ดูภาพที่มีความละเอียดสูงกว่า ((ไฟล์ SVG, 396 × 468 พิกเซล, ขนาดไฟล์: 93 กิโลไบต์))
วันที่/เวลา | รูปย่อ | ขนาด | ผู้ใช้ | ความเห็น | |
ปัจจุบัน | 21:35, 28 สิงหาคม 2565 | ![]() | 396 × 468 (93 กิโลไบต์) | Reverted to version as of 08:44, 2 July 2011 (UTC) Don't see why this is an improvement-find the pure white colour less interesting. | |
08:29, 4 สิงหาคม 2565 | ![]() | 396 × 468 (56 กิโลไบต์) | slimmed down with svgomg // Editing SVG source code using c:User:Rillke/SVGedit.js | ||
15:44, 2 กรกฎาคม 2554 | ![]() | 396 × 468 (93 กิโลไบต์) | {{Information |Description={{en|1=Specimen of Times New Roman. SVG}} |Source=*File:TimesRomanSp.svg |Date=2011-07-02 08:42 (UTC) |Author=*File:TimesRomanSp.svg: *derivative work: ~~~ |Permission= |other_versions= }} |
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- Times New Roman
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- Times New Roman
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- Lijst van lettertypen
- การใช้บน no.wikipedia.org
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- Times New Roman
- Stanley Morison
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- Times New Roman
- การใช้บน sl.wikipedia.org
- Times New Roman
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- Times New Roman
- Wikipedia:Bybrunnen/Arkiv 2019-05
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- Q213048
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- Times New Roman
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- Times New Roman
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ifl prawtiifl hnathimiphaphni karichiflkhamokhrngkar khxmulekiywkbphaphkhnadkhxngtwxyang PNG nikhxngifl SVG ni 396 468 phikesl khwamlaexiydxun 203 240 phikesl 406 480 phikesl 650 768 phikesl 866 1 024 phikesl 1 733 2 048 phikesl duphaphthimikhwamlaexiydsungkwa ifl SVG 396 468 phikesl khnadifl 93 kiolibt rupphaphhruxiflesiyngni tnchbbxyuthi khxmmxns raylaexiyddanlang epnkhxkhwamthiaesdngphlcak ifltnchbbinkhxmmxns khxmmxnsepnewbistinokhrngkarsahrbekbrwbrwmsuxesri thi khunsamarthchwyid khaxthibayTimes New Roman sample svg English Specimen of Times New Roman SVGwnthi 2 krkdakhm ph s 2554 08 42 UTC aehlngthima TimesRomanSp svgphusrangsrrkh TimesRomanSp svg Rbpolsen derivative work Kuyrebik talk phaphni idrbkarprbaetngphaph sunghmaykhwamwacaidrbkarepliynaeplngphaphtangcaktnchbb karprbprung The original file was titled as Times Roman but included Times New Roman sample These typefaces are slightly different tnchbbsamarthduidthini TimesRomanSp svg prbaetngphaphody Kuyrebik khapheca inthanaphuthuxlikhsiththikhxngphaphhruxsuxni xnuyatihichphaphhruxsuxniphayitenguxnikhtxipni xnuyatihkhdlxk aeckcayaela hruxddaeprexksarniphayitenguxnikhkhxngsyyaxnuyatexksaresrikhxngknu run 1 2 hruxrunid nbcaknithixxkodymulnithisxftaewresri odyimmiswnidhamaekikh immikhxkhwampkhnaaelapkhlng saenakhxngsyyaxnuyatrwmxyuinswnchux syyaxnuyatexksaresrikhxngknuhttp www gnu org copyleft fdl html GFDL GNU Free Documentation License true true pumkarxpohldtnchbb This image is a derivative work of the following images File TimesRomanSp svg licensed with GFDL 2011 07 01T13 18 51Z Kuyrebik 396x468 72874 Bytes The last version of TimesRomanSp svg file is still wrong and my uploadings did not replaced it It looks like a bug on wikimedia I will try one more time 2011 07 01T12 50 22Z Kuyrebik 396x468 72873 Bytes The correct file has not been uploaded I m trying one more time 2011 07 01T12 43 10Z Kuyrebik 396x468 72873 Bytes The previous version included Times Roman title which was wrong This sample shows sample of Times New Roman typeface These two typefaces are slightly different in some details and it is misleading to add Times Roman tit 2009 09 02T02 30 51Z Rbpolsen 396x468 57368 Bytes Information Description en 1 Specimen of Times New Roman SVG Source Own work by uploader Author User Rbpolsen Rbpolsen Date Permission GFDL other versions File Times Roman png Uploaded with derivativeFXkhabrryayodyyxithyephimkhabrryaythrrthdediywephuxkhyaykhwamwaiflnimixairxngkvsSpecimen of Times New RomanixethmthiaesdngxyuiniflniprakxbdwysthanalikhsiththimilikhsiththisyyaxnuyatGNU Free Documentation License version 1 2 or later xngkvswnthisrang wnkxtng2 krkdakhm 2011media type xngkvsimage svg xml prawtiifl khlikwnthi ewlaephuxduiflthipraktinkhnann wnthi ewlarupyxkhnadphuichkhwamehnpccubn21 35 28 singhakhm 2565396 468 93 kiolibt Reverted to version as of 08 44 2 July 2011 UTC Don t see why this is an improvement find the pure white colour less interesting 08 29 4 singhakhm 2565396 468 56 kiolibt slimmed down with svgomg Editing SVG source code using c User Rillke SVGedit js15 44 2 krkdakhm 2554396 468 93 kiolibt Information Description en 1 Specimen of Times New Roman SVG Source File TimesRomanSp svg Date 2011 07 02 08 42 UTC Author File TimesRomanSp svg derivative work Permission other versions hnathimiphaphni hnatxipni oyngmathiphaphni ithmsniwormn karichiflkhamokhrngkar wikixuntxipniichiflni karichbn ar wikipedia org تايمز نيو رومان karichbn ca wikipedia org Times New Roman Rodona tipografia karichbn cs wikipedia org Vektorove pismo karichbn da wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn de wikipedia org Schriftschnitt karichbn el wikipedia org Grammatoseira karichbn en wikipedia org The Times Times New Roman User Kopiersperre Metric aliases User Kopiersperre 100 Best Fonts User IntriguingArticle karichbn en wiktionary org ローマン体 karichbn es wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn fa wikipedia org تایمز نیو رومن karichbn fi wikipedia org Antiikva Times Roman karichbn fr wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn hu wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn id wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn it wikipedia org Stanley Morison karichbn ja wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn jv wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn kk wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn ko wikipedia org 타임스 뉴 로먼 karichbn lv wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn mhr wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn ms wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn nl wikipedia org Lijst van lettertypen karichbn no wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn pl wikipedia org Times New Roman Stanley Morison karichbn ru wikipedia org Morison Stenli karichbn ru wikinews org Razrabotchik Rossijskoj operacionnoj sistemy ne smog vklyuchit v neyo shrift Times New Roman iz za sankcij karichbn simple wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn sl wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn sv wikipedia org Times New Roman Wikipedia Bybrunnen Arkiv 2019 05 karichbn tl wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn www wikidata org Q213048 karichbn zh yue wikipedia org Times New Roman karichbn zh wikipedia org Times New Romankhxmulekiywkbphaph phaphnimikhxmulephimetim sungswnihymacakklxngdicitxlhruxsaeknenxrthisamarthekbkhxmuldngklawiwrwmkbphaphid thaphaphnithukprbprungaekikhhruxepliynaeplngcakedim khxmulbangxyangcayngkhngimepliynaeplngehmuxnphaphthithukprbprungaekikhnnkhwamkwang396khwamsung468