คุณอาจจะต้องการสร้างคู่มือการใช้งานของนี้ ผู้เขียนสามารถทำการทดลองได้ที่กระบะทราย (สร้าง | คัดลอก) และชุดทดสอบ (สร้าง) ของมอดูลนี้ โปรดเพิ่มหมวดหมู่ไปที่หน้าย่อย |
-- -- INTRO: (!!! DO NOT RENAME THIS PAGE !!!) -- This module allows any template or module to be copy/pasted between -- wikis without any translation changes. All translation text is stored -- in the global Data:*.tab pages on Commons, and used everywhere. -- -- SEE: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Multilingual_Templates_and_Modules -- -- ATTENTION: -- Please do NOT rename this module - it has to be identical on all wikis. -- This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Module:TNT -- Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes. -- Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Module_talk:TNT -- -- DESCRIPTION: -- The "msg" function uses a Commons dataset to translate a message -- with a given key (e.g. source-table), plus optional arguments -- to the wiki markup in the current content language. -- Use lang=xx to set language. Example: -- -- {{#invoke:TNT | msg -- | I18n/Template:Graphs.tab <!-- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:I18n/Template:Graphs.tab --> -- | source-table <!-- uses a translation message with id = "source-table" --> -- | param1 }} <!-- optional parameter --> -- -- -- The "doc" function will generate the <templatedata> parameter documentation for templates. -- This way all template parameters can be stored and localized in a single Commons dataset. -- NOTE: "doc" assumes that all documentation is located in Data:Templatedata/* on Commons. -- -- {{#invoke:TNT | doc | Graph:Lines }} -- uses https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Templatedata/Graph:Lines.tab -- if the current page is Template:Graph:Lines/doc -- local p = {} local i18nDataset = 'I18n/Module:TNT.tab' -- Forward declaration of the local functions local sanitizeDataset, loadData, link, formatMessage function p.msg(frame) local dataset, id local params = {} local lang = nil for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do if k == 1 then dataset = mw.text.trim(v) elseif k == 2 then id = mw.text.trim(v) elseif type(k) == 'number' then params[k - 2] = mw.text.trim(v) elseif k == 'lang' and v ~= '_' then lang = mw.text.trim(v) end end return formatMessage(dataset, id, params, lang) end -- Identical to p.msg() above, but used from other lua modules -- Parameters: name of dataset, message key, optional arguments -- Example with 2 params: format('I18n/Module:TNT', 'error_bad_msgkey', 'my-key', 'my-dataset') function p.format(dataset, key, ...) local checkType = require('libraryUtil').checkType checkType('format', 1, dataset, 'string') checkType('format', 2, key, 'string') return formatMessage(dataset, key, {...}) end -- Identical to p.msg() above, but used from other lua modules with the language param -- Parameters: language code, name of dataset, message key, optional arguments -- Example with 2 params: formatInLanguage('es', I18n/Module:TNT', 'error_bad_msgkey', 'my-key', 'my-dataset') function p.formatInLanguage(lang, dataset, key, ...) local checkType = require('libraryUtil').checkType checkType('formatInLanguage', 1, lang, 'string') checkType('formatInLanguage', 2, dataset, 'string') checkType('formatInLanguage', 3, key, 'string') return formatMessage(dataset, key, {...}, lang) end -- Obsolete function that adds a 'c:' prefix to the first param. -- "Sandbox/Sample.tab" -> 'c:Data:Sandbox/Sample.tab' function p.link(frame) return link(frame.args[1]) end function p.doc(frame) local dataset = 'Templatedata/' .. sanitizeDataset(frame.args[1]) return frame:extensionTag('templatedata', p.getTemplateData(dataset)) .. formatMessage(i18nDataset, 'edit_doc', {link(dataset)}) end function p.getTemplateData(dataset) -- TODO: add '_' parameter once lua starts reindexing properly for "all" languages local data = loadData(dataset) local names = {} for _, field in ipairs(data.schema.fields) do table.insert(names, field.name) end local numOnly = true local params = {} local paramOrder = {} for _, row in ipairs(data.data) do local newVal = {} local name = nil for pos, columnName in ipairs(names) do if columnName == 'name' then name = row[pos] else newVal[columnName] = row[pos] end end if name then if ( (type(name) ~= "number") and ( (type(name) ~= "string") or not string.match(name, "^%d+$") ) ) then numOnly = false end params[name] = newVal table.insert(paramOrder, name) end end -- Work around json encoding treating {"1":{...}} as an [{...}] if numOnly then params['zzz123']='' end local json = mw.text.jsonEncode({ params=params, paramOrder=paramOrder, description=data.description, }) if numOnly then json = string.gsub(json,'"zzz123":"",?', "") end return json end -- Local functions sanitizeDataset = function(dataset) if not dataset then return nil end dataset = mw.text.trim(dataset) if dataset == '' then return nil elseif string.sub(dataset,-4) ~= '.tab' then return dataset .. '.tab' else return dataset end end loadData = function(dataset, lang) dataset = sanitizeDataset(dataset) if not dataset then error(formatMessage(i18nDataset, 'error_no_dataset', {})) end -- Give helpful error to thirdparties who try and copy this module. if not mw.ext or not mw.ext.data or not mw.ext.data.get then error(string.format([['''Missing JsonConfig extension, or not properly configured; Cannot load https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:%s. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:JsonConfig#Supporting_Wikimedia_templates''']], dataset)) end local data = mw.ext.data.get(dataset, lang) if data == false then if dataset == i18nDataset then -- Prevent cyclical calls error('Missing Commons dataset ' .. i18nDataset) else error(formatMessage(i18nDataset, 'error_bad_dataset', {link(dataset)})) end end return data end -- Given a dataset name, convert it to a title with the 'commons:data:' prefix link = function(dataset) return 'c:Data:' .. mw.text.trim(dataset or '') end formatMessage = function(dataset, key, params, lang) for _, row in pairs(loadData(dataset, lang).data) do local id, msg = unpack(row) if id == key then local result = mw.message.newRawMessage(msg, unpack(params or {})) return result:plain() end end if dataset == i18nDataset then -- Prevent cyclical calls error('Invalid message key "' .. key .. '"') else error(formatMessage(i18nDataset, 'error_bad_msgkey', {key, link(dataset)})) end end return p
wikipedia, แบบไทย, วิกิพีเดีย, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด, บทความ, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม, มือถือ, โทรศัพท์, Android, iOS, Apple, โทรศัพท์โมบิล, Samsung, iPhone, Xiomi, Xiaomi, Redmi, Honor, Oppo, Nokia, Sonya, MI, PC, พีซี, web, เว็บ, คอมพิวเตอร์
khumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulni phuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulni oprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy hnayxykhxngmxdulni INTRO DO NOT RENAME THIS PAGE This module allows any template or module to be copy pasted between wikis without any translation changes All translation text is stored in the global Data tab pages on Commons and used everywhere SEE https www mediawiki org wiki Multilingual Templates and Modules ATTENTION Please do NOT rename this module it has to be identical on all wikis This code is maintained at https www mediawiki org wiki Module TNT Please do not modify it anywhere else as it may get copied and override your changes Suggestions can be made at https www mediawiki org wiki Module talk TNT DESCRIPTION The msg function uses a Commons dataset to translate a message with a given key e g source table plus optional arguments to the wiki markup in the current content language Use lang xx to set language Example invoke TNT msg I18n Template Graphs tab lt https commons wikimedia org wiki Data I18n Template Graphs tab gt source table lt uses a translation message with id source table gt param1 lt optional parameter gt The doc function will generate the lt templatedata gt parameter documentation for templates This way all template parameters can be stored and localized in a single Commons dataset NOTE doc assumes that all documentation is located in Data Templatedata on Commons invoke TNT doc Graph Lines uses https commons wikimedia org wiki Data Templatedata Graph Lines tab if the current page is Template Graph Lines doc local p local i18nDataset I18n Module TNT tab Forward declaration of the local functions local sanitizeDataset loadData link formatMessage function p msg frame local dataset id local params local lang nil for k v in pairs frame args do if k 1 then dataset mw text trim v elseif k 2 then id mw text trim v elseif type k number then params k 2 mw text trim v elseif k lang and v then lang mw text trim v end end return formatMessage dataset id params lang end Identical to p msg above but used from other lua modules Parameters name of dataset message key optional arguments Example with 2 params format I18n Module TNT error bad msgkey my key my dataset function p format dataset key local checkType require libraryUtil checkType checkType format 1 dataset string checkType format 2 key string return formatMessage dataset key end Identical to p msg above but used from other lua modules with the language param Parameters language code name of dataset message key optional arguments Example with 2 params formatInLanguage es I18n Module TNT error bad msgkey my key my dataset function p formatInLanguage lang dataset key local checkType require libraryUtil checkType checkType formatInLanguage 1 lang string checkType formatInLanguage 2 dataset string checkType formatInLanguage 3 key string return formatMessage dataset key lang end Obsolete function that adds a c prefix to the first param Sandbox Sample tab gt c Data Sandbox Sample tab function p link frame return link frame args 1 end function p doc frame local dataset Templatedata sanitizeDataset frame args 1 return frame extensionTag templatedata p getTemplateData dataset formatMessage i18nDataset edit doc link dataset end function p getTemplateData dataset TODO add parameter once lua starts reindexing properly for all languages local data loadData dataset local names for field in ipairs data schema fields do table insert names field name end local numOnly true local params local paramOrder for row in ipairs data data do local newVal local name nil for pos columnName in ipairs names do if columnName name then name row pos else newVal columnName row pos end end if name then if type name number and type name string or not string match name d then numOnly false end params name newVal table insert paramOrder name end end Work around json encoding treating 1 as an if numOnly then params zzz123 end local json mw text jsonEncode params params paramOrder paramOrder description data description if numOnly then json string gsub json zzz123 end return json end Local functions sanitizeDataset function dataset if not dataset then return nil end dataset mw text trim dataset if dataset then return nil elseif string sub dataset 4 tab then return dataset tab else return dataset end end loadData function dataset lang dataset sanitizeDataset dataset if not dataset then error formatMessage i18nDataset error no dataset end Give helpful error to thirdparties who try and copy this module if not mw ext or not mw ext data or not mw ext data get then error string format Missing JsonConfig extension or not properly configured Cannot load https commons wikimedia org wiki Data s See https www mediawiki org wiki Extension JsonConfig Supporting Wikimedia templates dataset end local data mw ext data get dataset lang if data false then if dataset i18nDataset then Prevent cyclical calls error Missing Commons dataset i18nDataset else error formatMessage i18nDataset error bad dataset link dataset end end return data end Given a dataset name convert it to a title with the commons data prefix link function dataset return c Data mw text trim dataset or end formatMessage function dataset key params lang for row in pairs loadData dataset lang data do local id msg unpack row if id key then local result mw message newRawMessage msg unpack params or return result plain end end if dataset i18nDataset then Prevent cyclical calls error Invalid message key key else error formatMessage i18nDataset error bad msgkey key link dataset end end return p