การหัวเราะ เป็นการแสดงออกของมนุษย์ที่มีภาวะอารมณ์ขัน หัวเราะเป็นปฏิกิริยาต่อ สิ่งที่น่าขัน โดยแสดงออกเป็นการเปล่งเสียงพร้อมกับ การหัวเราะโดยผิดธรรมชาติ อาจเกิดได้เช่น การได้รับก๊าซหัวเราะ เป็นต้น

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- Greig, John Young Thomson, The Psychology of Comedy and Laughter, New York, Dodd, Mead and company, 1923.
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- Knight, Chris, Does laughter hold the key to human consciousness? – Chris Knight | Aeon Essays "Does laughter hold the key to human consciousness?" Aeon Magazine February 2019.
- Marteinson, Peter, On the Problem of the Comic: A Philosophical Study on the Origins of Laughter 2020-07-16 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน, Legas Press, Ottawa, 2006. utoronto.ca
- Miller, M; Mangano, C; Park, Y; Goel, R; Plotnick, GD; Vogel, RA (2006). "Impact of cinematic viewing on endothelial function". Heart. 92 (2): 261–2. doi:10.1136/hrt.2005.061424. PMC 1860773. PMID 16415199.
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- MacDonald, C., Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services (2004) V42, 3:18-25. psychnurse.org
- Kawakami, K., et al., Early Human Development (2006) 82, 61–66. kyoto-u.ac.jp
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- Milius, S., Science News (2001) V160 4:55. sciencenews.org
- Simonet, P., et al., Dog Laughter: Recorded playback reduces stress related behavior in shelter dogs 7th International Conference on Environmental Enrichment (2005). petalk.org
- Discover Health (2004) , helpguide.org
- Klein, A. The Courage to Laugh: Humor, Hope and Healing in the Face of Death and Dying. Los Angeles, CA: Tarcher/Putman, 1998.
- Ron Jenkins Subversive laughter (New York, Free Press, 1994), 13ff
- Bogard, M. Laughter and its Effects on Groups. New York, New York: Bullish Press, 2008.
- Humor Theory. The formulae of laughter by Igor Krichtafovitch, Outskitspress, 2006, ISBN
- Hans-Georg Moeller und Günter Wohlfart (Hrsg.): Laughter in Eastern and Western Philosophies. Verlag Karl Alber, Freiburg / München 2010. ISBN

- The Origins of Laughter 2020-07-16 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน, chass.utoronto.ca
- Human laughter up to 16 million years old 2012-09-17 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน, cosmosmagazine.com
- More information about Gelotology from the University of Washington, faculty.Washington.edu
- WNYC's Radio Lab radio show: Is Laughter just a Human Thing?, wnyc.org
- Transcriptions of laughter, writtensound.com
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karhweraa epnkaraesdngxxkkhxngmnusythimiphawaxarmnkhn hweraaepnptikiriyatx singthinakhn odyaesdngxxkepnkareplngesiyngphrxmkb karhweraaodyphidthrrmchati xacekididechn karidrbkashweraa epntnphaphedknxykhnathikalnghweraahnngsuxxanephimBachorowski J A Smoski M J amp Owren M J The acoustic features of human laughter Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 110 1581 2001 1941 Bloomington ISBN 978 0 253 34830 2 Chapman Antony J Foot Hugh C Derks Peter editors Humor and Laughter Theory Research and Applications Transaction Publishers 1996 ISBN 1 56000 837 7 Books google com Cousins Norman Anatomy of an Illness As Perceived by the Patient 1979 Davila Ross M Allcock B Thomas C Bard K A 2011 Aping expressions Chimpanzees produce distinct laugh types when responding to laughter of others Emotion 11 5 1013 1020 doi 10 1037 a0022594 PMID 21355640 Fried I Wilson C L MacDonald K A and Behnke EJ Electric current stimulates laughter Nature 391 650 1998 see Goel V amp Dolan R J The functional anatomy of humor segregating cognitive and affective components Nature Neuroscience 3 237 238 2001 Greig John Young Thomson The Psychology of Comedy and Laughter New York Dodd Mead and company 1923 Hennefeld Maggie December 2016 Death from Laughter Female Hysteria and Early Cinema 27 3 45 92 doi 10 1215 10407391 3696631 Knight Chris Does laughter hold the key to human consciousness Chris Knight Aeon Essays Does laughter hold the key to human consciousness Aeon Magazine February 2019 Marteinson Peter On the Problem of the Comic A Philosophical Study on the Origins of Laughter 2020 07 16 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Legas Press Ottawa 2006 utoronto ca Miller M Mangano C Park Y Goel R Plotnick GD Vogel RA 2006 Impact of cinematic viewing on endothelial function Heart 92 2 261 2 doi 10 1136 hrt 2005 061424 PMC 1860773 PMID 16415199 Provine R R Laughter American Scientist V84 38 45 1996 ucla edu Provine Robert R 2001 Laughter A Scientific Investigation ISBN 978 0141002255 2004 PDF khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedim PDF emux 2012 10 18 subkhnemux 2006 10 23 a href wiki E0 B9 81 E0 B8 A1 E0 B9 88 E0 B9 81 E0 B8 9A E0 B8 9A Cite journal title aemaebb Cite journal cite journal a Cite journal txngkar journal help included in book Sorell Tom Luc Foisneau 2004 6 PDF Leviathan After 350 Years Oxford University Press pp 139 66 ISBN 978 0 19 926461 2 Raskin Victor Semantic Mechanisms of Humor 1985 MacDonald C Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services 2004 V42 3 18 25 psychnurse org Kawakami K et al Early Human Development 2006 82 61 66 kyoto u ac jp Johnson S Emotions and the Brain Discover 2003 V24 N4 discover com Burgdorf J Laughing rats and the evolutionary antecedents of human joy Physiology amp Behavior 2003 79 533 547 psych umn edu Milius S Science News 2001 V160 4 55 sciencenews org Simonet P et al Dog Laughter Recorded playback reduces stress related behavior in shelter dogs 7th International Conference on Environmental Enrichment 2005 petalk org Discover Health 2004 helpguide org Klein A The Courage to Laugh Humor Hope and Healing in the Face of Death and Dying Los Angeles CA Tarcher Putman 1998 Ron Jenkins Subversive laughter New York Free Press 1994 13ff Bogard M Laughter and its Effects on Groups New York New York Bullish Press 2008 Humor Theory The formulae of laughter by Igor Krichtafovitch Outskitspress 2006 ISBN 978 1 59800 222 5 Hans Georg Moeller und Gunter Wohlfart Hrsg Laughter in Eastern and Western Philosophies Verlag Karl Alber Freiburg Munchen 2010 ISBN 978 3 495 48385 5aehlngkhxmulxunwikiphcnanukrm mikhwamhmaykhxngkhawa karhweraa wikimiediykhxmmxnsmisuxthiekiywkhxngkb karhweraa The Origins of Laughter 2020 07 16 thi ewyaebkaemchchin chass utoronto ca Human laughter up to 16 million years old 2012 09 17 thi ewyaebkaemchchin cosmosmagazine com More information about Gelotology from the University of Washington faculty Washington edu WNYC s Radio Lab radio show Is Laughter just a Human Thing wnyc org Transcriptions of laughter writtensound com