การจับจอง (อังกฤษ: squatting) คือการยึดครองสถานที่หรือสิ่งก่อสร้างที่มักจะเป็นที่อยู่อาศัย ที่ “ผู้จับจอง” มิได้เป็นเจ้าของ หรือ มีสิทธิในการพำนักอาศัย นักหนังสือพิมพ์ชาวอเมริกันกล่าวว่ามีผู้ที่อยู่ในสถานภาพของ “ผู้จับจอง” รวมด้วยกันราวหนึ่งพันล้านคนทั่วโลก ซึ่งเท่ากับประชากรหนึ่งในหกคนของประชากรโลกเป็น “ผู้จับจอง” แต่กระนั้นเคเซีย รีฟกล่าวว่า “การจับจองก็มิได้อยู่ในนโยบายหรือการโต้เถียงทางวิชาการในฐานะที่เป็นประเด็นปัญหา และ อาการ หรือ เป็นขบวนการเกี่ยวกับสังคม และ ที่อยู่อาศัย”

- . คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 2017-07-15. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2010-03-12.
- Chris Roberts, Heavy Words Lightly Thrown: The Reason Behind Rhyme, Thorndike Press,2006 ()
- Neuwirth, R (2004) Shadow Cities: A Billion Squatters, A New Urban World, Routledge
- Reeve, Kesia "Squatting Since 1945: The enduring relevance of material need."Pp. 197-216 in Housing and Social Policy edited by Peter Somerville with Nigel Sprigings. London: Routledge.
- 949 Market (2002) - a by a group of people who squatted an abandoned pool hall in a very public way and created a community center in San Francisco. $2–3 cash to: Lara, 3288 21st St. PMB #79, San Francisco, CA 94110
- Corr, A. (1999) No Trespassing! Squatting, Rent Strikes and Land Struggles Worldwide South End Press
- Cracking The Movement (1994) - Amsterdam squatter history and the movement's relation to the media. Also available online
- Cracking The System (2008) - A zine about squats and social centres in Europe inspired by the april2008 initiative. Also available online 2014-03-15 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน
- Katsiaficas, G. (1999) The Subversion of Politics: European Autonomous Social Movements and the Decolonization of Everyday Life Humanity Books Also available online 2018-09-30 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน
- Survival Without Rent (1986) - A how to squat guide from NYC originally printed in 1986
- Squat The World (1995) - A story of 1995 squat evictions in New York City
- The ELF Squat Experiment 2008-03-04 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน - An experiment in squatting large buildings.
- Waterhouse, Richard (2005). The Vision Splendid: A Social and Cultural History of Rural Australia, Fremantle, Curtin University Books
- War In The Neighborhood – a Graphic Novel about squatting on New York City's in the 1980s by World War 3 Illustrated artist and editor published by Autonomedia
- What's this place? (2008) - A booklet with stories from radical social centres in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Also available online
- Squatters in £30m mansion in Park Lane, London
- Advisory Service for Squatters (UK)
- South African Shack Dwellers' Movement[]
- Special issue of Mute Magazine on global slums 2011-12-20 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน
- Squat.net
- Squattercity Blog Blog by writer Robert Neuwirth, who lived in squatter communities across the developing world
- topf.squat.net Website of a German youth collective using the former, now abandonned, factory of ; maufacturers of the gas chambers and ovens for the Nazi death camps.
- Wasteland (UK) - Documentary about squatting by Will Wright
- Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign 2022-08-12 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน
- Khayelitsha Struggles 2009-08-03 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน
- Evacuation of the "B.A. Squat", Tel Aviv, Israel, November 21, 2007 2009-06-05 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน
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karcbcxng xngkvs squatting khuxkaryudkhrxngsthanthihruxsingkxsrangthimkcaepnthixyuxasy thi phucbcxng miidepnecakhxng hrux misiththiinkarphankxasy nkhnngsuxphimphchawxemriknklawwamiphuthixyuinsthanphaphkhxng phucbcxng rwmdwyknrawhnungphnlankhnthwolk sungethakbprachakrhnunginhkkhnkhxngprachakrolkepn phucbcxng aetkrannekhesiy rifklawwa karcbcxngkmiidxyuinnoybayhruxkarotethiyngthangwichakarinthanathiepnpraednpyha aela xakar hrux epnkhbwnkarekiywkbsngkhm aela thixyuxasy sylksnsaklsahrb phucbcxng xangxing khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2017 07 15 subkhnemux 2010 03 12 Chris Roberts Heavy Words Lightly Thrown The Reason Behind Rhyme Thorndike Press 2006 ISBN 0 7862 8517 6 Neuwirth R 2004 Shadow Cities A Billion Squatters A New Urban World Routledge ISBN 0415933196 Reeve Kesia Squatting Since 1945 The enduring relevance of material need Pp 197 216 in Housing and Social Policy edited by Peter Somerville with Nigel Sprigings London Routledge ISBN 0415283663duephim949 Market 2002 a by a group of people who squatted an abandoned pool hall in a very public way and created a community center in San Francisco 2 3 cash to Lara 3288 21st St PMB 79 San Francisco CA 94110 Corr A 1999 No Trespassing Squatting Rent Strikes and Land Struggles Worldwide South End Press ISBN 0896085953 Cracking The Movement 1994 Amsterdam squatter history and the movement s relation to the media Also available online Cracking The System 2008 A zine about squats and social centres in Europe inspired by the april2008 initiative Also available online 2014 03 15 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Katsiaficas G 1999 The Subversion of Politics European Autonomous Social Movements and the Decolonization of Everyday Life Humanity Books ISBN 1573924415 Also available online 2018 09 30 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Survival Without Rent 1986 A how to squat guide from NYC originally printed in 1986 Squat The World 1995 A story of 1995 squat evictions in New York City The ELF Squat Experiment 2008 03 04 thi ewyaebkaemchchin An experiment in squatting large buildings Waterhouse Richard 2005 The Vision Splendid A Social and Cultural History of Rural Australia Fremantle Curtin University Books War In The Neighborhood a Graphic Novel about squatting on New York City s in the 1980s by World War 3 Illustrated artist and editor published by Autonomedia What s this place 2008 A booklet with stories from radical social centres in the United Kingdom and Ireland Also available online Squatters in 30m mansion in Park Lane LondonaehlngkhxmulxunAdvisory Service for Squatters UK South African Shack Dwellers Movement lingkesiy Special issue of Mute Magazine on global slums 2011 12 20 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Squat net Squattercity Blog Blog by writer Robert Neuwirth who lived in squatter communities across the developing world topf squat net Website of a German youth collective using the former now abandonned factory of maufacturers of the gas chambers and ovens for the Nazi death camps Wasteland UK Documentary about squatting by Will Wright Western Cape Anti Eviction Campaign 2022 08 12 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Khayelitsha Struggles 2009 08 03 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Evacuation of the B A Squat Tel Aviv Israel November 21 2007 2009 06 05 thi ewyaebkaemchchinbthkhwamniyngepnokhrng khunsamarthchwywikiphiediyidodykarephimetimkhxmul hmayehtu khxaenanaihcdhmwdhmuokhrngihekhakbenuxhakhxngbthkhwam duephimthi wikiphiediy okhrngkarcdhmwdhmuokhrngthiyngimsmburn dkhk