บาโฟเมต (อังกฤษ: Baphomet; /ˈbæfoʊmɛt/; จาก Baphometh, Baffometi, อุตซิตา Bafometz) เป็นเทพสิงสู่ ที่อัศวินเทมพลาร์ถูกกล่าวหาว่าแอบเคารพบูชา และต่อมาถูกรวมไว้ในประเพณีลึกลับและไสยเวทมนตร์

ชื่อบาโฟเมต ปรากฏครั้งแรกในสำเนาการพิจารณาสำหรับการสอบสวนอัศวินเทมพลาร์ในช่วงต้นคริสต์ศตวรรษที่ 14 และเข้าสู่การใช้ที่นิยมในภาษาอังกฤษครั้งแรกในคริสต์ศตวรรษที่ 19 ในระหว่างการถกเถียงและพิจารณาเกี่ยวกับสาเหตุของการปราบปรามเหล่าเทมพลาร์
- Michelet, Jules (30 March 1860). "History of France". D. Appleton – โดยทาง Google Books.
- "In the 19th century a fresh impetus was given to the discussion by the publication in 1813 of brilliant defence of the order. The challenge was taken up, among others, by the famous orientalist Friedrich von Hammer-Purgstall, who in 1818 published his Mysterium Baphometis revelatum, an attempt to prove that the Templars followed the doctrines and rites of the Gnostic Ophites, the argument being fortified with reproductions of obscene representations of supposed Gnostic ceremonies and of mystic symbols said to have been found in the Templars' buildings. Wilcke, while rejecting Hammer's main conclusions as unproved, argued in favour of the existence of a secret doctrine based, not on Gnosticism, but on the unitarianism of Islam, of which Baphomet (Mahomet) was the symbol. On the other hand, Wilhelm Havemann (Geschichte des Ausganges des Tempelherrenordens, Stuttgart and Tübingen, 1846) decided in favour of the innocence of the order. This view was also taken by a succession of German scholars, in England by C. G. Addison, and in France by a whole series of conspicuous writers: e.g. Mignet, Guizot, Renan, Lavocat. Others, like Boutaric, while rejecting the charge of heresy, accepted the evidence for the spuitio and the indecent kisses, explaining the former as a formula of forgotten meaning and the latter as a sign of fraternité!" Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911.
- (1994). The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple. Cambridge University Press. ISBN .
- Barber, Malcolm (2006). The Trial of the Templars (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN .
- Barber, Malcolm; Bate, Keith (2010). Letters from the East: Crusaders, Pilgrims and Settlers in the 12th-13th Centuries. Ashgate Publishing. ISBN .
- Budge, Ernest Alfred Wallis (1904). The Gods of the Egyptians: or, Studies in Egyptian Mythology. Vol. II volumes. London: Methuen & Co.
- (1974). The Equinox of the Gods. New York: Gordon Press.
- Crowley, Aleister (1944). ; A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians, being the Equinox, Volume III, No. V. London: Ordo Templi Orientis.
- Crowley, Aleister (December 1996). Louis Wilkinson (บ.ก.). : The Authorized Popular Commentary of Liber Al Vel Legis sub figura CCXX, . Thelema Media. ISBN .
- Crowley, Aleister; Mary. Desti; (2004). (บ.ก.). , Parts I-IV. : Samuel Weiser. ISBN .
- De Guaita, Stanislas (1897). Essais de sciences mandites (ภาษาฝรั่งเศส). Vol. La Clef de la magie noire. Chamuel.
- Féraud, Raymond (1858). Sardou, A. L (บ.ก.). La vida de Sant Honorat (La vie de Saint Honorat) (ภาษาฝรั่งเศส). Paris: P. Janet, Dezobry, E. Magdeleine & Co.
- Finke, Heinrich (1907). Papsttum und untergang des Templerordens: Quellen (ภาษาเยอรมัน). Vol. Volume II. Muenster: Druck und verlag der Aschendorffschen buchhandlung.
has extra text ((help)) - Games, Alex; Coren, Victoria (2007). , One Sandwich Short of a Dog's Dinner. ISBN .
- (2008). "Baphomet". The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca. Infobase. pp. 17–18. ISBN . สืบค้นเมื่อ 11 August 2013.
- Hodapp, Christopher (2005). "A crash course in Templar history". Freemasons for Dummies. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing.
- King, C. W. (1887) [1864]. The Gnostics and their Remains. London: David Nutt.
- (1861) [1854-1856]. (ภาษาฝรั่งเศส). Vol. II volumes bound as one (2nd ed.). Paris: Hippolyte Baillière.
- (1896). Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual. Trans. Arthur Edward Waite. London: George Redway.
- (2005). The Knights Templar: The History & Myths of the Legendary Military Order. ISBN .
- Michaud, Joseph Francois (1853). The History of the Crusades. Vol. Volume III. Trans. W. Robson. New York: Redfield.
has extra text ((help)) - Michelet, Jules, บ.ก. (1851). Le procès des Templiers (ภาษาฝรั่งเศส). Vol. II volumes. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale.
- Michelet, Jules (1860). History of France. Vol. Volume I. Trans. G.H. Smith. New York: D. Appleton.
has extra text ((help)) - Migne, Jacques Paul (1854). Godefridi Bullonii epistolae et diplomata; accedunt appendices (ภาษาละติน).
- Murray, Margaret (1921). The Witch Cult in Western Europe: A Study in Anthropology. Oxford University Press.
- (1782). Versuch über die Beschuldigungen welche dem Tempelherrenorden gemacht worden, und über dessen Geheimniß; Nebst einem Anhange über das Entstehen der Freymaurergesellschaft (ภาษาเยอรมัน). Vol. II volumes. Berlin und Stettin.
- Partner, Peter (1987). The Knights Templar and Their Myth. ISBN . (Previously titled The Murdered Magicians.)
(1911). . ใน Chisholm, Hugh (บ.ก.). สารานุกรมบริตานิกา ค.ศ. 1911. Vol. 26 (11 ed.). สำนักพิมพ์มหาวิทยาลัยเคมบริดจ์. pp. 591–600.
- Place, Robert M. (2005). The Tarot: History, Symbolism and Divination. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin. ISBN .
- Pouille, Simon de (1968). Baroin, Jeanne (บ.ก.). Simon de Pouille: Chanson de Geste (ภาษาฝรั่งเศส). Geneva: Librairie Droz. ISBN .
- Ralls, Karen (2007). Knights Templar Encyclopedia: The Essential Guide to the People, Places, Events, and Symbols of the Order of the Temple. Career Press. ISBN .
- (1813). Monuments historiques relatifs à la condamnation des chevaliers des temples et à l'abolition de leur ordre (ภาษาฝรั่งเศส). Paris: Égron.
- (1999). The Templars. . ISBN .
- Spunda, Franz. Baphomet: Der geheime Gott der Templer: ein alchimistischer Roman (ภาษาเยอรมัน). ISBN .
- Strube, Julian (2017). "The "Baphomet" of Eliphas Lévi: Its Meaning and Historical Context". Correspondences. 4: 37–79.
- (1911). The Pictorial Key to the Tarot. London: W. Rider.
- Wright, Thomas (1865). "The Worship of the Generative Powers During the Middle Ages of Western Europe". ใน Knight, Richard Payne (บ.ก.). A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus. London: J. C. Hotten.

- Myth of the Baphomet.
- Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum in PDF.
. สารานุกรมบริตานิกา ค.ศ. 1911. Vol. 3 (11 ed.). 1911. pp. 363–364.
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baofemt xngkvs Baphomet ˈ b ae f oʊ m ɛ t cak Baphometh Baffometi xutsita Bafometz epnethphsingsu thixswinethmphlarthukklawhawaaexbekharphbucha aelatxmathukrwmiwinpraephniluklbaelaisyewthmntrphaphkhxngaephasbbatikinkhriststwrrsthi 19 thirngsrrkhody odymikhasphthphasalatinbnaekhn idaek SOLVE thihmaythung aeyk aela COAGULA thihmaythung rwmkn prawtichuxbaofemt praktkhrngaerkinsaenakarphicarnasahrbkarsxbswnxswinethmphlarinchwngtnkhriststwrrsthi 14 aelaekhasukarichthiniyminphasaxngkvskhrngaerkinkhriststwrrsthi 19 inrahwangkarthkethiyngaelaphicarnaekiywkbsaehtukhxngkarprabpramehlaethmphlarduephimbiexlsibb ebehomth aeblkaehthmayehtuMichelet Jules 30 March 1860 History of France D Appleton odythang Google Books In the 19th century a fresh impetus was given to the discussion by the publication in 1813 of brilliant defence of the order The challenge was taken up among others by the famous orientalist Friedrich von Hammer Purgstall who in 1818 published his Mysterium Baphometis revelatum an attempt to prove that the Templars followed the doctrines and rites of the Gnostic Ophites the argument being fortified with reproductions of obscene representations of supposed Gnostic ceremonies and of mystic symbols said to have been found in the Templars buildings Wilcke while rejecting Hammer s main conclusions as unproved argued in favour of the existence of a secret doctrine based not on Gnosticism but on the unitarianism of Islam of which Baphomet Mahomet was the symbol On the other hand Wilhelm Havemann Geschichte des Ausganges des Tempelherrenordens Stuttgart and Tubingen 1846 decided in favour of the innocence of the order This view was also taken by a succession of German scholars in England by C G Addison and in France by a whole series of conspicuous writers e g Mignet Guizot Renan Lavocat Others like Boutaric while rejecting the charge of heresy accepted the evidence for the spuitio and the indecent kisses explaining the former as a formula of forgotten meaning and the latter as a sign of fraternite Encyclopaedia Britannica 1911 aehlngkhxmulxun 1994 The New Knighthood A History of the Order of the Temple Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 42041 5 Barber Malcolm 2006 The Trial of the Templars 2nd ed Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 67236 8 Barber Malcolm Bate Keith 2010 Letters from the East Crusaders Pilgrims and Settlers in the 12th 13th Centuries Ashgate Publishing ISBN 978 0 7546 6356 0 Budge Ernest Alfred Wallis 1904 The Gods of the Egyptians or Studies in Egyptian Mythology Vol II volumes London Methuen amp Co 1974 The Equinox of the Gods New York Gordon Press Crowley Aleister 1944 A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians being the Equinox Volume III No V London Ordo Templi Orientis Crowley Aleister December 1996 Louis Wilkinson b k The Authorized Popular Commentary of Liber Al Vel Legis sub figura CCXX Thelema Media ISBN 0 9726583 8 6 Crowley Aleister Mary Desti 2004 b k Parts I IV Samuel Weiser ISBN 978 0 87728 919 7 De Guaita Stanislas 1897 Essais de sciences mandites phasafrngess Vol La Clef de la magie noire Chamuel Feraud Raymond 1858 Sardou A L b k La vida de Sant Honorat La vie de Saint Honorat phasafrngess Paris P Janet Dezobry E Magdeleine amp Co Finke Heinrich 1907 Papsttum und untergang des Templerordens Quellen phasaeyxrmn Vol Volume II Muenster Druck und verlag der Aschendorffschen buchhandlung a href wiki E0 B9 81 E0 B8 A1 E0 B9 88 E0 B9 81 E0 B8 9A E0 B8 9A Cite book title aemaebb Cite book cite book a volume has extra text help Games Alex Coren Victoria 2007 One Sandwich Short of a Dog s Dinner ISBN 1846072352 2008 Baphomet The Encyclopedia of Witches Witchcraft and Wicca Infobase pp 17 18 ISBN 9781438126845 subkhnemux 11 August 2013 Hodapp Christopher 2005 A crash course in Templar history Freemasons for Dummies Indianapolis Wiley Publishing King C W 1887 1864 The Gnostics and their Remains London David Nutt 1861 1854 1856 phasafrngess Vol II volumes bound as one 2nd ed Paris Hippolyte Bailliere 1896 Transcendental Magic Its Doctrine and Ritual Trans Arthur Edward Waite London George Redway 2005 The Knights Templar The History amp Myths of the Legendary Military Order ISBN 1 56025 645 1 Michaud Joseph Francois 1853 The History of the Crusades Vol Volume III Trans W Robson New York Redfield a href wiki E0 B9 81 E0 B8 A1 E0 B9 88 E0 B9 81 E0 B8 9A E0 B8 9A Cite book title aemaebb Cite book cite book a volume has extra text help Michelet Jules b k 1851 Le proces des Templiers phasafrngess Vol II volumes Paris Imprimerie Nationale Michelet Jules 1860 History of France Vol Volume I Trans G H Smith New York D Appleton a href wiki E0 B9 81 E0 B8 A1 E0 B9 88 E0 B9 81 E0 B8 9A E0 B8 9A Cite book title aemaebb Cite book cite book a volume has extra text help Migne Jacques Paul 1854 Godefridi Bullonii epistolae et diplomata accedunt appendices phasalatin Murray Margaret 1921 The Witch Cult in Western Europe A Study in Anthropology Oxford University Press 1782 Versuch uber die Beschuldigungen welche dem Tempelherrenorden gemacht worden und uber dessen Geheimniss Nebst einem Anhange uber das Entstehen der Freymaurergesellschaft phasaeyxrmn Vol II volumes Berlin und Stettin Partner Peter 1987 The Knights Templar and Their Myth ISBN 0 89281 273 7 Previously titled The Murdered Magicians 1911 Templars in Chisholm Hugh b k saranukrmbritanika kh s 1911 Vol 26 11 ed sankphimphmhawithyalyekhmbridc pp 591 600 Place Robert M 2005 The Tarot History Symbolism and Divination New York Jeremy P Tarcher Penguin ISBN 1 58542 349 1 Pouille Simon de 1968 Baroin Jeanne b k Simon de Pouille Chanson de Geste phasafrngess Geneva Librairie Droz ISBN 978 2 600 02428 0 Ralls Karen 2007 Knights Templar Encyclopedia The Essential Guide to the People Places Events and Symbols of the Order of the Temple Career Press ISBN 9781564149268 1813 Monuments historiques relatifs a la condamnation des chevaliers des temples et a l abolition de leur ordre phasafrngess Paris Egron 1999 The Templars ISBN 0 306 81071 9 Spunda Franz Baphomet Der geheime Gott der Templer ein alchimistischer Roman phasaeyxrmn ISBN 3 86552 073 1 Strube Julian 2017 The Baphomet of Eliphas Levi Its Meaning and Historical Context Correspondences 4 37 79 1911 The Pictorial Key to the Tarot London W Rider Wright Thomas 1865 The Worship of the Generative Powers During the Middle Ages of Western Europe in Knight Richard Payne b k A Discourse on the Worship of Priapus London J C Hotten aehlngkhxmulxunwikimiediykhxmmxnsmisuxthiekiywkhxngkb baofemt Myth of the Baphomet Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum in PDF Baphomet saranukrmbritanika kh s 1911 Vol 3 11 ed 1911 pp 363 364 bthkhwamsinglilbniyngepnokhrng khunsamarthchwywikiphiediyidodykarephimetimkhxmuldk