นี่เป็นมอดูลที่ถูกป้องกันถาวรเนื่องจากมีความเสี่ยงสูง กรุณาอภิปรายการเปลี่ยนแปลงใด ๆ ทาง คุณอาจส่งคำขอแก้ไขไปยังเพื่อให้แก้ไขได้หากเป็นการแก้ไขที่ไม่มีการคัดค้านหรือมีความเห็นพ้องสนับสนุน คุณยังสามารถขอให้เลิกป้องกันหน้าได้ |

มีการใช้มอดูลนี้ในหลายพันหน้าและการแก้ไขอาจทำให้เกิดผลกระทบหรือสังเกตเห็นได้ ควรทดสอบการเปลี่ยนแปลงใน(กระบะทราย) หรือ หรือในมอดูลกระบะทรายของคุณเอง อนึ่ง อภิปรายเกี่ยวกับการแก้ไขมอดูลได้ที่ก่อนที่จะนำไปใช้ |
มอดูลนี้ เป็นอันเนื่องมาจากการใช้งานโดยหน้าจำนวนมากหรือมีการบ่อยครั้ง การก่อกวนหรือความผิดพลาดจากการแก้ไขจะส่งผลกระทบต่อหลาย ๆ หน้า หรือแม้แต่การแก้ไขเล็กน้อยก็อาจทำให้เซิร์ฟเวอร์ได้รับภาระงานจำนวนมาก จึงต้องได้รับจากการแก้ไข |
มอดูลนี้ขึ้นอยู่กับมอดูลอื่น ๆ ดังต่อไปนี้
มอดูลนี้ใช้ TemplateStyles:
มอดูลนี้มีสองฟังก์ชัน portal
และ image
โดย portal
สร้างกล่องที่มีลิงก์ไปยังหรือหลายสถานีย่อย และถูกใช้โดยแม่แบบ {{}} มักใช้ในส่วน "ดูเพิ่ม" ของบทความ ฟังก์ชัน image
ฟังก์ชัน Portal
ฟังก์ชัน Portal สร้างกล่องของลิงก์สถานีย่อย
{{#invoke:Portal|portal |สถานีย่อย 1 |สถานีย่อย 2 |สถานีย่อย 3 |... }}
เอาต์พุตของฟังก์ชันสถานีย่อยควรวางไว้ที่ตำแหน่งด้านบนสุดของส่วน "ดูเพิ่ม" ของบทความ หากไม่มี คุณอาจวางไว้ในส่วน "แหล่งข้อมูลอื่น" แทนได้ โดยไม่จำเป็นต้องสร้างส่วนขึ้นมาใหม่เพียงเพื่อที่จะวางแม่แบบนี้ลงไปในบทความ หากไม่มีส่วน "แหล่งข้อมูลอื่น" ให้วางไว้ด้านล่างของบทความในตำแหน่งที่เหมาะสมที่สุด
การวางแม่แบบสถานีย่อยบนหน้าประเภทอื่นที่ไม่ใช่หน้าบทความ ยังไม่มีกฎเกณฑ์ตายตัว
ชื่อรูปสถานีย่อยถูกบรรจุไว้ในหน้าย่อยของ(มอดูล:Portal/images) ซึ่งจัดตามตัวอักษรหรือสระตัวแรกของชื่อสถานีย่อย ตัวอย่างเช่น ตัวอักษรตัวแรกของ คือ "ด" ดังนั้นชื่อรูปจะบรรจุไว้ที่ (มอดูล:Portal/images/ด) หากมีรายการสำหรับสถานีย่อยในหน้าที่ถูกต้อง รูปภาพที่เกี่ยวข้องจะแสดงก่อนลิงก์สถานีย่อย หากไม่พบรูป ไฟล์:Portal-puzzle.svg จะแสดงแทน
รายชื่อของหน้าย่อยรูป | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
โค้ด | ผลที่แสดง |
{{#invoke:Portal|portal|วิทยาศาสตร์}} |
ชื่อ | ตัวแปร | คำอธิบาย |
1 , 2 , 3 ... | The portal name, e.g. Literature | The positional parameters specify the portals to be displayed. |
left | yes | If set to yes , the portal appears on the left side of the page instead of the right. |
margin | CSS margin value, e.g. 1.2em 3em 0.5em 1em | This allows you to set a custom margin. All valid CSS margin values are accepted. |
break | yes | If set to yes , a line break is inserted after the portal name and before the word portal. |
redlinks | Any of the following values: yes , y , true , or include | Redlinks will be displayed. The default is to suppress redlinks. |
nominimum | Any of the following values: yes , y , or true | Suppresses the warning if no parameters are supplied. This can be useful when Template:Portal is called by another template. |
border | Any of the following values: no , n , or false | Turn off border and background |
tracking | Any of the following values: no , n , false | Tracking categories will be suppressed. The default is to use tracking categories, except on certain namespaces and on pagenames which contain "/archive", "/doc" or "/test". |
หากใช้moduleไม่ถูกต้อง หน้าจะถูกเพิ่มในหมวดหมู่ติดตาม
The tracking categories are not applied if any of the following is true:
- Tracking is specially disabled for that usage. This is done by setting the optional parameter
to any the following values:no
- the template is used on a page in any of these namespaces: Talk, User, User talk, Wikipedia talk, File talk, Template talk, Category talk, Portal talk, Draft, Draft talk, Module talk
- The title page on which the template is used includes any of the following case-insensitive strings: "/archive", "/doc", "/test"
- (0)
- (0)
- (3,072)
- (2,738)
- (1)
ฟังก์ชัน Image
ฟังก์ชัน Image สร้างชื่อของรูปภาพที่ใช้ตามสถานีย่อยที่ระบุ
→ Ballerina-icon.jpg
Image dupes function
The image dupes function returns a list of all images that are being used by more than one portal (aliases are not included). This can be helpful in identifying image entries that should be changed to use aliases.
The display all function returns a box containing all portals that have images. This is used for maintenance, and should not be displayed in articles, because a) there are around 1500 portals with images, and displaying 1500 images on one page takes up a lot of server resources, and b) the module has no way to know the correct capitalisation of a portal name, so some links to portals will be broken. This function can be seen at .
คู่มือการใช้งานที่ปรากฏด้านบนนี้ดึงมาจาก (มอดูล:Portal/doc) (แก้ | ประวัติ) ผู้เขียนสามารถทำการทดลองได้ที่(กระบะทราย) (แก้ | ดูความแตกต่าง) และชุดทดสอบ (สร้าง) ของมอดูลนี้ |
--[==[ This module is a Lua implementation of the old {{Portal}} template. As of February 2019 it is used on nearly 7,900,000 articles. -- Please take care when updating it! It outputs two functions: p.portal, which generates a list of portals, and p.image, which -- produces the image name for an individual portal. -- The portal image data is kept in submodules of [[มอดูล:Portal/images]], listed below: -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/a]]- for portal names beginning with "A". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/b]]- for portal names beginning with "B". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/c]]- for portal names beginning with "C". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/d]]- for portal names beginning with "D". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/e]]- for portal names beginning with "E". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/f]]- for portal names beginning with "F". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/g]]- for portal names beginning with "G". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/h]]- for portal names beginning with "H". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/i]]- for portal names beginning with "I". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/j]]- for portal names beginning with "J". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/k]]- for portal names beginning with "K". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/l]]- for portal names beginning with "L". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/m]]- for portal names beginning with "M". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/n]]- for portal names beginning with "N". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/o]]- for portal names beginning with "O". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/p]]- for portal names beginning with "P". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/q]]- for portal names beginning with "Q". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/r]]- for portal names beginning with "R". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/s]]- for portal names beginning with "S". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/t]]- for portal names beginning with "T". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/u]]- for portal names beginning with "U". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/v]]- for portal names beginning with "V". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/w]]- for portal names beginning with "W". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/x]]- for portal names beginning with "X". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/y]]- for portal names beginning with "Y". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/z]]- for portal names beginning with "Z". -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/other]]- for portal names beginning with any other letters. This includes numbers, -- letters with diacritics, and letters in non-Latin alphabets. -- [[มอดูล:Portal/images/aliases]]- for adding aliases for existing portal names. Use this page for variations -- in spelling and diacritics, etc., no matter what letter the portal begins with. -- -- The images data pages are separated by the first letter to reduce server load when images are added, changed, or removed. -- Previously all the images were on one data page at [[มอดูล:Portal/images]], but this had the disadvantage that all -- 5,000,000 pages using this module needed to be refreshed every time an image was added or removed. ]==] local p = {} -- determine whether we're being called from a sandbox local isSandbox = mw.getCurrentFrame():getTitle():find('sandbox', 1, true) local sandbox = isSandbox and '/sandbox' or '' local function sandboxVersion(s) return isSandbox and s..'-sand' or s end local templatestyles = 'มอดูล:Portal'..sandbox..'/styles.css' local getArgs = require('มอดูล:Arguments').getArgs local yesno = require('มอดูล:Yesno') -- List of non-talk namespaces which should not be tracked (Talk pages are never tracked) local badNamespaces = {'ผู้ใช้','แม่แบบ','ฉบับร่าง','วิกิพีเดีย'} -- Check whether to do tracking in this namespace -- Returns true unless the page is one of the banned namespaces local function checkTracking(title) local thisPage = title or mw.title.getCurrentTitle() if thisPage.isTalkPage then return false end local ns = thisPage.nsText:lower() for _, v in ipairs(badNamespaces) do if ns == v then return false end end return true end local function matchImagePage(s) -- Finds the appropriate image subpage given a lower-case -- portal name plus the first letter of that portal name. if type(s) ~= 'string' or #s < 1 then return end local firstLetter = mw.ustring.sub(s, 1, 1) local imagePage if mw.ustring.find(firstLetter, '^[a-zก-ฮเ-ไ]') then imagePage = 'มอดูล:Portal/images/' .. firstLetter .. sandbox else imagePage = 'มอดูล:Portal/images/other' .. sandbox end return mw.loadData(imagePage)[s] end local function getAlias(s) -- Gets an alias from the image alias data page. local aliasData = mw.loadData('มอดูล:Portal/images/aliases'..sandbox) for portal, aliases in pairs(aliasData) do for _, alias in ipairs(aliases) do if alias == s then return portal end end end end local defaultImage = 'Portal-puzzle.svg|link=|alt=' local function getImageName(s) -- Gets the image name for a given string. if type(s) ~= 'string' or #s < 1 then return defaultImage end s = mw.ustring.lower(s) return matchImagePage(s) or matchImagePage(getAlias(s)) or defaultImage end -- Function to check argument portals for errors, generate tracking categories if needed -- Function first checks for too few/many portals provided -- Then checks the portal list to purge any portals that don't exist -- Arguments: -- portals: raw list of portals -- args.tracking: is tracking requested? (will not track on bad titles or namespaces) -- args.redlinks: should redlinks be displayed? -- args.minPortals: minimum number of portal arguments -- args.maxPortals: maximum number of portal arguments -- Returns: -- portals = list of portals, with redlinks purged (if args.redlinks=false) -- trackingCat = possible tracking category -- errorMsg = error message function p._checkPortals(portals, args) local trackingCat = '' local errMsg = nil -- Tracking is on by default. -- It is disabled if any of the following is true -- 1/ the parameter "tracking" is set to 'no, 'n', or 'false' -- 2/ the current page fails the namespace or pagename tests local trackingEnabled = args.tracking and checkTracking() args.minPortals = args.minPortals or 1 args.maxPortals = args.maxPortals or -1 -- check for too few portals if #portals < args.minPortals then errMsg = 'โปรดระบุอย่างน้อย '..args.minPortals..' สถานีย่อย'..(args.minPortals > 1 or '') trackingCat = (trackingEnabled and '[[หมวดหมู่:แม่แบบสถานีย่อยที่มีสถานีย่อยน้อยเกินไป]]' or '') return portals, trackingCat, errMsg end -- check for too many portals if args.maxPortals >= 0 and #portals > args.maxPortals then errMsg = 'สถานีย่อยมากเกินไป (maximum = '..args.maxPortals..')' trackingCat = (trackingEnabled and '[[หมวดหมู่:แม่แบบสถานีย่อยที่มีสถานีย่อยมากเกินไป]]' or '') return portals, trackingCat, errMsg end if not args.redlinks or trackingEnabled then -- make new list of portals that exist local existingPortals = {} for _, portal in ipairs(portals) do local portalTitle = mw.title.new(portal,"สถานีย่อย") -- if portal exists, put it into list if portalTitle and portalTitle.exists then table.insert(existingPortals,portal) -- otherwise set tracking cat elseif trackingEnabled then trackingCat = "[[หมวดหมู่:แม่แบบสถานีย่อยที่มีลิงก์สถานีย่อยเป็นลิงก์แดง]]" end end -- If redlinks is off, use portal list purged of redlinks portals = args.redlinks and portals or existingPortals -- if nothing left after purge, set tracking cat if #portals == 0 and trackingEnabled then trackingCat = trackingCat.."[[หมวดหมู่:หน้าที่มีแม่แบบสถานีย่อยว่าง]]" end end return portals, trackingCat, errMsg end local function portalBox(args) return mw.html.create('ul') :attr('role', 'navigation') :attr('aria-label', 'Portals') :addClass('noprint') :addClass(args.error and '' or sandboxVersion('portalbox')) :addClass(args.border and sandboxVersion('portalborder') or '') :addClass(sandboxVersion(args.left and 'portalleft' or 'portalright')) :css('margin', args.margin or nil) :newline() end local function fillBox(root, contents) for _, item in ipairs(contents) do local entry = root:tag('li') entry:addClass(sandboxVersion('portalbox-entry')) local image = entry:tag('span') image:addClass(sandboxVersion('portalbox-image')) image:wikitext(item[1]) local link = entry:tag('span') link:addClass(sandboxVersion('portalbox-link')) link:wikitext(item[2]) end return root end function p._portal(portals, args) -- This function builds the portal box used by the {{portal}} template. -- Normalize all arguments if args.redlinks == 'include' then args.redlinks = true end args.addBreak = args['break'] for key, default in pairs({left=false,tracking=true,nominimum=false, redlinks=false,addBreak=false,border=true}) do if args[key] == nil then args[key] = default end args[key] = yesno(args[key], default) end local root = portalBox(args) local trackingCat = '' local errMsg = nil args.minPortals = args.nominimum and 0 or 1 args.maxPortals = -1 portals, trackingCat, errMsg = p._checkPortals(portals, args) root:wikitext(trackingCat) -- if error message, put it in the box and return if errMsg then if args.border then -- suppress error message when border=no args.error = true -- recreate box without fancy formatting root = portalBox(args) root:wikitext(trackingCat) local errTag = root:tag('strong') errTag:addClass('error') errTag:css('padding','0.2em') errTag:wikitext('ผิดพลาด: '..errMsg) end return tostring(root) end -- if no portals (and no error), just return tracking category if #portals == 0 then return trackingCat end local contents = {} -- Display the portals specified in the positional arguments. local defaultUsed = nil for _, portal in ipairs(portals) do local portalImage = getImageName(portal) if portalImage == defaultImage then defaultUsed = portal end local image = string.format('[[ไฟล์:%s|32x28px|class=noviewer]]', portalImage) local link = string.format('[[สถานีย่อย:%s|สถานีย่อย%s%s]]', portal, portal, args.addBreak and '<br />' or ' ') table.insert(contents, {image, link}) end if defaultUsed and checkTracking() then local cat = string.format('[[หมวดหมู่:แม่แบบสถานีย่อยที่มีรูปเริ่มต้น|%s]]', defaultUsed) root:wikitext(cat) end return tostring(fillBox(root, contents)) end function p._demo(imageList, args) for key, default in pairs({left=false,border=true}) do if args[key] == nil then args[key] = default end args[key] = yesno(args[key], default) end local root = portalBox(args) local contents = {} -- Display the portals specified in the positional arguments. for _, fn in ipairs(imageList) do local image = string.format('[[ไฟล์:%s|32x28px|class=noviewer]]',fn) local link = string.format('[[:ไฟล์:%s|%s]]',fn,fn) table.insert(contents,{image,link}) end return tostring(fillBox(root,contents)) end function p._image(portal,keep) -- Wrapper function to allow getImageName() to be accessed through #invoke. -- backward compatibility: if table passed, take first element if type(portal) == 'table' then portal = portal[1] end local name = getImageName(portal) -- If keep is yes (or equivalent), then allow all metadata (like image borders) to be returned local keepargs = yesno(keep) local args = mw.text.split(name, "|", true) local result = {args[1]} -- the filename always comes first local category = '' -- parse name, looking for category arguments for i = 2,#args do local m = mw.ustring.match(args[i], "^%s*category%s*=") if keepargs or m then table.insert(result, args[i]) end end -- reassemble arguments return table.concat(result,"|") end local function getAllImageTable() -- Returns an array containing all image subpages (minus aliases) as loaded by mw.loadData. local images = {} for i, subpage in ipairs{'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'ก', 'ข', 'ค', 'ฆ', 'ง', 'จ', 'ฉ', 'ช', 'ซ', 'ฌ', 'ญ', 'ฎ', 'ฏ', 'ฐ', 'ฑ', 'ฒ', 'ณ', 'ด', 'ต', 'ถ', 'ท', 'ธ', 'น', 'บ', 'ป', 'ผ', 'ฝ', 'พ', 'ฟ', 'ภ', 'ม', 'ย', 'ร', 'ฤ', 'ล', 'ฦ', 'ว', 'ศ', 'ษ', 'ส', 'ห', 'อ', 'ฮ', 'เ', 'แ', 'โ', 'ใ', 'ไ', 'other'} do local imageTable = mw.loadData('มอดูล:Portal/images/' .. subpage .. sandbox) for portal, image in pairs(imageTable) do local args = mw.text.split(image,"|") images[portal] = args[1] -- just use image filename end end return images end function p._displayAll(portals, args) -- This function displays all portals that have portal images. This function is for maintenance purposes and should not be used in -- articles, for two reasons: 1) there are over 1500 portals with portal images, and 2) the module doesn't record how the portal -- names are capitalized, so the portal links may be broken. local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage() portals = portals or {} for portal in pairs(getAllImageTable()) do table.insert(portals,lang:ucfirst(portal)) end table.sort(portals) args.redlinks = args.redlinks or "yes" return p._portal(portals, args) end function p._imageDupes() -- This function searches the image subpages to find duplicate images. If duplicate images exist, it is not necessarily a bad thing, -- as different portals might just happen to choose the same image. However, this function is helpful in identifying images that -- should be moved to a portal alias for ease of maintenance. local exists, dupes = {}, {} for portal, image in pairs(getAllImageTable()) do if not exists[image] then exists[image] = portal else table.insert(dupes, string.format('ภาพ "[[:ไฟล์:%s|%s]]" ใช้สำหรับทั้งสถานีย่อย "%s" และ "%s"', image, image, exists[image], portal)) end end if #dupes < 1 then return 'ไม่พบภาพที่ซ้ำกัน' else return 'พบภาพที่ซ้ำกันดังต่อไปนี้:\n* ' .. table.concat(dupes, '\n* ') end end local function processPortalArgs(args) -- This function processes a table of arguments and returns two tables: an array of portal names for processing by ipairs, and a table of -- the named arguments that specify style options, etc. We need to use ipairs because we want to list all the portals in the order -- they were passed to the template, but we also want to be able to deal with positional arguments passed explicitly, for example -- {{portal|2=Politics}}. The behaviour of ipairs is undefined if nil values are present, so we need to make sure they are all removed. args = type(args) == 'table' and args or {} local portals = {} local namedArgs = {} for k, v in pairs(args) do if type(k) == 'number' and type(v) == 'string' then -- Make sure we have no non-string portal names. table.insert(portals, k) elseif type(k) ~= 'number' then namedArgs[k] = v end end table.sort(portals) for i, v in ipairs(portals) do portals[i] = args[v] end return portals, namedArgs end -- Entry point for sorting portals from other named arguments function p._processPortalArgs(args) return processPortalArgs(args) end function p.image(frame) local origArgs = getArgs(frame) local portals, args = processPortalArgs(origArgs) return p._image(portals[1],args.border) end function p.demo(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local styles = frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = templatestyles} } return styles..p._demo(args,args) end local function makeWrapper(funcName) -- Processes external arguments and sends them to the other functions. return function (frame) -- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking -- template, or the args passed to #invoke if any exist. Otherwise -- assume args are being passed directly in from the debug console -- or from another Lua module. -- Also: trim whitespace and remove blank arguments local origArgs = getArgs(frame) -- create two tables to pass to func: an array of portal names, and a table of named arguments. local portals, args = processPortalArgs(origArgs) local results = '' if funcName == '_portal' or funcName == '_displayAll' then results = frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = templatestyles} } end return results .. p[funcName](portals, args) end end for _, funcName in ipairs{'portal', 'imageDupes', 'displayAll'} do p[funcName] = makeWrapper('_' .. funcName) end return p
wikipedia, แบบไทย, วิกิพีเดีย, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด, บทความ, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม, มือถือ, โทรศัพท์, Android, iOS, Apple, โทรศัพท์โมบิล, Samsung, iPhone, Xiomi, Xiaomi, Redmi, Honor, Oppo, Nokia, Sonya, MI, PC, พีซี, web, เว็บ, คอมพิวเตอร์
niepnmxdulthithukpxngknthawrenuxngcakmikhwamesiyngsung krunaxphipraykarepliynaeplngid thang khunxacsngkhakhxaekikh ipyngphuduaelrabbephuxihaekikhidhakepnkaraekikhthiimmikarkhdkhanhruxmikhwamehnphxngsnbsnun khunyngsamarthkhxihelikpxngknhnaidkhumuxkarichnganmxdul du aek prawti langaekhch mikarichmxdulniinhlayphnhnaaelakaraekikhxacthaihekidphlkrathbhruxsngektehnid khwrthdsxbkarepliynaeplnginkrabathray hrux hruxinmxdulkrabathraykhxngkhunexng xnung xphiprayekiywkbkaraekikhmxdulidthikxnthicanaipichmxdulni epnxnenuxngmacakkarichnganodyhnacanwnmakhruxmikarbxykhrng karkxkwnhruxkhwamphidphladcakkaraekikhcasngphlkrathbtxhlay hna hruxaemaetkaraekikhelknxykxacthaihesirfewxridrbpharangancanwnmak cungtxngidrbkarpxngkncakkaraekikhmxdulnikhunxyukbmxdulxun dngtxipnimxdul Listmxdul Yesnomxdul Arguments krabathray mxdulniich TemplateStyles mxdul Portal styles css krabathray mxdulnimisxngfngkchn portal aela image ody portal srangklxngthimilingkipynghruxhlaysthaniyxy aelathukichodyaemaebb portal mkichinswn duephim khxngbthkhwam fngkchn image srangchuxkhxngrupphaphthiichtamsthaniyxythirabu fngkchn Portal fngkchn Portal srangklxngkhxnglingksthaniyxy karichngan sthaniyxyprawtisastrsthaniyxywithyasastr karichnganphunthan invoke Portal portal sthaniyxy 1 sthaniyxy 2 sthaniyxy 3 taaehnngkarwangaemaebb exatphutkhxngfngkchnsthaniyxykhwrwangiwthitaaehnngdanbnsudkhxngswn duephim khxngbthkhwam hakimmi khunxacwangiwinswn aehlngkhxmulxun aethnid odyimcaepntxngsrangswnkhunmaihmephiyngephuxthicawangaemaebbnilngipinbthkhwam hakimmiswn aehlngkhxmulxun ihwangiwdanlangkhxngbthkhwamintaaehnngthiehmaasmthisud karwangaemaebbsthaniyxybnhnapraephthxunthiimichhnabthkhwam yngimmikdeknthtaytw rup chuxrupsthaniyxythukbrrcuiwinhnayxykhxngmxdul Portal images sungcdtamtwxksrhruxsratwaerkkhxngchuxsthaniyxy twxyangechn twxksrtwaerkkhxng sthaniyxy dntri khux d dngnnchuxrupcabrrcuiwthi mxdul Portal images d hakmiraykarsahrbsthaniyxyinhnathithuktxng rupphaphthiekiywkhxngcaaesdngkxnlingksthaniyxy hakimphbrup ifl Portal puzzle svg caaesdngaethn raychuxkhxnghnayxyruphna khaxthibaymxdul Portal images k sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr k mxdul Portal images kh sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr kh mxdul Portal images kh sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr kh mxdul Portal images kh sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr kh mxdul Portal images ng sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr ng mxdul Portal images c sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr c mxdul Portal images ch sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr ch mxdul Portal images ch sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr ch mxdul Portal images s sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr s mxdul Portal images ch sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr ch mxdul Portal images y sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr y mxdul Portal images d sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr d mxdul Portal images t sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr t mxdul Portal images th sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr th mxdul Portal images th sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr th mxdul Portal images th sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr th mxdul Portal images n sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr n mxdul Portal images d sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr d mxdul Portal images t sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr t mxdul Portal images th sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr th mxdul Portal images th sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr th mxdul Portal images th sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr th mxdul Portal images n sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr n mxdul Portal images b sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr b mxdul Portal images p sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr p mxdul Portal images ph sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr ph mxdul Portal images f sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr f mxdul Portal images ph sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr ph mxdul Portal images f sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr f mxdul Portal images ph sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr ph mxdul Portal images m sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr m mxdul Portal images y sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr y mxdul Portal images r sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr r mxdul Portal images v sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr v mxdul Portal images l sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr l mxdul Portal images l sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr l mxdul Portal images w sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr w mxdul Portal images s sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr s mxdul Portal images s sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr s mxdul Portal images s sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr s mxdul Portal images h sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr h mxdul Portal images x sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr x mxdul Portal images h sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwyxksr h mxdul Portal images e sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwysra e mxdul Portal images ae sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwysra ae mxdul Portal images o sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwysra o mxdul Portal images i sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwysra i mxdul Portal images i sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwysra i mxdul Portal images other sahrbchuxsthaniyxythikhuntndwytwxksrxun sungrwmthungtwelkh twxksrthimiekhruxnghmayesrimsthxksr aelatwxksrthiimichtwxksrlatinhruxithymxdul Portal images aliases sahrbkarephimnamaefngsahrbchuxsthaniyxythimixyu ichhnanisahrbkarsakdkhaaelaekhruxnghmayesrimsthxksr l imwasthaniyxycakhuntndwytwxksrid twxyang okhd phlthiaesdng invoke Portal portal withyasastr sthaniyxywithyasastrpharamietxr chux twaepr khaxthibay b 1 b b 2 b b 3 b The portal name e g Literature The positional parameters specify the portals to be displayed b left b yes If set to yes the portal appears on the left side of the page instead of the right b margin b CSS margin value e g 1 2em 3em 0 5em 1em This allows you to set a custom margin All valid CSS margin values are accepted b break b yes If set to yes a line break is inserted after the portal name and before the word portal b redlinks b Any of the following values yes y true or include Redlinks will be displayed The default is to suppress redlinks b nominimum b Any of the following values yes y or true Suppresses the warning if no parameters are supplied This can be useful when Template Portal is called by another template b border b Any of the following values no n or false Turn off border and background b tracking b Any of the following values no n false Tracking categories will be suppressed The default is to use tracking categories except on certain namespaces and on pagenames which contain archive doc or test tidtamkhxphidphlad hakichmoduleimthuktxng hnacathukephiminhmwdhmutidtam The tracking categories are not applied if any of the following is true Tracking is specially disabled for that usage This is done by setting the optional parameter tracking to any the following values no n false the template is used on a page in any of these namespaces Talk User User talk Wikipedia talk File talk Template talk Category talk Portal talk Draft Draft talk Module talk The title page on which the template is used includes any of the following case insensitive strings archive doc test 0 0 hmwdhmu aemaebbsthaniyxythimilingksthaniyxyepnlingkaedng 3 072 hmwdhmu hnathimiaemaebbsthaniyxywang 2 738 1 langaekhchephuxxpedtyxdrwm fngkchn Image fngkchn Image srangchuxkhxngrupphaphthiichtamsthaniyxythirabu karichngan invoke Portal image i portal i twxyang invoke Portal image Art Ballerina icon jpgImage dupes function The image dupes function returns a list of all images that are being used by more than one portal aliases are not included This can be helpful in identifying image entries that should be changed to use aliases karichngan invoke Portal imageDupes aesdngfngkchnthnghmd The display all function returns a box containing all portals that have images This is used for maintenance and should not be displayed in articles because a there are around 1500 portals with images and displaying 1500 images on one page takes up a lot of server resources and b the module has no way to know the correct capitalisation of a portal name so some links to portals will be broken This function can be seen at karichngan invoke Portal displayAll khumuxkarichnganthipraktdanbnnidungmacak mxdul Portal doc aek prawti phuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray aek dukhwamaetktang aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulni hnayxykhxngmxdulni This module is a Lua implementation of the old Portal template As of February 2019 it is used on nearly 7 900 000 articles Please take care when updating it It outputs two functions p portal which generates a list of portals and p image which produces the image name for an individual portal The portal image data is kept in submodules of mxdul Portal images listed below mxdul Portal images a for portal names beginning with A mxdul Portal images b for portal names beginning with B mxdul Portal images c for portal names beginning with C mxdul Portal images d for portal names beginning with D mxdul Portal images e for portal names beginning with E mxdul Portal images f for portal names beginning with F mxdul Portal images g for portal names beginning with G mxdul Portal images h for portal names beginning with H mxdul Portal images i for portal names beginning with I mxdul Portal images j for portal names beginning with J mxdul Portal images k for portal names beginning with K mxdul Portal images l for portal names beginning with L mxdul Portal images m for portal names beginning with M mxdul Portal images n for portal names beginning with N mxdul Portal images o for portal names beginning with O mxdul Portal images p for portal names beginning with P mxdul Portal images q for portal names beginning with Q mxdul Portal images r for portal names beginning with R mxdul Portal images s for portal names beginning with S mxdul Portal images t for portal names beginning with T mxdul Portal images u for portal names beginning with U mxdul Portal images v for portal names beginning with V mxdul Portal images w for portal names beginning with W mxdul Portal images x for portal names beginning with X mxdul Portal images y for portal names beginning with Y mxdul Portal images z for portal names beginning with Z mxdul Portal images other for portal names beginning with any other letters This includes numbers letters with diacritics and letters in non Latin alphabets mxdul Portal images aliases for adding aliases for existing portal names Use this page for variations in spelling and diacritics etc no matter what letter the portal begins with The images data pages are separated by the first letter to reduce server load when images are added changed or removed Previously all the images were on one data page at mxdul Portal images but this had the disadvantage that all 5 000 000 pages using this module needed to be refreshed every time an image was added or removed local p determine whether we re being called from a sandbox local isSandbox mw getCurrentFrame getTitle find sandbox 1 true local sandbox isSandbox and sandbox or local function sandboxVersion s return isSandbox and s sand or s end local templatestyles mxdul Portal sandbox styles css local getArgs require mxdul Arguments getArgs local yesno require mxdul Yesno List of non talk namespaces which should not be tracked Talk pages are never tracked local badNamespaces phuich aemaebb chbbrang wikiphiediy Check whether to do tracking in this namespace Returns true unless the page is one of the banned namespaces local function checkTracking title local thisPage title or mw title getCurrentTitle if thisPage isTalkPage then return false end local ns thisPage nsText lower for v in ipairs badNamespaces do if ns v then return false end end return true end local function matchImagePage s Finds the appropriate image subpage given a lower case portal name plus the first letter of that portal name if type s string or s lt 1 then return end local firstLetter mw ustring sub s 1 1 local imagePage if mw ustring find firstLetter a zk he i then imagePage mxdul Portal images firstLetter sandbox else imagePage mxdul Portal images other sandbox end return mw loadData imagePage s end local function getAlias s Gets an alias from the image alias data page local aliasData mw loadData mxdul Portal images aliases sandbox for portal aliases in pairs aliasData do for alias in ipairs aliases do if alias s then return portal end end end end local defaultImage Portal puzzle svg link alt local function getImageName s Gets the image name for a given string if type s string or s lt 1 then return defaultImage end s mw ustring lower s return matchImagePage s or matchImagePage getAlias s or defaultImage end Function to check argument portals for errors generate tracking categories if needed Function first checks for too few many portals provided Then checks the portal list to purge any portals that don t exist Arguments portals raw list of portals args tracking is tracking requested will not track on bad titles or namespaces args redlinks should redlinks be displayed args minPortals minimum number of portal arguments args maxPortals maximum number of portal arguments Returns portals list of portals with redlinks purged if args redlinks false trackingCat possible tracking category errorMsg error message function p checkPortals portals args local trackingCat local errMsg nil Tracking is on by default It is disabled if any of the following is true 1 the parameter tracking is set to no n or false 2 the current page fails the namespace or pagename tests local trackingEnabled args tracking and checkTracking args minPortals args minPortals or 1 args maxPortals args maxPortals or 1 check for too few portals if portals lt args minPortals then errMsg oprdrabuxyangnxy args minPortals sthaniyxy args minPortals gt 1 or trackingCat trackingEnabled and hmwdhmu aemaebbsthaniyxythimisthaniyxynxyekinip or return portals trackingCat errMsg end check for too many portals if args maxPortals gt 0 and portals gt args maxPortals then errMsg sthaniyxymakekinip maximum args maxPortals trackingCat trackingEnabled and hmwdhmu aemaebbsthaniyxythimisthaniyxymakekinip or return portals trackingCat errMsg end if not args redlinks or trackingEnabled then make new list of portals that exist local existingPortals for portal in ipairs portals do local portalTitle mw title new portal sthaniyxy if portal exists put it into list if portalTitle and portalTitle exists then table insert existingPortals portal otherwise set tracking cat elseif trackingEnabled then trackingCat hmwdhmu aemaebbsthaniyxythimilingksthaniyxyepnlingkaedng end end If redlinks is off use portal list purged of redlinks portals args redlinks and portals or existingPortals if nothing left after purge set tracking cat if portals 0 and trackingEnabled then trackingCat trackingCat hmwdhmu hnathimiaemaebbsthaniyxywang end end return portals trackingCat errMsg end local function portalBox args return mw html create ul attr role navigation attr aria label Portals addClass noprint addClass args error and or sandboxVersion portalbox addClass args border and sandboxVersion portalborder or addClass sandboxVersion args left and portalleft or portalright css margin args margin or nil newline end local function fillBox root contents for item in ipairs contents do local entry root tag li entry addClass sandboxVersion portalbox entry local image entry tag span image addClass sandboxVersion portalbox image image wikitext item 1 local link entry tag span link addClass sandboxVersion portalbox link link wikitext item 2 end return root end function p portal portals args This function builds the portal box used by the portal template Normalize all arguments if args redlinks include then args redlinks true end args addBreak args break for key default in pairs left false tracking true nominimum false redlinks false addBreak false border true do if args key nil then args key default end args key yesno args key default end local root portalBox args local trackingCat local errMsg nil args minPortals args nominimum and 0 or 1 args maxPortals 1 portals trackingCat errMsg p checkPortals portals args root wikitext trackingCat if error message put it in the box and return if errMsg then if args border then suppress error message when border no args error true recreate box without fancy formatting root portalBox args root wikitext trackingCat local errTag root tag strong errTag addClass error errTag css padding 0 2em errTag wikitext phidphlad errMsg end return tostring root end if no portals and no error just return tracking category if portals 0 then return trackingCat end local contents Display the portals specified in the positional arguments local defaultUsed nil for portal in ipairs portals do local portalImage getImageName portal if portalImage defaultImage then defaultUsed portal end local image string format ifl s 32x28px class noviewer portalImage local link string format sthaniyxy s sthaniyxy s s portal portal args addBreak and lt br gt or table insert contents image link end if defaultUsed and checkTracking then local cat string format hmwdhmu aemaebbsthaniyxythimiruperimtn s defaultUsed root wikitext cat end return tostring fillBox root contents end function p demo imageList args for key default in pairs left false border true do if args key nil then args key default end args key yesno args key default end local root portalBox args local contents Display the portals specified in the positional arguments for fn in ipairs imageList do local image string format ifl s 32x28px class noviewer fn local link string format ifl s s fn fn table insert contents image link end return tostring fillBox root contents end function p image portal keep Wrapper function to allow getImageName to be accessed through invoke backward compatibility if table passed take first element if type portal table then portal portal 1 end local name getImageName portal If keep is yes or equivalent then allow all metadata like image borders to be returned local keepargs yesno keep local args mw text split name true local result args 1 the filename always comes first local category parse name looking for category arguments for i 2 args do local m mw ustring match args i s category s if keepargs or m then table insert result args i end end reassemble arguments return table concat result end local function getAllImageTable Returns an array containing all image subpages minus aliases as loaded by mw loadData local images for i subpage in ipairs a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z k kh kh kh ng c ch ch s ch y d t th th th n d t th th th n b p ph f ph f ph m y r v l l w s s s h x h e ae o i i other do local imageTable mw loadData mxdul Portal images subpage sandbox for portal image in pairs imageTable do local args mw text split image images portal args 1 just use image filename end end return images end function p displayAll portals args This function displays all portals that have portal images This function is for maintenance purposes and should not be used in articles for two reasons 1 there are over 1500 portals with portal images and 2 the module doesn t record how the portal names are capitalized so the portal links may be broken local lang mw language getContentLanguage portals portals or for portal in pairs getAllImageTable do table insert portals lang ucfirst portal end table sort portals args redlinks args redlinks or yes return p portal portals args end function p imageDupes This function searches the image subpages to find duplicate images If duplicate images exist it is not necessarily a bad thing as different portals might just happen to choose the same image However this function is helpful in identifying images that should be moved to a portal alias for ease of maintenance local exists dupes for portal image in pairs getAllImageTable do if not exists image then exists image portal else table insert dupes string format phaph ifl s s ichsahrbthngsthaniyxy s aela s image image exists image portal end end if dupes lt 1 then return imphbphaphthisakn else return phbphaphthisakndngtxipni n table concat dupes n end end local function processPortalArgs args This function processes a table of arguments and returns two tables an array of portal names for processing by ipairs and a table of the named arguments that specify style options etc We need to use ipairs because we want to list all the portals in the order they were passed to the template but we also want to be able to deal with positional arguments passed explicitly for example portal 2 Politics The behaviour of ipairs is undefined if nil values are present so we need to make sure they are all removed args type args table and args or local portals local namedArgs for k v in pairs args do if type k number and type v string then Make sure we have no non string portal names table insert portals k elseif type k number then namedArgs k v end end table sort portals for i v in ipairs portals do portals i args v end return portals namedArgs end Entry point for sorting portals from other named arguments function p processPortalArgs args return processPortalArgs args end function p image frame local origArgs getArgs frame local portals args processPortalArgs origArgs return p image portals 1 args border end function p demo frame local args getArgs frame local styles frame extensionTag name templatestyles args src templatestyles return styles p demo args args end local function makeWrapper funcName Processes external arguments and sends them to the other functions return function frame If called via invoke use the args passed into the invoking template or the args passed to invoke if any exist Otherwise assume args are being passed directly in from the debug console or from another Lua module Also trim whitespace and remove blank arguments local origArgs getArgs frame create two tables to pass to func an array of portal names and a table of named arguments local portals args processPortalArgs origArgs local results if funcName portal or funcName displayAll then results frame extensionTag name templatestyles args src templatestyles end return results p funcName portals args end end for funcName in ipairs portal imageDupes displayAll do p funcName makeWrapper funcName end return p