บทความนี้ได้รับแจ้งให้ปรับปรุงหลายข้อ กรุณาช่วยปรับปรุงบทความ หรืออภิปรายปัญหาที่
ลิงก์ข้ามภาษาในบทความนี้ มีไว้ให้ผู้อ่านและผู้ร่วมแก้ไขบทความศึกษาเพิ่มเติมโดยสะดวก เนื่องจากวิกิพีเดียภาษาไทยยังไม่มีบทความดังกล่าว กระนั้น ควรรีบสร้างเป็นบทความโดยเร็วที่สุด |
ดิ อะเมซซิง เรซ 8 (อังกฤษ: The Amazing Race 8) เป็นฤดูกาลที่ 8 ของรายการยอดนิยม ดิ อะเมซิ่ง เรซ โดยจะมีความแตกต่างจากดิ อะเมซิง เรซ ในฤดูกาลที่ผ่าน ๆ มา จากเดิมแต่ละทีมมีเพียงผู้ใหญ่แข่งเป็นคู่ แต่ในฤดูกาลนี้การแข่งขันจะเป็นแบบครอบครัวที่มี 4 คน และอนุญาตให้มีบุคคลที่ยังไม่บรรลุนิติภาวะอีกด้วย (ต่ำกว่า 8 ปี) เป็นฉบับครอบครัวโดยใช้ชื่อในการแข่งขันว่า The Amazing Race : Family Edition อย่างไรก็ตาม การแข่งขันจะกลับมามีผู้เข้าแข่งขันเพียงทีมละสองคนในดิ อะเมซิ่ง เรซ 9
ดิอะเมซิ่งเรซ 8 | |
ออกอากาศ | 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2548 – 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2548 |
ระยะเวลาการถ่ายทำ | 7 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2548 – 31 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2548 |
จำนวนตอน | 12 |
ผู้ชนะ | ครอบครัวลินซ์ |
ทวีปที่ผ่าน | 1 |
ประเทศที่ผ่าน | 4 |
เมืองที่ผ่าน | 50 |
ระยะทางการแข่งขัน | 11,000 ไมล์ (17,702 กิโลเมตร) |
จำนวนเลก | 11 |
ซีซั่นก่อนหน้าและถัดไป | |
ก่อนหน้า | ดิ อะเมซิ่ง เรซ 7 |
ถัดไป | ดิ อะเมซิ่ง เรซ 9 |
ฤดูกาลนี้มีกำหนดออกอากาศตอนแรก 2 ชั่วโมงเต็ม ในวันที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2548 ทางซีบีเอส และจะออกอากาศตอนแรกในประเทศไทย เวลา 20:00 น. ของวันที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2548 ทางช่อง AXN ยูบีซีช่อง 19 ส่วนตอนสุดท้าย จะออกอากาศในวันที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2548
- โดยรวมแล้ว, ทีมที่ชนะนั้นจะผ่านการเดินทางทั้งหมดกว่า 11,000 ไมล์
- เป็นฤดูกาลที่เดินทางผ่านเมืองถึง 50 เมือง ซื่งเป็นฤดุกาลที่เดินทางผ่านเมืองมากที่สุด
- ถึงแม้จะเดินทางผ่านเมืองมากที่สุด แต่เส้นทางส่วนใหญ่อยู่ที่ประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา และไม่ได้เดินทางออกนอกทวีปอเมริกาเหนือ
- ภารกิจในฤดูกาลนี้เป็นภารกิจที่ง่ายกว่าฤดูกาลอื่น ๆ
- ในเดือนมีนาคม พ.ศ. 2548, พิธีกร เดินทางไปตามเมืองใหญ่ในสหรัฐอเมริกา (, , ชิคาโก, เซนต์หลุยส์, แคนซัสซิตี, เดนเวอร์, , และ ลอสแอนเจลิส) เพื่อสอดแนมผู้เข้าแข่งขัน
- บริทนีย์ โรเจอรส์ เป็นอดีตมิสลุยเซียนา เคยปรากฏตัวในตอนพิเศษของรายการ, ซึ่งเธอได้รองชนะเลิศ [1] 2005-05-05 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน
- ครอบครัวชโรเดอร์ต้องอพยพจากบ้านของพวกเขาซึ่งอยู่ที่ นิวออร์ลีนส์ ที่ได้รับผลกระทบจากพายุเฮอร์ริเคนแคทรีนา ไปอยู่กับครอบครัวโรเจอรส์ ที่, รัฐลุยเซียนา
- ครอบครัว แบรนเซน และ วีเวอร์ ที่ได้ที่ 2 และ 3 ตามลำดับหลังจากจบการแข่งขัน ได้กลับไปแข่งที่กระดานเกมแผนภาพแผนที่อเมริกาเหนืออีกครั้งและครอบครัวที่ชนะจะได้รถ GMC ขนาดสำหรับครอบครัวรุ่นที่ใช้ในการแข่งขันเป็นของรางวัลภายใต้ชื่อ Final Amazing Challenge โดยครอบครัว แบรนเซน เป็นทีมที่ชนะไป ซึ่งการแข่งขันครั้งนี้ไม่ได้ออกอากาศทางโทรทัศน์แต่อย่างใด โดยการแข่งขันนี้ได้ถูกโพสต์ลงบนเว็บไซด์ของซีบีเอส
- เดิมทีแรกทีมงานจะทำการคัด 11 ครอบครัวโดยครอบครัว แฟลนเดอร์ เป็นครอบครัวที่ 11 ที่จะได้ทำการแข่งขันแต่แล้วก็ได้ตัดจำนวนออกไปเหลือ 10 ทีมโดยไม่ทราบสาเหตุ
ตารางแสดงชื่อ ความสัมพันธ์ของผู้แข่งขันในขณะถ่ายทำของแต่ละทีมพร้อมทั้งแสดงสถานะในการแข่งขัน ดังนี้ เรียงตามลำดับผู้เข้าเส้นชัยก่อน (ตารางนี้อาจไม่ได้แสดงข้อมูลที่ตรงกับข้อมูลที่ออกอากาศในโทรทัศน์เนื่องจากข้อมูลที่เพิ่มเข้ามาบางส่วน หรือข้อมูลที่ถูกนำออกไปบางส่วน)
ครอบครัว | ความสัมพันธ์ | การแข่งขัน (ตามเลก) | ผู้ทำอุปสรรค | ||||||||||||
<1> | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6ƒ | 7 | 8 | 9 | 101 | 112 | |||||
ลินซ์ | พี่น้อง ชาย 3, หญิง 1 | 9 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 1> | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | นิก 4, อเล็กซ์ 3, เมแกน 2, ทอมมี 3 |
แบรนเซน | พ่อ, ลูกสาว 3 | 7 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | วอลเตอร์ 3, เอลิซาเบธ 4, ลอเรน 3, ลินด์เซย์ 2 |
วีเวอร์ | แม่, ลูกสาว 2, ลูกชาย 1 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 5< | 2 | 3 | 4< | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | ลินดา 2, รีเบคกา 3, ราเชล 2, รอลลี 5 |
โกดลิวสกี | พี่น้องหญิง 4 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 4 | มิเชล 4, ชารอน 5, คริสติน 2, ทริเชีย 1 | ||
เปาโล | พ่อ, แม่, ลูกชาย 2 | 6 | 8 | 6 | 2 | 1ƒ | 1> | 4 | 5 | โทนี 1, มาเรียน 1, ดีเจ 2, ไบรอัน 2 | |||||
กาแกน | พ่อ, แม่, ลูกชาย 1, ลูกสาว 1 | 2 | 7 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 6 | บิล 2, แทมมี 2, บิลลี 1, คาริสซา 0 | |||||||
ชโรเดอร์ | พ่อ, แม่, ลูกชาย 1, ลูกสาว 1 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 7 | มาร์ค 2, ชาร์ 0, สแตซซี 1, ฮันเตอร์ 0 | |||||||||
ไอเอลโล | พ่อ, บุตรเขย 3 | 8 | 5 | 8 | โทนี 0, เควิน 0, แมทท์ 1, เดวิด 2 | ||||||||||
โรเจอรส์ | พ่อ, แม่, ลูกชาย 1, ลูกสาว 1 | 4 | 9 | เดนนี 0, เรนี 0, บริทท์นีย์ 1, บร็อก 0 | |||||||||||
แบล็ก | พ่อ, แม่, ลูกชาย 2 | 10 | เรกกี้ 0, คิม 0, เคนเนธ 0, ออสติน 0 |
หมายเหตุ 1: ในเลกที่ 10 เป็นเลกแบบ Double Length (มีอุปสรรค 2 งานและทางแยก 2 งาน) และแบ่งการออกอากาศออกเป็น 2 ตอน
หมายเหตุ 2: ในเลกที่ 11 เป็นเลกแบบ Double Length (มีอุปสรรค 2 งานและทางแยก 2 งาน) ออกอากาศเป็นตอนเดียวยาว 2 ชั่วโมงติดกัน
- สีแดง หมายถึง ทีมนั้นๆ ถูกคัดออก
- สีเขียว ƒ หมายถึง ทีมนั้นๆ ทำ Fast Forward สำเร็จ ; เลขของเลกที่มีสีเขียวและ ƒ เป็นเลกที่มี Fast Forward แต่ไม่มีทีมไหนใช้
- สีน้ำเงินตัวเอน หมายถึง ทีมนั้นๆ มาถึงจุดพักเป็นทีมสุดท้ายในเลกที่ไม่มีการคัดออก แต่จะถูกยึดเงินทั้งหมดที่มีและไม่ได้เงินใช้ในด่านถัดไป และจะไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้หาเงินใช้จนกว่าการแข่งขันในเลกต่อไปจะเริ่มขึ้น
- เครื่องหมาย > สีเหลือง หมายถึง ทีมนั้นๆ ใช้คำสั่งพักทีมอื่นแข่งขันชั่วคราว (Yield) ; < หมายถึง ทีมนั้นๆ ถูกพักการแข่งขันชั่วคราว ;<> หมายถึง เลกที่มีกฎการสั่งพักแต่ไม่มีทีมไหนใช้
เครื่องหมายต่าง ๆ ในการแข่งขัน
ชื่อตอนในการแข่งขันมักมาจากคำพูดสำคัญ ๆ ของผู้เข้าแข่งขันในเลกนั้น ๆ
- "Go, Mommy, Go! We Can Beat Them!" - Billy Gaghan
- "How Do We Know We Aren't Going to Get Shot?" - Carissa Gaghan
- "I Don't Kiss I Make Out" - Stassi Shroeder
- "Think Like An Office Chair" - Rachel Weaver
- "We're Getting Out of the Country, Girls" - Tommy Linz
- "I'm Sick of Doing Stuff I Can't Do" - Linda Weaver
- "You Look Ridiculous" - Phil Keoghan
- "How's That Face Feel?" - Megan Linz
- "Don't Talk To Me Like I Was An Animal Or Something" - Christine Godlewski
- "The Family Christmas Card" - Wally Bransen
- "25 Days, 50 Cities, And More Than 600 Consecutive Hours Together as a Family" - Phil Keoghan
ในบางเลก ทางรายการจะมีรางวัลพิเศษให้กับทีมที่มาถึงจุดพักเป็นทีมแรก สำหรับรางวัลที่เป็นแพ็กเกจทัวร์ทั้งหมดสนับสนุนโดยแทรเวลโลซิตี้
- Leg 1 - $20,000
- Leg 2 - Trip to the Southampton, Bermuda provided by
- Leg 3 - Gasoline for life for each team member from BP and .
- Leg 4 - package at Orlando, Florida provided by Travelocity
- Leg 5 - Gamboa Rainforest Resort package at the Panama Canal, Panama provided by Travelocity
- Leg 6 - Individual "wild rides" with a choice of a , a , a or an all-terrain vehicle, courtesy of the Wild Bean Cafe at BP.
- Leg 7 - Trip to Belize from Travelocity
- Leg 8 - A Jay-Flight 27 B.H. Travel Trailer 2006-06-20 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน compliments of Jayco.
- Leg 9 - Trip for four to the Teton Mountain Lodge in , Wyoming provided by Travelocity.
- Leg 10 - A new 2006 full-size luxury sedan.
- Leg 11 - $1,000,000
- Final Amazing Challenge - A SUV
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เลก 1 (นิวยอร์ก → นิวเจอร์ซี่ → เพ็นซาเวเนีย)
- New York City, New York
() (Starting Line)
- New York City ( - )
- New York City (Hot Dog Stand on East 91st Street)
- , Pennsylvania
() and , New Jersey
(Unused; Unaired)
- Philadelphia ( - Belmont Plateau) (Overnight Rest)
- (Brubaker Family Farm)
- (Rohrer Family Farm)
The first Detour of the race was Build it or Buggy It. In Build It, teams needed to use the materials provided to build a miniature, working watermill. Buggy It required teams to transport a traditional Amish buggy along a 1.5-mile course with two members riding in it.
- Additional tasks
- At Eastern Mountain Sports, teams had to pick up camping gear.
- At Washington Crossing State Park, teams had to choose a rowboat to cross the Delaware River into New Jersey, retrieve a 13-star flag, and row the boat back to the Pennsylvania shore to observe a flag folding ceremony.
- At Fairmount Park, teams had to pitch tents to receive a departure time.
เลก 2 (เพ็นซาเวเนีย → เวอร์จีเนีย)

- ()
- Washington, D.C.
( - Reflecting Pool)
- Washington, D.C. (Third Street)
- Washington, D.C. ()
- , Virginia
(Welbourne Manor)
The Roadblock required a racer to whisper a code phrase ("The sky is blue") to spies walking in the area around the Tidal Basin. Of the fifty spies, ten would reply with another phrase ("The sea is green"). Once the racer had found one of the ten spies, they would receive their next clue. The Detour choices, Heat of the Battle and Heat of the Night, were both part of a full scale American Civil War . In Heat of the Battle, teams had to transport five injured people to a tent. Heat of the Night told racers to take a keg of kerosene to a table. Once there, they had to fill 20 lanterns with the kerosene and light them. After completing the Detour, the teams had to grab a Civil War flag and take it to the nearby pit stop.
- Additional task
- At the Haines Shoe House, Teams had to search the giant shoe for their next clue.
- At Third Street, teams had to search for a limousine where an unseen contact would give them a briefcase which they would take to Tidal Basin.
เลก 3 (เวอร์จีเนีย → เซาคาร์โรไลน่า → อาลาบาม่า)
() to , South Carolina
- Charleston ()
- Charleston (Charleston Visitor Center)
- , Alabama
( - Edward O. Buckbee Hangar)
- Huntsville (Rocket Park)
- Huntsville (Rocket Park - )
The Detour choices for this leg were Forrest Gump or Muddy Waters. In Forrest Gump, teams had to travel to Wando Shrimp Co. to de-head 200 pounds of shrimp. In Muddy Waters, teams had gone to Ridgeville Mud Run 2012-02-18 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน to drive through a 3X4 SUV obstacle course which was filled with mud. In the course, if they got stuck, they would have to wait to be towed out. Once towed out, they would have to restart the course. In the Roadblock, two racers from each team rode a centrifuge at 3.2 แรง g.
เลก 4 (อาลาบาม่า → มิชชิชิปปี้ → หลุยเซียน่า)

- (World's Largest Office Chair 2005-11-08 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน)
(This was not portrayed as a Roadblock.)
- ()
- Talladega ()
- , Mississippi
(Southern Colonel Mobile Homes) (Overnight Rest)
- (BP )
- , Louisiana
(Fairview Riverside State Park 2011-01-11 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน)
- New Orleans ( - )
In the Roadblock, teams had to climb to the top of the Worlds Largest Office Chair. It is a similar to unaired Roadblock in . The Detour was Work or Play. In Work, Teams used a two-person handsaw to cut four slices off a 12 inches in diameter. In Play, Teams made their way to a where they played against a professional dealer. To win a round, the hand of each team member needed to total more than the dealer’s hand, or the dealer must bust (the dealer's hand goes over 21). Once the Teams won three rounds, they would earn their clue.
- Additional tasks
- At the Talladega Superspeedway, teams had to make a lap around the Superspeedway on a partybike.
- Upon the arrival of Mobile Homes, Teams had to search the mobile homes for a departure time. The teams would have to "rough it" in the mobile home where they found their time.
เลก 5 (หลุยเซียน่า → ปานามา)
New Orleans () to Panama City, Panama
- , Panama ('s Gamboa Field Station)
- ()
, Panama (Panama Canal-Pier 14)
- Panama City (Estadio Juan Demostenes Arosemena)
- Panama City ()
In the Race's only aired Fast Forward, team members had to jump in tandem off a 140 foot drop, when all members completed the drop, they would win the Fast Forward. The Detour was Rhythm 2008-12-06 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน or Coos 2006-07-12 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน. Rhythm required teams to deliver four musical instruments to a local club. The musical instruments are saxophone (in Teatro Nacional de Panama), trumpet (in Escuela Simon Bolivar), conga drum (in Casa Góngora) and trombone (Instituto Nacional de Cultura). Coos required racers to use binoculars and search within the rainforest canopy for wooden replicas of five local bird species. They have to circle the correct bird species on the provided bird identification card. When all five were circled, they present the card to the ranger who would confirm their choices. The Roadblock for this leg of the race required one team member to hit one baseball pitched by a local little leaguer.
เลก 6 (ปานามา → คอสตาร์ริก้า)
Panama City (Terminal Nacional de Trasporte) to San Jose, Costa Rica
(Tica Bus Terminal)
- San Jose (Parqueo Publico Adrian)
(Unused; Unaired)
- (Doka Estate)
- (Roca Loca Surf Shop 2007-09-28 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน)
- (Malecon)
In the Roadblock, one person from each team searched for a red bean among 800 pounds of coffee beans. The Detour was Relic or Ripe. In Relic, teams had to recover four Mayan relics in Rainmaker 2009-04-18 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน . In Ripe, teams had to harvest 15 bushels of bananas in Frutas Selectas del Tropico.
เลก 7 (คอสตาร์ริก้า → อาริโซน่า)

- Quepos (Playa Maracas)
- (La Iglesia de Metal)
() to Phoenix, Arizona
- (Bondurant School of High Performance Driving 2012-04-21 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน)
- (Fort McDowell Adventures)
The Detour on this leg was Brush or Barrel. In Brush, teams had to go to Taller Eloy Alfaro in and painted two cartwheels with the same design as the sample they were given. In Barrel, teams loaded sugarcane in Ingenio La Argentina and transported sugarcane 6 miles to a warehouse of Fabrica Nacional de Licores, where they would find a hidden clue among dozens of rum barrels. The Roadblock had one person from each team compete in a 50 lap race.
- Additional task
- At the start of the leg, One team member had to swim to a buoy that had their clue attached to it.
เลก 8 (อาริโซน่า)
- Mesa ( - Fighter Combat International 2005-11-24 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน)
- Grand Canyon (Lipan Point)
- ()
- ( - )
- (Antelope Point - )
In the Roadblock, one team member had to perform a 360 degree loop in an airplane. The Detour choices in Horseshoe Bend, Arizona were Bearing or Bailing. In Bearing, teams had to locate three locations on three different islands, using a compass bearing. In Bailing, teams had to bail water from a submerged boat and carry it onshore.
เลก 9 (อาริโซน่า → ยูท่า)

- , Utah
(John Ford's Point)
- (Elephant Butte)
- (Gemini Bridges)
- (Green River State Park 2010-03-25 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน) (Overnight Rest)
- (970 Little Sweden Rd.)
- (Utah Olympic Park)
- (Rooftop of )
The Detour on this leg of the race was Drop Down or Ride Down. In Drop Down, teams completed a two-stage 270-feet down into Bull Canyon. In Ride Down, Teams selected bikes and rode a six-mile course down into Bull Canyon. The Roadblock had team members ski jump into the olympic pool.
- Additional tasks
- At the Elephant Butte, Two team members had to fly by helicopter to Elephant Butte to retrieve their clue.
- At Heber City, Teams had to find Bart the Bear, who had their next clue in his mouth.
เลก 10 (ยูท่า → ไวโอมิ่ง → มอนทาน่า)

- Park City (Park City High School 2005-12-24 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน)
- Heber City (Heber Valley Railway)
- (Tree of Utah 2005-11-04 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน)
- (Bear Lake Rendezvous Beach) (Overnight Rest)
- , Wyoming
(Dunham Ranch)
- ()
- (Pinto Ranch - 15200 ) (Leg midpoint; teams are told this is not the Pit Stop and must continue)
- (Turtle Ranch 2008-09-07 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน)
- Dubois (Open Plateau)
- ()
- , Montana
( - Tenth Tee)
- (Larry Arnold's Green Meadow Ranch)
On the first half of the leg, the Detour was Spike It or Steam It. In Spike It, teams used old-time materials and tools to complete a 20-foot section of track. In Steam It, teams used buckets to fill the tender of an old-time steam with 400 pounds of coal. The first Roadblock of the leg featured two team members riding horses to corral six cattle from a holding pen.
On the second half of the leg, the Detour was Pioneer Spirit or Native Tradition. Pioneer Spirit had teams attach wheels to a covered wagon, hook up a team of horses, and drive along a quarter mile course. Native Tradition had racers build a teepee with traditional tools. The second roadblock of the leg featured two team members riding a golf cart while searching for colored balls on the back nine of a golf course. They searched for balls that matched the color of the flag of the cart they picked.
- Additional tasks
- At the High School park, Teams had to help inflate and then ride a hot air balloon.
- At the Rendezvous Beach, Teams had to get to Garden City as quick as possible, because they would receive departure times 15 apart.
- Upon the arrival of Yellowstone National Park, Teams had to watch Old Faithful erupt with the man at yellowstone. The Godlewskis saw it in the car but had to wait another 90 minutes to see it with the man.
- Upon the entering of Irma Hotel, Teams had to dress in period clothing, then take a picture with .
เลก 11 (มอนทาน่า → ควิเบก → นิวยอร์ก)

() to Montreal, Quebec
, Canada
- Montréal ( - Centre CDP Capital Passageway, )
- Montréal ( )
- Montréal (Trapezium 2008-12-30 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน - La Porte J)
- Montréal (Olympic Stadium) (Ostensible leg midpoint) (Overnight rest)
() to Toronto, Ontario ()
- Toronto (CN Tower)
- (Queenston Boat Ramp - Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours)
- , New York
(Joseph Davis State Environmental Park 2006-09-24 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน)
(Finish Line)
The Detour on the first half of the leg, or Roll It featured curling and log-rolling challenges, respectively. The Roadblock required a racer to successfully complete a flying maneuver known as a catch.
The Detour of second half of the leg was Ship 2007-10-24 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน or . In Ship, teams sailed across through Queen's Quay 2010-02-21 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน and one racer climbed the 100-foot mast of the to retrieve a nautical flag. In Shoe, teams searched through 100 pairs of shoes that were on people walking around to match the pair they had chosen. The final Roadblock of the Race required one person to complete a giant jigsaw puzzle of North America. Once the puzzle was completed, teams were allowed to go to the Finish Line.
In a special challenge, after the race ended, titled "The Final Amazing Challenge, " the second and third place teams competed for a new GMC Yukon. Using the maps they completed, all team members ran out to twelve clueboxes, one cluebox at a time. In the clueboxes were miniature cutouts of things they had done on the race. They then ran back to the map and placed the cutout on the state or country they had done the thing in. They then ran back out and continued the same pattern. Once done, teams asked Phil if they were right. If they were right, they won. The Bransens won the challenge. This post-race challenge was shown only at CBS.com.
- Additional tasks
- At the Olympic Stadium, Teams had to ride on a golf cart to Parc Olympique and enter it through the one door large enough for them to drive through. Once there, teams had to search through 56,000 stadium seats for one of three departure times, five minutes apart.
- At the CN Tower, Teams had to search through the city streets from the highest window on the tower for a route marker.
- At the Jet Boat Tours, Teams had to make their way by jet boat to a buoy in the Niagara Gorge. Teams were instructed by the clue to take their same boat to Lewiston, New York, their final destination city.
- เว็บไซต์อย่างเป็นทางการ
- USAToday.com - Families compete in new 'Amazing Race'
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bthkhwamniidrbaecngihprbprunghlaykhx krunachwyprbprungbthkhwam hruxxphipraypyhathi bthkhwamnitxngkarcdrupaebbkhxkhwam karcdhna karaebnghwkhx karcdlingkphayin aelaxun bthkhwamnimikhxkhwamepnphasaxun txngkaraeplepnphasaithy bthkhwamniyngkhadaehlngxangxingephuxphisucnkhwamthuktxnglingkkhamphasa inbthkhwamni miiwihphuxanaelaphurwmaekikhbthkhwamsuksaephimetimodysadwk enuxngcakwikiphiediyphasaithyyngimmibthkhwamdngklaw krann khwrribsrangepnbthkhwamodyerwthisud di xaemssing ers 8 xngkvs The Amazing Race 8 epnvdukalthi 8 khxngraykaryxdniym di xaemsing ers odycamikhwamaetktangcakdi xaemsing ers invdukalthiphan ma cakedimaetlathimmiephiyngphuihyaekhngepnkhu aetinvdukalnikaraekhngkhncaepnaebbkhrxbkhrwthimi 4 khn aelaxnuyatihmibukhkhlthiyngimbrrlunitiphawaxikdwy takwa 8 pi epnchbbkhrxbkhrwodyichchuxinkaraekhngkhnwa The Amazing Race Family Edition xyangirktam karaekhngkhncaklbmamiphuekhaaekhngkhnephiyngthimlasxngkhnindi xaemsing ers 9dixaemsingers 8xxkxakas 27 knyayn ph s 2548 13 thnwakhm ph s 2548rayaewlakarthaytha 7 krkdakhm ph s 2548 31 krkdakhm ph s 2548canwntxn 12phuchna khrxbkhrwlinsthwipthiphan 1praethsthiphan 4emuxngthiphan 50rayathangkaraekhngkhn 11 000 iml 17 702 kiolemtr canwnelk 11sisnkxnhnaaelathdipkxnhna di xaemsing ers 7thdip di xaemsing ers 9 vdukalnimikahndxxkxakastxnaerk 2 chwomngetm inwnthi 27 knyayn ph s 2548 thangsibiexs aelacaxxkxakastxnaerkinpraethsithy ewla 20 00 n khxngwnthi 28 knyayn ph s 2548 thangchxng AXN yubisichxng 19 swntxnsudthay caxxkxakasinwnthi 13 thnwakhm ph s 2548khxmulthwipodyrwmaelw thimthichnanncaphankaredinthangthnghmdkwa 11 000 iml epnvdukalthiedinthangphanemuxngthung 50 emuxng sungepnvdukalthiedinthangphanemuxngmakthisud thungaemcaedinthangphanemuxngmakthisud aetesnthangswnihyxyuthipraethsshrthxemrika aelaimidedinthangxxknxkthwipxemrikaehnux pharkicinvdukalniepnpharkicthingaykwavdukalxun ineduxnminakhm ph s 2548 phithikr edinthangiptamemuxngihyinshrthxemrika chikhaok esnthluys aekhnsssiti ednewxr aela lxsaexneclis ephuxsxdaenmphuekhaaekhngkhn brithniy orecxrs epnxditmisluyesiyna ekhyprakttwintxnphiesskhxngraykar sungethxidrxngchnaelis 1 2005 05 05 thi ewyaebkaemchchin khrxbkhrwchoredxrtxngxphyphcakbankhxngphwkekhasungxyuthi niwxxrlins thiidrbphlkrathbcakphayuehxrriekhnaekhthrina ipxyukbkhrxbkhrworecxrs thi rthluyesiyna khrxbkhrw aebrnesn aela wiewxr thiidthi 2 aela 3 tamladbhlngcakcbkaraekhngkhn idklbipaekhngthikradanekmaephnphaphaephnthixemrikaehnuxxikkhrngaelakhrxbkhrwthichnacaidrth GMC khnadsahrbkhrxbkhrwrunthiichinkaraekhngkhnepnkhxngrangwlphayitchux Final Amazing Challenge odykhrxbkhrw aebrnesn epnthimthichnaip sungkaraekhngkhnkhrngniimidxxkxakasthangothrthsnaetxyangid odykaraekhngkhnniidthukophstlngbnewbisdkhxngsibiexs edimthiaerkthimngancathakarkhd 11 khrxbkhrwodykhrxbkhrw aeflnedxr epnkhrxbkhrwthi 11 thicaidthakaraekhngkhnaetaelwkidtdcanwnxxkipehlux 10 thimodyimthrabsaehtuphlkaraekhngkhntarangaesdngchux khwamsmphnthkhxngphuaekhngkhninkhnathaythakhxngaetlathimphrxmthngaesdngsthanainkaraekhngkhn dngni eriyngtamladbphuekhaesnchykxn tarangnixacimidaesdngkhxmulthitrngkbkhxmulthixxkxakasinothrthsnenuxngcakkhxmulthiephimekhamabangswn hruxkhxmulthithuknaxxkipbangswn khrxbkhrw khwamsmphnth karaekhngkhn tamelk phuthaxupsrrkh lt 1 gt 2 3 4 5 6ƒ 7 8 9 101 112lins phinxng chay 3 hying 1 9 2 2 3 4 2 3 2 1 gt 3 2 2 1 nik 4 xelks 3 emaekn 2 thxmmi 3aebrnesn phx luksaw 3 7 6 1 1 3 3 5 4 2 1 1 1 2 wxletxr 3 exlisaebth 4 lxern 3 lindesy 2wiewxr aem luksaw 2 lukchay 1 3 1 5 5 2 5 lt 2 3 4 lt 2 3 3 3 linda 2 riebkhka 3 raechl 2 rxlli 5okdliwski phinxnghying 4 1 3 4 4 6 4 1 1 3 4 4 miechl 4 charxn 5 khristin 2 thriechiy 1epaol phx aem lukchay 2 6 8 6 2 1ƒ 1 gt 4 5 othni 1 maeriyn 1 diec 2 ibrxn 2kaaekn phx aem lukchay 1 luksaw 1 2 7 7 6 5 6 bil 2 aethmmi 2 billi 1 kharissa 0choredxr phx aem lukchay 1 luksaw 1 5 4 3 7 markh 2 char 0 saetssi 1 hnetxr 0ixexlol phx butrekhy 3 8 5 8 othni 0 ekhwin 0 aemthth 1 edwid 2orecxrs phx aem lukchay 1 luksaw 1 4 9 ednni 0 erni 0 briththniy 1 brxk 0aeblk phx aem lukchay 2 10 erkki 0 khim 0 ekhnenth 0 xxstin 0 hmayehtu 1 inelkthi 10 epnelkaebb Double Length mixupsrrkh 2 nganaelathangaeyk 2 ngan aelaaebngkarxxkxakasxxkepn 2 txn hmayehtu 2 inelkthi 11 epnelkaebb Double Length mixupsrrkh 2 nganaelathangaeyk 2 ngan xxkxakasepntxnediywyaw 2 chwomngtidkn siaedng hmaythung thimnn thukkhdxxk siekhiyw ƒ hmaythung thimnn tha Fast Forward saerc elkhkhxngelkthimisiekhiywaela ƒ epnelkthimi Fast Forward aetimmithimihnich sinaengintwexn hmaythung thimnn mathungcudphkepnthimsudthayinelkthiimmikarkhdxxk aetcathukyudenginthnghmdthimiaelaimidenginichindanthdip aelacaimidrbxnuyatihhaenginichcnkwakaraekhngkhninelktxipcaerimkhunekhruxnghmay gt siehluxng hmaythung thimnn ichkhasngphkthimxunaekhngkhnchwkhraw Yield lt hmaythung thimnn thukphkkaraekhngkhnchwkhraw lt gt hmaythung elkthimikdkarsngphkaetimmithimihnichekhruxnghmaytang inkaraekhngkhn chuxtxninkaraekhngkhn chuxtxninkaraekhngkhnmkmacakkhaphudsakhy khxngphuekhaaekhngkhninelknn Go Mommy Go We Can Beat Them Billy Gaghan How Do We Know We Aren t Going to Get Shot Carissa Gaghan I Don t Kiss I Make Out Stassi Shroeder Think Like An Office Chair Rachel Weaver We re Getting Out of the Country Girls Tommy Linz I m Sick of Doing Stuff I Can t Do Linda Weaver You Look Ridiculous Phil Keoghan How s That Face Feel Megan Linz Don t Talk To Me Like I Was An Animal Or Something Christine Godlewski The Family Christmas Card Wally Bransen 25 Days 50 Cities And More Than 600 Consecutive Hours Together as a Family Phil Keoghanrangwl inbangelk thangraykarcamirangwlphiessihkbthimthimathungcudphkepnthimaerk sahrbrangwlthiepnaephkekcthwrthnghmdsnbsnunodyaethrewlolsitiLeg 1 20 000 Leg 2 Trip to the Southampton Bermuda provided by Leg 3 Gasoline for life for each team member from BP and Leg 4 package at Orlando Florida provided by Travelocity Leg 5 Gamboa Rainforest Resort package at the Panama Canal Panama provided by Travelocity Leg 6 Individual wild rides with a choice of a a a or an all terrain vehicle courtesy of the Wild Bean Cafe at BP Leg 7 Trip to Belize from Travelocity Leg 8 A Jay Flight 27 B H Travel Trailer 2006 06 20 thi ewyaebkaemchchin compliments of Jayco Leg 9 Trip for four to the Teton Mountain Lodge in Wyoming provided by Travelocity Leg 10 A new 2006 full size luxury sedan Leg 11 1 000 000 Final Amazing Challenge A SUVsthanthiinkaraekhngkhnedinthangodyekhruxngbin edinthangodyrthif edinthangodyerux edinthangodyrthpracathang immi edinthangodyrthynthruxedinthangaeyk xupsrrkh thangdwn thwngewla cudhyudphkaephnthiaesdngesnthangelk 1 niwyxrk niwecxrsi ephnsaeweniy New York City New York USA Starting Line New York City New York City Hot Dog Stand on East 91st Street Pennsylvania and New Jersey Unused Unaired Philadelphia Belmont Plateau Overnight Rest Brubaker Family Farm Rohrer Family Farm The first Detour of the race was Build it or Buggy It In Build It teams needed to use the materials provided to build a miniature working watermill Buggy It required teams to transport a traditional Amish buggy along a 1 5 mile course with two members riding in it Additional tasksAt Eastern Mountain Sports teams had to pick up camping gear At Washington Crossing State Park teams had to choose a rowboat to cross the Delaware River into New Jersey retrieve a 13 star flag and row the boat back to the Pennsylvania shore to observe a flag folding ceremony At Fairmount Park teams had to pitch tents to receive a departure time elk 2 ephnsaeweniy ewxrcieniy The Tidal Basin was the site of this leg s Roadblock Washington D C Reflecting Pool Washington D C Third Street Washington D C Virginia Welbourne Manor The Roadblock required a racer to whisper a code phrase The sky is blue to spies walking in the area around the Tidal Basin Of the fifty spies ten would reply with another phrase The sea is green Once the racer had found one of the ten spies they would receive their next clue The Detour choices Heat of the Battle and Heat of the Night were both part of a full scale American Civil War In Heat of the Battle teams had to transport five injured people to a tent Heat of the Night told racers to take a keg of kerosene to a table Once there they had to fill 20 lanterns with the kerosene and light them After completing the Detour the teams had to grab a Civil War flag and take it to the nearby pit stop Additional taskAt the Haines Shoe House Teams had to search the giant shoe for their next clue At Third Street teams had to search for a limousine where an unseen contact would give them a briefcase which they would take to Tidal Basin elk 3 ewxrcieniy esakharorilna xalabama to South Carolina Charleston Charleston Charleston Visitor Center Alabama Edward O Buckbee Hangar Huntsville Rocket Park Huntsville Rocket Park The Detour choices for this leg were Forrest Gump or Muddy Waters In Forrest Gump teams had to travel to Wando Shrimp Co to de head 200 pounds of shrimp In Muddy Waters teams had gone to Ridgeville Mud Run 2012 02 18 thi ewyaebkaemchchin to drive through a 3X4 SUV obstacle course which was filled with mud In the course if they got stuck they would have to wait to be towed out Once towed out they would have to restart the course In the Roadblock two racers from each team rode a centrifuge at 3 2 aerng g elk 4 xalabama michchichippi hluyesiyna Teams completed a lap at the Talladega Superspeedway on a partybike World s Largest Office Chair 2005 11 08 thi ewyaebkaemchchin This was not portrayed as a Roadblock Talladega Mississippi Southern Colonel Mobile Homes Overnight Rest BP Louisiana Fairview Riverside State Park 2011 01 11 thi ewyaebkaemchchin New Orleans In the Roadblock teams had to climb to the top of the Worlds Largest Office Chair It is a similar to unaired Roadblock in The Detour was Work or Play In Work Teams used a two person handsaw to cut four slices off a 12 inches in diameter In Play Teams made their way to a where they played against a professional dealer To win a round the hand of each team member needed to total more than the dealer s hand or the dealer must bust the dealer s hand goes over 21 Once the Teams won three rounds they would earn their clue Additional tasksAt the Talladega Superspeedway teams had to make a lap around the Superspeedway on a partybike Upon the arrival of Mobile Homes Teams had to search the mobile homes for a departure time The teams would have to rough it in the mobile home where they found their time elk 5 hluyesiyna panama New Orleans to Panama City Panama Panama s Gamboa Field Station Panama Panama Canal Pier 14 Panama City Estadio Juan Demostenes Arosemena Panama City In the Race s only aired Fast Forward team members had to jump in tandem off a 140 foot drop when all members completed the drop they would win the Fast Forward The Detour was Rhythm 2008 12 06 thi ewyaebkaemchchin or Coos 2006 07 12 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Rhythm required teams to deliver four musical instruments to a local club The musical instruments are saxophone in Teatro Nacional de Panama trumpet in Escuela Simon Bolivar conga drum in Casa Gongora and trombone Instituto Nacional de Cultura Coos required racers to use binoculars and search within the rainforest canopy for wooden replicas of five local bird species They have to circle the correct bird species on the provided bird identification card When all five were circled they present the card to the ranger who would confirm their choices The Roadblock for this leg of the race required one team member to hit one baseball pitched by a local little leaguer elk 6 panama khxstarrika Panama City Terminal Nacional de Trasporte to San Jose Costa Rica Tica Bus Terminal San Jose Parqueo Publico Adrian Unused Unaired Doka Estate Roca Loca Surf Shop 2007 09 28 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Malecon In the Roadblock one person from each team searched for a red bean among 800 pounds of coffee beans The Detour was Relic or Ripe In Relic teams had to recover four Mayan relics in Rainmaker 2009 04 18 thi ewyaebkaemchchin In Ripe teams had to harvest 15 bushels of bananas in Frutas Selectas del Tropico elk 7 khxstarrika xariosna Teams received their detour clue at La Iglesia de Metal Quepos Playa Maracas La Iglesia de Metal to Phoenix Arizona USA Bondurant School of High Performance Driving 2012 04 21 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Fort McDowell Adventures The Detour on this leg was Brush or Barrel In Brush teams had to go to Taller Eloy Alfaro in and painted two cartwheels with the same design as the sample they were given In Barrel teams loaded sugarcane in Ingenio La Argentina and transported sugarcane 6 miles to a warehouse of Fabrica Nacional de Licores where they would find a hidden clue among dozens of rum barrels The Roadblock had one person from each team compete in a 50 lap race Additional taskAt the start of the leg One team member had to swim to a buoy that had their clue attached to it elk 8 xariosna Mesa Fighter Combat International 2005 11 24 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Grand Canyon Lipan Point Antelope Point In the Roadblock one team member had to perform a 360 degree loop in an airplane The Detour choices in Horseshoe Bend Arizona were Bearing or Bailing In Bearing teams had to locate three locations on three different islands using a compass bearing In Bailing teams had to bail water from a submerged boat and carry it onshore elk 9 xariosna yutha The rooftop of the was the ninth Pit Stop of the Race Utah John Ford s Point Elephant Butte Gemini Bridges Green River State Park 2010 03 25 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Overnight Rest 970 Little Sweden Rd Utah Olympic Park Rooftop of The Detour on this leg of the race was Drop Down or Ride Down In Drop Down teams completed a two stage 270 feet down into Bull Canyon In Ride Down Teams selected bikes and rode a six mile course down into Bull Canyon The Roadblock had team members ski jump into the olympic pool Additional tasksAt the Elephant Butte Two team members had to fly by helicopter to Elephant Butte to retrieve their clue At Heber City Teams had to find Bart the Bear who had their next clue in his mouth elk 10 yutha iwoxming mxnthana Teams had to watch the Old Faithful Geyser erupt to receive their next clue Park City Park City High School 2005 12 24 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Heber City Heber Valley Railway Tree of Utah 2005 11 04 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Bear Lake Rendezvous Beach Overnight Rest Wyoming Dunham Ranch Pinto Ranch 15200 Leg midpoint teams are told this is not the Pit Stop and must continue Turtle Ranch 2008 09 07 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Dubois Open Plateau Montana Tenth Tee Larry Arnold s Green Meadow Ranch On the first half of the leg the Detour was Spike It or Steam It In Spike It teams used old time materials and tools to complete a 20 foot section of track In Steam It teams used buckets to fill the tender of an old time steam with 400 pounds of coal The first Roadblock of the leg featured two team members riding horses to corral six cattle from a holding pen On the second half of the leg the Detour was Pioneer Spirit or Native Tradition Pioneer Spirit had teams attach wheels to a covered wagon hook up a team of horses and drive along a quarter mile course Native Tradition had racers build a teepee with traditional tools The second roadblock of the leg featured two team members riding a golf cart while searching for colored balls on the back nine of a golf course They searched for balls that matched the color of the flag of the cart they picked Additional tasksAt the High School park Teams had to help inflate and then ride a hot air balloon At the Rendezvous Beach Teams had to get to Garden City as quick as possible because they would receive departure times 15 apart Upon the arrival of Yellowstone National Park Teams had to watch Old Faithful erupt with the man at yellowstone The Godlewskis saw it in the car but had to wait another 90 minutes to see it with the man Upon the entering of Irma Hotel Teams had to dress in period clothing then take a picture with elk 11 mxnthana khwiebk niwyxrk The American Pavilion during the Expo 67 was visited in the race to Montreal Quebec Canada Montreal Centre CDP Capital Passageway Montreal Montreal Trapezium 2008 12 30 thi ewyaebkaemchchin La Porte J Montreal Olympic Stadium Ostensible leg midpoint Overnight rest to Toronto Ontario Toronto CN Tower Queenston Boat Ramp Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours New York USA Joseph Davis State Environmental Park 2006 09 24 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Finish Line The Detour on the first half of the leg or Roll It featured curling and log rolling challenges respectively The Roadblock required a racer to successfully complete a flying maneuver known as a catch The Detour of second half of the leg was Ship 2007 10 24 thi ewyaebkaemchchin or In Ship teams sailed across through Queen s Quay 2010 02 21 thi ewyaebkaemchchin and one racer climbed the 100 foot mast of the to retrieve a nautical flag In Shoe teams searched through 100 pairs of shoes that were on people walking around to match the pair they had chosen The final Roadblock of the Race required one person to complete a giant jigsaw puzzle of North America Once the puzzle was completed teams were allowed to go to the Finish Line In a special challenge after the race ended titled The Final Amazing Challenge the second and third place teams competed for a new GMC Yukon Using the maps they completed all team members ran out to twelve clueboxes one cluebox at a time In the clueboxes were miniature cutouts of things they had done on the race They then ran back to the map and placed the cutout on the state or country they had done the thing in They then ran back out and continued the same pattern Once done teams asked Phil if they were right If they were right they won The Bransens won the challenge This post race challenge was shown only at CBS com Additional tasksAt the Olympic Stadium Teams had to ride on a golf cart to Parc Olympique and enter it through the one door large enough for them to drive through Once there teams had to search through 56 000 stadium seats for one of three departure times five minutes apart At the CN Tower Teams had to search through the city streets from the highest window on the tower for a route marker At the Jet Boat Tours Teams had to make their way by jet boat to a buoy in the Niagara Gorge Teams were instructed by the clue to take their same boat to Lewiston New York their final destination city aehlngkhxmulxunewbistxyangepnthangkar USAToday com Families compete in new Amazing Race bthkhwamkarbnethingniyngepnokhrng khunsamarthchwywikiphiediyidodykarephimetimkhxmuldk