ดูภาพที่มีความละเอียดสูงกว่า (568 × 798 พิกเซล, ขนาดไฟล์: 61 กิโลไบต์, ชนิดไมม์: image/jpeg)
วันที่/เวลา | รูปย่อ | ขนาด | ผู้ใช้ | ความเห็น | |
ปัจจุบัน | 00:38, 3 มิถุนายน 2567 | ![]() | 568 × 798 (61 กิโลไบต์) | Cropped 4 % horizontally, < 1 % vertically, 4 % areawise using CropTool with precise mode. | |
22:26, 9 ธันวาคม 2551 | ![]() | 593 × 800 (65 กิโลไบต์) | == {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description={{BArch-description |comment= <!-- add translations and/or more description --> |biased=<!-- if the original description text is biased, write here why! --> |headline='''Tibetexpedition, Mönch mit Gebetsm |
หน้าต่อไปนี้ โยงมาที่ภาพนี้:
- การใช้บน ca.wikipedia.org
- Roda de pregària
- การใช้บน en.wikipedia.org
- Prayer wheel
- การใช้บน es.wikipedia.org
- Rueda de plegaria
- การใช้บน hu.wikipedia.org
- Imakerék
- การใช้บน it.wikipedia.org
- Ruota della preghiera
- การใช้บน ru.wikipedia.org
- Молитвенный барабан
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ifl prawtiifl hnathimiphaphni karichiflkhamokhrngkar khxmulekiywkbphaphkhnadkhxngtwxyangni 427 600 phikesl khwamlaexiydxun 171 240 phikesl 568 798 phikesl duphaphthimikhwamlaexiydsungkwa 568 798 phikesl khnadifl 61 kiolibt chnidimm image jpeg rupphaphhruxiflesiyngni tnchbbxyuthi khxmmxns raylaexiyddanlang epnkhxkhwamthiaesdngphlcak ifltnchbbinkhxmmxns khxmmxnsepnewbistinokhrngkarsahrbekbrwbrwmsuxesri thi khunsamarthchwyid khwamyx Deutsch Tibetexpedition Monch mit Gebetsmuhle English Tibet expedition monk with payer wheel changphaph Ernst Schafer 1910 1992 chuxxun E Schaferkhaxthibay German explorer nkekhiyn zoologist ornithologist changphaph aela xacarymhawithyaly Leiter der Deutschen Tibet Expedition Ernst Schafer 1938 39 SS Sturmbannfuhrer Leiter des Sven Hedin Instituteswnekid wnesiychiwit 14 minakhm ph s 2453 21 krkdakhm ph s 2535 sthanthiekid sthanthiesiychiwit okholyBad Bevensensthanthisrangsrrkhngan thiebt ngankhwbkhumraykarhlkthan Q63962 VIAF 109634329 ISNI 0000000110821329 Open Library OL2252057A LCCN nb2003086803 GND 123991420 WorldCat creator QS P170 Q63962khaxthibayInfoFieldDescription provided by the archive when the original description is incomplete or wrong You can help by reporting errors and typos at Commons Bundesarchiv Error reports Tibeter Wandermonchchuxeruxng Deutsch Tibetexpedition Monch mit Gebetsmuhle English Tibet expedition monk with payer wheelOriginal caption For documentary purposes the German Federal Archive often retained the original image captions which may be erroneous biased obsolete or politically extreme Lhasa Wanderlama mit GebetsmuhleDepicted place Tibetexpeditionwnthi 2480 hrux 2481date QS P571 1938 00 00T00 00 00Z 9karekbrwbrwm bunedisxarchif chuxinphasatnchbb Das Bundesarchivhnwynganaem Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media thitng okheblnths headquarters phikd 50 20 32 71 ehnux 7 34 21 22 tawnxxk cdtngkhunemux ph s 2489 ewbist www bundesarchiv dengankhwbkhumraykarhlkthan Q685753 VIAF 137346469 ISNI 0000000405552728 OSM 1844909 Open Library OL55798A LCCN n92025526 WorldCat institution QS P195 Q685753taaehnngthixyu Sven Hedin Institut fur Innerasienforschung Bild 135 rhskarthuxkhrxng Bild 135 S 07 24 11aehlngthima This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive Deutsches Bundesarchiv as part of a cooperation project The German Federal Archive guarantees an authentic representation only using the originals negative and or positive resp the digitalization of the originals as provided by the Digital Image Archive ewxrchnxun iflnimiiflthiaeykxxkcakiflnihlayifl Tibetan man Bundesarchiv Bild 135 S 07 24 11 Tibetexpedition Monch mit Gebetsmuhle cropped jpgPrayer wheel at work in 1938 Tibet cropped jpg karxnuyatichsiththi iflnixyuphayitsyyaxnuyat khriexthifkhxmmxns aebbaesdngthima xnuyataebbediywkn 3 0 khxngpraethseyxrmnikaraesdngthima Bundesarchiv Bild 135 S 07 24 11 Schafer Ernst CC BY SA 3 0khunsamarth thicaaebngpn thicathasaena aeckcay aelasngngandngklawtxip thicaeriyberiyngihm thicaddaeplngngandngklaw phayitenguxnikhtxipni aesdngthima khuntxngihekiyrtiecakhxngnganxyangehmaasm odyephimlingkipyngsyyaxnuyat aelarabuhakmikarepliynaeplng khunxacthaechnniidinrupaebbidkidtamkhwr aettxngimichinlksnathiaenawaphuihxnuyatsnbsnunkhunhruxkarichngankhxngkhun xnuyataebbediywkn hakkhunddaeplng epliynrup hruxtxetimnganni khuntxngichsyyaxnuyataebbediywknhruxaebbthiehmuxnkbsyyaxnuyatthiichkbnganniethannhttps creativecommons org licenses by sa 3 0 de deed en CC BY SA 3 0 de Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3 0 de true truekhabrryayodyyxithyephimkhabrryaythrrthdediywephuxkhyaykhwamwaiflnimixairixethmthiaesdngxyuiniflniprakxbdwyehtukarnsakhyGerman expedition to Tibet 1938 1939 xngkvssthanalikhsiththimilikhsiththisyyaxnuyatCreative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3 0 Germany xngkvsmedia type xngkvsimage jpegchecksum xngkvs3d5431c2bb87d17893e1c810f64984af2fc13b81withikarkahnd SHA 1 xngkvsdata size xngkvs66 061 ibtkhwamsung800 phikeslkhwamkwang593 phikesl prawtiifl khlikwnthi ewlaephuxduiflthipraktinkhnann wnthi ewlarupyxkhnadphuichkhwamehnpccubn00 38 3 mithunayn 2567568 798 61 kiolibt Cropped 4 horizontally lt 1 vertically 4 areawise using CropTool with precise mode 22 26 9 thnwakhm 2551593 800 65 kiolibt int filedesc Information Description BArch description comment lt add translations and or more description gt biased lt if the original description text is biased write here why gt headline Tibetexpedition Monch mit Gebetsm hnathimiphaphni hnatxipni oyngmathiphaphni knglxxthisthan karichiflkhamokhrngkar wikixuntxipniichiflni karichbn bar wikipedia org Gebetsmui Radl karichbn ca wikipedia org Roda de pregaria karichbn en wikipedia org Prayer wheel karichbn es wikipedia org Rueda de plegaria karichbn hu wikipedia org Imakerek karichbn it wikipedia org Ruota della preghiera karichbn ru wikipedia org Molitvennyj barabankhxmulekiywkbphaph phaphnimikhxmulephimetim 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