi 15 kumphaphnth ph s 2550aehlngthima symbol adopted in 1972 created by the committee formed by S S Kulathilake Nissanka Wijerathne Nandadeva Wijesekera Senarath Paranavithana M R Premarathne and Roland Silva phusrangsrrkh Tonyjeff based on national symbol karxnuyat karichiflniihm phaphniepnphaphthng traxarm traaephndin traprathb traphaphphimph tlxdcnekhruxnghmaykhxngthangkarxun sungkarichnganekhruxnghmaydngklawthukcakdaelakhwbkhumodykdhmayxun thiaeykipcakkdhmaylikhsiththiinhlaypraethsSVG genesisInfoField sxrsokhdkhxng SVG nitrwcsxbthuktxngaelw iflphaphkrafiksewketxrni srangkhunodyich Other tools karxnuyatichsiththi OriginalPublic domain Public domain false falsePublic domain This work is in the public domain in Sri Lanka details This is because the work falls in one of the following categories defined in the Sri Lanka s Intellectual Property Act No 36 of 2003 Sri Lankan folklore Perpetual copyright Permission to make any work derived from folklore must be sought from the Minister in charge of the subject of Culture This right is claimed worldwide Works falling in this category are considered unfree on Commons and are not allowed Official text of a legislative administrative or legal nature No copyright Audiovisual work 70 years from the date on which the work was first published or if unpublished 70 years from the making of the work Anonymous works 70 years from the date on which the work was first published Applied art 25 years from the date of the making of the work Any other type of work 70 years after death of author or in the case of works of joint authorship 70 years after the death of the last surviving author English தம ழ VectorizationPublic domain Public domain false falsekhapheca phuthuxlikhsiththiinnganni khxmxbnganihepnsatharnsmbti prakasnimiphlthwolk inbangpraeths karkrathadngklawxacimsamarththaidtamkdhmay khaphecaxnuyatihthukkhnmisiththiinkarichiflniinthukehtuphlkarich odyimmimienguxnikh ewnaetkdhmayimxnuyatihthaechnnnkhabrryayodyyxithyephimkhabrryaythrrthdediywephuxkhyaykhwamwaiflnimixairxngkvsEmblem of Sri Lankasinghlශ ර ල ක ව ර ජ ය ල ඡනයixethmthiaesdngxyuiniflniprakxbdwytraaephndinkhxngsrilngkasthanalikhsiththicopyrighted dedicated to the public domain by copyright holder xngkvssyyaxnuyatreleased into the public domain by the copyright holder xngkvsepnsylksnkhxngpraethssrilngkawnthisrang wnkxtng15 kumphaphnth 2007media type xngkvsimage svg xml prawtiifl khlikwnthi ewlaephuxduiflthipraktinkhnann wnthi ewlarupyxkhnadphuichkhwamehnpccubn01 39 29 thnwakhm 2563600 851 95 kiolibt Fixed slight path imperfection for the lion sword Re optimized svg code before upload No other changes 01 12 29 thnwakhm 2563600 851 114 kiolibt Fixed svg display error in previous version the emblem was truncated in svg display mode only Increased nominal dimensions Optimized svg code with code cleanup and reduction No other changes 00 49 24 minakhm 2556425 603 163 kiolibt Change lion to that of the updated flag06 22 9 knyayn 2554425 603 153 kiolibt Fry1989more minor fixes10 16 24 singhakhm 2554425 603 155 kiolibt Fry1989minors04 49 22 mkrakhm 2554426 604 139 kiolibt Fry1989margins02 07 16 kumphaphnth 2550461 638 134 kiolibt Information Description Coat of arms of Sri Lanka Source symbol adopted in 1972 created by the committee formed by S S Kulathilake Nissanka Wijerathne Nandadeva Wijesekera Senarath Paranavithana M R Premarathne and Roland Silva Date 15 02 07 hnathimiphaphni hnatxipni oyngmathiphaphni krathrwngxudmsuksaaelathanghlwng kxngthphsrilngka karprathwnginpraethssrilngka ph s 2565 cnthrika kumartungkha traaephndinkhxngsrilngka traaephndininthwipexechiy prathanathibdisrilngka praethssrilngka phaphtraaephndinkhxngpraethstang rnil wikrmsingha rthsphasrilngka singotinmuthrasastr okhthaphya rachpksa imtripala siriesna aemaebb prathanathibdisrilngka karichiflkhamokhrngkar wikixuntxipniichiflni karichbn ab wikipedia org Aҳәynҭkarratә agerbkәa ryhӡynҵa Shri Lanka karichbn ace wikipedia org Srilanka karichbn af wikipedia org Wikipedia Uitgesoekte herdenkings 22 Mei Wikipedia Uitgesoekte herdenkings Mei Wikipedia Uitgesoekte herdenkings Februarie Wikipedia Uitgesoekte herdenkings 4 Februarie Sri Lanka karichbn als wikipedia org Sri Lanka karichbn am wikipedia org ሽሪ ላንካ karichbn ang wikipedia org Taprabane Wikipǣdia Gecorene gemynddagas 22 THrimilcemonad karichbn an wikipedia org Sri Lanka karichbn ar wikipedia org سريلانكا جنوب آسيا شعارات الدول الآسيوية الدين في الرموز الوطنية شعار سريلانكا قائمة رؤساء سريلانكا المحكمة العليا السيريلانكية قائمة شعارات الدول القوات المسلحة السريلانكية مايتريبالا سيريسينا رانيل ويكريمسينغه بوابة سريلانكا بوابة سريلانكا واجهة قالب سياسة سريلانكا معركة الطريق السريع A 9 المعركة الثانية من ممر الفيل احتجاجات 2022 في سريلانكا أسد درعيات وزارة المالية والاستقرار الاقتصادي والسياسات الوطنية سريلانكا karichbn ary wikipedia org سري لانكا karichbn arz wikipedia org سريلانكا شعار سريلانكا شعارات دول اسيا شعارات الدول بطاقة الهوية السيريلانكية رؤساء سيريلانكا جنوب اسيا karichbn ast wikipedia org Sri Lanka Presidente de Sri Lanka Primer Ministru de Sri Lanka Sirimavo Bandaranaike Chandrika Kumaratunga karichbn as wikipedia org শ ৰ ল ক karichbn awa wikipedia org श र ल क karichbn ay wikipedia org Sirimavo Bandaranaike Chandrika Kumaratunga karichbn azb wikipedia org آسیا dukarichkhamokhrngkarephimetimkhxngiflnikhxmulekiywkbphaph phaphnimikhxmulephimetim 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