ซะอ์ตัร (อาหรับ: زَعْتَر, ar; : Za'atar, zaatar, za'tar หรือ zatar) เป็นสมุนไพรประกอบอาหารในตำรับอาหารลิแวนต์หรือกลุ่มสมุนไพร หรืออาจใช้เรียกที่ประกอบด้วยสมุนไพรซะอ์ตัรผสมกับ, และเครื่องเทศอื่น ๆ ชื่อซะอ์ตัรในฐานะกลุ่มสมุนไพรลิแวนต์ยังอาจรวมถึงพืชจากเจเนรา (), (), ( หรือคือ ) และ (ซาเวอรี) ชื่อซะอ์ตัรในฐานะสมุนไพรชนิดเดียวอาจหมายถึงพืช ซึ่งนักวิทยาไบเบิลเชื่อว่าคือในไบเบิลฮีบรู ซึ่งอาจแปลในรูป hyssop แต่ไม่ใช่ Hyssopus officinalis

ซะอ์ตัรโดยดั้งเดิมนิยมนำไปตากแห้งและผสมเกลือ งา และซูมัก นิยมกินควบคู่กับจุ่มน้ำมันมะกอก ซะอ์ตัรผสมน้ำมันมะกอกนำมาใช้เป็นเหมือนซอสสำหรับทา เรียกว่า za'atar-wu-zayt หรือ zeit ou za'atar (zeit หรือ zayt แปลว่า "น้ำมัน" ในภาษาอาหรับ และ "มะกอก" ในภาษาฮีบรู) เมื่อนำซอสสำหรับทานี้ไปผสมกับแป้งขนมปังแล้วนำไปอบ จะได้ ในตะวันออกกลางแถบเมดิเตอร์เรเนียนมีขนมปังงาแบบนุ่ม เรียกว่า หรือนิยมขายคู่กับซะอ์ตัรเป็นเครื่องเคียงหรือเป็นไส้ขนมปัง
รับไบและแพทย์เมดิเตอร์เรเนียยุคกลาง บันทึกในคริสตศตวรรษที่ 12 ว่าซะอ์ตัรมีสรรพคุณทางสุขภาพ ส่วนในแถบ มีความเชื้อพื้นถิ่นว่าซะอ์ตัรช่วยให้ตื่นตัว และเด็ก ๆ ยังบางครั้งให้กินซะอ์ตัรเป็นอาหารเช้าก่อนไปโรงเรียน
- Aliza Green. "Za'atar". CHOW. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 2008-02-03. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2008-03-09.
- Gary Allen (1 October 2010). The Herbalist in the Kitchen. University of Illinois Press. pp. 237–. ISBN . OCLC 1066441238.
- Based on the translation of the word in the works of Rabbi (in his Tafsir, a translation of the Pentateuch, Exo. 12:22); (1936), vol. 1, s.v. אזוב; (1896), s.v. אזב - aleph, zayn, bet; (1967), s.v. Nega'im 14:6; and (1955), s.v. Uktzin 2:2. The problems with identification arise from Jewish oral tradition where it expressly prohibits Greek hyssop, and where the biblical plant is said to have been identical to the Arabic word, zaatar (), and which word is not to be associated with other ezobs that often bear an additional epithet, such as zaatar farsi = Persian-hyssop () and zaatar rumi = Roman-hyssop (). See: (ed. ), Oxford University Press: Oxford 1977, s.v. Negai'im 14:6 (p. 696); Parah 11:7 [10:7] (p. 711).
- (2013). Work and Customs in Palestine. Vol. 1 (I/1-I/2). แปลโดย Nadia Abdulhadi Sukhtian. Ramallah: Dar Al Nasher. p. 559. ISBN . OCLC 1040774903.
The wild marjoram (Origanum maru, Ar. zaʻtar) that shoots up with pale-reddish flowers and which I saw in Galilee as well as in Judaea from May until September, but which is also known in the Sinai, belongs to the dry phrygana landscape. Its young, sharp-smelling leaves, which have an astringent taste, are dried, ground with some wheat and mixed with oil; then bread is dipped into this mixture, which is supposed to sharpen one's mind. That is not as significant as the fact that it has to be looked upon as the hyssop of the Passover and the purification rites prescribed by the Law (Ex 12:22; Lev 14:4, 6, 51f.; Ps 51:9). ...The botanical hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis, Ar. zūfa) is out of the question since it is alien to Palestine as to present-day Greece, where occasionally its name is given to the Satureja thymbra (Ar. zaʻtar eḥmar), which is closely related to the wild marjoram.
- "Recipes of the West Bank Olive Harvest". . November 21, 2007. สืบค้นเมื่อ 2008-03-14.
- Carter et al., 2004, p. 68.
- Jacki Lyden (March 5, 2005). "Lebanese Writers Offer Alternate Views of Beirut". Weekend Edition Saturday. . สืบค้นเมื่อ September 4, 2014.
- Joan Nathan (November 12, 2008). "A Short History of the Bagel". . สืบค้นเมื่อ September 4, 2014.
- Cheshin et al., 2001, p. 14.
- Inskeep, Steve; Godoy, Maria (June 11, 2013). "Za'atar: A Spice Mix With Biblical Roots And Brain Food Reputation". NPR News (ภาษาอังกฤษ). สืบค้นเมื่อ 2020-08-01.
- Marks, 2010, p. 630 เก็บถาวร 2022-11-01 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน
- Swedenburg, 2003, p. 59.
- (1936–1945). Solomon L. Skoss (บ.ก.). The Hebrew-Arabic Dictionary of the Bible, Known as 'Kitāb Jāmiʿ al-Alfāẓ' (Agron) (ภาษาฮิบรู). Vol. 1–2. New Haven: Yale University Press.
- Allen, Gary (2007). The Herbalist in the Kitchen (Illustrated ed.). University of Illinois Press. ISBN .
- Basan, Ghillie (2007). Middle Eastern Kitchen. with special photography by Jonathan Basan. Hippocrene Books. ISBN .
- Carter, Terry; Dunston, Lara; Humphreys, Andrew (2004). Syria & Lebanon. Lonely Planet. ISBN .
- Cheshin, Amir S.; Hutman, Bill; Melamed, Avi (2001). Separate and Unequal: The Inside Story of Israeli Rule in East Jerusalem (Illustrated ed.). Harvard University Press. ISBN .
- Dalby, Andrew (2000). Empire of pleasures: luxury and indulgence in the Roman world (Illustrated ed.). Routledge. ISBN .
- Dalby, Andrew (2002). Dangerous Tastes: The Story of Spices (Illustrated ed.). University of California Press. ISBN .
- Faculté de Médecine de Paris (1818). Codex medicamentarius: sive Pharmacopoea Gallica jussu regis optimi et ex mandato summi rerum internarum regni administri. apud Hacquart.
- Gardner, Jo Ann (2004). Herbs in bloom: a guide to growing herbs as ornamental plants. illustrations by Holly S. Dougherty (Reprint, illustrated ed.). Timber Press. ISBN .
- Ignace J Gelb; และคณะ, บ.ก. (1980). Assyrian dictionary, Volume 21. University of Chicago. Oriental Institute. ISBN .
- Heine, Peter (2004). Food culture in the Near East, Middle East, and North Africa (Illustrated ed.). Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN .
- (1896). (บ.ก.). Book of the Roots (Sepher Haschoraschim) (ภาษาฮิบรู). Berlin.
- Isser, Stanley Jerome (1976). The Dositheans: a Samaritan sect in late antiquity. Brill Archive. ISBN .
- Kaufman, Cathy K. (2006). Cooking in ancient civilizations (Illustrated, annotated ed.). Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN .
- Lien, Marianne E.; Nerlich, Brigitte, บ.ก. (2004). The Politics of Food. Berg Publishers. ISBN .
- (1963–1967). Mishnah, with Maimonides' Commentary (ภาษาฮิบรู). Vol. 1–3. แปลโดย . Jerusalem: .
- Manniche, Lise (1989). An ancient Egyptian herbal (Illustrated ed.). University of Texas Press. ISBN .
- Marín, Manuela; Deguilhem, Randi (2002). Writing the feminine: women in Arab sources — Volume 1 of The Islamic Mediterranean. I.B. Tauris. ISBN .
- Marks, Gil (2010). Encyclopedia of Jewish Food. John Wiley and Sons. ISBN .
- Marshall Cavendish Corporation (2007). Peoples of Western Asia (Illustrated ed.). Marshall Cavendish. ISBN .
- Nabhan, Gary Paul (2004). Why some like it hot: food, genes, and cultural diversity. Island Press. ISBN .
- (1955), "Perush Shishah Sidrei Mishnah - A Commentary on the Six Orders of the Mishnah", ใน Sachs, Mordecai Yehudah Leib (บ.ก.), The Six Orders of the Mishnah: with the Commentaries of the Rishonim (ภาษาฮิบรู), vol. 1, Jerusalem: El ha-Meqorot, OCLC 233403923
- Ray, Krishnendu (2004). The Migrant's Table: Meals and Memories in Bengali-American Households. Temple University Press. ISBN .
- The Poetry Society, บ.ก. (2006). Poetry on a Plate: A Feast of Poems and Recipes (2nd ed.). Salt Publishing. ISBN .
- Roberts, Margaret (2000). Margaret Roberts' A-Z Herbs: Identifying Herbs, How to Grow Herbs, the Uses. Struik. ISBN .
- Savill, Joanna; O'Meara, Maeve (2005). The SBS eating guide to Sydney: a guide to Sydney's world of restaurants, cafes & food shops (10th, illustrated ed.). Allen & Unwin. ISBN .
- Seidemann, Johannes (2005). World Spice Plants. Berlin: Springer. ISBN .
- Swedenburg, Ted (2003). Memories of revolt: the 1936–1939 rebellion and the Palestinian national past. University of Arkansas Press. ISBN .
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saxtr xahrb ز ع ت ر ar Za atar zaatar za tar hrux zatar epnsmuniphrprakxbxaharintarbxaharliaewnthruxklumsmuniphr hruxxacicheriykthiprakxbdwysmuniphrsaxtrphsmkb aelaekhruxngethsxun chuxsaxtrinthanaklumsmuniphrliaewntyngxacrwmthungphuchcakecenra hruxkhux aela saewxri chuxsaxtrinthanasmuniphrchnidediywxachmaythungphuch sungnkwithyaibebilechuxwakhuxinibebilhibru sungxacaeplinrup hyssop aetimich Hyssopus officinaliskhnmpngischisoryhnadwysaxtr saxtrodydngedimniymnaiptakaehngaelaphsmeklux nga aelasumk niymkinkhwbkhukbcumnamnmakxk saxtrphsmnamnmakxknamaichepnehmuxnsxssahrbtha eriykwa za atar wu zayt hrux zeit ou za atar zeit hrux zayt aeplwa namn inphasaxahrb aela makxk inphasahibru emuxnasxssahrbthaniipphsmkbaepngkhnmpngaelwnaipxb caid intawnxxkklangaethbemdietxrereniynmikhnmpngngaaebbnum eriykwa hruxniymkhaykhukbsaxtrepnekhruxngekhiynghruxepniskhnmpng rbibaelaaephthyemdietxrereniyyukhklang bnthukinkhriststwrrsthi 12 wasaxtrmisrrphkhunthangsukhphaph swninaethb mikhwamechuxphunthinwasaxtrchwyihtuntw aelaedk yngbangkhrngihkinsaxtrepnxaharechakxniporngeriynxangxingAliza Green Za atar CHOW khlngkhxmulekaekbcakaehlngedimemux 2008 02 03 subkhnemux 2008 03 09 Gary Allen 1 October 2010 The Herbalist in the Kitchen University of Illinois Press pp 237 ISBN 978 0 252 09039 4 OCLC 1066441238 Based on the translation of the word in the works of Rabbi in his Tafsir a translation of the Pentateuch Exo 12 22 1936 vol 1 s v אזוב 1896 s v אזב aleph zayn bet 1967 s v Nega im 14 6 and 1955 s v Uktzin 2 2 The problems with identification arise from Jewish oral tradition where it expressly prohibits Greek hyssop and where the biblical plant is said to have been identical to the Arabic word zaatar and which word is not to be associated with other ezobs that often bear an additional epithet such as zaatar farsi Persian hyssop and zaatar rumi Roman hyssop See ed Oxford University Press Oxford 1977 s v Negai im 14 6 p 696 Parah 11 7 10 7 p 711 2013 Work and Customs in Palestine Vol 1 I 1 I 2 aeplody Nadia Abdulhadi Sukhtian Ramallah Dar Al Nasher p 559 ISBN 9789950385 01 6 OCLC 1040774903 The wild marjoram Origanum maru Ar zaʻtar that shoots up with pale reddish flowers and which I saw in Galilee as well as in Judaea from May until September but which is also known in the Sinai belongs to the dry phrygana landscape Its young sharp smelling leaves which have an astringent taste are dried ground with some wheat and mixed with oil then bread is dipped into this mixture which is supposed to sharpen one s mind That is not as significant as the fact that it has to be looked upon as the hyssop of the Passover and the purification rites prescribed by the Law Ex 12 22 Lev 14 4 6 51f Ps 51 9 The botanical hyssop Hyssopus officinalis Ar zufa is out of the question since it is alien to Palestine as to present day Greece where occasionally its name is given to the Satureja thymbra Ar zaʻtar eḥmar which is closely related to the wild marjoram Recipes of the West Bank Olive Harvest November 21 2007 subkhnemux 2008 03 14 Carter et al 2004 p 68 Jacki Lyden March 5 2005 Lebanese Writers Offer Alternate Views of Beirut Weekend Edition Saturday subkhnemux September 4 2014 Joan Nathan November 12 2008 A Short History of the Bagel subkhnemux September 4 2014 Cheshin et al 2001 p 14 Inskeep Steve Godoy Maria June 11 2013 Za atar A Spice Mix With Biblical Roots And Brain Food Reputation NPR News phasaxngkvs subkhnemux 2020 08 01 Marks 2010 p 630 ekbthawr 2022 11 01 thi ewyaebkaemchchin Swedenburg 2003 p 59 brrnanukrm 1936 1945 Solomon L Skoss b k The Hebrew Arabic Dictionary of the Bible Known as Kitab Jamiʿ al Alfaẓ Agron phasahibru Vol 1 2 New Haven Yale University Press Allen Gary 2007 The Herbalist in the Kitchen Illustrated ed University of Illinois Press ISBN 978 0 252 03162 5 Basan Ghillie 2007 Middle Eastern Kitchen with special photography by Jonathan Basan Hippocrene Books ISBN 978 0 7818 1190 3 Carter Terry Dunston Lara Humphreys Andrew 2004 Syria amp Lebanon Lonely Planet ISBN 978 1 86450 333 3 Cheshin Amir S Hutman Bill Melamed Avi 2001 Separate and Unequal The Inside Story of Israeli Rule in East Jerusalem Illustrated ed Harvard University Press ISBN 978 0 674 00553 2 Dalby Andrew 2000 Empire of pleasures luxury and indulgence in the Roman world Illustrated ed Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 18624 7 Dalby Andrew 2002 Dangerous Tastes The Story of Spices Illustrated ed University of California Press ISBN 978 0 520 23674 5 Faculte de Medecine de Paris 1818 Codex medicamentarius sive Pharmacopoea Gallica jussu regis optimi et ex mandato summi rerum internarum regni administri apud Hacquart Gardner Jo Ann 2004 Herbs in bloom a guide to growing herbs as ornamental plants illustrations by Holly S Dougherty Reprint illustrated ed Timber Press ISBN 978 0 88192 698 9 Ignace J Gelb aelakhna b k 1980 Assyrian dictionary Volume 21 University of Chicago Oriental Institute ISBN 978 0 918986 05 4 Heine Peter 2004 Food culture in the Near East Middle East and North Africa Illustrated ed Greenwood Publishing Group ISBN 978 0 313 32956 2 1896 b k Book of the Roots Sepher Haschoraschim phasahibru Berlin Isser Stanley Jerome 1976 The Dositheans a Samaritan sect in late antiquity Brill Archive ISBN 978 90 04 04481 4 Kaufman Cathy K 2006 Cooking in ancient civilizations Illustrated annotated ed Greenwood Publishing Group ISBN 978 0 313 33204 3 Lien Marianne E Nerlich Brigitte b k 2004 The Politics of Food Berg Publishers ISBN 978 1 85973 853 5 1963 1967 Mishnah with Maimonides Commentary phasahibru Vol 1 3 aeplody Jerusalem Manniche Lise 1989 An ancient Egyptian herbal Illustrated ed University of Texas Press ISBN 978 0 292 70415 2 Marin Manuela Deguilhem Randi 2002 Writing the feminine women in Arab sources Volume 1 of The Islamic Mediterranean I B Tauris ISBN 978 1 86064 697 3 Marks Gil 2010 Encyclopedia of Jewish Food John Wiley and Sons ISBN 978 0 470 39130 3 Marshall Cavendish Corporation 2007 Peoples of Western Asia Illustrated ed Marshall Cavendish ISBN 978 0 7614 7677 1 Nabhan Gary Paul 2004 Why some like it hot food genes and cultural diversity Island Press ISBN 978 1 55963 466 3 1955 Perush Shishah Sidrei Mishnah A Commentary on the Six Orders of the Mishnah in Sachs Mordecai Yehudah Leib b k The Six Orders of the Mishnah with the Commentaries of the Rishonim phasahibru vol 1 Jerusalem El ha Meqorot OCLC 233403923 Ray Krishnendu 2004 The Migrant s Table Meals and Memories in Bengali American Households Temple University Press ISBN 978 1 59213 096 2 The Poetry Society b k 2006 Poetry on a Plate A Feast of Poems and Recipes 2nd ed Salt Publishing ISBN 978 1 84471 114 7 Roberts Margaret 2000 Margaret Roberts A Z Herbs Identifying Herbs How to Grow Herbs the Uses Struik ISBN 978 1 86872 499 4 Savill Joanna O Meara Maeve 2005 The SBS eating guide to Sydney a guide to Sydney s world of restaurants cafes amp food shops 10th illustrated ed Allen amp Unwin ISBN 978 1 74114 578 6 Seidemann Johannes 2005 World Spice Plants Berlin Springer ISBN 978 3 540 22279 8 Swedenburg Ted 2003 Memories of revolt the 1936 1939 rebellion and the Palestinian national past University of Arkansas Press ISBN 978 1 55728 763 2