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paelsitn xngkvs Palestine xahrb فلسطين filstin falstin filistin krik Palaistinh Palaistine latin Palaestina hibru פלשתינה Palestina epnchuxsamykhxngphumiphakhthangphumisastrinexechiytawntkrahwangthaelemdietxrereniynkbaemnacxraedn aela dinaedniklekhiyngtang phumiphakhpaelsitn khxbekhtmnthlkhxngormninesnprasiekhiyw sungaesdngkhxbekhtrahwang phayhlngkhux aela phayhlngkhux echnediywknkb phayhlngkhux Jebel et Tih aela the Jifar khxngibaesnithn khxbekhtpaelsitninxanti khxbekhtrahwangpraethsxisraexlaeladinaednpaelsitn ewstaebngkaelachnwnkasa sungrthpaelsitnxangsiththiphasaxahrb hibruswnprakxb xisraexl paelsitn cxraedn xdit nkekhiynkrikobranepnphuerimichchuxni txmaichepnchuxkhxngmnthlsieriypaelstinakhxngormn aelatxmaxyuinkarkhrxbkhrxngkhxngckrwrrdiibaesnithnaeladinaednkhxngxislamtamladb phumiphakhdngklawprakxbdwyphumiphakhthieriyk aephndinskdisiththihruxaephndinaehngphrasyyainphrakhmphiribebil aelaepnswnitkhxngxanabriewnthiihykwa echn khanaxn sieriy xchcham aelaliaewnt 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11897 3 subkhnemux 6 February 2011 1993 The History of Ancient Palestine Augsburg Fortress Publishers ISBN 0 8006 2770 9 subkhnemux 6 February 2011 Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire Bruce Alan Masters Gabor Agoston Books google co uk subkhnemux 17 August 2012 brrnanukrmAbu Lughod Ibrahim 1971 ed The Transformation of Palestine Evanston Illinois Northwestern Press Abu Manneh Butrus 1999 The Rise of the Sanjak of Jerusalem in the Late Nineteenth Century in Ilan Pappe b k The Israel Palestine Question Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 16948 6 subkhnemux 2013 06 28 Adwan Sami 2006 Textbooks in the Palestinian National Authority in Charles W Greenbaum Philip E Veerman Naomi Bacon Shnoor b k Protection of Children During Armed Political Conflict A Multidisciplinary Perspective Intersentia pp 231 256 ISBN 9789050953412 Ahlstrom Gosta Werner 1993 The history of ancient Palestine ISBN 978 0 8006 2770 6 Alexandrowicz Ra anan 2012 The Justice of Occupation The New York Times 2001 New Left Review 10 khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2018 10 01 subkhnemux 2022 01 10 Anspacher Abraham Samuel 1912 Tiglath Pileser III Avneri Arieh 1984 The Claim of Dispossession Tel Aviv Hidekel Press Avni Gideon 2014 The Byzantine Islamic Transition in Palestine An Archaeological Approach Oxford University Press ISBN 9780199684335 1974 The Population of Israel Jerusalem Institute of Contemporary Jewry Hebrew University Belfer Cohen Anna amp Bar Yosef Ofer 2000 Early Sedentism in the Near East a bumpy ride to village life In Ian Kuijt Ed Life in Neolithic Farming Communities social organization identity and differentiation New York Kluwer Academic Plenum Publishers ISBN 0 306 46122 6 Ben Sasson Haim Hillel 1976 A History of the Jewish People Harvard University Press Bianquis Thierry 1998 Autonomous Egypt from Ibn Tulun to Kafur 868 969 in Martin W Daly Carl F Petry b k The Cambridge History of Egypt Volume 2 Cambridge University Press pp 86 119 ISBN 9780521471374 Biger Gideon 2004 The Boundaries of Modern Palestine 1840 1947 RoutledgeCurzon passim ISBN 9781135766528 Biger Gideon 1981 Where was Palestine pre World War I perception in AREA journal of the Institute of British Geographers Vol 13 No 2 pp 153 160 2001 Ancient Records of Egypt The first through the seventeenth dynasties University of Illinois Press ISBN 0 252 06990 0 Broshi Magen 1979 The Population of Western Palestine in the Roman Byzantine Period Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 236 236 1 10 doi 10 2307 1356664 JSTOR 1356664 PMID 12338473 S2CID 24341643 Brown Daniel W 2011 A New Introduction to Islam Wiley Blackwell 2nd ed Bussow Johann 2011 Hamidian Palestine Politics and Society in the District of Jerusalem 1872 1908 BRILL ISBN 978 90 04 20569 7 subkhnemux 2013 05 17 Burns Ross 2005 Damascus A History London Routledge ISBN 0 415 27105 3 Byatt Anthony 1973 Josephus and Population Numbers in First century Palestine in Palestine Exploration Quarterly 105 pp 51 60 Chancey Mark A 2005 Greco Roman Culture and the Galilee of Jesus Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 84647 1 Chase Kenneth 2003 Firearms a Global History to 1700 Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 82274 2 2001 PDF IUSSP XXIVth General Population Conference in Salvador de Bahia Brazil 18 24 August 2001 khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedim PDF emux 2016 12 02 subkhnemux 2022 01 10 Doumani Beshara 1995 Rediscovering Palestine merchants and peasants in Jabal Nablus 1700 1900 Berkeley University of California Press ISBN 0 520 20370 4 Drews Robert 1998 Canaanites and Philistines Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 23 81 39 61 doi 10 1177 030908929802308104 S2CID 144074940 Ehrman B 2011 Forged writing in the name of God ISBN 978 0 06 207863 6 b k 2001 Encyclopedia of Prehistory Vol 8 South and Southwest Asia 1 ed New York and London Springer p 185 ISBN 0 306 46262 1 Fahlbusch Erwin Lochman Jan Milic Bromiley Geoffrey William Barrett David B 2005 The encyclopedia of Christianity Grand Rapids Wm B Eerdmans Publishing ISBN 9780802824165 Farsoun Samih K amp Naseer Aruri 2006 Palestine and the Palestinians 2nd ed Boulder CO Westview Press ISBN 0 8133 4336 4 1996 1990 Some Observations on the Name of Palestine Studies in Hellenistic Judaism Leiden Brill pp 553 576 ISBN 9789004104181 Finkelstein I Mazar A amp Schmidt B 2007 The Quest for the Historical Israel Atlanta GA Society of Biblical Literature ISBN 978 1 58983 277 0 Finkelstein Israel and Silberman Neil Asher The Bible Unearthed Archaeology s New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts Simon amp Schuster 2002 ISBN 0 684 86912 8 Flusin Bernard 2011 Palestinia Hagiography Fourth Eighth Centuries in Stephanos Efthymiadis b k The Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography Vol 1 Ashgate Publishing ISBN 9780754650331 Gawerc Michelle 2012 Prefiguring Peace Israeli Palestinian Peacebuilding Partnerships Lexington Books p 44 ISBN 9780739166109 Gelber Yoav 1997 Jewish Transjordanian Relations 1921 48 alliance of bars sinister London Routledge ISBN 0 7146 4675 X Gerber Haim 1998 Palestine and Other Territorial Concepts in the 17th Century in International Journal of Middle East Studies Vol 30 pp 563 572 Gerson Allan 2012 Israel the West Bank and International Law Routledge p 285 ISBN 978 0714630915 1997 A History of Palestine 634 1099 Cambridge University Press ISBN 9780521599849 Gilbar Gad G 1986 The Growing Economic Involvement of Palestine with the West 1865 1914 in David Kushner b k Palestine in the Late Ottoman Period political social and economic transformation Brill Academic Publishers pp 188 210 ISBN 90 04 07792 8 Gilbar Gad G ed 1990 Ottoman Palestine 1800 1914 studies in economic and social history Leiden Brill ISBN 90 04 07785 5 2005 The Routledge Atlas of the Arab Israeli Conflict London Routledge ISBN 0 415 35900 7 Goldberg Michael 2001 Jews and Christians Getting Our Stories Straight Wipf and Stock Publishers ISBN 9781579107765 Gottheil Fred M 2003 The Smoking Gun Arab immigration into Palestine 1922 1931 X 1 Grief Howard 2008 The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel Under International Law Mazo Publishers ISBN 9789657344521 subkhnemux 17 August 2012 Grisanti Michael A Howard David M 2003 Giving the Sense understanding and using Old Testament historical texts Illustrated ed Kregel Publications ISBN 9780825428920 Grosser Atlas zur Weltgeschichte German Atlas of World History 2nd ed Georg Westermann Verlag publ Braunschweig 2001 ISBN 3 07 509520 6 Hajjar Lisa 2005 Courting Conflict The Israeli Military Court System in the West Bank and Gaza University of California Press p 96 ISBN 0520241940 Hansen Mogens Herman ed 2000 A Comparative Study of Thirty City state Cultures an investigation Copenhagen Kgl Danske Videnskabernes Selskab ISBN 87 7876 177 8 Harris David Russell 1996 The Origins and Spread of Agriculture and Pastoralism in Eurasia London Routledge ISBN 1 85728 537 9 Hayes John H amp Mandell Sara R 1998 The Jewish People in Classical Antiquity from Alexander to 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