นี่เป็นมอดูลที่ถูกป้องกันถาวรเนื่องจากมีความเสี่ยงสูง กรุณาอภิปรายการเปลี่ยนแปลงใด ๆ ทาง(หน้าคุย) คุณอาจส่งคำขอแก้ไขไปยังเพื่อให้แก้ไขได้หากเป็นการแก้ไขที่ไม่มีการคัดค้านหรือมีความเห็นพ้องสนับสนุน คุณยังสามารถขอให้เลิกป้องกันหน้าได้ |
คุณอาจจะต้องการสร้างคู่มือการใช้งานของนี้ ผู้เขียนสามารถทำการทดลองได้ที่กระบะทราย (สร้าง | คัดลอก) และชุดทดสอบ (สร้าง) ของมอดูลนี้ โปรดเพิ่มหมวดหมู่ไปที่หน้าย่อย |
local p = {} function chessboard(args, size, rev, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear) function image_square( pc, row, col, size ) local colornames = { l = 'white', d = 'black' } local piecenames = { p = 'pawn', r = 'rook', n = 'knight', b = 'bishop', q = 'queen', k = 'king', a = 'archbishop', c = 'chancelor', z = 'champion', w = 'wizard', t = 'fool', h = 'upside-down pawn', m = 'upside-down rook', s = 'upside-down knight', f = 'upside-down king', e = 'upside-down bishop', g = 'upside-down queen', } local symnames = { xx = 'black cross', ox = 'white cross', xo = 'black circle', oo = 'white circle', ul = 'up-left arrow', ua = 'up arrow', ur = 'up-right arrow', la = 'left arrow', ra = 'right arrow', dl = 'down-left arrow', da = 'down arrow', dr = 'down-right arrow', lr = 'left-right arrow', ud = 'up-down arrow', x0 = 'zero', x1 = 'one', x2 = 'two', x3 = 'three', x4 = 'four', x5 = 'five', x6 = 'six', x7 = 'seven', x8 = 'eight', x9 = 'nine', } function colchar( col ) return ( 'abcdefgh' ):sub( col, col ) end local color = mw.ustring.gsub( pc, '^.*(%w)(%w).*$', '%2' ) or '' local piece = mw.ustring.gsub( pc, '^.*(%w)(%w).*$', '%1' ) or '' local alt = colchar( col ) .. row .. ' ' if colornames[color] and piecenames[piece] then alt = alt .. colornames[color] .. ' ' .. piecenames[piece] else alt = alt .. ( symnames[piece .. color] or piece .. ' ' .. color ) end return string.format( '[[File:Chess %s%st45.svg|%dx%dpx|alt=%s|%s]]', piece, color, size, size, alt, alt ) end function letters_row( rev, num_lt, num_rt ) local td = '<td style="padding: 0; vertical-align: inherit;height:18px;width:' .. size .. 'px;">' local legends = 'abcdefgh' local l = mw.text.split( rev and legends:reverse() or legends, '' ) return '<tr style="vertical-align:middle">\n' .. ( num_lt and '<td style="vertical-align: inherit; padding: 0"></td>' or '' ) .. td .. table.concat( l, '</td>' .. td ) .. '</td>' .. ( num_rt and '<td style="vertical-align: inherit; padding: 0"></td>' or '' ) .. '\n</tr>' end local letters_tp = letters:match( 'both' ) or letters:match( 'top' ) local letters_bt = letters:match( 'both' ) or letters:match( 'bottom' ) local numbers_lt = numbers:match( 'both' ) or numbers:match( 'left' ) local numbers_rt = numbers:match( 'both' ) or numbers:match( 'right' ) local width = 8 * size + 2 if ( numbers_lt ) then width = width + 18 end if ( numbers_rt ) then width = width + 18 end local b = '' local caption = '' if ( letters_tp ) then b = b .. letters_row( rev, numbers_lt, numbers_rt ) .. '\n' end b = b .. '<tr style="vertical-align:middle">' if ( numbers_lt ) then b = b .. '<td style="padding: 0; vertical-align: inherit; width:18px;height:' .. size .. 'px">' .. (rev and 1 or 8) .. '</td>' end b = b .. '<td colspan=8 rowspan=8 style="padding: 0; vertical-align: inherit;"><div class="chess-board" style="position:relative;">' b = b .. string.format( '[[File:Chessboard480.svg|%dx%dpx|link=]]', 8 * size, 8 * size ) for trow = 1,8 do local row = rev and trow or ( 9 - trow ) for tcol = 1,8 do local col = rev and ( 9 - tcol ) or tcol local piece = args[8 * ( 8 - row ) + col + 2] or '' if piece:match( '%w%w' ) then local img = image_square(piece:match('%w%w'), row, col, size ) b = b .. string.format( '<div style="position:absolute;z-index:3;top:%dpx;left:%dpx;width:' .. size .. 'px;height:' .. size .. 'px;">%s</div>\n', ( trow - 1 ) * size, ( tcol - 1 ) * size, img ) end end end b = b .. '</div></td>' if ( numbers_rt ) then b = b .. '<td style="width:18px;height:' .. size ..'px;padding:0">' .. (rev and 1 or 8) .. '</td>' end b = b .. '</tr>' if ( numbers_lt or numbers_rt ) then for trow = 2, 8 do local row = rev and trow or ( 9 - trow ) b = b .. '<tr style="vertical-align:middle">' if ( numbers_lt ) then b = b .. '<td style="padding: 0; vertical-align: inherit;height:' .. size .. 'px">' .. row .. '</td>' end if ( numbers_rt ) then b = b .. '<td style="padding: 0; vertical-align: inherit;height:' .. size .. 'px">' .. row .. '</td>' end b = b .. '</tr>\n' end end if ( letters_bt ) then b = b .. letters_row( rev, numbers_lt, numbers_rt ) .. '\n' end if footer:match( '^%s*$' ) then else caption = '<div class="thumbcaption">' .. footer .. '</div>\n' end return '<div class="thumb ' .. align .. '" style="clear:' .. clear .. '; text-align:center;">' .. header .. '\n<div class="thumbinner" style="width:' .. width .. 'px;">\n' .. '<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="background:white; font-size:88%; border:1px #b0b0b0 solid; padding:0; ' .. 'margin:auto;">\n' .. b .. '\n</table>\n' .. caption .. '</div></div>' end function convertFenToArgs( fen ) -- converts FEN notation to 64 entry array of positions, offset by 2 local res = { ' ', ' ' } -- Loop over rows, which are delimited by / for srow in string.gmatch( "/" .. fen, "/%w+" ) do -- Loop over all letters and numbers in the row for piece in srow:gmatch( "%w" ) do if piece:match( "%d" ) then -- if a digit for k=1,piece do table.insert(res,' ') end else -- not a digit local color = piece:match( '%u' ) and 'l' or 'd' piece = piece:lower() table.insert( res, piece .. color ) end end end return res end function convertArgsToFen( args, offset ) function nullOrWhitespace( s ) return not s or s:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) == '' end function piece( s ) return nullOrWhitespace( s ) and 1 or s:gsub( '%s*(%a)(%a)%s*', function( a, b ) return b == 'l' and a:upper() or a end ) end local res = '' offset = offset or 0 for row = 1, 8 do for file = 1, 8 do res = res .. piece( args[8*(row - 1) + file + offset] ) end if row < 8 then res = res .. '/' end end return mw.ustring.gsub(res, '1+', function( s ) return #s end ) end function p.board(frame) local args = frame.args local pargs = frame:getParent().args local size = args.size or pargs.size or '26' local reverse = ( args.reverse or pargs.reverse or '' ):lower() == "true" local letters = ( args.letters or pargs.letters or 'both' ):lower() local numbers = ( args.numbers or pargs.numbers or 'both' ):lower() local header = args[2] or pargs[2] or '' local footer = args[67] or pargs[67] or '' local align = ( args[1] or pargs[1] or 'tright' ):lower() local clear = args.clear or pargs.clear or ( align:match('tright') and 'right' ) or 'none' local fen = args.fen or pargs.fen size = mw.ustring.match( size, '[%d]+' ) or '26' -- remove px from size if (fen) then align = args.align or pargs.align or 'tright' clear = args.clear or pargs.clear or ( align:match('tright') and 'right' ) or 'none' header = args.header or pargs.header or '' footer = args.footer or pargs.footer or '' return chessboard( convertFenToArgs( fen ), size, reverse, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear ) end if args[3] then return chessboard(args, size, reverse, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear) else return chessboard(pargs, size, reverse, letters, numbers, header, footer, align, clear) end end function p.fen2ascii(frame) -- {{#invoke:Chessboard|fen2ascii|fen=...}} local b = convertFenToArgs( frame.args.fen ) local res = '|=\n' local offset = 2 for row = 1,8 do local n = (9 - row) res = res .. n .. ' |' .. table.concat(b, '|', 8*(row-1) + 1 + offset, 8*(row-1) + 8 + offset) .. '|=\n' end res = mw.ustring.gsub( res,'\| \|', '| |' ) res = mw.ustring.gsub( res,'\| \|', '| |' ) res = res .. ' a b c d e f g h' return res end function p.ascii2fen( frame ) -- {{#invoke:Chessboard|ascii2fen|kl| | |....}} return convertArgsToFen( frame.args, frame.args.offset or 1 ) end return p
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niepnmxdulthithukpxngknthawrenuxngcakmikhwamesiyngsung krunaxphipraykarepliynaeplngid thanghnakhuy khunxacsngkhakhxaekikh ipyngphuduaelrabbephuxihaekikhidhakepnkaraekikhthiimmikarkhdkhanhruxmikhwamehnphxngsnbsnun khunyngsamarthkhxihelikpxngknhnaidkhumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulni phuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulni oprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy hnayxykhxngmxdulnilocal p function chessboard args size rev letters numbers header footer align clear function image square pc row col size local colornames l white d black local piecenames p pawn r rook n knight b bishop q queen k king a archbishop c chancelor z champion w wizard t fool h upside down pawn m upside down rook s upside down knight f upside down king e upside down bishop g upside down queen local symnames xx black cross ox white cross xo black circle oo white circle ul up left arrow ua up arrow ur up right arrow la left arrow ra right arrow dl down left arrow da down arrow dr down right arrow lr left right arrow ud up down arrow x0 zero x1 one x2 two x3 three x4 four x5 five x6 six x7 seven x8 eight x9 nine function colchar col return abcdefgh sub col col end local color mw ustring gsub pc w w 2 or local piece mw ustring gsub pc w w 1 or local alt colchar col row if colornames color and piecenames piece then alt alt colornames color piecenames piece else alt alt symnames piece color or piece color end return string format File Chess s st45 svg dx dpx alt s s piece color size size alt alt end function letters row rev num lt num rt local td lt td style padding 0 vertical align inherit height 18px width size px gt local legends abcdefgh local l mw text split rev and legends reverse or legends return lt tr style vertical align middle gt n num lt and lt td style vertical align inherit padding 0 gt lt td gt or td table concat l lt td gt td lt td gt num rt and lt td style vertical align inherit padding 0 gt lt td gt or n lt tr gt end local letters tp letters match both or letters match top local letters bt letters match both or letters match bottom local numbers lt numbers match both or numbers match left local numbers rt numbers match both or numbers match right local width 8 size 2 if numbers lt then width width 18 end if numbers rt then width width 18 end local b local caption if letters tp then b b letters row rev numbers lt numbers rt n end b b lt tr style vertical align middle gt if numbers lt then b b lt td style padding 0 vertical align inherit width 18px height size px gt rev and 1 or 8 lt td gt end b b lt td colspan 8 rowspan 8 style padding 0 vertical align inherit gt lt div class chess board style position relative gt b b string format File Chessboard480 svg dx dpx link 8 size 8 size for trow 1 8 do local row rev and trow or 9 trow for tcol 1 8 do local col rev and 9 tcol or tcol local piece args 8 8 row col 2 or if piece match w w then local img image square piece match w w row col size b b string format lt div style position absolute z index 3 top dpx left dpx width size px height size px gt s lt div gt n trow 1 size tcol 1 size img end end end b b lt div gt lt td gt if numbers rt then b b lt td style width 18px height size px padding 0 gt rev and 1 or 8 lt td gt end b b lt tr gt if numbers lt or numbers rt then for trow 2 8 do local row rev and trow or 9 trow b b lt tr style vertical align middle gt if numbers lt then b b lt td style padding 0 vertical align inherit height size px gt row lt td gt end if numbers rt then b b lt td style padding 0 vertical align inherit height size px gt row lt td gt end b b lt tr gt n end end if letters bt then b b letters row rev numbers lt numbers rt n end if footer match s then else caption lt div class thumbcaption gt footer lt div gt n end return lt div class thumb align style clear clear text align center gt header n lt div class thumbinner style width width px gt n lt table cellpadding 0 cellspacing 0 style background white font size 88 border 1px b0b0b0 solid padding 0 margin auto gt n b n lt table gt n caption lt div gt lt div gt end function convertFenToArgs fen converts FEN notation to 64 entry array of positions offset by 2 local res Loop over rows which are delimited by for srow in string gmatch fen w do Loop over all letters and numbers in the row for piece in srow gmatch w do if piece match d then if a digit for k 1 piece do table insert res end else not a digit local color piece match u and l or d piece piece lower table insert res piece color end end end return res end function convertArgsToFen args offset function nullOrWhitespace s return not s or s match s s end function piece s return nullOrWhitespace s and 1 or s gsub s a a s function a b return b l and a upper or a end end local res offset offset or 0 for row 1 8 do for file 1 8 do res res piece args 8 row 1 file offset end if row lt 8 then res res end end return mw ustring gsub res 1 function s return s end end function p board frame local args frame args local pargs frame getParent args local size args size or pargs size or 26 local reverse args reverse or pargs reverse or lower true local letters args letters or pargs letters or both lower local numbers args numbers or pargs numbers or both lower local header args 2 or pargs 2 or local footer args 67 or pargs 67 or local align args 1 or pargs 1 or tright lower local clear args clear or pargs clear or align match tright and right or none local fen args fen or pargs fen size mw ustring match size d or 26 remove px from size if fen then align args align or pargs align or tright clear args clear or pargs clear or align match tright and right or none header args header or pargs header or footer args footer or pargs footer or return chessboard convertFenToArgs fen size reverse letters numbers header footer align clear end if args 3 then return chessboard args size reverse letters numbers header footer align clear else return chessboard pargs size reverse letters numbers header footer align clear end end function p fen2ascii frame invoke Chessboard fen2ascii fen local b convertFenToArgs frame args fen local res n local offset 2 for row 1 8 do local n 9 row res res n table concat b 8 row 1 1 offset 8 row 1 8 offset n end res mw ustring gsub res res mw ustring gsub res res res a b c d e f g h return res end function p ascii2fen frame invoke Chessboard ascii2fen kl return convertArgsToFen frame args frame args offset or 1 end return p