นี่เป็นมอดูลที่ถูกป้องกันถาวรเนื่องจากมีความเสี่ยงสูง กรุณาอภิปรายการเปลี่ยนแปลงใด ๆ ทาง(หน้าคุย) คุณอาจส่งคำขอแก้ไขไปยังเพื่อให้แก้ไขได้หากเป็นการแก้ไขที่ไม่มีการคัดค้านหรือมีความเห็นพ้องสนับสนุน คุณยังสามารถขอให้เลิกป้องกันหน้าได้ |

คุณอาจจะต้องการสร้างคู่มือการใช้งานของนี้ ผู้เขียนสามารถทำการทดลองได้ที่กระบะทราย (สร้าง | คัดลอก) และชุดทดสอบ (สร้าง) ของมอดูลนี้ โปรดเพิ่มหมวดหมู่ไปที่หน้าย่อย |
-- This module implements {{italic title}}. require('Module:No globals') local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil') local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType local checkTypeForNamedArg = libraryUtil.checkTypeForNamedArg local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ItalicTitle class -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local ItalicTitle = {} do ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Class attributes and functions -- Things that belong to the class are here. Things that belong to each -- object are in the constructor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Keys of title parts that can be italicized. local italicizableKeys = { namespace = true, title = true, dab = true, } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ItalicTitle constructor -- This contains all the dynamic attributes and methods. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ItalicTitle.new() local obj = {} -- Function for checking self variable in methods. local checkSelf = libraryUtil.makeCheckSelfFunction( 'ItalicTitle', 'obj', obj, 'ItalicTitle object' ) -- Checks a key is present in a lookup table. -- Param: name - the function name. -- Param: argId - integer position of the key in the argument list. -- Param: key - the key. -- Param: lookupTable - the table to look the key up in. local function checkKey(name, argId, key, lookupTable) if not lookupTable[key] then error(string.format( "bad argument #%d to '%s' ('%s' is not a valid key)", argId, name, key ), 3) end end -- Set up object structure. local parsed = false local categories = {} local italicizedKeys = {} local italicizedSubstrings = {} -- Parses a title object into its namespace text, title, and -- disambiguation text. -- Param: options - a table of options with the following keys: -- title - the title object to parse -- ignoreDab - ignore any disambiguation parentheses -- Returns the current object. function obj:parseTitle(options) checkSelf(self, 'parseTitle') checkType('parseTitle', 1, options, 'table') checkTypeForNamedArg('parseTitle', 'title', options.title, 'table') local title = options.title -- Title and dab text local prefix, parentheses if not options.ignoreDab then prefix, parentheses = mw.ustring.match( title.text, '^(.+) %(([^%(%)]+)%)$' ) end if prefix and parentheses then self.title = prefix self.dab = parentheses else self.title = title.text end -- Namespace local namespace = mw.site.namespaces[title.namespace].name if namespace and #namespace >= 1 then self.namespace = namespace end -- Register the object as having parsed a title. parsed = true return self end -- Italicizes part of the title. -- Param: key - the key of the title part to be italicized. Possible -- keys are contained in the italicizableKeys table. -- Returns the current object. function obj:italicize(key) checkSelf(self, 'italicize') checkType('italicize', 1, key, 'string') checkKey('italicize', 1, key, italicizableKeys) italicizedKeys[key] = true return self end -- Un-italicizes part of the title. -- Param: key - the key of the title part to be un-italicized. Possible -- keys are contained in the italicizableKeys table. -- Returns the current object. function obj:unitalicize(key) checkSelf(self, 'unitalicize') checkType('unitalicize', 1, key, 'string') checkKey('unitalicize', 1, key, italicizableKeys) italicizedKeys[key] = nil return self end -- Italicizes a substring in the title. This only affects the main part -- of the title, not the namespace or the disambiguation text. -- Param: s - the substring to be italicized. -- Returns the current object. function obj:italicizeSubstring(s) checkSelf(self, 'italicizeSubstring') checkType('italicizeSubstring', 1, s, 'string') italicizedSubstrings[s] = true return self end -- Un-italicizes a substring in the title. This only affects the main -- part of the title, not the namespace or the disambiguation text. -- Param: s - the substring to be un-italicized. -- Returns the current object. function obj:unitalicizeSubstring(s) checkSelf(self, 'unitalicizeSubstring') checkType('unitalicizeSubstring', 1, s, 'string') italicizedSubstrings[s] = nil return self end -- Renders the object into a page name. If no title has yet been parsed, -- the current title is used. -- Returns string function obj:renderTitle() checkSelf(self, 'renderTitle') -- Italicizes a string -- Param: s - the string to italicize -- Returns string. local function italicize(s) assert(type(s) == 'string', 's was not a string') assert(s ~= '', 's was the empty string') return string.format('<i>%s</i>', s) end -- Escape characters in a string that are magic in Lua patterns. -- Param: pattern - the pattern to escape -- Returns string. local function escapeMagicCharacters(s) assert(type(s) == 'string', 's was not a string') return s:gsub('%p', '%%%0') end -- If a title hasn't been parsed yet, parse the current title. if not parsed then self:parseTitle{title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()} end -- Italicize the different parts of the title and store them in a -- titleParts table to be joined together later. local titleParts = {} -- Italicize the italicizable keys. for key in pairs(italicizableKeys) do if self[key] then if italicizedKeys[key] then titleParts[key] = italicize(self[key]) else titleParts[key] = self[key] end end end -- Italicize substrings. If there are any substrings to be -- italicized then start from the raw title, as this overrides any -- italicization of the main part of the title. if next(italicizedSubstrings) then titleParts.title = self.title for s in pairs(italicizedSubstrings) do local pattern = escapeMagicCharacters(s) local italicizedTitle, nReplacements = titleParts.title:gsub( pattern, italicize ) titleParts.title = italicizedTitle -- If we didn't make any replacements then it means that we -- have been passed a bad substring or that the page has -- been moved to a bad title, so add a tracking category. if nReplacements < 1 then categories['Pages using italic title with no matching string'] = true end end end -- Assemble the title together from the parts. local ret = '' if titleParts.namespace then ret = ret .. titleParts.namespace .. ':' end ret = ret .. titleParts.title if titleParts.dab then ret = ret .. ' (' .. titleParts.dab .. ')' end return ret end -- Returns an expanded DISPLAYTITLE parser function called with the -- result of obj:renderTitle, plus any other optional arguments. -- Returns string function obj:renderDisplayTitle(...) checkSelf(self, 'renderDisplayTitle') return mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction( 'DISPLAYTITLE', self:renderTitle(), ... ) end -- Returns an expanded DISPLAYTITLE parser function called with the -- result of obj:renderTitle, plus any other optional arguments, plus -- any tracking categories. -- Returns string function obj:render(...) checkSelf(self, 'render') local ret = self:renderDisplayTitle(...) for cat in pairs(categories) do ret = ret .. string.format( '[[Category:%s]]', cat ) end return ret end return obj end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local p = {} local function getArgs(frame, wrapper) assert(type(wrapper) == 'string', 'wrapper was not a string') return require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, { wrappers = wrapper }) end -- Main function for {{italic title}} function p._main(args) checkType('_main', 1, args, 'table') local italicTitle = ItalicTitle.new() italicTitle:parseTitle{ title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle(), ignoreDab = yesno(args.all, false) } if args.string then italicTitle:italicizeSubstring(args.string) else italicTitle:italicize('title') end return italicTitle:render(args[1]) end function p.main(frame) return p._main(getArgs(frame, 'Template:Italic title')) end function p._dabonly(args) return ItalicTitle.new() :italicize('dab') :render(args[1]) end function p.dabonly(frame) return p._dabonly(getArgs(frame, 'Template:Italic dab')) end return p
wikipedia, แบบไทย, วิกิพีเดีย, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด, บทความ, อ่าน, ดาวน์โหลด, ฟรี, ดาวน์โหลดฟรี, mp3, วิดีโอ, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, รูปภาพ, เพลง, เพลง, หนัง, หนังสือ, เกม, เกม, มือถือ, โทรศัพท์, Android, iOS, Apple, โทรศัพท์โมบิล, Samsung, iPhone, Xiomi, Xiaomi, Redmi, Honor, Oppo, Nokia, Sonya, MI, PC, พีซี, web, เว็บ, คอมพิวเตอร์
niepnmxdulthithukpxngknthawrenuxngcakmikhwamesiyngsung krunaxphipraykarepliynaeplngid thanghnakhuy khunxacsngkhakhxaekikh ipyngphuduaelrabbephuxihaekikhidhakepnkaraekikhthiimmikarkhdkhanhruxmikhwamehnphxngsnbsnun khunyngsamarthkhxihelikpxngknhnaidkhumuxkarichnganmxdul srang khunxaccatxngkarsrangkhumuxkarichngankhxngmxdulni phuekhiynsamarththakarthdlxngidthikrabathray srang khdlxk aelachudthdsxb srang khxngmxdulni oprdephimhmwdhmuipthihnayxy hnayxykhxngmxdulni This module implements italic title require Module No globals local libraryUtil require libraryUtil local checkType libraryUtil checkType local checkTypeForNamedArg libraryUtil checkTypeForNamedArg local yesno require Module Yesno ItalicTitle class local ItalicTitle do Class attributes and functions Things that belong to the class are here Things that belong to each object are in the constructor Keys of title parts that can be italicized local italicizableKeys namespace true title true dab true ItalicTitle constructor This contains all the dynamic attributes and methods function ItalicTitle new local obj Function for checking self variable in methods local checkSelf libraryUtil makeCheckSelfFunction ItalicTitle obj obj ItalicTitle object Checks a key is present in a lookup table Param name the function name Param argId integer position of the key in the argument list Param key the key Param lookupTable the table to look the key up in local function checkKey name argId key lookupTable if not lookupTable key then error string format bad argument d to s s is not a valid key argId name key 3 end end Set up object structure local parsed false local categories local italicizedKeys local italicizedSubstrings Parses a title object into its namespace text title and disambiguation text Param options a table of options with the following keys title the title object to parse ignoreDab ignore any disambiguation parentheses Returns the current object function obj parseTitle options checkSelf self parseTitle checkType parseTitle 1 options table checkTypeForNamedArg parseTitle title options title table local title options title Title and dab text local prefix parentheses if not options ignoreDab then prefix parentheses mw ustring match title text end if prefix and parentheses then self title prefix self dab parentheses else self title title text end Namespace local namespace mw site namespaces title namespace name if namespace and namespace gt 1 then self namespace namespace end Register the object as having parsed a title parsed true return self end Italicizes part of the title Param key the key of the title part to be italicized Possible keys are contained in the italicizableKeys table Returns the current object function obj italicize key checkSelf self italicize checkType italicize 1 key string checkKey italicize 1 key italicizableKeys italicizedKeys key true return self end Un italicizes part of the title Param key the key of the title part to be un italicized Possible keys are contained in the italicizableKeys table Returns the current object function obj unitalicize key checkSelf self unitalicize checkType unitalicize 1 key string checkKey unitalicize 1 key italicizableKeys italicizedKeys key nil return self end Italicizes a substring in the title This only affects the main part of the title not the namespace or the disambiguation text Param s the substring to be italicized Returns the current object function obj italicizeSubstring s checkSelf self italicizeSubstring checkType italicizeSubstring 1 s string italicizedSubstrings s true return self end Un italicizes a substring in the title This only affects the main part of the title not the namespace or the disambiguation text Param s the substring to be un italicized Returns the current object function obj unitalicizeSubstring s checkSelf self unitalicizeSubstring checkType unitalicizeSubstring 1 s string italicizedSubstrings s nil return self end Renders the object into a page name If no title has yet been parsed the current title is used Returns string function obj renderTitle checkSelf self renderTitle Italicizes a string Param s the string to italicize Returns string local function italicize s assert type s string s was not a string assert s s was the empty string return string format lt i gt s lt i gt s end Escape characters in a string that are magic in Lua patterns Param pattern the pattern to escape Returns string local function escapeMagicCharacters s assert type s string s was not a string return s gsub p 0 end If a title hasn t been parsed yet parse the current title if not parsed then self parseTitle title mw title getCurrentTitle end Italicize the different parts of the title and store them in a titleParts table to be joined together later local titleParts Italicize the italicizable keys for key in pairs italicizableKeys do if self key then if italicizedKeys key then titleParts key italicize self key else titleParts key self key end end end Italicize substrings If there are any substrings to be italicized then start from the raw title as this overrides any italicization of the main part of the title if next italicizedSubstrings then titleParts title self title for s in pairs italicizedSubstrings do local pattern escapeMagicCharacters s local italicizedTitle nReplacements titleParts title gsub pattern italicize titleParts title italicizedTitle If we didn t make any replacements then it means that we have been passed a bad substring or that the page has been moved to a bad title so add a tracking category if nReplacements lt 1 then categories Pages using italic title with no matching string true end end end Assemble the title together from the parts local ret if titleParts namespace then ret ret titleParts namespace end ret ret titleParts title if titleParts dab then ret ret titleParts dab end return ret end Returns an expanded DISPLAYTITLE parser function called with the result of obj renderTitle plus any other optional arguments Returns string function obj renderDisplayTitle checkSelf self renderDisplayTitle return mw getCurrentFrame callParserFunction DISPLAYTITLE self renderTitle end Returns an expanded DISPLAYTITLE parser function called with the result of obj renderTitle plus any other optional arguments plus any tracking categories Returns string function obj render checkSelf self render local ret self renderDisplayTitle for cat in pairs categories do ret ret string format Category s cat end return ret end return obj end end Exports local p local function getArgs frame wrapper assert type wrapper string wrapper was not a string return require Module Arguments getArgs frame wrappers wrapper end Main function for italic title function p main args checkType main 1 args table local italicTitle ItalicTitle new italicTitle parseTitle title mw title getCurrentTitle ignoreDab yesno args all false if args string then italicTitle italicizeSubstring args string else italicTitle italicize title end return italicTitle render args 1 end function p main frame return p main getArgs frame Template Italic title end function p dabonly args return ItalicTitle new italicize dab render args 1 end function p dabonly frame return p dabonly getArgs frame Template Italic dab end return p