นี่เป็นมอดูลที่ถูกป้องกันถาวรเนื่องจากมีความเสี่ยงสูง กรุณาอภิปรายการเปลี่ยนแปลงใด ๆ ทาง(หน้าคุย) คุณอาจส่งคำขอแก้ไขไปยังเพื่อให้แก้ไขได้หากเป็นการแก้ไขที่ไม่มีการคัดค้านหรือมีความเห็นพ้องสนับสนุน คุณยังสามารถขอให้เลิกป้องกันหน้าได้ |

มีการใช้มอดูลนี้ใน 3,200+ หน้าและการแก้ไขอาจทำให้เกิดผลกระทบหรือสังเกตเห็นได้ ควรทดสอบการเปลี่ยนแปลงใน(กระบะทราย) หรือ หรือในมอดูลกระบะทรายของคุณเอง อนึ่ง อภิปรายเกี่ยวกับการแก้ไขมอดูลได้ที่หน้าอภิปรายก่อนที่จะนำไปใช้ |
มอดูลนี้ เป็นอันเนื่องมาจากการใช้งานโดยหน้าจำนวนมากหรือมีการบ่อยครั้ง การก่อกวนหรือความผิดพลาดจากการแก้ไขจะส่งผลกระทบต่อหลาย ๆ หน้า หรือแม้แต่การแก้ไขเล็กน้อยก็อาจทำให้เซิร์ฟเวอร์ได้รับภาระงานจำนวนมาก จึงต้องได้รับจากการแก้ไข |
มอดูลนี้ขึ้นอยู่กับมอดูลอื่น ๆ ดังต่อไปนี้
มอดูลนี้ใช้ TemplateStyles:
มอดูลนี้ทำให้เกิดผลกับแม่แบบ {{}} และ {{}} โปรดดูที่หน้าแม่แบบนั้น ๆ สำหรับวิธีการใช้งาน
คู่มือการใช้งานที่ปรากฏด้านบนนี้ดึงมาจาก (มอดูล:Sidebar/doc) (แก้ | ประวัติ) ผู้เขียนสามารถทำการทดลองได้ที่(กระบะทราย) (แก้ | ดูความแตกต่าง) และชุดทดสอบ (สร้าง) ของมอดูลนี้ |
-- -- This module implements {{Sidebar}} -- require('Module:No globals') local cfg = mw.loadData('Module:Sidebar/configuration') local p = {} local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs --[[ Categorizes calling templates and modules with a 'style' parameter of any sort for tracking to convert to TemplateStyles. TODO after a long cleanup: Catch sidebars in other namespaces than Template and Module. TODO would probably want to remove /log and /archive as CS1 does ]] local function categorizeTemplatesWithInlineStyles(args) local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() if title.namespace ~= 10 and title.namespace ~= 828 then return '' end for _, pattern in ipairs (cfg.i18n.pattern.uncategorized_conversion_titles) do if title.text:match(pattern) then return '' end end for key, _ in pairs(args) do if mw.ustring.find(key, cfg.i18n.pattern.style_conversion) or key == 'width' then return cfg.i18n.category.conversion end end end --[[ For compatibility with the original {{sidebar with collapsible lists}} implementation, which passed some parameters through {{#if}} to trim their whitespace. This also triggered the automatic newline behavior. ]] -- See ([[meta:Help:Newlines and spaces#Automatic newline]]) local function trimAndAddAutomaticNewline(s) s = mw.ustring.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") if mw.ustring.find(s, '^[#*:;]') or mw.ustring.find(s, '^{|') then return '\n' .. s else return s end end --[[ Finds whether a sidebar has a subgroup sidebar. ]] local function hasSubgroup(s) if mw.ustring.find(s, cfg.i18n.pattern.subgroup) then return true else return false end end --[[ Main sidebar function. Takes the frame, args, and an optional collapsibleClass. The collapsibleClass is and should be used only for sidebars with collapsible lists, as in p.collapsible. ]] function p.sidebar(frame, args, collapsibleClass) if not args then args = getArgs(frame) end local root = mw.html.create() local child = args.child and mw.text.trim(args.child) == cfg.i18n.child_yes root = root:tag('table') if not child then root :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.sidebar) -- force collapsibleclass to be sidebar-collapse otherwise output nothing :addClass(collapsibleClass == cfg.i18n.class.collapse and cfg.i18n.class.collapse or nil) :addClass('nomobile') :addClass(args.float == cfg.i18n.float_none and cfg.i18n.class.float_none or nil) :addClass(args.float == cfg.i18n.float_left and cfg.i18n.class.float_left or nil) :addClass(args.wraplinks ~= cfg.i18n.wrap_true and cfg.i18n.class.wraplinks or nil) :addClass(args.bodyclass or args.class) :css('width', args.width or nil) :cssText(args.bodystyle or args.style) if args.outertitle then root :tag('caption') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.outer_title) :addClass(args.outertitleclass) :cssText(args.outertitlestyle) :wikitext(args.outertitle) end if args.topimage then local imageCell = root:tag('tr'):tag('td') imageCell :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.top_image) :addClass(args.topimageclass) :cssText(args.topimagestyle) :wikitext(args.topimage) if args.topcaption then imageCell :tag('div') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.top_caption) :cssText(args.topcaptionstyle) :wikitext(args.topcaption) end end if args.pretitle then root :tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass(args.topimage and cfg.i18n.class.pretitle_with_top_image or cfg.i18n.class.pretitle) :addClass(args.pretitleclass) :cssText(args.basestyle) :cssText(args.pretitlestyle) :wikitext(args.pretitle) end else root :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.subgroup) :addClass(args.bodyclass or args.class) :cssText(args.bodystyle or args.style) end if args.title then if child then root :wikitext(args.title) else root :tag('tr') :tag('th') :addClass(args.pretitle and cfg.i18n.class.title_with_pretitle or cfg.i18n.class.title) :addClass(args.titleclass) :cssText(args.basestyle) :cssText(args.titlestyle) :wikitext(args.title) end end if args.image then local imageCell = root:tag('tr'):tag('td') imageCell :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.image) :addClass(args.imageclass) :cssText(args.imagestyle) :wikitext(args.image) if args.caption then imageCell :tag('div') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.caption) :cssText(args.captionstyle) :wikitext(args.caption) end end if args.above then root :tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.above) :addClass(args.aboveclass) :cssText(args.abovestyle) :newline() -- newline required for bullet-points to work :wikitext(args.above) end local rowNums = {} for k, v in pairs(args) do k = '' .. k local num = k:match('^heading(%d+)$') or k:match('^content(%d+)$') if num then table.insert(rowNums, tonumber(num)) end end table.sort(rowNums) -- remove duplicates from the list (e.g. 3 will be duplicated if both heading3 -- and content3 are specified) for i = #rowNums, 1, -1 do if rowNums[i] == rowNums[i - 1] then table.remove(rowNums, i) end end for i, num in ipairs(rowNums) do local heading = args['heading' .. num] if heading then root :tag('tr') :tag('th') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.heading) :addClass(args.headingclass) :addClass(args['heading' .. num .. 'class']) :cssText(args.basestyle) :cssText(args.headingstyle) :cssText(args['heading' .. num .. 'style']) :newline() :wikitext(heading) end local content = args['content' .. num] if content then root :tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass(hasSubgroup(content) and cfg.i18n.class.content_with_subgroup or cfg.i18n.class.content) :addClass(args.contentclass) :addClass(args['content' .. num .. 'class']) :cssText(args.contentstyle) :cssText(args['content' .. num .. 'style']) :newline() :wikitext(content) :done() -- Without a linebreak after the </td>, a nested list like -- "* {{hlist| ...}}" doesn't parse correctly. :newline() end end if args.below then root :tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.below) :addClass(args.belowclass) :cssText(args.belowstyle) :newline() :wikitext(args.below) end if not child then if args.navbar ~= cfg.i18n.navbar_none and args.navbar ~= cfg.i18n.navbar_off and (args.name or frame:getParent():getTitle():gsub(cfg.i18n.pattern.sandbox, '') ~= cfg.i18n.title_not_to_add_navbar) then root :tag('tr') :tag('td') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.navbar) :cssText(args.navbarstyle) :wikitext(require('Module:Navbar')._navbar{ args.name, mini = 1, fontstyle = args.navbarfontstyle }) end end local base_templatestyles = frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = cfg.i18n.templatestyles } } local templatestyles = '' if args['templatestyles'] and args['templatestyles'] ~= '' then templatestyles = frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = args['templatestyles'] } } end local child_templatestyles = '' if args['child templatestyles'] and args['child templatestyles'] ~= '' then child_templatestyles = frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = args['child templatestyles'] } } end local grandchild_templatestyles = '' if args['grandchild templatestyles'] and args['grandchild templatestyles'] ~= '' then grandchild_templatestyles = frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = args['grandchild templatestyles'] } } end return table.concat({ base_templatestyles, templatestyles, child_templatestyles, grandchild_templatestyles, tostring(root), (child and cfg.i18n.category.child or ''), categorizeTemplatesWithInlineStyles(args) }) end local function list_title(args, is_centered_list_titles, num) local title_text = trimAndAddAutomaticNewline(args['list' .. num .. 'title'] or cfg.i18n.default_list_title) local title if is_centered_list_titles then -- collapsible can be finicky, so provide some CSS/HTML to support title = mw.html.create('div') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.list_title_centered) :wikitext(title_text) else title = mw.html.create() :wikitext(title_text) end local title_container = mw.html.create('div') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.list_title) -- don't /need/ a listnumtitleclass because you can do -- .templateclass .listnumclass .sidebar-list-title :addClass(args.listtitleclass) :cssText(args.basestyle) :cssText(args.listtitlestyle) :cssText(args['list' .. num .. 'titlestyle']) :node(title) :done() return title_container end --[[ Main entry point for sidebar with collapsible lists. Does the work of creating the collapsible lists themselves and including them into the args. ]] function p.collapsible(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) if not args.name and frame:getParent():getTitle():gsub(cfg.i18n.pattern.collapse_sandbox, '') == cfg.i18n.collapse_title_not_to_add_navbar then args.navbar = cfg.i18n.navbar_none end local contentArgs = {} local is_centered_list_titles if args['centered list titles'] and args['centered list titles'] ~= '' then is_centered_list_titles = true else is_centered_list_titles = false end for k, v in pairs(args) do local num = string.match(k, '^list(%d+)$') if num then local expand = args.expanded and (args.expanded == 'all' or args.expanded == args['list' .. num .. 'name']) local row = mw.html.create('div') row :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.list) :addClass('mw-collapsible') :addClass((not expand) and 'mw-collapsed' or nil) :addClass(args['list' .. num .. 'class']) :cssText(args.listframestyle) :cssText(args['list' .. num .. 'framestyle']) :node(list_title(args, is_centered_list_titles, num)) :tag('div') :addClass(cfg.i18n.class.list_content) :addClass('mw-collapsible-content') -- don't /need/ a listnumstyleclass because you can do -- .templatename .listnumclass .sidebar-list :addClass(args.listclass) :cssText(args.liststyle) :cssText(args['list' .. num .. 'style']) :wikitext(trimAndAddAutomaticNewline(args['list' .. num])) contentArgs['content' .. num] = tostring(row) end end for k, v in pairs(contentArgs) do args[k] = v end return p.sidebar(frame, args, cfg.i18n.class.collapse) end return p
wikipedia, แบบไทย, วิกิพีเดีย, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด, บทความ, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม, มือถือ, โทรศัพท์, Android, iOS, Apple, โทรศัพท์โมบิล, Samsung, iPhone, Xiomi, Xiaomi, Redmi, Honor, Oppo, Nokia, Sonya, MI, PC, พีซี, web, เว็บ, คอมพิวเตอร์
niepnmxdulthithukpxngknthawrenuxngcakmikhwamesiyngsung krunaxphipraykarepliynaeplngid thanghnakhuy khunxacsngkhakhxaekikh ipyngphuduaelrabbephuxihaekikhidhakepnkaraekikhthiimmikarkhdkhanhruxmikhwamehnphxngsnbsnun khunyngsamarthkhxihelikpxngknhnaidkhumuxkarichnganmxdul du aek prawti langaekhch mikarichmxdulniin 3 200 hnaaelakaraekikhxacthaihekidphlkrathbhruxsngektehnid khwrthdsxbkarepliynaeplnginkrabathray hrux hruxinmxdulkrabathraykhxngkhunexng xnung xphiprayekiywkbkaraekikhmxdulidthihnaxphipraykxnthicanaipichmxdulni epnxnenuxngmacakkarichnganodyhnacanwnmakhruxmikarbxykhrng karkxkwnhruxkhwamphidphladcakkaraekikhcasngphlkrathbtxhlay hna hruxaemaetkaraekikhelknxykxacthaihesirfewxridrbpharangancanwnmak cungtxngidrbkarpxngkncakkaraekikhmxdulnikhunxyukbmxdulxun dngtxipnimxdul Sidebar configurationmxdul Navbar krabathray mxdul No globalsmxdul Arguments krabathray mxdulniich TemplateStyles mxdul Sidebar styles css mxdulnithaihekidphlkbaemaebb sidebar aela sidebar with collapsible lists oprdduthihnaaemaebbnn sahrbwithikarichngankhumuxkarichnganthipraktdanbnnidungmacak mxdul Sidebar doc aek prawti phuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray aek dukhwamaetktang aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulni hnayxykhxngmxdulni This module implements Sidebar require Module No globals local cfg mw loadData Module Sidebar configuration local p local getArgs require Module Arguments getArgs Categorizes calling templates and modules with a style parameter of any sort for tracking to convert to TemplateStyles TODO after a long cleanup Catch sidebars in other namespaces than Template and Module TODO would probably want to remove log and archive as CS1 does local function categorizeTemplatesWithInlineStyles args local title mw title getCurrentTitle if title namespace 10 and title namespace 828 then return end for pattern in ipairs cfg i18n pattern uncategorized conversion titles do if title text match pattern then return end end for key in pairs args do if mw ustring find key cfg i18n pattern style conversion or key width then return cfg i18n category conversion end end end For compatibility with the original sidebar with collapsible lists implementation which passed some parameters through if to trim their whitespace This also triggered the automatic newline behavior See meta Help Newlines and spaces Automatic newline local function trimAndAddAutomaticNewline s s mw ustring gsub s s s 1 if mw ustring find s or mw ustring find s then return n s else return s end end Finds whether a sidebar has a subgroup sidebar local function hasSubgroup s if mw ustring find s cfg i18n pattern subgroup then return true else return false end end Main sidebar function Takes the frame args and an optional collapsibleClass The collapsibleClass is and should be used only for sidebars with collapsible lists as in p collapsible function p sidebar frame args collapsibleClass if not args then args getArgs frame end local root mw html create local child args child and mw text trim args child cfg i18n child yes root root tag table if not child then root addClass cfg i18n class sidebar force collapsibleclass to be sidebar collapse otherwise output nothing addClass collapsibleClass cfg i18n class collapse and cfg i18n class collapse or nil addClass nomobile addClass args float cfg i18n float none and cfg i18n class float none or nil addClass args float cfg i18n float left and cfg i18n class float left or nil addClass args wraplinks cfg i18n wrap true and cfg i18n class wraplinks or nil addClass args bodyclass or args class css width args width or nil cssText args bodystyle or args style if args outertitle then root tag caption addClass cfg i18n class outer title addClass args outertitleclass cssText args outertitlestyle wikitext args outertitle end if args topimage then local imageCell root tag tr tag td imageCell addClass cfg i18n class top image addClass args topimageclass cssText args topimagestyle wikitext args topimage if args topcaption then imageCell tag div addClass cfg i18n class top caption cssText args topcaptionstyle wikitext args topcaption end end if args pretitle then root tag tr tag td addClass args topimage and cfg i18n class pretitle with top image or cfg i18n class pretitle addClass args pretitleclass cssText args basestyle cssText args pretitlestyle wikitext args pretitle end else root addClass cfg i18n class subgroup addClass args bodyclass or args class cssText args bodystyle or args style end if args title then if child then root wikitext args title else root tag tr tag th addClass args pretitle and cfg i18n class title with pretitle or cfg i18n class title addClass args titleclass cssText args basestyle cssText args titlestyle wikitext args title end end if args image then local imageCell root tag tr tag td imageCell addClass cfg i18n class image addClass args imageclass cssText args imagestyle wikitext args image if args caption then imageCell tag div addClass cfg i18n class caption cssText args captionstyle wikitext args caption end end if args above then root tag tr tag td addClass cfg i18n class above addClass args aboveclass cssText args abovestyle newline newline required for bullet points to work wikitext args above end local rowNums for k v in pairs args do k k local num k match heading d or k match content d if num then table insert rowNums tonumber num end end table sort rowNums remove duplicates from the list e g 3 will be duplicated if both heading3 and content3 are specified for i rowNums 1 1 do if rowNums i rowNums i 1 then table remove rowNums i end end for i num in ipairs rowNums do local heading args heading num if heading then root tag tr tag th addClass cfg i18n class heading addClass args headingclass addClass args heading num class cssText args basestyle cssText args headingstyle cssText args heading num style newline wikitext heading end local content args content num if content then root tag tr tag td addClass hasSubgroup content and cfg i18n class content with subgroup or cfg i18n class content addClass args contentclass addClass args content num class cssText args contentstyle cssText args content num style newline wikitext content done Without a linebreak after the lt td gt a nested list like hlist doesn t parse correctly newline end end if args below then root tag tr tag td addClass cfg i18n class below addClass args belowclass cssText args belowstyle newline wikitext args below end if not child then if args navbar cfg i18n navbar none and args navbar cfg i18n navbar off and args name or frame getParent getTitle gsub cfg i18n pattern sandbox cfg i18n title not to add navbar then root tag tr tag td addClass cfg i18n class navbar cssText args navbarstyle wikitext require Module Navbar navbar args name mini 1 fontstyle args navbarfontstyle end end local base templatestyles frame extensionTag name templatestyles args src cfg i18n templatestyles local templatestyles if args templatestyles and args templatestyles then templatestyles frame extensionTag name templatestyles args src args templatestyles end local child templatestyles if args child templatestyles and args child templatestyles then child templatestyles frame extensionTag name templatestyles args src args child templatestyles end local grandchild templatestyles if args grandchild templatestyles and args grandchild templatestyles then grandchild templatestyles frame extensionTag name templatestyles args src args grandchild templatestyles end return table concat base templatestyles templatestyles child templatestyles grandchild templatestyles tostring root child and cfg i18n category child or categorizeTemplatesWithInlineStyles args end local function list title args is centered list titles num local title text trimAndAddAutomaticNewline args list num title or cfg i18n default list title local title if is centered list titles then collapsible can be finicky so provide some CSS HTML to support title mw html create div addClass cfg i18n class list title centered wikitext title text else title mw html create wikitext title text end local title container mw html create div addClass cfg i18n class list title don t need a listnumtitleclass because you can do templateclass listnumclass sidebar list title addClass args listtitleclass cssText args basestyle cssText args listtitlestyle cssText args list num titlestyle node title done return title container end Main entry point for sidebar with collapsible lists Does the work of creating the collapsible lists themselves and including them into the args function p collapsible frame local args getArgs frame if not args name and frame getParent getTitle gsub cfg i18n pattern collapse sandbox cfg i18n collapse title not to add navbar then args navbar cfg i18n navbar none end local contentArgs local is centered list titles if args centered list titles and args centered list titles then is centered list titles true else is centered list titles false end for k v in pairs args do local num string match k list d if num then local expand args expanded and args expanded all or args expanded args list num name local row mw html create div row addClass cfg i18n class list addClass mw collapsible addClass not expand and mw collapsed or nil addClass args list num class cssText args listframestyle cssText args list num framestyle node list title args is centered list titles num tag div addClass cfg i18n class list content addClass mw collapsible content don t need a listnumstyleclass because you can do templatename listnumclass sidebar list addClass args listclass cssText args liststyle cssText args list num style wikitext trimAndAddAutomaticNewline args list num contentArgs content num tostring row end end for k v in pairs contentArgs do args k v end return p sidebar frame args cfg i18n class collapse end return p